Page 9 of Thrust Under

  He must not have been referring to a woman like Maggie when he said that to me, but I told myself it would happen. Eventually. And hopefully before the woman teases me to the point of being a three-pump chump.

  But now, she’s inviting me to a party. Not just any party, but a family function. I’ve always tried hard not to read into things because it always leads to me getting my ass handed to me, but it’s hard not to feel like a middle school boy staring at his first set of tits as I realize just how much my fiancée has warmed up to me.

  Tonight. Maggie will be mine tonight, and after I send an email to an old acquaintance, I call down to the front desk to have someone come up and prepare my rooms for company. I’ve never brought a woman into my private suite, but Maggie’s different. She’s mine.

  And tonight is a first for everything.

  When I arrive at the party a few minutes after five, people are still filing in, overcrowding the small area. The patio is just off the back of the building, by the pool that was closed after the storm, and I make a note to call the contractor on Monday for a quote on expanding it. I drag my gaze over the crowd slowly in search of Maggie but I don’t find her. As I pull my phone from my back pocket to text her, I feel a small hand on my back and instantly know it’s her. No other touch has ever been able to fucking undo me like this.

  Dropping my phone back into my pocket, I turn and a brick crashes into my stomach at the sight of her. Like always, she’s perfect, wearing a pale blue top that falls off her golden shoulders and tiny navy shorts. She’s barefoot, curling yellow-painted toes in the concrete patio floor. She gives me one of those smiles that makes everyone else around us disappear.

  “You came,” she breathes.

  Fuck, she has no idea what a turn on it is when she says that. “You asked.” I can’t resist running my fingers through her long ponytail and chuckle when she ducks her head and her cheeks flame up. Given that she’d hated my guts up until a week ago, I can get used to this from Maggie. I want to make her blush in a hundred different spots, using a hundred different positions.

  Over the next half an hour, she takes me around and introduces me to members of her family. There's her aunt Kilani. I’ve met her before because she runs the hotel whenever Maggie’s parents go to the mainland, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen her son. He’s a big, beefy-looking guy who gives me a wary look when he sees my hand on Maggie's small waist. I respond with a smile and pull her a little closer before she turns to introduce me to her other aunt, Alamea. The birthday girl.

  Everything about Maggie suddenly changes when she’s speaking to this woman. She was laughing and joking around the rest of her family, but now her arms are crossed over her chest and her gaze constantly darts down toward the patio floor. It confuses the hell out of me, but I chalk it up to her aunt’s fake smile and question about my current net worth.

  “There’s a website for that,” I answer coolly.

  Alamea swirls her drink around. “Maggie’s never mentioned you. We all thought she’d lost interest in men, but here she is—schmoozing with the baseball player next door.”

  Everything about that statement explains why Maggie’s so guarded, why she stiffens beside me. Her aunt is a total shit. I guess I was lucky in that department. Though I rarely see my aunt and uncle, Mom’s siblings who’d left Big Island the second they got the chance, they’re not snarky assholes.

  “I prefer the term hotelier next door since I haven’t played ball in years. And this girl is definitely interested in men.” When Maggie rolls her eyes, I squeeze her hip. “She must not mention me because she doesn’t know whether to kick me in the balls or to—”

  “Gabe,” Maggie snaps and then moves her lips into a smile at her aunt. “Sorry, but I’ve got to go and help Mom. With the food. Come with me?”

  “I’m guessing she’s not going to get off her ass to help,” I say once we’re out of earshot.

  She rolls her eyes up to the open sky. “Don’t even get me started.” Before I can coax her into elaborating, she pops up on her toes. My cock jerks as her breath fans my ear. “I really do need to help my mother. Stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”

  I watch the only trouble I want to get into strut away. I’m so entranced by the sway of her hips and the look she gives me over her shoulder that I don’t know someone’s next to me until she speaks up. “Just in case you're wondering, Auntie Bitch-Face over there is Kai’s mom.”

