Chapter 2-User Agreement for the Document
“To the Angel of the Church in the Place Called America”
This document is considered under copyright. Thomas C. Radcliff, a member of First Baptist Church of Logansport, Louisiana, the author of the document, has granted to the church the proceeds from the document. In order that the people of the churches and of the general population might have economical access, we ask that recipients please adhere to the guidelines of the user agreement. This will allow access for all churches from the smallest house church to the largest mega-church, while following the scriptural admonition that the worker is worthy of his hire. My only paycheck awaits me in that beautiful land across the River Jordan. There is One Judge that will evaluate our actions and yours.
By accepting a copy of this document, the reader agrees to the following:
1. Any pastor of any Christian Church is entitled to one, and only one, free copy of this document whether transmitted as hard copy or electronically via fax, email, downloaded file, or other electronic means.
2. Any pastor of any Christian Church may freely use this document as a basis for one or more sermons, messages, or pastoral comments, in church or other material, so long as proper full credit is given to the author and owners of the document. Any pastor may freely transmit the document to any other pastor.
3. At their discretion, pastors or churches may make copies of this document for distribution to members or others. The pastor or church is obligated by accepting one free copy to pay to First Baptist Church of Logansport, $0.25 for every copy made and transmitted whether hard copy or electronically via fax, email, uploaded or downloaded file, or other electronic means.
4. This agreement is permanent and does not expire. Pastors and churches are obligated to inform their personnel, congregations, and other recipients of the document of this agreement. Individuals may offer to provide legitimate copies to interested parties for the same price of $0.25 each paid to First Baptist Church of Logansport.
5. A copy of this agreement is to be included with every copy of “To the Angel of the Church in the Place Called America.”
6. Any individual, pastor, or church not wishing to adhere to this agreement has permission to use their copy only as stated above. They do not have permission to make or distribute copies of any sort, whether hard copies or electronic copies.
7. This document is meant to Glorify God and His Holy Word and has no other purpose, stated or unstated. The recipient is asked to pray for the document and all those involved in its writing and distribution.