So Pan Longin went to Cracow, his heart pierced with an arrow, and thecruel Zagloba with Volodyovski to Zamost, where they remained only oneday; for the commandant informed them that he had received no news fora long time from Skshetuski, and thought the regiments which had setout under Skshetuski would go to Zbaraj to protect those regions fromdisorderly bands. This was the more likely since Zbaraj, being theproperty of the Vishnyevetskis, was specially exposed to the attacks ofthe mortal enemies of the prince. There lay therefore beforeVolodyovski and Zagloba a road long and difficult enough; but sincethey were going after the princess, they were obliged to pass it;therefore it was all one to them whether they should enter on itearlier or later, and they moved without delay, halting only to rest,or disperse robber bands wandering here and there.
They went through a country so ruined that frequently for whole daysthey did not meet a living soul. Hamlets lay in ashes, villages wereburned and empty, the people either killed or gathered into captivity.They saw only corpses along the road, the skeletons of houses, ofPolish and Russian churches, the unburnt remnants of villages andcottages, dogs howling on burnt ruins. Whoever had survived theTartar-Cossack passage hid in the depth of the forest, and was freezingfrom cold or dying of hunger, not daring yet to leave the forest, notbelieving that misfortune could have passed so soon. Volodyovski wasobliged to feed the horses of his squadron with the bark of trees orwith half-burnt grain taken from the ruins of former granaries. Butthey advanced quickly, supporting themselves mainly by supplies takenfrom bands of robbers. It was already the end of November; and inasmuchas the preceding winter had passed, to the greatest wonder of people,without snow, frost, and ice, so that the whole order of Nature seemedreversed by it, by so much did the present one promise to be of morethan usual rigor. The ground had stiffened, snow was on the fields,river-banks were bordered each morning with a transparent, glassyshell. The weather was dry; the pale sunbeams warmed the world butfeebly in the midday hours. Red twilight of morning and evening flamedin the sky,--an infallible herald of an early and stern winter.
After war and hunger a third enemy of wretched humanity had toappear,--frost; and still people looked for it with desire because moresurely than all negotiations was it a restrainer of war. Volodyovski,as a man of experience and knowing the Ukraine through and through, wasfull of hope that the expedition for the princess would take placewithout fail; for the chief obstacle, war, would not soon hinder it.
"I do not believe in the sincerity of Hmelnitski, that out of love forthe king he withdrew to the Ukraine; for he is a cunning fox! He knowsthat when the Cossacks cannot intrench themselves they are useless; forin the open field, though five times the number, they cannot standagainst our squadrons. They will go to winter quarters now, and sendtheir flocks to the snow-fields; the Tartars also need to take hometheir captives, and if the winter is severe there will be peace tillnext grass."
"Perhaps longer, for still they respect the king. But we do not need somuch time. With God's help we shall celebrate Skshetuski's wedding atthe carnival."
"If we don't miss him this time, for that would be a new vexation."
"There are three squadrons with him, therefore it is not like huntingfor a kernel of grain in a pile of chaff. Perhaps we shall come up withhim yet at Zbaraj, if he is occupied in the neighborhood of robberbands."
"We cannot come up with him, but we ought to find some news of himalong the road," answered Volodyovski.
Still it was difficult to get news. The peasants had seen passingsquadrons here and there; they had heard of their battles with robbers,but did not know whose squadrons they were,--they might be Rogovski'sas well as Skshetuski's; therefore the two friends learned nothingcertain. But other news flew to their ears of great disasters to theCossacks from the Lithuanian armies. It circled around in the form ofrumors on the eve of Volodyovski's departure from Warsaw, but it wasdoubted then; now it flew through the whole country with great detailas an undoubted truth. The defeats inflicted by Hmelnitski on thearmies of the Crown the Lithuanian armies had avenged with defeat.Polksenjits, an old leader and experienced, had yielded his head, andthe wild Nebaba; and more powerful than both, Krechovski, who raisedhimself not to starostaships and voevodaships, nor to dignities andoffices, but to the empaling stake in the ranks of insurgents. Itseemed as if some marvellous Nemesis had wished to take vengeance onhim for the German blood spilled on the Dnieper,--the blood of Flickand Werner, since he fell into the hands of a German regiment ofRadzivil, and though shot and severely wounded was immediately empaledon a stake, on which the unfortunate quivered a whole day before hebreathed out his gloomy soul. Such was the end of him who by hisbravery and military skill might have become a second StephanHmeletski, but whom an overweening desire of wealth and dignitiespushed upon the road of treason, perjury, and awful murders worthy ofKrivonos himself.
