Page 36 of The Irish Duke

  “I’ll tell you a secret. My pride was mauled because Kitty is my grandfather’s child. Kate Connelly was more than his housekeeper.”

  Lu’s eyes widened. “That makes Kitty your aunt.” She found the situation quite funny.

  “For some reason, Kate Connelly has never told Kitty, but I think it’s time she knew. I’ll speak to Kate about it.”

  “Will James Herdman marry Kitty?”

  “Yes, as soon as he learned she was carrying his child, he insisted they marry.” James looked into Louisa’s eyes. “Would you mind if I settled some money on her? My grandfather left Kate an annuity, but nothing for his child.”

  “Of course I wouldn’t mind. You are filthy rich, Abercorn, especially since you took my father’s money as an inducement to marry me.”

  “Ah, about that money.” He brushed back the dark tendrils from her forehead. “Before we were wed, I put that money in trust for you.”

  “For me?” she asked in wonder.

  “You may never need it, but if and when your mother is widowed, you may have to help her, Lu. Your father’s will leaves everything to his heir, except for the Campden Hill house.”

  “However do you know?”

  “I pay my attorneys well, sweetheart.” He brushed his lips across her temple. “While we are on the subject of money, I may as well confess that I will bear the cost of whatever my brother Claud needs to gain him a seat in Parliament.”

  “I don’t have any objection.” Her eyes lit with amusement. “Confession is good for the soul. What other secrets have you been keeping from me?”

  “Well, there is one little thing. The night we arrived at Barons Court and you withdrew to your boudoir, you left your unpacked trunks in here. I opened one and found your diary.”

  Louisa stiffened. “You didn’t read my private journal?”

  “Well, actually I did.”

  She pulled from his arms in outrage. “You Irish devil! Always going on about trust! You are nothing but an uncivilized lout!”

  James pulled her back into his arms and held her captive. “I was eaten alive to know who had fathered the child that you miscarried. When I read your diary and learned it was Georgy, it made me the happiest man breathing. That was the night I became hell-bent on seducing you.”

  She stared at him for a full minute as her mind absorbed the things he was saying.

  The corners of her mouth lifted. “Then what the hell are you waiting for? You had better get on with it, Abercorn.”

  His face became serious. “In all truth I must warn you my lovemaking could result in a baby, Lady Lu.”

  “James, I trust you implicitly.” She smiled her secret smile. “Just make sure it’s a girl!”

  Chapter Thirty

  Ardverikie Estate, Scotland

  Summer 1846

  “May God save our gracious Queen Victoria.” Lord Abercorn offered the toast to their sovereign who had brought her family to their Scottish estate for a visit.

  “Thank you, James. We truly appreciate your generous hospitality. We have fallen in love with the landscape and are firmly convinced we need our own Scottish estate.”

  James hid his amusement. Victoria always used the royal we. His glance moved from the queen to his wife, Louisa, who was engaged in an animated conversation with Prince Albert. He could not help comparing the two females. The queen was both short and plump, and though she had pleasant features, she had no claim to beauty. Lady Lu, on the other hand, was exquisite. Though Lu is five years older than Victoria, no one would ever guess.

  His glance moved to handsome, twenty-seven-year-old Prince Albert, who was seated on Louisa’s right. He hasn’t taken his bloody eyes off Lu since we sat down to dinner. James felt extremely proprietary about his beautiful wife. She was an accomplished flirt and had the supreme self-confidence of a goddess who walked among mere mortals. Lady Lu is certainly not the vulnerable girl I married. Acting as my political hostess and being fawned upon by every male who was invited to Barons Court soon gave her self-esteem and polish.

  Two years ago, the Marquis of Abercorn had been appointed the lord lieutenant of County Donegal, and in no small measure his wife had helped him secure the post. His term as viceroy was now over, and James had his eye on becoming the lord lieutenant of Ireland. Louisa’s brother, Lord John Russell, was the new prime minister of England and doubtless would be able to use his influence to get Abercorn the appointment.

