Page 11 of The Third Volume



  WHEN the two young men left Lincoln's Inn Fields after the momentousinterview with Hilliston, they walked on in silence for some distance,each busied with his own thoughts. Like most solitaries, Tait had ahabit of speaking aloud, and, unmindful of the presence of Claude, hestopped short at the gate of the New Law Courts to give vent to hisfeelings.

  "It is decidedly suspicious," he said in a low tone, "and quiteinexplicable."

  "What are you talking about?" asked Claude irritably, whereupon Taitbecame aware that he was not alone, but nevertheless showed nodisposition to balk the question.

  "I was thinking of Mr. Hilliston," he returned quietly. "I am not at allsatisfied with his conduct. He is hostile to us, Claude."

  "Hostile? Impossible! He is doing all in his power to help us."

  "So it appears," answered Tait dryly. "Nevertheless I think that heintends to thwart us in our plans--if he can."

  "Now you are talking nonsense," said Claude, as they resumed their walk."Why, he first brought the case under my notice."

  "And why? Because he wanted to be beforehand with Mrs. Bezel. If he hadnot told she would have done so, and naturally enough he wished to befirst in the field."

  "But I can't think ill of him," protested Larcher. "He has been a secondfather to me."

  "No doubt! There is such a thing as remorse."

  "Remorse? You are mad!"

  "Not at all. I am suspicious. We will discuss Mr. Hilliston later on,when I will give you my reasons for speaking thus. Meanwhile he hasdecided to play a game against us!"

  "Nonsense! He has no motive."

  "Pardon me. I think he has, but what it is I am unable to say--as yet.However, he will make two moves in the game within the next twenty-fourhours."

  "Indeed," said Claude ironically, "perhaps you can tell me what thosetwo moves will be."

  "Certainly," answered Tait serenely. "As to the first, he will call atmy rooms to find out if we have gone to see Mrs. Bezel to-night,and----"

  "Why at your rooms?"

  "Because he thinks you are staying with me. And, moreover, knowing thatwe are acting together, he knows your movements will coincide withmine."

  "Ah! And the second move?"

  "He will write you a letter asking you to stay with him at KensingtonGore."

  "I don't see what there is suspicious about that," said Claudepetulantly.

  "I know you don't. But it is my belief that he is afraid of yourinvestigations in this case, and wishes to keep you under his eye."

  "But good Heavens, man! he advised me to pursue the matter."

  "On the contrary, he advised you to let sleeping dogs lie."

  "So he did," cried Claude, with a sudden recollection of the interview."But why? What harm can my investigations do to him?"

  "Ah! That is a difficult question to answer," said Tait reflectingly."To my mind they will show that Hilliston was not the friend of yourfather he pretended to be."

  "But according to those papers he acted like a friend throughout."

  "Yes, according to those papers."

  Larcher faced round suddenly, struck by the significance of the remark.He was a clever young man, but could not see clearly before him, andhonest himself, was far from suspecting dishonesty in others. Instead ofagreeing with Tait in his estimate of Hilliston, he vehemently defendedthe lawyer.

  "You must not speak like that, Tait," he said angrily. "Mr. Hilliston isan honest man, and has been like a father to me. I owe all to him."

  "Perhaps you do," retorted Tait significantly. "However, we need notquarrel over the matter. I am content to wait, and will bet you fivepounds that the inquiry is made to-night, and the letter is sentto-morrow."

  Larcher did not accept the bet thus confidently offered, but walked onstiffly with his head in the air. He was seriously annoyed with Tait fordaring to cast an imputation on the character of a man to whom he owedall. Never could he bring himself to believe that Hilliston intended himevil, and deemed that the lawyer, despite his manifest reluctance, wouldhelp him by all the means in his power to discover the assassin.

  Nevertheless, Tait proved to be in the right. As the two young menpassed down the stairs on their way to the theater--whence Tait insistedon taking Claude with a view of distracting his mind--they were met bythe porter.

  "Beg pardon, sir," addressing himself to Tait, "but a gentleman calledsome time ago and asked for you and Mr. Larcher."

  "Who was he? Why did you not show him up?"

  "He would not give his name, sir, and did not wish to come up. He onlyasked if you had a box for the theater, and when I said you had stalls,drove off."

  "Ah! Can you describe his appearance?"

  "Not very tall, sir. Clean shaven, with white hair and a red face.Looked like a country gentleman, sir."

  "Thank you! that will do," replied Tait quietly, and left the house withClaude.

  For a few minutes he enjoyed his companion's astonishment at this proofof Hilliston's double-dealing, and it was not till they were in the cabthat he spoke.

  "Well," he said, smiling, "was I not right when I said that he wouldmake the first move?"

  "You are right so far," muttered Claude, who looked ill at ease, "but Icannot bring myself to suspect my guardian."

