Page 8 of Full Exposure

  He smiled, darkly, as he raised his finger to his mouth. He breathed deeply, loving the spicy-sweet scent of her. “Delicious,” he murmured before sliding his finger into his mouth and taking her essence inside him.

  She moaned, her fists twisting in the sheets as she bucked frantically against him. “Kevin!” Her voice was high, sharp, and he knew that he had pushed her as far as she could take. But he wanted to do so much more.

  He wanted to bury his face between her thighs and feast until she screamed in ecstasy. He wanted to kiss every inch of her body, make her crazy with desire until she could think of nothing, of no one, but him.

  But she was whimpering, frantic, and he couldn’t take any more of her cries without exploding. He grabbed a condom and quickly rolled it over himself before reaching between them and flicking a finger once, twice, over her clit.

  Ecstasy roared through her and Serena screamed, her fingers grabbing at his shoulders, her body wildly arching against his. He plunged into her as she came, moving hard and fast against her. Intensifying her orgasm, building toward his own.

  Her legs twined around his, her feet digging into the back of his thighs as he pounded into her. “Again,” she murmured. “Again.”

  “And again and again and again.” He grinned, watching her beautiful eyes dilate with passion. She was hot, disheveled, sweaty. And he loved it. Loved knowing she could let go like this, loved knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Kevin reached down, drew her nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard as he continued moving inside of her. He was close, so close he thought he’d explode any second. His balls were boiling, his cock throbbing, but he wanted to make her come again. Needed to see her face as it ripped through her. Had to be inside of her when it happened this time.

  She was sobbing, her hands tangled in his hands as her body shuddered over and over again. “Please, please.”

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me again. I have to feel you.” His words were strangled as he moved faster and faster, loving the warm, wet feel of her muscles clenching around his cock. He lowered his mouth to her breast, sucked hard even as he reached between them and stroked her clit.

  Serena screamed, her body bucking wildly against him as a second orgasm—more intense and out of control than the first—ripped through her. He rode her through it, took her higher and higher until nothing existed but the intense, rolling pleasure that went on and on. Grabbing her hips, he tilted them until she was open fully to him.

  He was going to explode, he couldn’t hold back any longer, he had to—With a groan of ecstasy he came, harder, longer, and more intensely than he ever had before. The world went black and he was lost, totally, to the insane pleasure overloading his senses. He was dimly conscious of Serena’s own cries, of her body convulsing again and again, milking him as he emptied himself inside of her.

  * * *

  Serena’s head was swimming. Pleasure, satiation, confusion, fear—they chased each other around in her brain even as her limp body relaxed into the warmth of Kevin’s. Her breathing was still harsh, her head muddled, and a part of her wanted nothing more than to roll over and start the whole wonderful, confusing ride again.

  But she’d been wild, out of control, totally unlike herself. She wanted to say something, anything, to keep the most beautiful experience in her life from becoming awkward. But she could already feel the tension coming back; her skin felt too tight and her muscles were slowly turning rock-hard. She’d poured her heart and soul out to Kevin, both physically and verbally, and now she felt raw.

  They’d planned a simple sexual encounter and she’d gone and complicated it. She could feel his eyes on her, studying her even as his fingers tangled in her hair. She knew she should look at him, deal with the whole situation, but she was afraid. Afraid of her lack of control, afraid of her emotions, and perhaps most important, afraid of the pity she thought she’d see in his eyes. If he turned the most amazing sex of her life into a pity fuck she’d completely lose it. And once she did, would she ever get it back?

  With a deep breath she pulled away, forcing a smile that she didn’t feel. “I’m going to go clean up.”

  His eyes narrowed and a fierce frown turned his lips downward. “Already?” he asked.

  She shrugged and turned away. “I’m hot. I’ll take a quick shower and be out in a few minutes.” She gathered her clothes as she spoke, darting into the bathroom and closing the door before Kevin could say another word. Holding her breath, waiting to see what Kevin would do, she finally released it in a shaky puff when she realized he wasn’t following her. Serena’s trembling legs refused to support her any longer and she sank slowly to the bathroom floor, wrapping her arms around herself as tears flowed, slow and silent, down her cheeks.