  “May I have wine with my dessert, Mama?” Lady Harriet, age twelve, appealed to her mother.

  “Yes, Harry, providing it’s negus wine.” Negus wine was mixed with sugar and water and served especially to children.

  “Me too!” Edward, the five-year-old heir to the throne, demanded.

  Prince Albert frowned. He had very definite ideas about how children should be brought up. “I don’t think so, Teddy.”

  Louisa gave the prince a sideways glance from beneath her dark lashes. “A little bit of what you fancy never hurt anyone. Indulge the boy, Your Highness.”

  Prince Albert allowed himself to be persuaded and gave in to Lu’s suggestion without further demur.

  It was Abercorn’s turn to frown. The bloody prince is lovesick! Lu has him wrapped around her little finger. James felt a hand on his sleeve and turned to look at Victoria.

  “Albert runs the nursery like a sergeant major. He’s a stickler for manners. We are rather strict with the children.”

  “I must compliment you on your children, Your Majesty,” James said gallantly. “I warrant you won’t regret securing a Scottish estate. This country is such a healthful place for young ones.”

  Only two of the queen’s children were taking dinner with them. Princess Adelaide was six, and Prince Edward only five. The other three were in bed in the nursery wing.

  “Your own children are a credit to you and Lady Abercorn. We are amazed at the way they handle their Highland ponies.”

  “Thank you. Louisa starts giving them riding lessons soon after they learn to walk.”

  “You don’t mean she teaches them herself, surely?”

  “She does, Your Majesty. Her energy is boundless,” James said proudly.

  “Lady Abercorn doesn’t look old enough to be the mother of eight children,” Victoria said primly. “Such a slim waist. We are trying to persuade her to come to court and be mistress of the queen’s robes. Perhaps you could plead our cause, James?”

  James smiled. “I will do my best, Your Majesty.” In a pig’s eye. The only wardrobe Lu has any interest in is her own. Tonight his wife was wearing a magnificent gown of crimson, the ancestral Abercorn color, and it suited her dark beauty to perfection. James became instantly aroused as he pictured the crimson corset she was wearing beneath it. He shifted in his chair and frowned. I warrant Albert’s cock is hard enough to crack walnuts. Lu has that effect on men, regretfully.

  Louisa arose. “Shall we take our wine into the drawing room? I’ve promised the children a game of hide-and-seek before bed.”

  Prince Albert immediately moved behind Victoria’s chair to assist her in rising. She had given birth to another baby daughter only two months before and still moved slowly.

  James took his son and heir aside to give him a word of warning. “Don’t play rough with Prince Edward. He’s only five and you are eight.”

  Young James looked up at his father. “Teddy can be willful for a five-year-old.”

  Abercorn whooped with laughter. “You are the reigning champion when it comes to willful, young sir.”

  “I have four older sisters bossing me about. If I wasn’t willful they’d squash me.”

  James sobered. “Quite right. If you don’t keep females in their place they will run roughshod over you. Go and take charge.”

  When the queen was seated in a comfortable chair so she could enjoy watching the children’s game, Lady Harry volunteered to hide her eyes and count while the others hid.

  Lady Lu grabbed Prince Albert’s hand. “Come on, run! I kno
w a place where they’ll never find us!”

  Victoria looked askance at James. “Lady Abercorn joins in the children’s games?”

  James rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m afraid so, Your Majesty. Apparently her mother, the Duchess of Bedford, joined in her children’s games, and my wife carries on the tradition.”

  “How extraordinary.”

  When Her Majesty decided it was time to retire, Louisa and James took their children up to the nursery wing. At Barons Court all had their own bedchamber, but here at Ardverikie, the four older daughters shared one large room.

  Beatrice, who was eleven, remarked, “I don’t think Princess Adelaide had ever played hide-and-seek before. She’s quite shy.”

  “Too shy to shout and brawl like my angelic lot.” Louisa tucked her daughter into bed and tapped Louisa Jane on the bum. “Tomorrow, your father has promised to take the queen on a tour of the estate in the pony cart. You girls can accompany them in your own cart if you like. Harry is old enough to drive.”

