Page 7 of Thrust Under

  I pry my eyes off her and grin at her ex. “I’m talking about the good news,” I say. She groans and shakes her head. “Maggie just agreed to be my wife.”



  Oh. My. God.

  It’s been less than five minutes since I agreed to Gabe’s proposal, and already, he’s dropping the bomb to the last person on earth I wanted to know so soon. Blood roars in my ears, and I have to squeeze my eyes shut to gather my bearings. What the hell have I done?

  “Maggie.” Ryan’s voice sounds far away. I take a deep breath then look up to find him staring down at me, his brown eyes wide. The expression on his face is one of complete shock, and I shrink away from him. “What the hell is going on?”

  The thing is, I didn’t want or ask him to come over to the Bungalow. He just showed while the contractors were here, concern written all over his features as Mom and I were handed the awful news about the extent of the damage. I’d planned to ask him to leave, but then Gabe made his grand appearance and my brain went all fuzzy, like it always tends to do around that man. And now, I feel like shit because my ex is looking at me like I’ve just ripped his heart out and shoved it down his throat.

  “Maggie,” Ryan starts helplessly.

  Gabe pushes against me so he can wrap his arm around my shoulders. He plays with a strand of my hair, rubbing it between the tips of his fingers as he regards Ryan with triumphant hazel eyes. “Aren’t you going to congratulate us before you head next door to clock in?” The cocky smirk on his face is one I’d be tempted to knock off with my fist if my ex weren’t here.

  Ryan’s face turns red as he snaps his head from Gabe to me. “He’s kidding, right?”

  The urge to wrap my fingers around Gabe Carter’s sexy neck is so intense that I hook my fingers in the belt loops of my shorts. I give Ryan a smile that feels like it’s ripping the flesh off my face. “We were planning on telling everyone later, but you know Gabe.” I glance up at him, and he responds by bending his head to kiss the top of my hair. The nervous giggle that escapes my lips is the only thing real about this situation. “But no, he’s not kidding. I … we’re getting married.”

  Ryan drags his hand over his face and blinks. “You barely know him.”

  “My parents knew each other for two days before they got engaged,” my new fiancé chimes in. I don’t even have to look at him to know he’s wearing a shit-eating expression. The smug bastard. He’s enjoying this way too much. “When it’s love, it’s love.”

  Ryan isn’t buying Gabe’s answer, because he snorts dramatically. “He’s not good for you,” he complains. His words claw under my skin because he’s not exactly been a peach to me either. After what happened between us, the fact he believes he’s entitled to a say in my love life is laughable.

  “You’re not allowed to tell me what is and isn’t good for me.” He starts toward me, and his mouth pops open to argue. I hold up my hand and jerk my head to each side. “No. Who I’m with is none of your concern anymore, so can you just … be happy for me?”

  His face twists, and I can tell there are a million things he would love to say but he holds back, no doubt because the man I’m marrying is his boss. And then, of course, Gabe is built like a tank and ripped from head to toe. Judging by his clenched jaw and tight smile, he’s just looking for a reason to rock Ryan’s world. My ex is an idiot, but he’s smart enough not to test a man who can, and will, plow him over in a heartbeat.

  “You really expect me to be happy for you?” Ryan’s dark irises flit from me to Gabe and then back to me. Once he realizes I’m not going to deny the fact that I’m with Gabe or change my mind, he shakes his head in disbelief. “When he fucks you over and stomps on your heart, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  It takes everything in me to not laugh in his face. Fortunately, Gabe reacts before I can. “Since I have a thing for monogamy, and no other woman on this island exists when Maggie’s around”—he pauses, turns to look at me, and curls his lips into a grin that makes my pulse throb—“I’d say she’s safe from getting fucked over this time. But thanks for looking out for my girl.”

  Hell, the man should be in Hollywood with a performance that convincing.

