Page 16 of Four Play

  “Hey, you guys ready to go?” Tate asked from the doorway. “Chase is chomping at the bit to go find Zoe some wheels.”

  Zoe grinned. She was a little excited about it herself.


  Zoe zipped into the driveway in her new black SUV and grinned at how the moonlight reflected off the shiny paint job. Okay, so she hadn’t been that hard to convince when it came down to it. Truth be told, the guys had had to corral her because she’d been a little too eager to seal the deal.

  But hey, that’s what guys were for. All the wheeling and dealing and the things that made them feel all manly.

  As soon as she entered through the kitchen, she tossed her keys onto the bar and frowned at how dark the house was. Wasn’t anyone home? Before she could reach for the light switch, she sensed another presence.

  She whirled around, but Chase’s hand clamped over her mouth. This time he didn’t offer the assurance he had the first time he’d abducted her, but then he didn’t need to. From the first touch, her blood pumped furiously through her veins.

  He hauled her up, her back pressed against his chest as her feet left the floor. He carried her into the living room, where she saw what looked like a padded exam table. She didn’t even want to know where he’d scored that—or what he was going to use it for.

  Okay, maybe she did, because her mind was swarming with the possibilities. And she loved each and every one.

  He tossed her down on the table and yanked at her bottoms. Her underwear came with them, and she was naked from the waist down. He dragged her down the table until her ass was hovering on the edge. And easily accessible.

  The sound of his zipper scoured her ears, and before she could think anything further, he pushed into her, shocking her with his entry.

  She was unprepared, and it took him more effort to get inside her. The rough sensation of him shoving through her pussy made her pulse soar. Her belly contracted, and she clamped down around him, making it even more difficult for him to gain entry.

  “Don’t fight me,” he growled. “I’ll get inside you, Zoe. Make it easy on yourself and accept me.”

  Her heart sped up at the rough words. Though she didn’t want to make it easier—she liked the sensation of him so full inside her too much—his words made her go damp, and he slid in another inch.

  The friction was too much. She couldn’t hold him off. He powered to the hilt, and they both made deep sounds of contentment when he bottomed out.

  He didn’t pause long, though. He withdrew and forced himself in again, and then he took off, working rough and fast in and out of her body.

  It was quick and brutal in intensity. She came in the next breath, the orgasm knifing through her with power that shocked her. He powered in again and then found his own release, pouring himself into her.

  He let her legs go immediately and pulled out, leaving her gasping for breath. He quickly moved around her and pulled at her top until it came over her head, leaving her in just her bra.

  Her legs dangled over the edge of the table, and she sagged as he pushed the bra straps from her shoulders. He pushed her over so he could unhook it in the back and then let her fall back to the table.

  Her breasts jiggled when he took her hands and pulled her arms over her head. What on earth was he doing?

  He curled his fingers around her wrists and trapped them against the table so that she was completely vulnerable, her body laid out like a feast.

  And then she had her answer when she heard footsteps on the hardwood floors. Footsteps from more than one person. Her mind flashed back to the night they’d unveiled all their secret fantasies, and she could only think of one that fit the bill here.

  Oh my God.

  Surely not.

  Tate and Brody stepped into view, their hands going to her legs. They pushed until her knees bent and then they spread her wide, holding her in place.

  Which meant . . .

  She swallowed, and for the first time felt uncertainty and a little fear wash up her spine. She heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper, heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper. She tried to raise her head to see, but Chase pressed her head back down and held her firmly in place.

  A thumb pressed to her clit and then slid down her seam to her entrance. Just one brush and then a cock replaced the thumb and pushed into her. She gasped at the instant fullness. If Chase hadn’t come inside her, she would have never been able to take this man.

  And then he leaned into her and she caught the outline of his face. Dillon?

  Stunned, she stared down as he began fucking her with long, ruthless strokes.

  It was her fantasy come to life, just as she’d pictured it, just as she’d described it to Chase. Brody and Tate held her legs, held her open to Dillon’s savage fucking. And oh God, it felt good. She loved their hands on her body. Loved the way Chase held her to the table, her wrists trapped underneath his hands.

  Brody held her leg with one hand, but his other caressed up and down the back of her thigh, his touch soothing and sensual. Tate pressed a kiss to the side of her leg as he held her open to Dillon.

  And Dillon. Just like in her fantasy, it was down and dirty. Crude and nothing soft or romantic about it. He fucked her like she was an instrument for his pleasure and nothing else. Only she knew better. She could see his eyes, see how he looked at her. She could remember how tender and demanding he’d been that night in the hotel.

  His expression grew fierce, and he pulled away from her, leaving her pussy clenching with need. He hadn’t come. She looked at him in bewilderment, but when he took Tate’s place and Tate took position between her legs, she understood.

