Page 8 of Beautiful Disaster

  She took a deep breath and pushed her fingers up into her hair. This was her own fault. Her own gullibility had brought her here. Kaitlynn had played her, used her as her unsuspecting puppet.

  I hate her, Ariana thought, pulling at her hair as the depth of her own stupidity slapped her in the face again and again and again. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her.

  The pain was what brought her back from the edge. She pulled her hands away from her scalp and with them came an alarming amount of hair. Ariana's jaw dropped, appalled by her own lack of control. She stood up, her hands shaking, and breathed.

  In, one. . . two. . . three. . .

  Out, one. . . two. . . three. . .

  In, one. . . two. . . three. . .

  Out, one. . . two . . . three...


  Slowly, her blood pressure began to return to normal. Yes, Kaitlynn had played her. It was the most frustrating fact of all to accept, but there it was. And she had to deal with it. She had been naive enough to believe in Kaitlynn, and now she had to figure out a way to correct the mistake. Somehow. Some way. She had to get Kaitlynn Nottingham out of her life.

  Ariana breathed in, her mind completely clear now, and gazed across the room at the shards of plastic and metal that had once been her cell.

  And now she definitely needed a new phone.


  FOCUSAriana stood in front of the mirror and smoothed the front of her white Calvin Klein top. Her hand trembled and she stared at it for a moment defiantly. It would not tremble again. She would not let Kaitlynn see her sweat.

  "Everything's fine," she told herself. "You aced that history exam this morning and you're well on your way to getting your schedule changed. Now all you have to do is deal with the bitch from hell and you'll be back on track."

  She gave herself a tight smile, grabbed her suede hobo bag, and strode into the hallway. A burst of laughter greeted her, and she looked up to find Maria, Brigit, and Soomie strolling down the hall, led, of course, by Lexa, who was looking very Audrey Hepburn in a perfectly chic black sundress and flats. Ariana's first instinct was to clench her fist, but she forced herself to smile.

  "Hey, guys," Ariana said brightly.


  "Briana Leigh!" Lexa's eyes lit up as she stepped forward, but then she stopped abruptly. "I'm sorry. I mean, Ana. The girls reminded me you want to be called Ana now."

  Ariana registered the fact that they had been talking about her. But that, she supposed, was to be expected. She shrugged casually. "Well, Briana Leigh is kind of a mouthful."

  Lexa appeared confused by this, but let it go.

  "Where're you going?" Brigit asked, eyeing Ariana's purse. "Got a hot date?"

  "No. I just--"

  "Good! Because we're off to Georgetown to burn up the credit cards," Brigit said, looping her arm through Ariana's. "Want to come?"

  "Yes! Come with us!" Lexa put in, leading the way to the stairs, her hair swinging behind her shoulders, not one strand out of place.

  Ariana glanced at her watch. "I wish I could, but I can't."

  "Why not? There are no events or meetings scheduled until this afternoon," Soomie pointed out unhelpfully. She pulled out her BlackBerry as if to double-check, and clucked her tongue. "Damn. Frozen again."

  "Why don't you just get a new one already?" Maria groused, looking bored as she toyed with her hair.

  "Who has the time to deal with that?" Soomie asked.

  "So order one online," Lexa suggested. "You can do it when we get back." Then, as if that ended that conversation, she looked at Ariana again. "So, you in?"

  Ariana hesitated. Part of her was dying to go with them. She needed


  to solidify herself as part of this group if she wanted to have the social life she craved here at Atherton-Pryce. But staying at APH wouldn't be in the slightest bit possible if Kaitlynn made good on her threats. There would be time to bond with the girls later. If she bailed on Kaitlynn now, who knew if the psycho would give her another chance?

  "Actually, I have a meeting scheduled with my guidance counselor," Ariana lied as she descended the stairs behind the rest of the girls. "There was a mix-up with my schedule."

  "You have all week to do that," Maria said over her shoulder, donning a pair of aviator sunglasses as she shoved through the outer door of the dorm. "Blow it off."

  "I can't. I just want to get it over with," Ariana said, keeping her voice in check. Maria seemed intent to tell her what to do at every turn. "But thanks for the offer."