  “I will only go if Harry lets me take the reins for a few minutes,” Katherine Elizabeth declared emphatically.

  “Well, since you’re nine, I warrant you’re old enough to learn,” her mother agreed. “But Harry is in charge, so it will be her decision. I’ll leave the lamp turned up; your father will be in to say good night shortly.”

  “Good night, Mother,” the four girls chorused.

  “Good night, darlings. Sleep tight—don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

  Louisa went into the next bedchamber where James was making sure their son actually got into bed, rather than lying on the floor playing with his toys.

  “I told Prince Edward he could ride my pony tomorrow.” Young James had decided to be magnanimous.

  “He will need his father’s permission first,” James reminded his son.

  “Mama will get Prince Albert to agree. She’s very persuasive.”

  James slanted an eyebrow at his wife. “Out of the mouths of babes.”

  Lu hid a smile. “Tush and piffle!”

  Lord and Lady Abercorn entered the nursery where Claud and baby George were sound asleep. “They look like cherubs when they’re sleeping,” James whispered.

  “They may look cherubic, but awake they are Irish devils, like their father.”

  “I’ll just go and bid the girls good night. Then I shall attempt to prove the disreputable opinion you have of me.”

  “Don’t be too long. I need your help getting out of my best gown.”

  Within ten minutes, James entered the master bedchamber and crossed the room to unhook his wife’s gown. “I don’t think you realize how Prince Albert looks at you.”

  She glanced up at him over her shoulder. “Darling, a female always knows when a male is attracted to her.”

  James undid the top hook. “Your face was flushed when the pair of you returned from the linen press, or wherever it was you took him to hide. Stop playing games with the poor devil.”

  She arched her brows. “Perhaps I should leave my corset on, if you are determined to manipulate my strings, Lord Abercorn.”

  James watched her step from her gown and move across the chamber to hang it in the wardrobe. He let go of his jealousy and said wryly, “I don’t suppose Her Majesty indulges him with many games.”

  Lu kicked off her high- heeled slippers. “Oh, I don’t know. She’s given him five children in six years of marriage, so I assume she lets him play tickle my fancy!”

  James couldn’t resist reciting a limerick that was popular in Ireland:

  Queen Vicky was ever a prude

  Who couldn’t stand anything rude,

  But once in a while

  She ventured a smile

  When Albert appeared in the nude.

  “Well, I’m willing to wager he’s a braw laddie when stripped, and nothing to smile at, at all, at all.”

  He took her in his arms. “You are incorrigible, Lady Lu.”

  “And then some.” She slid her hand down between their bodies and stroked his hardening cock with teasing fingers. “That’s why you’ll never have enough of me.”

  After an hour of particularly passionate lovemaking, Lu smiled into the darkness. Whenever we have attractive male visitors, James has a compelling urge to put his stamp of ownership on me.

  The following day, the Abercorns’ best pony cart, rigged out with cushions and a lap robe, was brought to the front door to convey Her Majesty Queen Victoria around the Highland estate. When she was comfortably seated with her young heir beside her, James took up the reins.

  Another pony cart, driven by the Abercorns’ twelve-year-old daughter Harry and loaded with an assortment of children, followed her father.

  His Royal Highness Prince Albert had declared that he was in need of exercise and preferred a good hike on foot. Lady Abercorn graciously agreed to accompany him.

  The pair waved to the departing carts and set out on foot. Albert carried a sturdy hand-carved walking stick. “Don’t you carry a stick, Lady Abercorn?”

  Only figuratively. “If I get into difficulty, Your Highness, I’m sure you will lend me your good strong arm.”

  “I love to hike. In which direction shall we go?”

  “Ardverikie has two lovely waterfalls. Why don’t we take a look at the first one, and if that hasn’t exhausted all your disgusting energy, we can slog on to the second one.”

  Albert laughed. “I’ve never met anyone quite like you, Lady Abercorn.”

  “My friends call me Lady Lu.”

