Page 14 of Four Play

  headlights washed over the SUV. She squinted, trying to make out the color. Really, who the hell else would it be?

  The door opened and then slammed.

  “Zoe? Zoe? Where the hell are you?”

  Brody’s bellow spurred her to action. She dashed from the woods and hurried in his direction. He turned and frowned when he saw her approaching. Tate stood in front of Brody’s truck, hands shoved into his pockets and his head hunched over to keep the rain out of his face.

  Zoe flew into Brody’s arms, wrapped herself completely around him, and hung on for dear life. Her heart beat wildly against his chest, and she tried to calm down.

  “For the love of God, why didn’t you stay in the truck?” Brody demanded.

  He wrapped his arms around her, plucked her off her feet, and walked the few steps to his truck. He yanked open the door and thrust her inside.

  “I know you think I’m an idiot,” she stammered out. “But I was scared out of my mind. It’s so damn dark on this road I can’t see anything, and I couldn’t get my truck started, and my self-defense instructor said a woman should never stay in a disabled vehicle, and I know you think I’m being a total girl, but I’d rather be wet and cold than wet, cold, and dead.”

  Brody put a finger over her lips to quell the babble fest, and then he hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

  “You did good, honey. Now let’s get you home so you can get dried off and warm. We can come back for your truck tomorrow, okay?”

  Tate opened the door on the other side and climbed in. He held out his arms to Zoe, and she dove for him, cuddling into his chest as her teeth chattered.

  Brody got in and turned the heater on full blast. He backed up enough so he could make a U-turn and then roared off in the direction of home.

  “You okay, Zoe?” Tate asked as he smoothed the wet hair from her forehead.

  “Yeah, now that you guys are here,” she mumbled against his chest. “I hated to get Chase from the station at this hour. They’ve probably had a busy day.”

  “If you’re ever in trouble, I don’t give a damn how busy a day any of us has had, you call,” Brody demanded. “Chase would have a kitten if you were stranded out here and didn’t call him.”

  “I’d have called him if I couldn’t get you guys,” she said.

  Tate leaned down and kissed her forehead. “What happened with your truck?”

  She frowned, her brow crinkling. “I don’t know. The damn thing just quit on me. Engine shut off, lights went off, everything went dead.”

  “Sounds electrical,” Brody said. “We’ll get it into the shop for you first thing tomorrow.”

  She snuggled farther into Tate’s embrace. “Thanks, you two. Don’t know what I’d do without you. I was scared out of my mind.”

  “I wish you didn’t have to work so damn late,” Tate muttered. “You shouldn’t be driving home so late by yourself, and especially not in this kind of weather.”

  They pulled up to the house a few minutes later and dashed inside to the kitchen.

  “You go get changed, Zoe. I’ll heat you up some soup,” Brody said.

  She didn’t argue. A hot shower might thaw her out and stop the shaking in her legs.

  When she returned, Brody and Tate were standing at the counter, a bowl of steaming broth to the side. Brody held out his arms, and she went into his embrace. He hugged her fiercely and stroked her still-damp hair.

  “You okay now?”

  She nodded against his shoulder. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

  He smiled and to her surprise bent his head to kiss her. Really kiss her. Not on the cheek or forehead. He sealed his lips over hers, and she melted into his warmth.

  She let out a breathy sigh that he caught in his mouth as his tongue laved over her lips. Man, he tasted good and felt even better.

  Tate cleared his throat and then shoved the bowl toward her. “Let’s go into the living room, where you can get warm on the couch.”

  Brody snagged the bowl and walked ahead of her. He set it down on the coffee table, and Tate handed her a glass of tea.

  She spooned the hot broth into her mouth, sighing in contentment when the warmth traveled to her stomach. By the time she was finished, the shaking had stopped, and she felt human again.

  She put the bowl back onto the coffee table and reclined on the couch between Brody and Tate.

  “Come here,” Brody said, extending his arm so she could snuggle underneath it.

  She burrowed into his warmth and laid her head on his chest.

  “Sorry to have gotten you guys up at this ungodly hour.”

  “It’s not a problem, Zoe,” Tate said. “I’m glad we were home so you weren’t stuck out there scared and wet on the highway.”

  “Or in the woods,” she said dryly.

  Both men chuckled. Tate slid his hand down her leg and squeezed affectionately. “We like that you’re such a girl.”

  Heat burned into her thigh where his fingers rested possessively. She glanced over to see mirroring heat in his gaze. Her breath caught and held as she continued staring. Then she looked up at Brody to see the same blaze in his eyes.

  They wanted her. And God, she wanted them.

  “Come here,” Tate whispered.