  My eyebrows shoot up as Maggie’s friend Lani walks around so that we’re face to face. “Kai?” I’d met plenty of Maggie’s family tonight but nobody by that name.

  “Yeah, she’s always late, so I’m sure she’ll slither in here eventually. She’ll be the one trying to shove her fangs down your pants, so watch out for her.” She pauses, drumming her fingers on her hips like she’s waiting for me to make some kind of connection. Realizing I’ve got no idea what’s going on, she sighs. “Ryan cheated on Maggie with Kai. Alamea defended her so their whole relationship is strained.”

  My muscles tense. I knew Ryan screwed around on her, but this is the first time I've heard the son-of-a-bitch fucked her goddamn cousin. Noting my clenched hands, Lani lets out a low whistle and tilts her head to one side. “Are you sure it's all fake, Boss Man?”


  She glances around to make sure nobody is listening and leans in close. “The wedding.”

  “She told you about that?”

  She shrugs one shoulder. “Sort of. I mean, she hasn't confirmed it but judging by the fact she was out with you last night pretty much told me everything I wanted to know.” She juts out her chin, proud that she’s figured everything out. “Congrats. And I figured I’d ask, since my best friend is going to be your wife, does that mean I get a raise?”

  “Probably not.” But I’m no longer looking at Lani. My focus has wandered to the scene unfolding at the exit of the Bungalow. Maggie is at the door, holding a large tray of food. And Ryan is blocking her path, his arms outstretched like he’s trying to help her. A petite brunette hangs onto his elbow.

  There's no doubt in my mind it’s Kai because Lani sucks in a breath when she turns around. “Are you kidding me? She brought him? Ugh. That cunt just oozes class, doesn’t she?” she says in a disgusted tone.

  It takes me three steps to make it over to them, but even that’s not quick enough. Squaring my gaze on Ryan, I pluck the tray out of Maggie’s arms. “I think she's asked you not to bother her. And if you know what’s good for your job, you’ll listen.”

  He puffs out his chest. This cocky bastard. I’m so close to swinging at him that my knuckles are white around the edges of the tray. “You’ll fire me for being invited here and then trying to help her? That sounds like grounds for a lawsuit, Mr. Carter.”

  “Hmm.” I thin my lip because the shithead’s right. Maybe I can’t fire him for this, but it won’t take much longer for him to fuck up again and for the solution to his last disciplinary report to become void. When I feel Maggie’s hand on my arm, I force myself to relax. Force some semblance of a professional smile. “Just stay away from her and we’ll be just fine.”

  “Sorry for trying to help your fiancée, Mr. Carter.” There’s a collective gasp all around us, and Maggie squeezes her eyes shut and grits her teeth. Ryan grins and I come dangerously close to throwing the tray down and finishing this. I’ve never wanted to knock someone’s teeth out so badly. “Have you set a date?”

  I hear Henry’s chair powering over in our direction and the shuffle of feet. A moment later, Maggie’s mom comes into view. She takes the tray out of my hands, passes it along to Kilani, and then returns her attention to us. Dark eyes wide, she whispers, “Is it true?”

  Maggie swallows hard and pumps the bridge of her nose between her fingers. “Yes, we meant to tell you, there just hasn’t been—”

  Lia Kinsella throws her arms around us both before she can get another word out. “I’m so happy for you!” she breathes, and I let out a breath because
I never thought I’d get this type of reaction. Over her shoulder, I watch as Henry parks his wheelchair. He looks up at me, then to Maggie, and offers us a slow nod.

  While her family takes turns to congratulate us, Ryan disappears, but Maggie doesn’t bother to mention him as she pulls me to the side. Her cheeks are bright, her shoulders shaking, so I hold on to her hip to still her. She puffs out her cheeks and exhales a deep breath.

  “That went …”

  “Well. Very, very well,” I drawl. I’m still shocked myself that her parents were so quick to approve. “But this night can be better. You know that, don’t you?”

  She closes her eyes and arches into me. “Yes.”

  She doesn’t have to say anything else because she’s just answered two questions with that single word.