  "You want another proof, perhaps. Well, we will wait for your invitationto Kensington Gore."

  Claude shook his head, and seemed so indisposed to talk that Tait judgedit wise to humor his silence. The young man's thoughts were anything butpleasant. He had been accustomed to look up to Hilliston as the model ofan English gentleman, honest, honorable, upright, and noble. If, then,this suspicion of Tait's should prove correct,--and the last act ofHilliston certainly gave color to it,--where was he to find honest andhonorable men? If Hilliston proved false, then Claude felt he could nolonger trust the human race. Still he fought against the supposition,and secretly hoped that the second prophecy of his friend would not befulfilled.

  Alas, for his hopes! At eleven the next morning, while they werediscussing the situation, a letter was delivered to Claude by specialmessenger. It proved to be from Hilliston, and contained a warminvitation for Larcher to take up his abode at the Kensington Gorehouse. "As you may only be in London for a short period, my dearClaude," wrote his guardian, "my wife and I must see as much of you aspossible." With a bitter smile Claude tossed the letter across to Tait.

  "You see I was right," said the latter, for the second time, afterskimming the note. "Mr. Hilliston is playing a double game. He wishes tokeep you under his eye, thinking that, as you trust him, you will keephim informed as to your doings, so that being forewarned he may beforearmed."

  "Do you really think he is my enemy, Tait?"

  "I am really not prepared to say," replied the little man, with somehesitation. "His behavior of yesterday struck me as suspicious. Heseemed unnecessarily agitated, and moreover urged you not to see Mrs.Bezel. Perhaps he thinks she will tell you too much. Taking all thesefacts into consideration I cannot help thinking that Hilliston is askingyou to his house for some motive in connection with our search."

  "But he showed me the papers."

  "I know that, but as I told you yesterday it was Hobson's choice withhim. If he hadn't imparted the information, Mrs. Bezel would have doneso. Of two evils he chose the least, and by showing you the papersproved to all outward appearance that he was your firm friend. Shouldyou bring any charge against him, he will meet it by the very argumentyou have just made use of."

  "Good Heavens!" groaned Claude, in despair, "is everybody as treacherousas you think him to be."

  "A good number of people are," replied Tait suavely. "A long residencein London does not strengthen one's belief in human nature. It is a cityof wild beasts,--of wolves and foxes,--who rend and betray for thegaining of their own ends. If Hilliston is what I believe him to be, wemust do our best to baffle him; and so you must contin
ue to be hisfriend."

  "How can I, if he wishes to betray me?"

  "Ah, you are so unsophisticated, Claude," said the hardened man of theworld; "you betray your feelings too plainly. In this city it is worsethan madness to wear your heart on your sleeve. If you are convincedthat Hilliston bears you ill----"

  "I am not convinced. I can't believe any man would be so base."

  "Ah, bah, that is a want of experience," retorted Tait, raising hiseyebrows; "I'll pick you out a dozen of my decent friends who are asbase or baser than I believe them to be. Respectability is all aquestion of concealment nowadays, and it must be confessed that yourguardian wears his mask very prettily."

  "But do you think he is----"

  "Never mind what I think," interrupted Tait impatiently. "Hilliston mayturn out to be an angel, after all. But his conduct of yesterday andthis morning appears to be suspicious, and in dealing with the matterswe have in hand it is as well to be careful. Keep your faith inHilliston if it assists you to continue the friendship. He must suspectnothing."

  "Do you then wish me to accept this invitation?"

  "No. Why go into the lion's den? Write and thank him and--decline."

  "I have no excuse."

  "Indeed! Then I will provide you with one. You are engaged to stay withme at Thorston for a month. By the end of that time you will knowsufficient of Hilliston to decide for yourself as to the wisdom ofaccepting or declining his invitation."

  "But if we go to Thorston we cannot prosecute our inquiries."

  "Yes, we can. I tell you that book, which contains the story of yourfather's murder, also contains a description of Thorston. I recognizeevery scene."


  "Well," repeated Tait sharply, "can't you see? The author of that bookmust either live at Thorston or have stayed a few months there. Else hecould not have described the village so accurately. We must makeinquiries about him there, and should we be fortunate enough to discoverhim, we must extract his secret."

  "What secret?"

  "Upon my word, Claude, you are either stupid or cunning. Why, find outwhere he got his material from. That may put us on the right track. Now,write to Hilliston, and then go up to Hampstead and find out what Mrs.Bezel has to say."

  "Won't you come, too?" said Claude, going to the writing desk.

  "No. I have my own business to attend to."

  "Is it connected with our enterprise?"

  "I should think so. It is my intention to call on the firm who published'A Whim of Fate,' and find out all I can concerning the author. When youreturn from Mrs. Bezel we will compare notes, and on what information weobtain will depend our future movements."