Page 35 of The Third Volume




  "In my last letter I informed you of my various discoveries with regardto the case. I deem myself singularly fortunate in finding those whocould afford me the necessary information. Five-and-twenty years is awide gap of time, and, to tell the honest truth, I scarcely expected tobe successful in my mission. Death, absence, old age, might have put anend to all who knew about the case, but, as you are already advised, Iunexpectedly met with three people who gave me three different versionsof the murder from their various points of view. First, the waiterSugden, who merely reflected the opinion of Dick Pental; second, thegardener himself, with his first-hand story; and third, Miss BelindaPike, whose ideas are quite at variance with the other two.

  "I mentioned to you that I had met Miss Pike at my friend Brandon's, andthat she had invited me to visit her the next day to hear her story ofthe case. Of course, I went, and found the lady an excellent characterfor my purpose. She has a truly wonderful memory for the small beer oflife. She is a born gossip, and is one of the most spiteful women it hasever been my fortune to meet. Her invitation was more to satisfy her ownvanity and curiosity than because she wished to do me a service; but ifshe is gratified in the one she is balked in the other. With somedifficulty--for she is a most persistent creature--I managed to evadeher inquiries as to my reason for wishing to know about 'The LarcherAffair'; and extracted from her all information likely to be of serviceto us in discovering the truth. What she told me leaves me more in thedark than ever; and I shall doubtless return to Thorston no whit nearerthe truth than I was when I set out.

  "But before narrating her story, as imparted to me in strict secrecy,you must not be offended if certain reflections are cast by thisbusybody on your mother. To get at the truth of this complication youmust view it from a disinterested standpoint and throw aside allprejudice. I do not for a moment believe that Mrs. Larcher intended towillfully deceive her husband, as is implied by Miss Pike, but I mustconfess I think her conduct was highly reprehensible. Still I pass nojudgment, as it is not my place to do so; and you must clearlyunderstand that the remarks herein contained about her are those of MissPike. You can guess from their tenor what a very spiteful old lady sheis. I promised to report my doings and hearings faithfully to you, and Ihereby keep my promise, and at the cost of your losing your temper.

  "The cause of Miss Pike's malignity is jealousy--a passion which is asactive now with her as it was twenty-five years ago. Then the fairBelinda, according to her own account, was the belle of Horriston, andshared that enviable position with two rivals--the one being yourmother, the other Miss Louisa Sinclair. I fancy I hear you exclaim atthe mention of this name. But Mrs. Bezel is right; such a person doesexist. She was a passably pretty girl,--according to Miss Pike,--andrather popular,--again Miss Pike,--but cared for no one so much as Mr.Francis Hilliston, then a handsome young lawyer of great promise andgood family. This is evidently the romance of Hilliston's life, andaccounts for his silence about Louisa Sinclair. He did not wish to speakof one who had disappeared under somewhat discreditable circumstances;yet who truly loved him. Whether he returned her love I cannot say.Suspend your judgment till you hear the story of this maiden lady. Ofcourse, it is quite different to that of Dick Pental, and, I think, lesseasy to believe. The gardener spoke of what he saw; Miss Pike speaks ofwhat she thinks. Judge for yourself which is right.

  "As I have said, Miss Pike was a belle in her younger days. She was alsowell off, and could have made a good match. Unfortunately, she was inlove with Hilliston; I say unfortunately, because he happened to be inlove with Mrs. Larcher. I again apologize for putting the matter soplainly, but Miss Pike insisted that it was so. In those days Hillistonmust have been a handsome and fascinating man, for Louisa Sinclair alsoloved him--with a like result. He had no eyes for these two damsels, butquietly devoted himself to Mrs. Larcher. I do not mean to say that heroused the suspicions of your father, for his devotion was perfectlyrespectful. The desire of the moth for the star, I may say--forHilliston knew well enough that he had no chances in that quarter fortwo reasons. First, Mrs. Larcher was a married woman; second, she was inlove with Jeringham.

  "At the time of that notable dress ball matters stood thus:

  "Miss Belinda Pike in love with Hilliston.

  "Miss Louisa Sinclair in love with Hilliston.

  "Hilliston in love with Mrs. Larcher.

  "Mrs. Larcher in love with Jeringham.

  "Can you imagine anything more complicated; and to make confusion stillworse, Miss Pike solemnly asserted that Jeringham was not in love withMrs. Larcher, but with her maid, Mona Bantry. Therefore, all round, eachof these five people was in love with the wrong person. It was a modern'Comedy of Errors,' with a tragic ending.