With him, with Polksenjits and Nebaba, nearly twenty thousand Cossackslaid down their heads on the field of battle, or were drowned in themorasses of the Pripet; terror then flew like a whirlwind over the richUkraine, for it appeared to all that after the great triumphs--afterJoltiya Vodi, Korsun, Pilavtsi--the hour was coming for such defeats asthe former rebellions had experienced at Solonitsa and Kumeiki.Hmelnitski himself, though at the summit of glory, though stronger thanever before, was frightened when he heard of the death of his "friend"Krechovski, and again he began to inquire of wizards about the future.They gave various prophecies,--they foretold great wars, victories, anddefeats,--but they could not tell the hetman what would happen tohimself.
The defeat of Krechovski and with it the winter made a prolonged peacemore certain. The country began to heal, devastated villages to bepopulous, and hope entered slowly, gradually, into all weakened andterrified hearts. With that same hope our two friends after a long anddifficult journey arrived safely at Zbaraj, and announcing themselvesat the castle, went straightway to the commandant, in whom with nosmall astonishment they beheld Vershul.
"And where is Skshetuski?" asked Zagloba, after the first greetings.
"He is not here," answered Vershul.
"Then you have command over the garrison?"
"Yes. Skshetuski had, but he went out and gave me the garrison till hisreturn."
"When did he promise to return?"
"He said nothing, for he didn't know himself, but he said at parting:'If any one comes to me, tell him to wait for me here.'"
Zagloba and Volodyovski looked at each other.
"How long since he went away?" asked Volodyovski.
"Ten days."
"Pan Michael," said Zagloba, "let Pan Vershul give us supper, for mengive poor counsel on an empty stomach. At supper we can talk."
"I serve you with my heart, for I was just about to sit down myself.Besides, Pan Volodyovski, as senior officer, takes command. I am withhim, not he with me."
"Remain in command, Pan Kryshtof," said Volodyovski, "for you are olderin years; besides I shall have to go on without doubt."
After a while supper was served. They took their places and ate. WhenZagloba had quieted somewhat his first hunger with two plates of broth,he said to Vershul,--
"Can you imagine where Skshetuski has gone?"
Vershul ordered the attendant serving at the table to go out, and aftera moment's reflection began,--
"I can imagine that for Skshetuski secrecy is important, therefore Idid not speak before the servant. Pan Yan has taken advantage of afavorable time, for we are sure of peace till spring, and according tomy calculation he has gone to seek the princess, who is in Bogun'shands."
"Bogun is no longer in the world," said Zagloba.
Zagloba related now for the third or fourth time everything as it was,for he told it always with delight. Vershul, like Pan Longin, could notwonder sufficiently at the event; at last he said,--
"Then it will be easier for Pan Yan."
"The question is, Will he find her? Did he take any men?"
> "No, he went alone, with one Russian, a servant, and three horses."
"He acted wisely, for in that region the only help is in stratagem. ToKamenyets he might go with a small squadron perhaps; but in Ushitsi andMogileff Cossacks are surely stationed, for there are good winterquarters in those places, and in Yampol, where their nest is, it isnecessary to go either with a division or alone."
"And how do you know that he went specially in that direction?" askedVolodyovski.
"Because she is secreted beyond Yampol, and he knows it; but there areravines, hollows, and reeds there so numerous that even for one knowingthe place well, it is difficult to find the way, and what would it befor one not knowing? I used to go for horses to Yagorlik, and tolawsuits. I know all about the place. If we were together, perhaps wecould succeed; but for him alone--I have doubts. I have doubts, unlesssome chance indicates the road to him, for he will not be able to makeinquiries."
"Then did you wish to go with him?"
"Yes. But what shall we do now, Pan Michael? Follow him or not?"
"I rely on your prudence."
"H'm! He went ten days ago--we cannot come up with him; and besides heasked us to wait here. God knows too what road he took. Maybe throughPloskiroff and Bar along the old highway, and maybe through KamenyetsPodolsk. It is a hard question."
"Remember, besides," said Vershul, "that these are only suppositions.You are not sure that he went after the princess."
"That's it, that's it!" said Zagloba. "Perhaps he went merely to getinformants somewhere, and then return to Zbaraj; for he knows that wewere to go with him, and that he might expect us at this time, since itis the most favorable. This is a difficult question to settle."
"I should advise you to wait about ten days," said Vershul.
"Ten days are nothing; we should either wait or not wait at all."
"I think we should not wait; for what shall we lose if we move at once?If Skshetuski does not find the princess, God may favor us," saidVolodyovski.