  "Your loss," Maria said with a shrug. "Let's go, ladies."

  "Wait. Let me give you my number," Lexa said, holding out her dainty hand. "Then you can call and meet up with us after your meeting."

  A lump of embarrassment formed in Ariana's throat. She envisioned her phone in a hundred pieces on the lounge floor. Pieces it had taken almost half an hour to gather up last night.

  "My phone died." Because I killed it, she added silently. She flipped open her purse and pulled out a pen and the small pad she always kept with her, flipping quickly past the pages full of Briana Leigh's practiced signature. Mental note: Burn the evidence of all those hours she spent perfecting her new autograph. "Here. Write it down."


  Lexa giggled as she took the pen. "I feel so old-school."

  Ariana laughed as well, but felt the sting of unworthiness.

  "There you go," Lexa said, handing the notebook and pen back. Ariana couldn't help noticing that the girl's penmanship was big and bubbly. Like a little girl's. It totally worked with her personality. Lexa was so unapologetically sweet. And kind. And giving. She was trying to reach out to the new girl, include her. Something she definitely didn't have to do. Something Maria and Soomie had been reluctant to do all day yesterday. And yet she also had an air of authority, power.

  Ariana could see why Palmer, Brigit, Soomie, and Maria liked her so much. Why she would be a valuable friend.

  "The car's here," Maria announced.

  She was just about to shove through the door when Tahira walked into the dorm, trailing Allison and Zuri. Tahira paused for a split second before a wide grin lit her face.

  "Lexa! So good to see you!" she said.

  "You too, T!" Lexa replied, with what sounded like genuine enthusiasm.

  As the two girls double air-kissed, the rest of their friends stood back a respectable distance and shot each other impatient but resigned glances. Ariana swallowed her surprise. Lexa and Tahira were friends?

  "Where are you girls off to?" Tahira asked, her contempt for the other girls simmering just below the surface of her wide-eyed smile. She was faking it for Lexa's sake, clearly.

  "Shopping, of course. Want to come with?" Lexa asked.


  Brigit, Maria, and Soomie visibly stiffened, but Tahira was quick to answer.

  "I have ten zillion things to do for the fund-raiser, but thanks," she said, stepping past Lexa. "But you should stop by later. I'd love to hear your thoughts. And I want to hear all about your tour of Italy."

  "I'm in!" Lexa replied. "I'll come by when we get back. Oh, and Tahira, did you get those sheets for me?"

  Tahira's smile suddenly appeared stiff. "Of course. I had my maid fly to Pakistan especially."

  "She had these insanely soft eight-hundred-thread-count sheets last year and I just had to have them," Lexa explained to Ariana. "But it turned out they're made by this tiny company in Pakistan, so Tahira was nice enough to offer to pick them up for me over the summer."

  "I'll put them in your room for you," Tahira said.

  "Thank you so much, T," Lexa said brightly.

  "Anytime," Tahira said. There was a tiny bit of strain behind her polite demeanor, but it was so slight Ariana wasn't sure anyone had picked up on it but her. "Later!"

  Zuri followed Tahira up the stairs, but Allison hung back. "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't use my stuff," she said to Ariana, without so much as a greeting.

  Ariana blinked. "What?"
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  "My tissues. I saw one in the garbage and I know I didn't use it," Allison said, crossing her arms over her chest. "You make a habit of taking things without asking?"

  A tissue? She was going to make a big stink about one tissue? Ariana98

  could feel the other girls watching her and felt unsure of what to say. Was she supposed to back down and apologize, or tell the girl she was insane, like she wanted to? After their comment about the fine line with Tahira the day before, and this new development of a friendship between Tahira and Lexa, she felt completely thrown.

  "No. Of course not," Ariana said. Then, adopting a slightly sarcastic tone, she added, "I owe you one tissue. I'll make a note of it."

  Maria and Soomie laughed and Allison narrowed her eyes. "And who are you getting calls from in the middle of the night, anyway?"

  Ariana's heart nosedived into her toes.

  "You got a call in the middle of the night?" Brigit asked excitedly. "Was it your secret lover?"

  "Ooh! You have a secret lover?" Lexa asked with a grin.