  Instead of returning his attention to Ryan, Gabe continues to stare at me, and my stomach tangle into knots. It’s breathtakingly intense, the way he’s looking at me. Goosebumps spread across my skin, which he notices. He rubs his large hand over the bare skin of my shoulder and smiles. Not the smile of a man who just got exactly what he wanted, but a terrifying, reassuring look that catches my breath.

  When Ryan clears his throat, I blink and tear my eyes away from Gabe’s. “Guess you have all the help you need around here, huh?” Ryan stuffs his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts and takes a step back, sneering. “See you around, Maggie.”

  I don’t even bother responding. While it was kind of him to stop by and check on us, I know his motives were to try and talk to me about my relationship with Gabe. It’s the reason he’s attempted to get in touch with me so many times since I got home, and it’s the reason he came over to help today. I don’t know what it is with guys and their egos. It’s like they don’t want to accept no—that it’s over and never going to happen again. Ryan’s persistence is wasted with me. I hate liars. I hate cheaters even more.

  And Ryan is both. A single act of kindness doesn’t erase the fact that he’s a world class turd.

  Gabe’s gaze doesn’t leave my ex’s retreating back. “He didn’t even congratulate us.”

  “Ugh.” I shrug his arm from around my shoulders. “That’s not funny.”

  “What?” he counters, lifting his hands slightly like he’s genuinely shocked Ryan responded so badly to the big revelation. “You’re mine. I just want him to know it’s time he steers clear of you.”

  “You don’t have to treat me like something you own. And, for the record, you don’t own me.” I grit my teeth for control. “Besides, Ryan and I are way over.”

  He lowers his face so close to mine, his facial hair scratches my chin. “Are you sure?”

  When it comes to Ryan, I’ve never been so sure of anything my whole life. Gabe, though—that’s a different story. Sure, the money he’s offered me to go along with his plan will help big time, but the thought of being his wife is terrifying. Because while I don’t fantasize about my ex, Gabriel Carter’s found his way into my thoughts several times a day since I met him. That’s a big problem, especially since he’s already said we’ll eventually go our own ways.

  “Maggie.” His deep voice seems to hit me right in my core, causing me to tremble. “Are you sure you’re over him?”

  I clear my throat. “Yes.”

  He raises a thick eyebrow as his eyes search my face. He’s quiet for a long moment, like he’s debating whether or not he can believe what I’m saying. After what appears to be some internal debate, he stands upright. “Pack your bags. You’re moving in with me.”

  My mouth drops open. I just agreed to marry him and here he is, bossing me around already.

  Fuck that.

  I cross my arms over my chest and poke my tongue in my cheek. “No. My parents need me here.”

  “You’ll be right next door. I just want you in my bed tonight.” He grins like the devil himself. “To seal the deal.”

  “Or we can seal the deal like normal people with a contract. You know, that thing you signed when you got that big ass deal playing baseball?” When he snorts, I shake my head in disbelief. “You honestly think because I said I’ll marry you, you can snap your fingers and I’ll be primed and ready in your bed at your command.” The moment I say those words aloud, a vivid image of being in Gabe’s bed pops into my head. My fingers trailing across the tattoo on his chest. His hands on my thighs. My breasts. In my hair and—

  Frustrated, I mutter a curse and shake my head to get rid of those thoughts.

  He watches me, a lopsided grin forming. “That is what a wife does, is it not?”

nbsp; “A hundred years ago.” I roll my eyes. “Wives aren’t personal concubines. And like I said, we’re not sealing a thing without a written contract. Then there’s the matter of preparing my parents for … this.”

  God only knows how I’ll explain my upcoming nuptials to Mom and Dad.

  “Fine.” He eases closer to me and licks his lips. “I’ll get you your contract and then you will be in my bed, Maggie. You know you want me just as much as I want you. I think it’s high-time we finished what we started the night we met.” He leans into me and whispers in my ear. “Remember the last time you came all over my hand?” His words send a shiver down my spine. “Next time I make you come, I’ll be buried deep inside you.”

