Page 16 of Beautiful Disaster

  Ariana nodded, even though her pulse was racing with terror. A secret society was watching her every move? Ariana had heard about these organizations in the past. They were powerful, selective, all-knowing. Suddenly every questionable move Ariana had made since arriving on campus flooded her memory. Stealing Christian's watch, sneaking back to the dorm during the professors' picnic to lift all that jewelry, going into D.C. to pawn the swag, meeting with Kaitlynn at the diner, going to Kaitlynn's hotel to try to murder her. Had they been watching her through all of this? Did they know what she was up to? Did they suspect she wasn't actually Briana Leigh?


  Suddenly, Ariana felt light-headed. She leaned back against the cool cinder-block wall as waves of heated panic crashed over her.

  "Ana? Are you okay?" Lexa asked, grabbing her wrist.

  The cool touch of Lexa's fingers brought her back just a bit. Enough to remind herself to breathe.

  In, one. . . two . . . three. . .Out, one . . . two . . . three . . .

  In, one. . . two . . . three. . .

  Out, one. . . two . . . three. . .

  She opened her eyes and focused on Lexa's pretty, pert face and the concern reflected there. Of course the secret society didn't know what she was up to. If someone had figured her out, surely they would have called the police. Ariana breathed in, let out a sigh, and felt much calmer.

  "I'm fine," she said. "It's just a lot to take in."

  Of course, now that she thought about it, it made perfect sense. Suddenly she understood all of Maria's thinly veiled comments--why she was always warning Ariana to do well, measure up, wear the right things, and contribute to Welcome Week. Why she and Tahira and Palmer knew who Ariana was when she first arrived on campus. They had heard of her because this secret society had decided to check her out for membership. Did that mean that they were all members? Even Tahira? That might better explain why Lexa tried to be nice to the girl. Why Palmer had chosen her to head up the fund-raiser over Brigit.

  "Maria's in it, too, isn't she?" Ariana whispered. "And Palmer? Tahira?"


  Lexa turned green. "I've already said too much. But listen, I really want you to get in. And I--"

  "Am I doing okay?" Ariana asked, feeling suddenly desperate. "How is it decided? I mean, am I going to get in?"

  Lexa shook her head. "I don't know. I can't tell you anything more."

  I really want you to get in, Lexa had said. Was this why she was trying to be happy for Ariana over being chosen as cox for the crew race? Was the fact that Palmer had asked her to do something so important a good sign?

  Deep breath, Ariana. Control.

  "But Brigit's not in yet," Ariana mused. "That's what you started to say."

  "No. She's not. And as a junior, this is her last chance," Lexa said sadly.

  And I'm a junior, too, Ariana thought. So this is my one and only chance.

  Ariana's mind reeled. If Brigit was having a hard time getting in, this must be a seriously exclusive secret society. The girl was an actual princess, for goodness' sake. If she couldn't get in, what were the requirements? Ariana's blood rushed so swiftly through her veins she started to tremble. She gripped her arm and held on for dear life, trying to keep herself in check. Whatever the requirements were, she would meet them. Lexa was in this society. Maria was too, she was sure. And Palmer, of course. Palmer was obviously some sort of leader. If they were all in, Ariana wanted in, too. Needed in. She had to prove that she was worthy.


  The library door slid open and a few people walked through, their conversation hushed. Lexa's hand automatically clasped Ariana's shoulder.

  "Briana Leigh, I need to know that you understand how important this is," Lexa said firmly, her tone more serious than Ariana had ever heard it before. "You can't tell anyone I told you. If you do I'm done and you'll never get in. Swear you'll never tell a soul."

  Ariana looked into her friend's eyes. She felt that this was the most important conversation she'd had since arriving at Atherton-Pryce. Her schedule didn't matter; her friendships with Maria, Brigit, and Soomie didn't matter; everything with Palmer didn't matter. This moment, right here, right now, was going to define Briana Leigh Covington for the remainder of her career at this school. Maybe even beyond.

  "I swear I will never tell a soul."