  Chapter Six

  Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Kevin rolled out of bed and began to pace the length of his bedroom, naked, as anger turned his stomach inside out. He’d damn well known better. He’d known it was too soon, known she’d regret it. But he hadn’t been able to keep his hands to himself or his cock in his pants. Instead, he’d made love with a woman who was using him to forget the pain of her past. He’d taken Serena when she was lost and vulnerable and now they were both going to pay the price.

  Fuck! He thrust both hands into his hair, sinking heavily onto the bed. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Pretend he hadn’t just had the most mind-blowing sex of his whole life? Act like he didn’t want her so much it was painful to breathe when he wasn’t inside of her? Ignore everything but the work?

  No way. His teeth ground together. No fucking way. There was no way he was that good of an actor. And even if he was, there’s no way he’d do it.

  Serena couldn’t stumble into his life, turn him inside out and then stumble out again, pretending nothing had happened. She might be able to compartmentalize her life into neat little boxes, but he didn’t work that way. He couldn’t work that way. Besides, the thought of never being inside of her again, of never again hearing the soft, sexy sounds she made as she came, was way too horrible to think about.

  He heard the water start and images of Serena, naked and wet and in his shower, tormented him until his cock stood straight up and the mere act of existing hurt. He studied the door through narrowed eyes, weighing his options as he listened to the water pound against the glass shower door.

  He could play things Serena’s way for a while, give her some time and space. His mouth twisted in displeasure. He could wait for her to come out of the bathroom and have a civilized conversation about where they would go from here. His frown deepened and his eyes narrowed to little more than slits. Or he could go in there and demand to know what the hell was going on.

  Before he could talk himself out of it, Kevin crossed to the bathroom and rested his hand on the doorknob. He would simply go in and talk to her about why she was upset—before she could get her defenses back in place. He knew, instinctively, that she’d fled because she didn’t want him to see her vulnerability, because she couldn’t stand for him to see the rawness that was still in her. But he couldn’t fight her if he didn’t know what she was thinking—confronting her before she had herself completely under control again was the way to go. With a decisive nod, he turned the handle and pushed the door open.

  And froze. His hands clenched unconsciously into fists and a hand squeezed his gut with every heavy beat of his heart. Steam had slightly misted the glass shower door, but he could still see Serena’s silhouette through the fog. Her back was to the tap, her head thrown back and her hands lifted to her head as she slowly rinsed his shampoo from her hair. Her back was arched, her perfect breasts thrust forward and her nipples peaked as water cascaded slowly down her breasts to her stomach and lower still to the dark, sexy nest of her pubic hair. Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open.

  Kevin’s cock hardened to the point of obsession and he fought to hold back a groan of absolute lust. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen and he would die if he could
n’t be inside her again. Soon.

  Without giving himself time to think, without worrying about the consequences, Kevin slid open the door to the oversized shower and slipped silently inside. Serena’s eyes flew open, startled, worried, and instinct took over. He pulled her gently into his arms, cradling her head against his neck as his hands slid slowly up and down her back. She stood stiffly against him for a minute before the soothing rhythm of his hands slowly penetrated the fear battering her.

  Kevin felt Serena relax against him and the tightness in his chest slowly eased. They could still fix this. If he took things slow and easy, if he didn’t startle her or make her nervous, it would be okay. He took a deep breath, ignored his throbbing cock and slid his hands gently into her wet hair.

  Serena gasped as Kevin softly guided her head back under the spray, his fingers gently massaging the remaining shampoo from her hair. He stroked her scalp soothingly, fingers sliding softly through each section of her hair. He reached for another bottle, his big body still sheltering hers as he squeezed a small amount of conditioner onto his palm.