  She pushed herself awkwardly from Brody’s hold and slowly leaned toward Tate. He pulled her onto his lap, and before she could ponder what he might do next, he cupped her cheek and kissed her.

  She closed her eyes and then slid her arms around his neck. Kissing Tate was a study in feel-good. Comforting, natural, and so damn hot her toes curled.

  His tongue feathered over her lips, licking at the line and then the corner until it delved inward, finding hers and playfully flicking at the tip.

  “Do you have any idea how much I want you right now?” he whispered. “I wanted you back there on the roadside, you all slicked down with rain and those big eyes looking at me like I’d just saved the world.”

  She smiled and touched his cheek, tracing the line of his jaw and then running the tip of her finger over his full mouth.

  “You had saved the world. You saved mine.”

  She turned to Brody, who was watching with unabashed interest. She extended her hand and he caught it, tangling their fingers together.

  “I know one way y’all could get me warm,” she husked out.

  Brody’s eyes lit with a savage light. Tate went still against her, and then his hands smoothed up her waist to her breasts, cupping the soft mounds through her shirt.

  Suddenly Brody pushed himself off the couch. He stood over her, eyes blazing, his erection bulging the fly of his jeans. He held a hand down to her. Tentatively she reached up to grasp it, and he pulled her to stand in front of him. Tate stood behind her and she was trapped between two very hard, male bodies.

  “My room,” Brody bit out.

  He tugged at her arm as he headed toward his bedroom. As soon as they entered, he turned and pulled her into his arms. Even as he pulled at her shirt, Tate had her sweats down around her ankles.

  When she was naked between them, Tate knelt and kissed the cheek of her ass. He licked and then nibbled at the plump flesh. She twitched and squirmed as he worked his way to the other side. His tongue on her ass was exciting and a new experience for her. She shivered when he licked over the seam, ran it lightly up the sensitive skin until he reached the dimple at the top.

  Brody palmed both her breasts, plumped them up in his hands, and bent down to flick his tongue over her nipple. He alternated between them, feasting on the hard points.

  The dual assault wreaked havoc on her already frayed nerves. Her knees shook, her thighs quivered, and she had to reach out to brace herself against Brody.

  She wanted them as naked as she was. Not waiting for Brody to undress, she tore at his shirt, pushing, pulling until finally he broke away to help her. As he raised the shirt over his head, she dove into the waistband of his jeans, unbuttoning, unzipping, impatient to have him in her hands.

  His jeans fell, and Brody stepped away to kick out of the legs. When he moved back toward her, his heavy cock swung and then jutted upward, straining and erect.

  She placed both palms on his taut abdomen and slid them upward, over his chest wall and to his broad shoulders.

  “You have such an amazing body,” she murmured.

  “Yours is pretty damn fine too,” he growled.

  She turned, presenting her back to Brody. She stared at Tate and reached for his clothing. He was only too willing to help and in a few seconds, he stood naked before her, his cock pushing outward like he couldn’t wait to get it inside her.

  Brody pressed into her from behind while Tate stepped into her until their heat encapsulated her. Her breasts pressed against Tate’s chest, and she marveled at the feel of such solid male bodies surrounding her.

  Hard, unrelenting. Muscular. Taut. She felt small and delicate and very cherished. Tate leaned in to one side of her neck, and she gasped when his mouth gently found the flesh below her ear. Oh God, how had he known?

  Brody bent and pressed his mouth to the other side, and they simultaneously began sucking and nipping.

  Her knees buckled, and if they hadn’t caught her, she would have gone down. Flames blazed through her body. She was on fire. Her nipples hardened against Tate’s chest, digging into his skin like twin daggers. Her pussy clenched as pleasure stoked and built higher.

  They dragged her to the bed, somehow keeping their mouths fused to her neck. They went down in a tangle of bodies. She landed on top of Brody, and she turned immediately, her need fierce and overwhelming.

  She straddled him and leaned down, kissing and licking over his rigid belly and then up to his shoulder where his tattoo fanned out down his arm. She’d always fantasized about having him under her while she licked every inch of that tattoo.

  “Ride me, Zoe. Take me inside while Tate fucks your ass.”

  Brody’s guttural words hit her like a blowtorch. She reached down, fumbling clumsily with his cock. In the end, he had to help her by grasping the base and guiding her hips down with his other hand.

  She closed over him, wet and hot, sucking him deep. They both groaned.

  He grasped her hips with both hands, his fingers digging into her skin. He lifted and then pulled her back down, pushing to her very depths.

  The bed shook under Tate’s weight as he got up behind her. It took some maneuvering. They were clumsy and desperate and frantic to complete the act.

  Brody finally twisted and brought her with him so his legs dangled over the side of the bed. Tate got down and got between Brody’s legs, tucked his cock to her ass, and began to push.