  "No," Ariana said quickly.

  "Whoever it was pissed her off," Allison said with a derisive chuckle. "I saw the pieces of your phone in the trash this morning next to the tissue."

  Ariana saw the lie she had told to Lexa registering on the girl's face and her cheeks burned. "What do you do, go through the garbage as soon as you wake up every day?" she snapped at Allison.

  "I thought your phone died," Lexa said, her pretty brow creasing.

  "It did," Ariana replied, fighting for control. "It died on me in the middle of the call and while I was trying to figure out what was wrong with it, it slipped out of my hand."

  "So who called you? Because the next time they call I'm picking up and telling them off," Allison said.


  "It was my grandmother," Ariana said flatly, leveling Allison with a stare. "She's old and she gets disoriented sometimes. She had no clue what time it was, but if you want to pick up the phone and scare the life out of a frail old woman next time, be my guest."

  Lexa slipped a protective arm around Ariana. "I think you should go now, Allison," she said.

  Ariana was surprised by the gesture, but then she realized that her barely contained ire must have been coming off as grief over her grandmother's "illness." She gave herself a mental pat on the back for a job well done. Allison, meanwhile, simply turned and walked away without another word. Between this exit and Lexa's exchange with Tahira, it was clear that Lexa had some real power around here, even with the enemies of her friends.

  "Are you okay?" Lexa asked Ariana.

  Ariana sniffled for good measure. "I'm fine, thanks," she said. "You guys go."

  "Are you sure?" Brigit asked. "If you want to talk about your grandmother, I'd love to hear all about her."

  I'm sure you would, Ariana thought. "Thanks, but I have to get to that meeting."

  "We should go. The driver's waiting," Maria said, pushing the door open.

  Idling at the curb in front of the dorm was a black Town Car. Maria walked over and waited for the driver to open the back door for her. Brigit and Soomie both waved before they joined her. Lexa, however, hung back.


  "So, we'll see you later?" she said.

  "I'll call you," Ariana said, even though she knew she wouldn't. She would be too busy meeting with her archnemesis over diner coffee.

  "Cool," Lexa said. "I'd really love it if you guys could all bond, Bri--Ana, I mean," Lexa said. "I think it's so great that you're here."

  Ariana's heart twinged at the unabashed honesty. "Thanks."

  Then the car horn honked and Lexa turned and jogged off to join her friends, giving Ariana a wave as she got into the car. Ariana smiled back, but the moment the car was gone, she cursed under her breath.

  Whatever Kaitlynn had to say to her, it had better be good.



  By the time Ariana filled out the three separate forms it took to get a pass off campus, figured out the bus line into Belle Haven, and finally arrived at the appointed diner, she was more than ready to wring Kaitlynn's neck. Even more so when she strode into the glass-walled diner and ascertained that the girl hadn't arrived yet. There were two elderly couples in back-to-back booths, a loud group of girls in garish cheer-leading uniforms, a few single men at the counter, and a completely punked-out girl at a free-standing table, slumped over her coffee and pancakes. Ariana approached the hostess's stand."Hey, hon. Table for one?" the rotund hostess asked, picking up a menu.

  "Actually, I'll be meeting a ... someone," Ariana said, unable to get out the word friend. "Hopefully she'll be here soon, so--"

  Ariana's words died on her tongue as the punk chick lifted her hand, looked Ariana right in the eye from across the room, and waved.


  to reconcile the image of the girl before her and the Kaitlynn Nottingham she knew so well. Her thick brown curls had been shorn to a buzz cut with long bangs which were dyed half black, half blond. Blue contacts covered her light brown eyes. A silver ring marred her perfect lips, which were painted a deep purple. Ten piercings lined one ear, with three in the other. Not to mention the clothes. Torn denim vest over a babydoll dress. Black fishnets and black combat boots.

  Ridiculous was the word that came to mind."Never mind," Ariana said.

  The hostess glanced at Kaitlynn and made a disapproving face as Ariana squared her shoulders and walked over. She placed her purse on an empty chair and sat down. "Interesting look for you."

  "I could say the same," Kaitlynn replied, her eyes running over Ariana's auburn extensions. "When I saw you by the lake I should have guessed what your plan was. Like you'd ever have chosen that color unless it was for a purpose."