  She sighed and allowed her eyes to drift shut as she savored the feel of Kevin’s strong, talented hands slowly rubbing conditioner into her hair. His long, beautiful fingers gently rubbed her scalp in a circular motion, setting every nerve ending in her body on fire. He nudged her and she obligingly tilted her head back so that the warm water could slowly stream over her head and down her body again. His fingers continued their talented massage and her nipples tightened, despite the warm water cascading slowly over her shoulders and down her breasts.

  When her hair had finally been rinsed clean, Kevin rubbed a bar of soap between his hands and slowly began to lather up her body. His talented fingers slid down her neck, over the slope of her shoulders to the small of her back, before slipping around to tickle her belly button, setting the charms of her belly ring jangling. He gently skimmed her rib cage before stopping and slowly, oh so slowly, cupping her breasts.

  “When did you get that?” he asked.

  “Get what?”

  “The belly ring. I love it.”

  Serena sighed, leaned into him for support. “Sandra and I got them done on our sixteenth birthday. I’ve kept mine because—because it helps me remember how things used to be. It’s a connection between us—the only one that’s left.”

  “Oh, bebe,” he sighed. “You’ve had such a rough time of it.”

  She stiffened against him. “I don’t want your pity.”

  He pulled away, looked down at her. “Pity? I don’t pity you. I couldn’t. I admire you.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, right.”

  “I do. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met.”

  Serena shook her head, tried to turn away despite his hands clutching her shoulders. “I’ve been a basket case since you’ve met me.”

  “You’ve been in pain.” Lowering his forehead to hers, Kevin pulled her back into his arms. “There’s a huge difference.”


  “Sssh, bebe. Later. We’ll talk later.”

  He reached between them, used his thumbs to gently flick her nipples. Serena moaned before she could stop herself. It felt so good, so incredibly good, to have Kevin’s sensitive artist’s hands on her body. To have him touch her in the most mundane and the most secret places.

  He continued to stroke her breasts and Serena arched into him, her lower body pressing suddenly against his erection. She felt him stiffen, heard the sudden increase in his breathing and smiled. It was good to know that she affected him as crazily as he affected her.

  “Serena.” Kevin’s voice was husky, low and warning. Her scent was wrapping itself around him—a combination of his shampoo and her own spicy sweetness that was driving him out of his mind. He’d never been the possessive type, but something about Serena covered in his scent aroused him beyond bearing.

  “Hmmm?” she asked, allowing her own hands to slide sensuously up his back. She hooked her hands behind his neck and pressed tightly against him. She loved the feel of his chest against her nipples, his long, hard cock against her thighs. She tried to remember why she’d escaped to the shower, why this incredible pleasure had seemed like a bad idea. But as Kevin’s hands cupped her ass and lifted her flush against him, her ability to reason deserted her.

  “Inside,” she murmured, her hands slipping from his neck to cup his face as she fastened her lips to his. “I want you inside me. Now.”

  Kevin pulled away gently, his blue eyes gleaming devilishly as he eased her to the ground. “No.”

  “No?” Serena tried to focus on what he was saying, but his hands felt so good as they toyed with her nipples. He pinched them slightly between his thumb and index finger as he leaned down to blow a stream of hot air across the tight ruby buds. “What—what do you mean?” she asked, breathlessly, her knees threatening to collapse beneath her.

  He chuckled. “I mean no.” He rinsed the last of the soap from her aching body, turned her slightly. “We did it your way a little while ago. Now we do it my way.” He eased her down onto the shower bench directly across from the spray.

  Serena jerked as her overheated body sank onto the cool marble seat. She started to protest, but Kevin had sunk to his knees, spreading her legs and situating himself between her thighs. “What are you doing?” she asked, watching as he slowly lifted her foot and pressed his mouth to the inside of her ankle.

  “Whatever I want, cher.” His tongue slid tenderly up the side of her foot until he reached her toes. He looked up, his intense blue eyes holding her own as he slowly slipped her toe into his mouth and began to suck.

