"I quite like this mutual admiration society we've got going, love." I smiled against her mouth as we drew back to look into each other's faces. Her eyes were sparkling as a small smile danced on her kiss dampened lips.
"Look at this one." I pulled the ‘bed of flowers' picture from the bottom of the pile and moved it to the top.
Brook stilled as her breath rushed out. "Holy shit. Just... wow."
My hand was drawing circles on the back of her shirt and she leaned back into me slightly. "Exactly. That's my very favorite. I never want to stop looking at your face. The love there... it's incredible."
"It is." Her lips found my temple and she brushed them across my skin. That photo was the last one that we shot and afterward, we could barely keep our hands off each other until we got back to the hotel that night. Heat rushed under the surface of my skin at the memory. Brook read my mind. "That night was incredible. You were so... "
"Hungry," I said softly.
"Mmmm, yes. That's a good word. I like you hungry," she teased.
"That works out well then, doesn't it?" I ran my hand down her leg and squeezed the muscle of her thigh as she sat on my lap.
"Yes, and I could easily let myself get caught up in it right now, but I'm gross. It was a long day, and I need a shower." I could hear her stomach grumbling and smiled. "Looks like I'm hungry, too," she chuckled softly.
"Okay, I'll order something while you get cleaned up. What would you like?"
"Food." Brook kissed my mouth quickly and then got up and went to gather clean clothes from the dresser. I laughed at the way her eyebrow raised as she looked at me. "Whatever you order is fine, unless it's Figgy pudding." She laughed and I couldn't help but join. "You didn't peek at the interview, did you?" I gave her a cheeky grin and her eyes widened. "Cade?" she questioned.
"Who, me?"
"Better not have. I'd have to punish you."
"Damn it!" I teased. "Now I wish I did read it!" My eyes roamed over her body, and stopping on the bare skin exposed above the waistband of her jeans underneath the hem of her shirt. "But, no, I didn't. I promised I'd wait." We hadn't discussed the interview right after we'd done it and agreed that it would be more fun to wait and read the other's responses without knowing what the answers were ahead of time.
She giggled as she took note of where I was looking and purposely pulled off her shirt and disappeared into the bathroom. The expanse of bare skin across her slender back called to me. "Don't worry. I'll still punish you if you want me to, baby."
I couldn't help but laugh out loud and picked up the phone to order room service as the water turned on in the bathroom. I ordered beer and burgers and then grabbed the still-sealed envelope and went into the bathroom. I could see Brook's naked body through the steam that had accumulated on the glass door of the shower.
"Mmmmm... Yum," I said softly, then slid down the wall next to the shower, now torn between reading the article and staring at her delicious nakedness.
She glanced up from soaping her body and admonished me. "Hey, none of that until after we read that interview and eat. I didn't have lunch."
I felt tension grip my chest. Wendy.
"What did she do?" I asked with a great deal of trepidation.
"Nothing really, it's just so damn uncomfortable being around her. Timing sucked because she just got fired off another movie." The amusement in Brook's tone was clear and I drew in a breath. I was always on guard when it came to Wendy. After everything she'd put us through, I'd never trust that bitch. “To be fair, she’s a good actress, but she’s a trouble-maker. Cade?"
Brook's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Um, yeah." I ripped open the top of the envelope and pulled out a stack of paper held together by a spring-loaded clip. "Do you want me to start?"
"Sure." She was shampooing her hair now and my gaze lingered on the curve of her breasts as she raised her arms. Her pink nipples, and the roundness waiting there for me to open that door and reach out and touch. I shook my head. This is not what she wants me to be doing.
I cleared my throat and began. "With The Future of Our Past the young actors found themselves thrust into the spotlight. Now, while their characters are torn apart in Don’t Forget to Remember Me, they couldn't be closer." I smiled because I couldn't bloody stop myself. Fuck! If they only knew, we'd been close for months more than anyone knew.
Brook grabbed a towel that was hanging over the shower and opened the door. She was smiling too, and taunting me with her nakedness. She knew how helpless I was when she got all flirty and tempting.