  Ariana strode across campus toward Cornwall, her hand still shaking as she punched in Kaitlynn's cell phone number. Secret societies at Atherton-Pryce Hall? What could be more perfect? The whole thing smacked of tradition and honor and intrigue--three of Ariana's favorite things. This morning, she had woken up wanting nothing more than to get rid of Kaitlynn and pass her last exam. Now all she could think about was this. Who else was in the society other than Lexa? Maria, she was sure. Soomie, most likely. The three of them were probably working hard behind the scenes to get Brigit accepted. Palmer, clearly. He was the president of the school and the captain of Team Gold. He was obviously in. But what about Landon? Maybe, if the fame thing had any cache. Tahira? There was a solid chance. She had known who Briana Leigh was before Ariana had introduced herself as such. Maria and Soomie could not like the girl and still be in the same society with her, right? Ariana was sure206

  it happened all the time. God, maybe she would even have to start being nice to Tahira.

  A shudder passed through Ariana at the thought. She wished Lexa would have just told her whether Tahira was in or not. Getting in would be so much easier if she knew who to focus her attention on. Or did they frown on people who sucked up to them? Ariana's heart felt panicky as she debated the issue. What did she have to do to get in?

  Well, not get pegged as an imposter and arrested, for starters, she thought wryly.She held the phone to her ear with a new sense of purpose coursing through her veins. Kaitlynn picked up on the first ring.

  "Why, Briana Leigh!" she sang in her teasing voice. "To what do I owe the honor of--"

  "Meet me tonight, the alleyway behind the American Museum of Pop Culture," Ariana said flatly. "Ten o'clock"

  "Wow. Someone's just full of demands all of a sudden," Kaitlynn said, her voice much less buoyant. "Do you have the--"

  "Trust me, after tonight, we won't be seeing each other again," Ariana said. Then she turned off the phone completely, before Kaitlynn could utter another word.



  Ariana opened the thick wooden door to the Hill and stepped inside. The tall windows were partially obscured by heavy brocade drapes, and after the sunlit quad, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the relative darkness. The lounge was dotted with mismatched antique chairs, couches, and tables, and housed a snack bar and coffee counter against the far wall. All around the room students lounged together, read novels, played chess or cards. There wasn't a TV or video game in sight, and just being there made Ariana feel as if she had entered a time warp. If not for the hissing of the cappuccino machine, she could have been a nineteenth-century coed, surrounded by her fellow knowledge-seeking classmates.She spotted Maria, Soomie, and Landon hanging out in a circle of seats near the windows, Maria on a cushy-looking couch by herself while Landon and Soomie were in separate chairs next to each other. Ariana took a deep breath. Now that she knew that Maria's suggestions


  and outright directions had been designed to help her, she wanted to be the girl's friend more than ever. Not just because it would help her solidify her place at APH, but because she was starting to actually like her. She was no-nonsense, which Ariana appreciated in a girl. Shaking her hair back from her shoulders, she strolled over and dropped down in one of the free chairs.

  "Hey," she said, leaning back. "It's so hot out there I thought I was going to melt."

  "You should have an iced coffee," Soomie said, taking a sip of her own. "Cools you right off."

  Maria simply stretched her arms above her head and yawned, not even bothering to acknowledge her.

>   "What's up, Ana?" Landon said, tilting his head against the back of his chair and looking at her through his lashes. "I sent you some files this morning. You listened to them yet?"

  "Sorry. Haven't had a chance," Ariana replied, lifting her hair from the back of her neck to fan her skin.

  "Your loss," he said.

  "Well, maybe if you go up there and get me an iced latte I'll give them a try," Ariana replied.

  She saw Soomie and Maria exchange a startled look. Ariana was flirting with their boy. Or Soomie's boy, as far as Soomie knew. Landon, oblivious to any games being played, simply smiled.

  "I'm on it," he said, rising languidly from his seat. "You ladies need anything?"

  "I'm good," Maria said, waving a hand at her espresso.


  "I'll come with you," Soomie suggested predictably.

  And then, just as Ariana had intended, she and Maria were left alone. Ariana turned her knees toward Maria's couch as Maria reached for her bag and extracted a W magazine.