  My heart races in my chest. His proposal is intriguing and downright dirty. I do want him. I’ve wondered what it would be like to make good on all his promises of dirty, kinky sex, but I hate allowing him to have control over me. I vowed after Ryan that I would never again allow myself to be used by another man. I want to decide my own fate.

  “I need you,” he continues in a silky tone. “My offer is fair and all I’m asking is for you to be with me—once I get you that contract, of course. This arrangement will benefit us both. You can trust me.”

  I never pictured myself marrying a man I didn’t love. I want the kind of marriage my parents have—one that’s full of love and for better or worse. I don’t like being forced into this, but realistically, I know I don’t have any other choice. If I don’t marry Gabe, my family will lose everything. It’s up to me to save our hotel, and the only way I can do that is by relying on Gabriel Carter.

  Fighting him on this is pointless.

  I sigh. “Okay, Carter.”

  The corner of his mouth lifts in a small, victorious smile. He knows he’s won.

  He tugs my body against his. My hands land on his tone chest, as his arms wrap around me. Without permission, he presses his lips to mine and even though I hate to admit it, I melt into him.

  Damn this man. If he keeps kissing me like this, I might forget what we have between us isn’t real.

  I’m in so much trouble.

  “So … what do you two think about Gabriel Carter?” I ask my parents over dinner the next night.

  While I expected to hear rumors about me and Mr. Elite today, all I got was silence. Which is sort of a good thing. That means that Gabe hasn’t gone around telling everyone who cares to listen that he’s marrying me. And Ryan hasn’t opened his mouth either, even though he’s blown up my phone with texts and calls for the last twenty-four hours.

  “What about him?” Mom’s eyebrows lift as she spears her fork into the grilled chicken salad I’d whipped up for them. “And are we talking before yesterday or…”

  My shoulders jerk up toward my ears. A couple of hours after he went back to his resort yesterday afternoon, a crew of workers had shown up at the Bungalow. I imagine I looked like an idiot, mouth hanging wide open in surprise, when the lead told me that Gabe had hired them to come in and clean up the debris. And now, Mom’s giving me the same knowing look as she did then, when she asked why Gabe was being so helpful.

  I choke down a sip of Coke. “So was he bad before?” I ask tentatively.

  “Don’t know him all that well, but he always seemed nice.” Dad tilts his head to one side and I duck at the curious look he casts my way. When I meet his stare again, he winks one green eye and chuckles. “The guy has good taste in women, though.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I feel my face heat up and tell myself it’s probably a good thing. If my parents see that I have this sort of reaction to talking about Gabe, maybe they’ll buy into the lies I’ll have to feed them sooner than later.

  “I had no idea you two even knew each other,” he continues slyly, “and then all of a sudden, we're getting cleaning crews because Gabe is your”—he clears his throat and does air quotes next to his ears—“friend.”

  “Seriously, Dad,” I groan, making a face. He laughs harder. “We are not having this conversation.”

  “What your dad’s trying to say is that it was nice of Gabe to help us.” Mom shoots him a warning look but a smile tugs the corners of her mouth. I haven’t seen her look like that in years, and I can’t help but return it. “We’ll have to cook for him one night. I know it’s probably not what he’s used to—” She glances around the small kitchen of their private quarters and blushes in embarrassment. “But we’ll do our best. And we can always eat outside on the patio.”

  I reach across the table and grab her hand. “I’m sure he’d love that.”

  She has that look on her face again—a hopeful one. My stomach flutters because maybe—just maybe—this won’t be such a disaster after all.



  The next few days are agony, having to wait for Milo to get back to Honolulu so he can get me the contract Maggie demanded. For someone who came up with the idea of marrying in the first place, he sure as hell has a million reasons why it’s a bad idea. I shoot them all down. One, I’m not afraid the woman I’m tying the knot with is a gold-digger. She could have asked for more money and I would have happily obliged, but she only wants enough to get her parents’ hotel back off the ground. She’s selfless, and that makes her even more attractive. It’s also the reason I’d never back out of our agreement at this point—she’s depending on me now, and there’s no fucking way I’m willing to let her down. So I send Milo on his way, ignoring the way he bitches and moans all the way out the door about learning to keep his big mouth shut.