  Tate unzipped his pants, put on a condom and stabbed into her, his cock sinking deep. She sucked in a steadying breath and prayed she could hold on. She felt light and a little unhinged. If she gave in to the orgasm that rose, she’d never enjoy the rest of this experience. She wasn’t even sure she would be aware of what happened.

  Need clawed at her, demanding release. Her body shook with the force of Tate’s thrusts. Her breasts jiggled, and her head rose up the table, precariously close to the wrists Chase had trapped just above.

  Too soon, he too pulled out, and Brody stepped away, releasing her leg to Tate. As she glanced down her body, she saw him shove at his jeans, pushing them just down his hips so that his cock sprang free. Then he stepped between her legs, positioned his cock, and with one fierce push he was deep inside her.

  The room began to spin. She looked up, trying to focus, but the ceiling blurred and contorted. She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, determined not to go over the edge. Not yet.

  A whimper escaped, and she struggled against Chase’s hold. Not that she was afraid. Not that she truly wanted free. She just didn’t know how to handle the overwhelming sensations that bombarded her so relentlessly.

  Her skin felt alive and she was wild underneath it, like a butterfly trying to free itself from the cocoon. She went a little crazy, arching, twisting, and undulating.

  Dillon replaced Brody and began fucking her all over again. It was more than she could bear. Her orgasm sliced through her, a sharp blade that shredded her senses.

  She flew in a thousand different directions. Her release was a vicious, living thing that bloomed and exploded, swelled again and sparked an inferno.

  Dillon cursed and stiffened between her legs. The veins in his neck bulged as she writhed against him. He sagged, then stepped back only for Tate to take his place.

  She whimpered again when Tate thrust into her hypersensitive body, but her orgasm was still gaining momentum. There was no mercy for her, no letdown after the storm. How could it last so long? Be so intense?

  In the midst of Tate’s release, every muscle in her body tightened, and she screamed from the sheer agony of it. Somehow, some way she had to be released.

  Chase leaned down over her, his lips crushing hers in a sweet, desperate kiss. Tate pulled out of her only for Brody to take his place. No
, she couldn’t take any more. Could she?

  Two mouths, warm and so very sensual, closed around her nipples. She hadn’t thought she could push herself up that mountain any higher. She’d been wrong.

  Brody pounded at her pussy, each stroke sending fierce streaks of pleasure through her belly, and now the two mouths around her nipples sucked and nipped, sending an equal measure of pleasure streaking down to her pussy.

  The two sensations collided in the middle and the result was nothing like she’d ever experienced in her life.

  She gasped, but the sound was swallowed by Chase. She tried to scream, but his mouth remained solidly fused to hers. And then he slid his lips down her jaw, pushing so that her neck was exposed. He sank his teeth into the tender column below her ear just as Brody pumped into her again.

  She lost awareness. She came completely apart. The room blurred and went black. No longer could she see anything. She could only feel. Mindlessly she writhed, arched, and fought. Not against the pleasure, but she fought to control it—and herself.

  She wasn’t successful. As Brody sank into her again and held himself against her as he came, she slipped away, borne on a tide of mind-numbing pleasure. She let go, quit fighting, and quite simply, she surrendered.

  Going limp, she closed her eyes, feeling them roll back in her head. Her mouth sagged open and she reached for oblivion.

  It was a long time—or at least what she thought must have been a long time—before she came back to awareness. For all she knew it could have been a matter of minutes, or maybe just seconds.

  Gentle hands petted and caressed her. Stroked her hair, her legs, her belly, and her breasts. Warm mouths brushed over her skin, stopping to suckle tenderly at her breasts or to nip lightly at her neck.

  The warm haze built and surrounded her. It was better than the best alcohol buzz. There was nothing better, she was sure of it.

  She opened her eyes to see four men surrounding her, each touching and caressing her almost reverently. Chase was closest to her, his lips against her neck and then her ear.

  “You’re back,” he whispered.


  It was all she could manage, but then she remembered that Dillon was here. She pried open her eyes one more time and stared down her body to see him holding one of her legs, straightened this time, as he kissed just below her knee.

  Brody and Tate were at her breasts, one of them suckling a nipple and the other kissing the hollow of her belly. She’d never felt more treasured and so very precious than at this moment.

  “Dillon,” she murmured. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  He looked up at her, a gleam of amusement in his eyes. “Chase and I are old friends. I work for a firehouse in Houston.”

  She chuckled. “Somehow I knew he wouldn’t go for picking up a complete stranger and taking him back to our hotel.”

  “A guy’s gotta look out for his girl,” Dillon said with a grin.