  "So, what was the nine-one-one?" Ariana asked.

  "It was nothing," Maria said, flipping a page blithely. "I'm in this regional ballet company and I just found out I have to be a marching soldier again this year. I was hoping to move up to Sugarplum Fairy, but what are you gonna do?"

  "That sucks," Ariana said, crooking her arms over the arm of her chair. "Are you sure it wasn't just that you saw Soomie and Landon flirting and wanted to get her away from him?"

  Maria froze, but to her credit, didn't look up. "What is your obsession with me and Landon?"

  "I know what it's like," Ariana said, lowering her voice as some senior boys walked by, headed for the coffee counter. "The whole forbidden-love thing. I've done it, believe me."

  Her mind lingered for a moment on an image of Thomas Pearson, his blue eyes mischievous as he smiled at her from across the dining hall. She allowed herself one nostalgic pang, then let him disappear into the ether.

  Maria started turning pages again, but slowly, and her eyes were unfocused.

  "I know it's not your friends who disapprove, because Soomie talks about nothing but him and no one seems to care. So what is it . . . your family?" Ariana asked.


  Finally, Maria looked up. Her expression was guarded. Ariana's heart tap-danced around in her chest. She was getting somewhere.

  "Can I tell you something I haven't told anyone?" Ariana breathed, her fingers gripping the armrest.

  "That's your prerogative," Maria said.

  "I was engaged. Over the summer, my boyfriend asked me to marry him and I said yes," Ariana told her, thinking back to Teo's ever-so-public proposal to Briana Leigh in the middle of a street fair. "But when my grandmother found out, she freaked. She told me that if I didn't break up with him, she'd disinherit me."

  Maria leaned forward slightly, and Ariana knew she had struck a nerve. This story sounded familiar to Maria. Very familiar.

  "So what'd you do?" Maria asked.

  Ariana leaned back in her chair. She sighed and looked down at her lap, toying with her fingers. "I broke up with him. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. He was the love of my life."

  Maria looked over her shoulder at the coffee counter. Ariana watched her features tighten, as if the very idea of saying good-bye to Landon was passing through her consciousness. Then she glanced back at Ariana.

  "You were weak," she said.

  Ariana felt defensive and straightened her back. "I don't see it that way. It might sound terrible, but she won't live forever. And then we'll get back together."

  "If he waits for you," Maria shot back.

  "Oh, he'll wait," Ariana lied. If what Hudson had said about Teo


  was true, the boy had already forgotten about Briana Leigh ten times over.

  Maria smirked, closing her magazine and crooking her legs up on the couch. "Well, my father's still pretty young, so if I go with your plan I'll be eighty before Landon and I can be together."

  "So it's your dad," Ariana said.

  With a deep sigh, Maria turned to check Landon and Soomie's progress once again. They had just reached the front of the line and were placing their order.

  "Lexa is the only person who knows this," she said, twisting her hair around her finger. "And I'm only telling you because you trusted me with your story. But I swear to God, Ana, if you tell anyone, you will regret it."

  Ariana held her breath. She thought of the secret society and wondered if Maria would use it to make good on her threat. Not that Ariana had any intention of spilling whatever secret Maria was about to tell. Not if discretion would get her that much closer to her goals.

  "I won't tell yours if you won't tell mine," she replied.

  "Fine. Landon and I have been together for over a year. Secretly. Because I'm not allowed to date until I'm in college," Maria told her. "Which is especially cruel considering I don't want to go to college," she added, looking up at the ceiling in frustration. "If Landon were anyone else, we'd just have your standard, secret, only-on-campus romance, but with him, things are tricky."

  Ariana nodded. "Because every move he makes is photographed and documented."


  "Exactly," Maria said. She curled her hair into a tight twist, then released it. It uncoiled over her shoulder. "If we ever even touched each other in public, word could get out and the tabloids would be all over us. Which means my dad would find out and instantly transfer me to some all-girl school in Bulgaria. Truly."

  "But what about Soomie?" Ariana asked, glancing up as Soomie and Landon gathered a couple of napkins and an extra straw. Landon carried a tray full of pastries while Soomie had Ariana's drink.