  I’ve got more than one reason for asking Maggie to spend the night with me. Now that her family knows about our engagement, it’s only fitting the world knows, too. I had emailed Vivi Hamilton earlier today to offer her an exclusive story, but after Ryan’s revelation at the party, I’m able to grant it much sooner. Personally, I can’t stand the reporter any more than I like Maggie’s ex. Vivi had made it a point to write about my every screw up back when I was still playing baseball. Still, I know if anyone can get the word out and get my investors’ attention, it’s her.

  By this time tomorrow night, every gossip website in the country will be writing about the former baller turned hotelier and his love, the vet.

  After I get in touch to tell her I can speak to her tonight, Vivi wastes no time getting back to me, agreeing to a video conference at ten her time. She connects with me, right on schedule, but Maggie’s still not here. I shoot her a text just as I accept the reporter’s Skype request.

  8:00 PM: Where are you?

  Vivi’s face comes on the screen and she casts me with that sticky sweet smile. “Gabe Carter,” she simpers. “It’s been awhile since I’ve heard from you.”

  “Since you wrote about me fucking my coach’s ex-wife,” I point out. Yeah, I still remember that article well. So does my face after my coach nearly took off my head. I hadn’t swung back because I’d deserved Jack’s anger. It hadn’t mattered to him that they’d been divorced a few years or that I’d been too drunk to know who I went home with. He had seen me bedding his ex as the ultimate betrayal, and I still hate that it had brought about the end of our long friendship.

  “I forgot all about that,” she finally says, but there’s a sly smile playing at the corners of her mouth. This woman doesn’t forget a goddamn thing, and we both know it. She leans away from her screen slightly, letting me see that she’s in some slinky, silky night thing. “How’s Honolulu treating you?”

  My phone vibrates, and I look down to see a text from Maggie. On my way up. Sorry, I was helping my mom clean up after the party and then we had to take Dad downstairs. He was stuck on the second floor after the elevator broke.

  “Business is better than ever,” I say, though I’m frowning because of Maggie’s text. Her father isn’t a small man, and I don’t like the idea of her trying to move him around up and down steps. Another task for the contractors to take care of next week.

  “Hmm,” Vivi says, tapping a long, manicured finger against her chin. “That didn’t sound too convincing, Gabe. And paired with you reaching out to me, I’m curious about what’s going on.”

  “I’ve got news that I want the world to know. I couldn’t think of anyone better to get the word out.”

  Her eyebrows jerk up just as there’s a knock on the door to my suite. “It’s open, babe.” Now, both of Vivi’s brows are dangerously close to her golden hairline.

  The door opens and Maggie steps in, out of breath and flustered looking. She’d swapped out the blue shirt and shorts she’d had on earlier for a yellow dress that makes her look like the fucking sunlight itself. Her dark hair is loose around her bronze shoulders and she’s wearing the same fire engine red lipstick she’d worn the night I met her. Personally, I prefer her without makeup, but fuck if she isn’t the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  “You’ve got more dresses than I’ve seen in my lifetime,” I tease.

  She laughs. “That’s because I spent so much time in uniform and boots that I like things that twirl around me when I walk.” Crossing the room to where I’m sitting behind my desk, she explains, “The elevator hasn’t been working right since the storm. Sorry I’m late. Mom and dad had a million questions about why—”

  I cut her off with a soft smile and a tug in my direction as soon as she’s close enough to touch. I swear her green eyes double in size, especially when I pull her head down to mine and growl against her lips, “Next time there’s trouble at your place, you let me know, beautiful. I love your independence—fuck, I love your independence—but I don’t mind doing the heavy lifting for you.”

  “Gabe,” Maggie murmurs in a stunned voice, “why are you—”

  I lace my fingers in her hair, turning her head slightly so that she’s facing Vivi’s confused expression. Maggie tenses slightly, but then she licks her lips. “Why are you always giving me shit about heavy-lifting—afraid I might out lift your ass?” She’s caught on quick, and she milks the situation by drawing away from me and turning her body toward the screen. She cocks her head to one side. “If this is what I think it is, I’ll hang your balls from that fancy chandelier in the ballroom.”