"You see, Pan Michael, we must not overlook anything in this case. Youare still young and want adventures," said Zagloba; "but here is thisdanger: if he is looking for her by himself, and we look for her byourselves, some suspicion will be easily roused in the people there.The Cossacks are cunning, and afraid that some one may find out theirplans. They may have a secret understanding with the Pasha of theboundary near Khotim, or with the Tartars beyond the Dniester about afuture war,--who knows? They will be watchful of strangers,particularly of strangers inquiring the way. I know them. It is easy tobetray yourself, and then what?"
"The greater the reason to go. Skshetuski may fall into some difficultywhere help would be required."
"That is true too."
Zagloba fell into such deep thought that his temples quivered; at lasthe roused himself, and said: "Taking everything into consideration, itwill be necessary to go."
Volodyovski drew a deep breath with satisfaction. "And when?"
"When we have rested about three days, so that body and soul may befresh."
Next day the two friends began to make preparations for the road, whenunexpectedly on the eve of their journey Tsiga, a young Cossack,Skshetuski's attendant, arrived with news and letters for Vershul.Hearing of this, Zagloba and Volodyovski hurried to the quarters of thecommandant, and read the following:--
"I am in Kamenyets, to which the road through Satanoff is safe. I amgoing to Yampol with Armenian merchants whom Pan Bukovski found for me.They have Tartar and Cossack passes for a free journey to Akerman. Weshall go through Ushitsi, Mogileff, and Yampol with silk stuffs,stopping at all places along the road wherever there are living people.God may aid me in finding what I seek. Tell my comrades, Volodyovskiand Zagloba, to wait for me in Zbaraj if they have nothing else to do;for by this road which I travel it would be impossible to go in alarger company by reason of deep distrust in the minds of Cossacks whowinter in Yampol on the Dniester as far as Yagorlik, where they keeptheir horses in the snow. What I cannot do alone we three could not do,and I can pass more readily for an Armenian. Thank them, Pan Kryshtof,from the heart's soul for their resolution, which I shall not forgetwhile I live; but I was not able to wait, since every day was a tormentto me, and I could not know whether they would come, and it is the besttime now to go when all the merchants are travelling with goods. I sendback my trusty attendant whom you will care for, as I have no need ofhim; but I am afraid of his youth, lest he might say somethingsomewhere. Pan Bukovski vouches for these merchants; says they arehonest, and I think they are, believing as I do that everything is inthe hands of the high God, who if he wishes will show his mercy to us,and shorten our sufferings."
Zagloba finished the letter, and looked at his comrades; but they weresilent, till at length Vershul said,--
"I knew he went there."
"And what are we to do?" asked Volodyovski.
"What?" said Zagloba, opening his arms, "We have nothing to go for. Itis well that he is with merchants, for he can look in everywhere, andno one will wonder. In every country-house there is something to bebought, for half the Commonwealth has been plundered. It would bedifficult for us, Pan Michael, to go beyond Yampol. Skshetuski is asblack as a Wallachian, and can pass easily for an Armenian, but theywould know you at once by your little oat-colored mustaches. In peasantdisguise it would be equally difficult. There is no use for us there, Imust confess, though I am sorry that we shall not put our hands tofreeing that poor young lady. But we did a great service to Skshetuskiwhen we killed Bogun; for if he were alive, then I would not guaranteethe health of Pan Yan."
Volodyovski was very much dissatisfied. He had promised himself ajourney full of adventures, and now there was left to him a long andtedious stay at Zbaraj. "We might go as far as Kamenyets."
"What should we do there, and on what should we live?" asked Zagloba."It's all one to what walls we fasten like mushrooms. We must wait andwait, for such a journey may occupy Skshetuski long. While a man moveshe is young [here Zagloba dropped his head in melancholy on hisbreast]; he grows old in inaction, but it is hard. Let him get onwithout us. To-morrow we will offer a solemn prayer for his success. Wekilled Bogun; that is the main thing. Give orders to have your horsesunpacked, Pan Michael! We must wait."
In fact, on the morrow began for the two friends long and dreary daysof waiting, to which neither drinking nor dice could lend variety, andthey dragged on without end. Meanwhile a severe winter had begun. Snowcovered the ramparts of Zbaraj, and the whole land, in a shroud threefeet thick. Beasts and wild birds approached the dwellings of men. Dayafter day came the cawing of crows and ravens, in flocks withoutnumber. All December passed; then January and February. Of Skshetuskithere was not a sound.
Volodyovski went to Tarnopol to seek adventures. Zagloba was gloomy,and insisted that he was growing old.