"I'd like to get closer. You?" She raised her eyebrow and licked her lips once.
"Stop being so naughty. Do you want to read this, or what?"
"Okay. I couldn't resist." She wrapped the towel around herself and began running a comb through her hair, sitting on the edge of the tub as she did so. "What about the newlywed thing? That dude, Mark, told us that he was going to reference it to the picture of the white dress."
"Um, okay... I’m looking." My eyes scanned the page. "Hey, that asshole said you lead me around by the nose. What a wanker," I said, amusement lacing my tone. I let out my breath. "Hmmph. I think that was pushing it. I wanted to be public about us, but I don’t need people thinking I’m a pussy."
Brook laughed out loud and nudged my knee with her foot. "You're just too nice in those interviews, babe. It's just a perception people get. They scare the crap out of me, so I come off like a standoffish bitch. Everyone assumes it, even before they even meet me. It's the deer-in-the-headlights look." She tried to widen her eyes and stare blankly at me, but she couldn't stop the huge grin on her face and we both ended up giggling. "You're so humble and oblivious to how beautiful you are."
"Pfft! Whatever." I looked back down to the pages. "They're so wrong about you."
"As long as you think so," she said softly and then moved to sit next to me on the floor, the towel barely clinging to her damp skin. She leaned her head on my shoulder, and I bent to place a kiss on her wet hair. "I love you."
"Yeah, I missed you today. I was worried that hag would bother you. I'm glad it turned out okay."
"I can handle her now. Keep reading." Her hand wrapped around my bicep and squeezed. The clean scent of coconut from her shampoo was all around me, and I inhaled deeply.
"Okay, so it talks about us being here in side-by-side rooms, with the entire floor to ourselves."
"Good old Jeanne. That should send a message even though the fans already know we're in one hotel and the rest of the cast is down the street. She's great."
"You said I spend more time on my hair? Seriously?"
"Cade. Come on. Did you deny it? Plus, I lost half of mine."
I smiled. "Not really. I just said that I don't like people messing with it."
"Shit, you mess with it. Constantly. "
"You agreed I’m more athletic. Good girl.” I smiled.
She only laughed. "Wouldn’t want you feeling inferior. How did you answer the questions about who Googled themselves more?'
I nudged her with my shoulder. "I told the truth. I said you, of course."
She gasped. "Me? Uh uh... you're always looking yourself up."
"I knew you'd say me. Do you really think I'm superstitious and not a good sport?"
"You are more superstitious than I am. I could give a fuck about most things and you know it. But I never said you were a bad sport. I just said I was more uh... relaxed." She bit her lip to hide her smile as she started to stand up and then began to run into the other room. “I was referring to the need to be open about the relationship. I’m fine with keeping the secret, and you aren’t. I couldn’t say that, so I improvised.”
I longed for the day when we could be honest about everything. I quickly set the article to the side and reached for the edge of her towel, and yanked it from her retreating form. She squealed and I jumped to my feet and chased her back into the bedroom. My arms caught her and I fell with her onto the bed. We were both laughing, but
quickly sobered as our mouths found each other.
"Sorry, love, I just can't help myself. Here you are all naked... and mine so... " I knew the food would arrive soon, but I looked into her eyes and brushed her hair back off her face. I saw the look there, the same one I'd seen in that photograph and my heart leapt in my chest.
"Yes. Yours."
"Are you sure you want dinner?” I asked against her mouth, and it came alive under mine. All thought of burgers and beer was forgotten. Even when the knock on the door came, we ignored it. The only sounds in the silent room were panting breaths, soft moans, and hungry mouths as we claimed each other yet again.
I WAS SITTING IN the makeup trailer as Mickey worked on my face, my heart thrumming in my chest at the contents of the envelope on my lap. Jeanne sent it to me through the production company using a bonded messenger. It hadn't hit newsstands yet. I had only looked at the cover and hadn't read the article.
I glanced up at the man working to make my face perfect, and then he moved to start working on my hair. "Damn girl. You were a stupid bitch to cut your hair. These hair extensions are a pain in my ass!"