  "Yeah, that's a wrinkle I wasn't expecting," Maria whispered. "I told Landon not to lead her on, but he's a natural flirt, so . . ."

  "So when you saw him playing with her hair on the quad, you nine-one-oned her," Ariana said knowingly.

  "I was going to come join you guys, but then I saw the look on her face. . . . She was so excited," Maria said quickly. "I feel so--"

  "Shh!" Ariana said, noticing that the pair was getting dangerously close.

  Maria fell silent. She flipped a page in her magazine, looking for all the world like she hadn't uttered a word, let alone had a tense conversation, while her two friends were gone.

  "Anyone up for a sugar rush?" Landon asked, placing the tray on the table.

  "Iced latte," Soomie said, handing Ariana her drink with a smile.

  "Thanks, Soomie," Ariana said, making sure not to pay any added attention to Landon. She didn't want Soomie to think she was actually interested in the guy. That would just make this already messy situation that much messier.


  Soomie perched on her chair and looked up at Landon expectantly, but he chose to sit on the empty end of Maria's couch rather than reclaim the chair next to Soomie's. Maria gave him a quick smile and went right back to her reading. Landon reached for a scone, tore off a piece, and handed it to Maria, who popped it right into her mouth without even thinking. Soomie cleared her throat.

  "So, Landon, ready to greet your adoring fans tonight?" she asked.

  "Guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do," he said, slumping down in his seat and letting his legs fall open. He leaned forward for a donut, ripped off half, and stuffed it in his mouth. "You coming, Ria? Maybe I'll let you be my personal assistant for the night."

  Ariana's heart skipped. Landon was clearly trying to find a way to spend more time with his girlfriend. She relished the fact that she knew this and Soomie didn't. But Maria simply sighed and lifted the magazine to her face, taking a quick whiff of a perfume ad.

  "And watch a bunch of pathetic tweeners throw themselves at you? No, thanks. I've already done my duty for gold. I think I'll stay home and get in some time at the barre."

  Landon didn't seem surprised or even put out by her rejection. He tore off another piece of the scone and handed it to her. Once again, she ate it. This was
an interesting development.

  "I can be your assistant for the night," Soomie offered. "I'm very organized."

  Maria and Landon exchanged the briefest of looks. There was a warning in Maria's eyes, but Ariana could tell that Landon felt trapped


  214 by the offer. Ariana jumped at the chance to make herself useful-- even valuable--to Maria. To make her feel confident in her decision to let Ariana in.

  "I thought you already told Christian he could be your PA," Ariana said, taking a sip of her coffee. "He was all excited about using his position as your right-hand man to impress the ladies."

  Landon looked confused for a split second, but then jumped right onboard Ariana's lie. "That's right. Sorry, Soomie. Gotta help a brother out."

  Soomie's disappointment was evident, but she lifted one shoulder and grabbed a donut from the tray. "No biggie. It'll give me more time to help Tahira with the tallies. I know you're going to make tons of cash," she said with a smile.

  Ariana felt a surge of fear at the idea that Soomie might be keeping running tallies of the money that night, but she let it pass. It wouldn't change her plan. Because she had no backup.

  "Whatever I can do to help the team," Landon said, lifting a palm.

  As Soomie became consumed with her BlackBerry, Maria glanced up at Ariana and gave her a grateful look. Ariana smiled in response. This tete-a-tete couldn't have gone more perfectly if she'd written the script herself. She sat back with a contented sigh to savor her latest victory with a side of iced latte.


  LANDON MANIAThat night, Ariana fully understood why Soomie and the others had been so shocked that Ariana had never heard of Landon Jacobs. The scene at the Pop Culture Museum looked like something out of a big-budget Hollywood disaster movie where an entire city was trying to evacuate through one gate. But in this case, everyone was crowding into the museum and toward Landon. All the girls were screaming. Some of them were crying. Ariana saw at least three of them faint. One girl scratched another girl's face when she tried to cut in line, and someone was carried out on a stretcher, but there were so many bodies between Ariana and the door, she couldn't get a good look at who it was or what had happened to them.