  An hour later, as Louisa and Prince Albert were enjoying the view of the second waterfall, it began to rain. At first they didn’t notice because there was a light spray of water in the air from the cascade, but as the rain began to pelt down, they both looked up at the sky in dismay.

  “Come, there is a gamekeeper’s hut through those firs where we can wait out the rainstorm.” Lu pointed to the stand of trees.

  “Good! Lead the way, my lady.”

  They were both out of breath from running and laughing by the time they reached the shelter. Prince Albert removed his tweed cape, shook off the raindrops, and hung it on a peg to dry. He moved toward Lu and helped her remove her damp jacket.

  “I hope Victoria isn’t caught in the downpour.”

  “She won’t shrink, Your Highness.” Lu bit her lip. “I’m so sorry, Albert. Truly I wasn’t remarking on the queen’s lack of height.”

  Prince Albert grinned. “My wife is rather short in stature.”

  “Physically perhaps, but certainly not figuratively,” she said, laughing.

  “No, indeed,” he replied wistfully, “her stature certainly overshadows mine.” He took possession of Louisa’s hand and drew it to his lips. “Lady Lu, I find you attractive beyond belief. Just looking at you makes my pulse race.”

  Lu gently withdrew her hand. “Thank you for the gallant compliment, Albert. Abercorn is not a man who would tolerate dalliance in his wife, I’m afraid.”

  “I’m sorry.” He looked abashed. “Victoria and I make a fine pair. She has developed a tendre for James. She intends to appoint him to her privy counsel and has asked me to attach him to my household as groom of the stole.”

  “Oh, Your Highness, James will feel immeasurably honored by these appointments.”

  Albert smiled. “Victoria has also instructed me to persuade you to become her mistress of the robes. There is no more fashionable lady at the Royal Court.”

  “Ah, I must regretfully decline. As the mother of eight children and the wife of a privy counselor and groom of the stole, I would not be able to devote sufficient time to her gracious majesty’s wardrobe.”

  Albert grinned ruefully. “You are the only lady in Britain who would dare say no to the queen.”

  Lu smiled her secret smile. And say no to her royal husband.

  After dinner that night, Queen Victoria took Lord Abercorn aside and told him about his appointment to her privy counsel. “As well, Prince Albert would like to make you his
groom of the stole.”

  James bowed gallantly. “I am deeply honored, Your Majesty.”

  An hour later, in the privacy of the master bedchamber, James had changed his tune and voiced his anger.

  “What the hellfire went on when the pair of you sheltered in the gamekeeper’s shack?” Abercorn’s face was dark with fury.

  “You’re being ridiculous! Don’t make a cake of yourself.” Lu tossed her head.

  James grabbed her shoulders in powerful hands and shook her fiercely. “I don’t want royal appointments because the queen’s husband wants to get you into bed,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Lu dared to laugh at him. “I can’t help it if he wants to get me into bed.”

  His hands tightened painfully on her shoulders. “I won’t have you playing the cocktease. Do you hear me?”

  She raised her chin and looked him straight in the eye. “I hear you loud and clear. If you must know the truth, it is Queen Victoria who has a tendre for you. So it must be you who has been playing the cocktease, Lord Abercorn.”

  He stared at her in amazement, and then they both laughed until they became weak. Lu fell down on the bed and rolled about in merriment. James dived on her and pinned her beneath him. “Let me warn you, Lady Lu. When we are at Court there will be no dalliance allowed.”

  “You mean on my part. But I warrant if you play your cards right, there could be a dukedom in your future.”

  “Mm, the Duke of Abercorn does have a nice ring to it.”

  Her challenging laugh rang out. “Let’s have a demonstration of your famous cockteasing, Lord Bloody Abercorn!”


  Montagu House, London

  August 1894

  “Thanks for the buns and the use of the hall,” Dowager Duchess Louisa said irreverently to her daughter, the Duchess of Buccleuch.

  “Montagu House is rather grand,” her daughter and namesake Louisa Jane declared as she glanced about the magnificent, top-lit central salon where the historic levee was being held. “Are you ready to retire, Mother?”