"Hey, dipshit. I hear that from you daily. I get it. Move on." I rolled my eyes at his reflection in the mirror. He huffed.
"It's me that has to deal with the repercussions, not you, missy. Couldn't you have thought of what I'd have to go through before you whacked the shit out of it?" he complained. "I kept hoping your man would hate it enough to dump your skinny ass and give someone else a chance at that hotness." He smirked at me and I smiled happily back at his reflection. He knew that Cade and I were solid, but he loved to tease me.
"It’s not that short, and nope. He's off the market indefinitely, Mickey. Although," I quirked an eyebrow at him, "I might have a seriously delicious treat for you today."
His eyes lit up. "Is he coming in to see me?"
My jaw jutted out as I tried not to start laughing.
"Um, no. But this is close. Before I show it to you I want you to promise not to damage it, Mickey. You can't keep it either, only look at it. It comes out in three days, so I have to keep it under wraps."
"What is it?" Mickey asked anxiously.
"Do you promise?" I persisted.
"Bitch, if you don't get on with it, I will not be responsible for my actions!"
I burst out laughing. "I love you, Mickey. You're so hilarious!"
"Oh, okay." I pulled out the November issue of Vanity Fair. Cade was on the cover and his intense gaze ripped right through me. Jesus, he was beautiful. I pulled it to my chest to hide it from the anxious man practically jumping up and down next to me. He reached for it, and my arms tightened around it. "Mickey. Take a deep breath," I teased. "This is probably the most beautiful picture of Cade I've ever seen, so be prepared. I don't want you hyperventilating on me."
"I'm fucking prepared already! Just let me see it!" The man was beside himself with excitement.
I lowered my arms and his gasp was audible.
"Holy Jesus." His hands reached out to take the magazine from me, bringing it up so he could examine the cover photo more closely.
"I know, right?" I asked breathlessly. He was sexier than hell, in bed no less and his blue eyes blazing.
"Oh. My. God!" Mickey took the magazine from my hands and looked at it in silent awe. "That boy is... "
"All mine," I said quietly and glanced down at my hands.
"Like I said Brook, you are one lucky bitch. If you hurt him, I will hunt you down and shave your head. More than it already is."
"Shut up, Mickey. It's not that bad. Now give it back. I need to be on set in twenty minutes."
"I want to read the article and look at the rest of the pictures," he whined but handed it back to me reluctantly. I tugged it hard to get him to let go completely, "For crying out loud. You see him every day."
“So?” He pouted.
As Mickey went back to work, and I flipped open the magazine; my phone rang. It was Jeanne.
"Hey. Thanks... " I began but she interrupted me.
"Brook. Have you read the article?" she asked anxiously.
"Not yet. I was just about to. Why?"
"Cade is going to be so pissed." I felt my face flush. If there was something in the article that was wrong, it was too late to do anything about it.
"Why, Jeanne? Just tell me."
"Well, Cade did that interview at Comic-Con the morning before you went up there, and well... "
My heart was beating faster and I stood up from the chair, leaving Mickey to throw his hands in the air at his lack of subject matter. "Jeanne, please."
"It says that he's not in a relationship, that he's single."
I took a deep breath. Considering all of the articles that came out around the time of Comic-Con and since where Cade's feelings for me were plastered across them for all the world to see and then all of the photos of us together than had come out just after this interview had taken place, I could see the problem. I also knew that I didn't really care, but that Cade would. He wouldn't want any contradiction to the Harper’s article, and he was adamant that while we didn’t exactly confirm anything, we’d stop denying the relationship. This definitely fucked that up.
"Ugh... "
"No shit! The worst part will be is that the Harpers article is coming out in two weeks and we don't want that message to be discounted because of this one."
"What can we do?" I started to pace back and forth across the table. "How did this happen?"
"Brook!" Mickey called, and pointed to his watch. I waved him off impatiently.