  “I can assure you there’s nothing romantic going on here,” Vivi snaps at the same time I tell Maggie that she’s a major reporter. Vivi meets me with an icy look. “Gabe, what the hell is going on?”

  “She was supposed to be here earlier, at the start of our interview,” I start, curling my arm around Maggie’s small waist and dragging her into my lap. My cock instantly reacts, hardening as she fidgets beneath me. She’s so soft and warm. “But I’m afraid Maggie’s developed a bad habit of being perpetually late since she got home from her tour of duty.”

  Even as she beams, she responds to my insult by pinching my thigh. Fuck, there’s something wrong with me for getting even harder when she does that. This charade—the interview—can’t end fast enough so we can get down to what I’ve been desperate to do since I met her.

  “And Maggie is…” Vivi asks, rolling her eyes because she hasn’t quite grasped on to what’s going on yet.

  “My soon to be wife.”

  Her eyes widen and suddenly, she’s interested in everything we’ve got to say. “Wow … I’m shocked and that’s not easily done. Hearts around the world are about to break when they learn you’re off the market, Gabe.”

  By the time we disconnect the video call twenty minutes later, Vivi has enough material to feed her piranhas. They’ll sell it better than I ever could—that I’m madly in love with an island beauty that’s served her country.

  Being in love with Maggie doesn’t seem like a bad thing, though. Not when her smile lights up the room and I want to protect her at every turn.

  My chest clenches just thinking that, and it scares the shit out of me. Clearing my throat, I softly tell her, “This is too perfect.” She scoots out of my lap, picking at the bottom of her yellow dress as she scowls at me.

  “The part where you pulled a Ryan and blindsided me or the other part where you spent the last fifteen minutes with a raging boner poking against my ass?”

  Pushing away from my desk, I approach her slowly, backing her against the wall. “Both.”

  “After the day I had, you should have warned me that you were planning this.” She sneers but I don’t miss her sharp intake of air when I reach my hand around her body and grip her ass to bring her close. “I really should rip your dick off, Carter.”

  “We’re going to need that, beautiful. In fact, we’re going to need it right now,” I say and before she can utter another word, I claim that mouth of hers.



  Every time this man puts his filthy-talking mouth on me, I lose my mind. All rational thought
s fly right out of my head because all I can think about is how much I want him to touch me. How much he scrambles my emotions. He was so quick to take up for me today when Kai brought Ryan along to the party. My knees had gone weak the second he stormed over to diffuse the situation, and I had forgotten about my ex. To be honest, I had forgotten everything but Gabe. It was a shock to my system when Ryan blurted out my engagement, but having Gabe there had calmed me down. And while my parents and family had gushed about the news, I hadn’t felt the dread I expected would come along with fooling everyone.

  My heart wouldn’t let me.

  He murmurs my name, his minty breath and the clean scent of his cologne filling my senses, so I come back down to the present. To his mouth so close to mine that it’s like we’re sharing the same breath. And his hands. They’re possessively framing my hips, moving up and down in shallow strokes and grinding the yellow fabric of my dress into my skin. His hands are a reminder of what happened the first and only time we were together, when my body won the war with my head. It was one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had, but I’m certain that what’s about to happen will put that climax to shame.

  The curve of his lips and the way he says my name again, in a rough, throaty voice, promises this night will be everything he’s promised it would be.

  “I’ve pictured this so many ways.” He tugs me away from the wall and walks around me, his fingers brushing over my waist as he moves. Stopping behind me, he bends his mouth to my ear. “God, Maggie, I’m not good at self-control and just looking at you tests what little I’ve got.”

  I shiver from head to toe as his lips move down, to the nape of my neck. He draws in a breath, taking in the scent of my shampoo. Nudges his nose from my earlobe, down the crook of my neck, and over my shoulder. Every inch of my body tingles, so I press my palms against my stomach. “Looks like you’re pretty damn good at that self-control thing,” I rasp.