  Serena’s eyes widened and she instinctively tried to pull her foot away. But he wrapped a hand around her ankle and held her heel firmly against his chest as he continued his tender ministrations. His tongue slowly stroked the bottom of her toe even as his mouth continued the intensely erotic sucking. She could feel each pull deep in her womb, could feel hot liquid pool between her thighs as longing so intense it bordered on pain took control of her body.

  She was helpless, caught by the intensity of his eyes, lost to the black magic of his mouth. Serena tried desperately to hold on to the shattering remnants of her control but everything was fading beneath Kevin’s touch. Not again, she told herself, even as her head rolled back on her neck. She wouldn’t loose control again, she promised, even as her eyes closed and her body arched on the hard bench.

  Though it was slight, Kevin felt her sudden withdrawal and grinned. She could try to hold out as long as she wanted, but he knew her. He knew the passion that bubbled just under the surface and he was going to find it again, stoke it and shatter her control once and for all.

  With the rest of the world she could be as controlled as she wanted. She could be cool, collected, always on top of things. But not with him. He wanted the real Serena, both in and out of his bed. He wanted the Serena she kept hidden away, the one no one else got to see. And he would have her. No matter how many walls he had to break down, no matter how many barriers he had to shatter, he would have her. He grinned again as his tongue traced a leisurely path along the bottom of her foot, enjoying the contrasting tastes of the cool, clean water and the spicy honey of her skin.

  He found her arch, swirled his tongue around it before gently sinking his teeth into the smooth indentation. Serena let out a strangled scream, her body arching convulsively against the marble. He grinned and put a hand on her abdomen to keep her in place. Control, his ass. Nobody needed that much control and certainly not when they were making love.

  Kevin skimmed his mouth up the inside of her leg, his lips blazing a hot trail over the cool, porcelain skin. He wanted to rush wildly to the prize, to take her clit in his mouth and sink his tongue deep inside of her. He wanted to taste her, lick her, bring her to orgasm again and again with his mouth.

  She was his and he wanted to claim her, to brand her as his in the most primitive and obvious ways. He’d never felt this way about a woman, ha
d never known this bone-deep connection. He refused to look too deeply at the feelings and focused, instead, on the sizzling hot woman in his arms.

  As he felt his own control slipping he fought the overwhelming need to bury his head in the hot pink flesh between her thighs. Within seconds he could be tasting her, making her scream. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a grip on himself. He took another deep breath and bent his head back to her insanely beautiful legs. He forced himself to go slow, to savor every inch of her body as his lips caressed her ankle, her calf, the exquisitely sensitive spot at the back of her knee.

  He trailed hot kisses along the inside of her thighs, higher and higher until he finally reached her. He inhaled, savoring the sweet jasmine smell of her before placing his mouth as close to Serena’s clit as he could without actually touching her. He spread her thighs, pulled her lips apart to expose her gorgeous clit. Then he blew out a long, slow, steady stream of air directly on her.

  Serena moaned, high-pitched and desperate, her hips bucking wildly against his restraining hand. Her hands reached down, tangled in his hair and tried to bring his lips down to her as she pressed desperately against the hand holding her in place.


  “What?” he whispered, keeping his lips over her so that the vibration as he spoke would reach her.

  She arched again. “Please.”

  “Please what?”

  She leaned against the glass of the shower, her head thrashing back and forth, unable to say what she wanted. “You know.”

  He did, but he refused to get any closer. Her hands were still fisted and though she was powerfully aroused, he could feel the tension of control in each move she made. Her control was strained, her arousal making it harder and harder for her to hold on, but she wasn’t ready to let go. At least not yet.

  Smiling grimly, praying his own control was as strong as he thought it was, he licked her clit. Once. Twice. Three times. She began to relax. He felt the tension slowly leave her muscles as she calmed down. She was still aroused, true, but she was calm, convinced her control would not be breached. He licked her one more time, loving the honeyed cinnamon of her, before forcing himself to lift his head.