"Obviously, the writer of the article did not verify the contents with Cade just before publication as is what the protocol is. He's going to be in deep shit from his publishers. Especially since the same company publishes both Vanity Fair and Harpers. It's a huge cluster, and I'm sure the execs over there are pissing in their pants."
"Oh, God," I said shortly. I wanted to run my hands through my hair but stopped when I realized I’d screw up Mickey’s work with the extensions. "Well... they have to do something if they ever want Cade on a cover of any of their publications ever again." My mind raced and the silence on the other end of the phone meant Jeanne's was too.
"I'll call them. We need to get the Harpers pictures out there before this article publishes. I think that's the best solution."
"Will they do that?"
"Brook, the entire Harper's spread was to let the world know you and Cade care about each other. We can't have the Vanity article screwing that up. They'll do it because I'm sure it won't keep fans from buying the magazine for the interviews. Even if it does, it's their problem, not ours."
"Okay." I sat back down in the chair so Mickey could resume his work but he shot me a snarky look. "Tell Denise to let me break it to Cade. He's going to be so upset, but I'll try to explain it to him."
"Actually, she and I have already talked. That was our plan: to have you tell him." Jeanne laughed nervously over the telephone.
"Hmmmph," I sighed but smiled. "It’ll be okay. He won't blame you two. I'll handle it. I promise."
When I hung up the phone, Mickey was staring at me. "I'll bet you'll handle it."
"Yes." A blush rushed up under my skin, which was surprising, considering Mickey knew the status of Cade and I. "He knows who loves him, and soon fans will know, too. This is just a little, unexpected bump. I'm sure it’ll be fine. We've got the best team behind us, and we have each other. No matter what."
FILMING WAS GOING well, and as much as I hated the thought of our time filming together ending, I was anxious to get out from under Pinnacle's preverbal thumb and start our life. Out in the open.
Brook had a screen test for a new film, so Martin had graciously given her a break from filming while I was to work on some of my scenes with Leah St. Claire. I didn't want her doing the movie because I didn't like the director, nor did I trust the male lead who had already been cast. Sheldon Richards was a plonker who used his good
looks and star-power to leave a stream of women in his wake. He preyed on the younger actresses and crew who weren't aware of his reputation.
Tonight, during dinner and then on the way back to our hotel, Brook and I had a row about it. She didn't want me on set for the test, bloody hell if I wanted to stay away. I knew it was part of the job, but there was a part of me that didn't want that shit to go down without me around.
"Cade, we talked about this! You know I don't like you on set when I'm doing these kissing or almost kissing scenes. Can't you just let it go?" she said impatiently, pulling away to sit by the window of the cab and away from me. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.
"Get over it, Brook. I'm going to be there."
"Like hell! You always respected this before, so why now? This is going to be fucking uncomfortable as it is! I've been dreading the goddamn thing for the last two weeks! I knew you'd do this. You kiss actresses! You get over it!"
It wasn't long before we were pulling up to the hotel entrance. There were ten or so paparazzi and a few fans on the sidewalk in front. Immediately the flashes of the cameras started and I shoved on my sunglasses and pulled up the hood on my sweatshirt.
Brook didn't wait for me or even for her bodyguard to open the door. Instead, she pushed it open and flew into the hotel. I followed closely behind, worried someone would try to stop her, grab her, or hurt her in some way. At the sight of me, the screams intensified and the press started firing questions, but I ignored them all.
“Cade! What are you doing here?”
“Is Brook your girlfriend?”
“Mr. Carlisle! Cade, look over here!”
“Brook! I'm sorry! Just stop!” I called before I stopped to think of the implications of my words or actions. Surely these photos would be all over social media in a matter of seconds, and then the hotel would be inundated with more and more fans and press people.
She tossed me a glaring look over her shoulder, and her chin jutted out as we waited for the lifts to come. There were two or three other people waiting as well, all casting curious glances in our direction and the reporters continued to rant and the fans screamed at the top of their lungs. I hated this shit. I could do without this part of fame. "Brook... " I began again as the lift dinged when it settled on the floor and the doors started to open.