  Then, I text Maggie.

  11:18 AM: I have what you asked for. Now … about what I requested?

  It irritates me to no end that she doesn’t respond to my text. Instead, she stops by at the end of the day. She sweeps into the office I maintain in my private penthouse suite wearing the Bungalow’s front desk get-up—a white button up and tiny khaki shorts—and smelling like citrus and sunblock. It takes every ounce of willpower I possess, and there isn’t much left when it comes to Maggie, not to drag her to me and pop each one of those tiny buttons. Wrap my fingers around that long ponytail and tug. Bend her over my desk and show her just how crazy she’s driven me since the afternoon she asked for this contract.

  Which is why I remain behind my desk. I can’t exactly talk business when my dick goes hard every time she lifts those green eyes in my direction. “Did my contractor get in touch with you?” I ask casually.

  Nodding, she slides into the leather chair, crossing her bronze legs. Her brow knits together as she thumbs through the three-page document. The contract itself is simple. Maggie will marry me before spring, and all bills from the contractor handling the Bungalow’s repairs and renovations will come directly to me. To Milo’s frustration, I’d also proposed to pay her parents past due bills and get them current on their insurance. It’s obvious when she comes to that part, because she jerks her head back and then glances up at me from beneath her lashes.

  “Gabe, I can’t—”

  “Consider it an engagement gift.” She gulps hard, so I continue, “And it’s not up for negotiation. I want to do this.”

  She exhales deeply and silently challenges me for several seconds before she finally bobs her head. I’m glad that she turns her focus back to the contract because it means she doesn’t catch the big ass grin splitting my features.

  Tonight she’s all mine.

  “So this is it,” she eventually murmurs. She gathers the contract into a neat stack and blows out another harsh breath. “We’re really doing this.”

  “Unless you choose not to sign.” I cock an eyebrow when she licks her lip. “Cold feet already, beautiful?”

  “No.” She shakes her head quickly, and I’m shocked at the relief that shoots through me. Five years ago—fuck, five months ago—I would have avoided this type of commitment like the plague. Now, here I am acting like a goddamn fool because I’m worried she might change her mind. Twisting the end of her ponytail around her fin
gers, she shrugs. “I’m going to sign. I’m just still trying to figure out how to tell my parents.”

  Frowning, I stand and walk around to lean against the edge of the desk. “You make it sound like telling them is the end of the world.” She shoots me a wary look, and I chuckle. “You’re wounding my ego, Mrs. Carter.”

  Her lips part open and she shivers a few seconds later when I reach out, tuck my finger beneath her chin, and gently close her mouth. Truth is, I love the idea of her having my last name.

  “Not the end of the world,” she says huskily, “it’ll just be a surprise. I mean, they already like you after what you did earlier this week.”

  “See, I’m not all bad, am I?”

  My grin returns, and she snorts. “Don’t let it go to your head, Carter.”

  There’s only one place I want my head to go tonight, and she’s clenching her thighs together like she knows exactly where that is. “You have no idea the things I want to do to you.” I slide close to her and frame her face in my hand. My gut churns with desire at the soft breath she lets out against my skin. “Fuck, Maggie, I can’t wait to get you in my bed.”

  She closes her eyes and moans and then, she does something that confuses the hell out of me. She stumbles to her feet and clutches the contract close to her chest. “I’ll have an attorney look this over and will get it signed and back to you by tomorrow.”

  Her words punch me square in the fucking balls. I blink. “What?”

  Anxiously, she licks her lips and darts her eyes toward the door. “I’m going to have—”

  “I heard you the first time,” I say. But what I want to know is why. I halfway get my answer when I grab her to me and a gasp forms in her throat. She’s nervous. “I want you.”