  "What can I get you?" the waitress asked, appearing at Ariana's side.

  "Nothing, thank you. I'm not staying," she said, never taking her eyes off Kaitlynn.

  The waitress sighed and walked off. Ariana folded her arms on the cracked Formica table.

  "What do you want, Kaitlynn?" she asked.

  "Call me Teresa," Kaitlynn replied, leaning back in her chair, her legs spread wide just like the anarchist she was supposed to be playing.


  "What's with the attitude, B.L.? Aren't you happy to see me? Don't you want to catch up? Ask how I've been?"

  "What do you want, Kaitlynn?" Ariana repeated, her blood starting to curdle.

  "What do I want. . . ?" Kaitlynn said. She picked up a straw from the table, tore the wrapper off with her teeth, and started gnawing on the end. "I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet. Weren't you and that BFF of yours, Noelle, always up for firsts in your class every semester? You were always going on and on about how you two loved to compete with each other. Remember all those nights in our room when you told me all your little secrets and dreams?"

  Ariana's eyes burned at the memories, not just of the idiotic amount of trust she'd placed in Kaitlynn, but of Noelle and their friendship. How dare Kaitlynn trot out those memories for her own amusement, using them to remind Ariana of how gullible she'd been.

  "You want money," Ariana said through her teeth. "How predictable of you."

  "Yes. I want money." Kaitlynn sat forward again, dropping the punk persona and mimicking Ariana's ramrod posture exactly. "I've been staying at the Palomar on Dupont Circle and I want enough money to keep me in the manner to which I've become accustomed for the next two weeks. Until my flight to Australia."

  Ariana's heart leapt with hope. "You're going to Australia?"

  "Just like we always planned," she said, her voice bitter. "I'd say you can come, but I'm still a bit pissed that you screwed up with Briana Leigh's money."


  " You're pissed at met You must be joking," Ariana hissed under her breath. Kaitlynn smirked. Indignation ate away at Ariana's stomach like acid through tin, but she tried to squelch it. Sure, Kaitlynn was playing her, but in two weeks she'd be gone. Wouldn't i
t be worth it to swallow a little pride if it meant getting rid of her forever?

  "Fine. Tell the front desk that Briana Leigh Covington is taking over payment for the room. I'll call them with my credit card number," Ariana said flatly.

  "Why not just give me the number? Make it easier on both of us?" Kaitlynn asked, her eyes twinkling.

  Because you'll go on a shopping spree and max the thing out, Ariana thought. "No."

  Kaitlynn sat back in her chair and smirked. "Have it your way."

  "As if any of this is my way," Ariana shot back.

  "Attitude!" Kaitlynn scolded, taking a sip of her coffee.

  "Are we done here?" Ariana asked, reaching for her bag.

  "Not quite." Kaitlynn placed her cup down carefully in its saucer. "I also want you to get me a million dollars to help me start my life down under."

  Ariana felt the walls of the diner shrinking toward her. The edges of her vision went blurry as the table full of cheerleaders cracked up laughing---awful, cackling laughs. Under the table, her fingers gripped her arm until the nails cut into her skin.

  "Where do you think I'm going to get a million dollars?" she gasped.

  "You'll figure it out. You always do," Kaitlynn said, taking a syrup-soaked bite of her pancakes. "Or, well, you usually do."


  Ariana's cheeks stung at this thinly veiled reference to her failures of the past. "There's no way I can get a million dollars," she said. "Briana Leigh never had access to that kind of money."

  "I'm sure that if she really wanted it, she could have gotten it," Kaitlynn said, staring into Ariana's eyes. "And you really want it, B.L., because if you don't get it, I'm going to blow this little charade of yours out of the water."

  The lump in Ariana's throat was large enough to choke on, but she managed to swallow it down. She couldn't let Kaitlynn see the effect her threats were having on her. Could not let the girl walk out of here feeling she'd won. Ariana extracted her wallet from her hobo bag and removed five one-hundred-dollar bills, the only cash she had on her.

  "Here," she said, swallowing her pride as she slid the bills across the table. "It's all I have."