  Oh God, he was hard and big and she was tight. Too tight.

  “I need some KY,” Tate bit out. “You’re too small this way. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He retreated, and she heard his steps lead away from the bed. Brody arched into her again, and she closed her eyes, throwing back her head as his hands left her hips to cup her breasts.

  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve fantasized about having you on top of me?”

  “Do you know how many times I’ve imagined you under me?” she whispered.

  She leaned forward, spreading her hands over his chest. She bent to kiss him, devoured his mouth. She was hungry and insatiable. She wanted him.

  “God, Zoe, slow down, honey. I’m never going to last.”

  She smiled, wicked, flashing her teeth as she sat up, going still over him. She reached for his hands and pulled them to her breasts, molding them over the sensitive mounds.

  Tate’s hands spread over her back, smoothing up her skin, eliciting a deep shudder. She closed her eyes and arched back into him, wanting, needing his touch.

  “Lean forward, baby. Let me get you ready.”

  She bent and as his fingers found her, sliding the lubricant over her opening, she crushed her lips to Brody’s, taking his gasp of pleasure deep inside her, filling her.

  He slipped in a finger and then two, stroking and easing her passage. Then he retreated and his cock nudged impatiently at her ass.

  She went tense and Brody’s hands gripped her shoulders.

  “Easy, honey. Be still a moment and let him in. Let him do the work.”

  Her opening stretched around his persistent intrusion. The head slipped in and she gasped into Brody’s mouth at the intense, stretching sensation. Tate halted and she whimpered her protest. She wanted him. Inside her. Now. Any way he had to do it.

  Tate’s hands gripped her hips. Brody held her shoulders. Then Tate pushed. Hard.

  She cried out. She wiggled and squirmed and four hands held her down. Brody leaned up to kiss her and murmured soothing words that blew over her ears, but she was too hyped to hear what he said.

  Every muscle in her body trembled as she fought the overwhelming sensation of both their cocks so deep in her body. They hadn’t moved. They just waited for her to adjust.

  Slowly their hands began to move over her, petting and caressing, soothing her ragged nerves. Then Tate pulled slowly out, his cock dragging over her stretched opening with excruciating pressure.

  He was nearly out, and her body started to close around his retreat. He thrust forward again, opening her wide. She went crazy and began to buck between them. Brody cursed. Tate muttered something unintelligible and then they both began to pump into her body with ruthless precision.

  She hadn’t a prayer of holding off her orgasm. It lit up her insides like fire to dry kindling. She exploded around them, shaking spasmodically. It rolled and continued to roll, tightening her womb, tightening around their cocks, demanding their release.

  Hot liquid spilled into her ass and pussy. With each thrust, more pumped into her, until she was slick around their cocks and the tension eased. They moved quicker and smoother now, continuing to thrust through their orgasm.

  No longer able to keep herself up, she sagged against Brody and felt Tate come with her, his chest pressed against her back. Sandwiched between them, she felt their bodies tremble and quake.

  Brody cupped her jaw and lifted until their lips met in a breathless embrace. He and Tate were both still wedged tight in her body. Warm fluid leaked from her ass and her pussy. She lay there, relishing the feel of both of them in her, around her, their skin against hers, their strength surrounding her.

  Finally Tate eased off her and withdrew. Brody put his arms around her, cupped her ass, and then rolled her underneath him. His hips lifted and he slipped from the clasp of her body.

  He pressed one last, breathless kiss to her lips before moving off her.

  “We made a mess,” he murmured. “Let me grab a clean sheet, okay?”

  She lay there, waiting for them to return. Tate came back a moment later with a warm washcloth and tenderly wiped the semen from between her legs and from the back of her thighs.

  When Brody returned, Tate scooped her off the bed and held her up close to his chest while Brody stripped the sheet and hastily threw the other one back on. When he was done, Tate laid her back on the bed, and she immediately cuddled into Brody’s embrace.

  The bed dipped on the other side as Tate climbed up beside her. He spooned up behind her and kissed her shoulder.

  “All better?” he murmured.

  She smiled. “Yeah, I’m not scared anymore.”

  Brody chuckled and tucked her head underneath his chin. “Get some rest. You’ve had a long night.”


  Zoe woke all tangled up with Brody and Tate. She faced Tate but was spooned against Brody. He had one arm and a leg thrown possessively over her body. Tate slept with one hand cupping her naked breast.

  She closed her eyes again as a sick feeling washed over her. Last night had been magic. She’d been caught up in the moment, and she’d let things go too far.

  Chase had been at work. Chase hadn’t been here. He hadn’t been watching, and he damn sure hadn’t known what was going on.