  "Miss Pike went to the ball in the character of a flower girl, and therewas astonished to find two Mary, Queen of Scots, and two Darnleys.During the night she learned that out of jealousy Louisa Sinclair hadadopted the same fancy dress as your mother. She was the second Queen ofScots, and was attired precisely the same in all respects, save thatMrs. Larcher wore a small dagger, and Miss Sinclair did not. On makingthis discovery Miss Pike naturally thought--as a jealous womanwould--that the second Darnley was Hilliston. She knew that the firstwas Jeringham, and did not trouble herself about him, but maneuvered toget speech with the second. To her astonishment she found out--how Icannot say--that it was Captain Larcher, who was supposed to be inLondon. He confessed that he was jealous of his wife, and had returnedin disguise to learn the truth. Miss Pike was not clear whether he wassuspicious of Jeringham or of Hilliston, and she had no opportunity oflearning the truth as Larcher, seeing his wife leave the ballroom,followed her at once. The next day Miss Pike was informed of thedisappearance of Jeringham, and later on she learned of the death ofCaptain Larcher.

  "Now, you will ask whom she suspected. A woman with so unhappy a temperwould not be long in forming an opinion about a matter connected with alady of whom she was jealous. I allude to your mother. Miss Pike had atheory, and ever since, declining to accept the evidence given at thetrial, has held firmly to it. She suspected Mona Bantry to be guilty. Igive her reason in her own words.

  "'Of course it is only theory,' she said, when I asked her pointblankwho she thought was guilty, 'but my suspicions point to Mrs. Larcher'smaid.'

  "'To Mona Bantry?' I asked, rather astonished.

  "'Yes! She was in love with Mr. Jeringham, and he was at the balldressed as Darnley; Captain Larcher wore the same dress. As I told youhe left the ballroom when he saw his wife go out with Mr. Jeringham. Ifancy he followed them home, and caught them as they parted in thegarden of The Laurels. Very likely he ordered Mr. Jeringham off thepremises, and insisted on his wife going into the house. Mona, who wassitting up for her mistress, would open the door, and seeing by thedress, as she thought, Mr. Jeringham with Mrs. Larcher, I believe shelost her head and killed him.'

  "'Killed him; but how?'

  "'With the dagger worn by Mrs. Larcher,' responded Miss Piketriumphantly. 'She snatched it from the sheath as it hung at the girdleof Mrs. Larcher, and killed the poor man--thinking he was her lover.Then, finding out her mistake, she fled.

  "'But so did Jeringham,' I said.

  "'Yes. He also saw the murder, and naturally enough thought he might besuspected. I think he took Mona away with him on the very night, andthey fled together. As to the body, Denis, the brother, to save hissister and possibly his mistress from being suspected, threw it into theriver. That is my theory, Mr. Tait, and I believe it to be the trueone.'

  "I need not repeat more of our conversation, as it was merely argumenton both sides, but you now know sufficient to see in what direction MissPike's suspicions are directed. Her story is quite at variance with thatof your mother, who plainly stated that she found Mona in the sittingroom with your father. It is not strange that the two narrations shouldbe contradictory, fo
r we must remember that Mrs. Larcher spoke fromfacts while Miss Pike only speaks from hearsay.

  "Again, from the statement of Dick Pental, it would appear that themurder took place in the garden; your mother says it was committed inthe sitting room, so here is another contradiction. But you must notforget that only one person has sworn to the identity of those he sawwith the body. Miss Pike can prove nothing from facts, and only evolvesaccusations out of her own malignant nature. Your mother accuses no one,alleging that she fainted in the sitting room. Therefore, taking allfacts into consideration, I believe the gardener's story to be true, andthat Denis Bantry killed your father; Jeringham, through force ofcircumstances, being an accessory to the deed. This view accounts forthe identity of Paynton with Jeringham, of Kerry with Denis--and fullyaccounts for their living in seclusion at Thorston. This is my opinion.Do you think you can give a better?

  "Regarding your mother's hint about Louisa Sinclair, I confess I cannotunderstand it. Miss Pike was perfectly frank about that person; andstated that shortly after the murder she went to America and had notbeen heard of for years. Hilliston may know of her whereabouts, butunder the circumstances I do not think he is likely to speak. At allevents we are certain of two things: that Louisa Sinclair did not marryHilliston; that she had nothing to do with the tragedy at The Laurels.Miss Pike intends to show me a portrait of the lady on the occasion ofmy next visit. A knowledge of her looks may lead to something; buthonestly speaking I do not see how she can possibly be implicated in thematter.

  "But I must bring this long letter to a close. I have found outsufficient at Horriston to justify our suspicions of the _menage_ atRose Cottage, and when I return we must set our wits to work to seePaynton and Kerry. They must be forced into plain speaking, then we maysolve the mystery of your father's death--not before. Expect me in twodays, and think over what I have written so that we may discuss thematter thoroughly when we come together. And so no more at present fromyour friend,