  She looked up to find Chase so close, his eyes locked with hers. She reached up to touch his face, letting her fingers slide down his jawline.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “He looks after me so well.”

  Chase smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “So what did you think?” he murmured. “Everything you thought it would be?”

  She shook her head, and he frowned. “Were we too rough? Did we hurt you?”

  She smiled. “No, it was perfect. It was far more than I’d ever imagined. And maybe it was because I was with men I trust. Men I know wouldn’t hurt me or take things too far but weren’t afraid to play rough either.”

  “I’m pretty sure we’re your slaves for life,” Chase said in amusement.

  Her grin grew wider. “Be careful what you say. I might like the idea of having four very devoted slaves in my harem.”

  “Want to play some more, or are you done?” Chase murmured.

  “Mmmm, what did you have in mind?”

  “Me, you, a few of my friends. You could dance for us in the living room and we could take it from there. Anything you want. Anything we want.”

  “Now that sounds pretty damn awesome,” she whispered back. “If you could feed me first and give me a little time to recover, it’ll sound even better.”


  “I’ll take Zoe into the living room,” Brody said. “You get her something to eat.”

  Chase raised an eyebrow at Brody’s terse voice. Brody shouldered past Chase and gently gathered Zoe into his arms. He curled her against his body, shielding as much as her as possible as he strode into the living room. Tate followed, zipping his pants on the way.

  Dillon met Chase’s gaze and shrugged. The two men went into the kitchen, and Chase pulled out the sandwich fixings from the fridge.

  Dillon hovered, hands shoved into his pocket, and then a sigh escaped him. “Look, man, maybe I should leave.”

  Chase glanced up at him. “Is there a problem?”

  “You tell me. When you approached me about being a part of Zoe’s fantasy, I thought why not. She’s hot. That night in the hotel was fantastic. She’s not the problem here.” He hooked a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the living room. “Big guy in there doesn’t like me being here. I think he’s pissed.”

  Chase dropped the ham on the counter and turned to Dillon. “What makes you say that? I admit, my attention was focused on Zoe during the whole thing. I wasn’t exactly paying attention to what the rest of you were doing.”

  “All I’m saying is that he didn’t want me touching her. Period. You could have broken a rock on his face when Zoe mentioned the whole bar thing. I’m all for great sex, but I’m not going to step into a shit storm.”

  Chase frowned. It would certainly explain Brody’s protective-ness of Zoe at the end when he all but shoved Chase out of the way to take Zoe into the living room.

  “Yeah, I understand. Sorry, man.”

  “Hey, not a problem, though you might want to check on the fact that another guy is going all He-Man on your girl.”

  He wasn’t about to tell Dillon that he didn’t mind, nor was he going to get into the dynamics of the relationship—what relationship? He shook his head. Things were getting complicated. He knew Zoe had some issues where Brody and Tate were concerned, and it was likely they did too. But damn.

  “I’m going to head out. Kiss Zoe for me and let her know I had a great time. I don’t want her thinking I left because of her, okay?”

  “Will do,” Chase said. “Later, man.”

  The door shut behind Dillon, and Chase returned to the sandwiches with a frown. He hadn’t imagined that bringing Dillon in would piss Brody off. Maybe he should have planned better. Or maybe it was time to step out of the realm of fantasy for a while.

  It was easy to get carried away, that much was obvious. When you had a girl as responsive and open to kink as Zoe was, it was easy to take things too far. Was that what he’d done? Gone too far?

  He’d told himself that he was fulfilling a fantasy for Zoe, but what if it was just that? A fantasy. Something sexy to talk about in private and never meant to take into the real world. Or maybe he was living out his own fantasies and rationalizing them by saying he was doing it for Zoe.

  Or maybe he just needed a fucking reality check.

  He piled the sandwiches on a plate and walked into the living room. Zoe was curled onto Brody’s lap. Brody had wrapped a blanket around her so that no part of her body showed. His arms were wrapped protectively around her, and her face was burrowed into his neck. Brody had one hand in her hair, stroking absently as he rested his cheek on the top of her head.

  The knot in Chase’s stomach grew larger.

  Tate sat across from the couch, slouched in a chair, his legs sprawled out in front of him. He watched Zoe, his expression indecipherable.

  When Chase put the plate down on the coffee table, Brody looked up.

  “She’s asleep,” Brody said in a low voice. “She’s tired.”

  He said it almost accus
ingly, and Chase flinched.

  “Where’s your friend?” Tate asked.

  “He left,” Chase said as he sat down.

  “Good,” Brody said bluntly.

  Chase sighed. He really didn’t want to get into the whys and wherefores. It was probably a good idea if they dropped it and