Page 9 of Branded

  Dax and DJ are matched for height, but DJ definitely has a few more pounds of muscle on Dax’s lean body. Where before I was worried about the man who had to go up against Dax in the ring, now I’m worried for Dax. Judging by the look on DJ’s face, this isn’t going to be a fun fight just for show to raise money for charity. This is a pissing contest and DJ just whipped his dick out.

  “This is not going to end well,” I mumble, unable to take my eyes off of DJ as he stretches, twisting his torso from side to side.

  I want to lick the indents in his hips so badly that my mouth waters, and I hate him for that. I shouldn’t want him, but I can’t help myself. He looks angry, mean and full of fury. Sex with him right this moment would be hard and powerful. The lace boy shorts I’m wearing under my leather skirt are so wet I could probably wring them out. I can practically feel him pounding into me so hard that I wouldn’t be able to walk for a week.

  I want that man’s anger. I want to feel it like a living, breathing thing, slamming into me, want to take it away from him and into myself.

  I fucking hate him for making me feel like this.

  “For the last time, I’m not fighting in this fucking thing. I’m not even working with the fire department anymore,” I complain to Collin as I scan the crowd, looking for Phina. Collin said he saw her come in a few minutes ago, and I want to find her so I can kick her ass. She should be at home, in bed, recuperating after what happened this morning.

  I see a flash of red hair on the other side of the room and I take a step away from Collin. He grabs onto my arm and yanks me back.

  “Come on, don’t let me down, man. Douglas has the damn flu and I’m short a guy.”

  I barely hear what Collin is saying. The crowd has parted enough that I can see Phina standing entirely too close to a shirtless Dax. I watch as she throws her head back and laughs and a growl rips from my throat. The skirt she’s wearing barely covers her ass and the green shirt she has on is hanging down off of her shoulder, giving me a perfect view of her creamy, smooth skin.

  “It’s one round of fighting, that’s all I need from you. Ten minutes, tops,” Collin continues to plead.

  My hands clench into fists at my side as I watch Dax lean in close to Phina while she stares up at him.

  “You know the guy you’ll be fighting, so it doesn’t even have to be a real fight. You can just throw a few punches to make it look good for the crowd and then you guys can hug it out and have a few drinks,” Collin continues.

  Dax wraps his arms around Phina’s body and pulls her against his chest. Her cheek rests right against his pecs and a ball of rage slams into my body so hard that it feels like my skin is on fire.

  “Seriously, you and Dax are perfectly matched in size. It will be a quick fight.”

  My head whips around to stare at Collin, processing what he just said. That motherfucking cocksucker is holding Phina on the other side of the room. I saved her fucking life today and I get the silent treatment while she lets him put his hands all over her.

  “I’m in. Find me a fucking pair of gloves,” I bark, reaching over my shoulder and grabbing a fistful of shirt, yanking it up and over my head.

  “Holy fuck, are you serious?” Collin asks in surprise as I chuck my shirt at his face.

  “Get me a goddamn pair of gloves before I fight him with my bare hands,” I order.

  Collin races off without another word, shouting to Finnley at the food table and telling all the guys in the department the good news as he goes in search of a pair of gloves.

  Motherfucking piece of shit is going to wish he never laid eyes on Phina when I’m finished with him.

  The rushing of blood in my ears as I circle Dax drowns out the sounds of the crowd screaming all around the ring out.

  “Oh, come on. Do you really want to do this?” Dax asks.

  I smirk, stopping in front of him to stretch my arms and waist. “You have no idea how much I want to do this.”

  Dax shakes his head at me, putting his gloved fists on his hips.

  “I’m not fighting you, man.”

  The bell on the side of the ring dings, signaling the start of the round.

  “You better put your fucking fists up, because I’m sure as hell fighting you,” I threaten as I advance on him.

  He doesn’t even have time to lift his arms. I put all my weight on my front foot and let my arm fly, my fist connecting with his cheek. His head jerks to the side with the force of my blow and I stand there with my fists up in front of my own face, waiting for him to get back into stance.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?!” he yells, holding his glove against his cheek. “This is a charity fight, asshole. You’re supposed to take it easy!”

  I shake my head at him as I bounce on the balls of my feet.

  “Fuck you! You better throw a fucking punch or you’re just going to look like a big pussy,” I argue, jabbing my fist quickly into his ribs.

  This hit does the trick and immediately pisses Dax off. He charges towards me, but I refuse to take a step back. He gets right up in my face and I should probably take advantage of the situation and knock his ass out, but something in the look on his face makes me keep my hands stationary in front of my face.

  “YOU’RE the one being a pussy! I know this is about Phina, you stubborn fuck! How about you just talk to her instead of trying to prove something by beating my ass?” he shouts.


  I take another swing at his face, but he easily blocks me.

  “I am NOT going to fight you! There is nothing going on between us, dickhead!” Dax yells, taking a step away from me.

  I follow him, throwing more punches that he smacks away with his gloves.

  “Really? Could have fooled me!” I argue, punching him as hard as I can in the chest.

  He stumbles backwards, groaning and coughing as he rubs his glove over his chest. Once again, he stalks towards me and gets right in my face. “She doesn’t want ME, you clueless bastard! She’s been looking at you like she wants to fuck you into next week ever since you stepped into this ring.”

  That throws me for a loop and I make the mistake of dropping my guard. Dax takes the opening and slams his fist into my eye and I go down like a ton of bricks. The dinging of the bell clamors over the cheers and shouts from the crowd as Dax puts his feet on either side of my body and leans down over me.

  “Get your head out of your fucking ass and go get your girl. I don’t want her, she doesn’t want me. The next time you and I get in a ring together, I won’t take it this easy on you, you dumb fuck!”

  He storms off and I let my head fall back onto the floor of the ring and stare up at the lights in the ceiling, calling myself every kind of asshole.

  Collin’s face leans over me a few seconds later, covering up one of the lights. “Well, that was a pretty pathetic display of prowess, Nancy. What the hell was that?”

  Lifting up one of my arms, he wraps his hand around my forearm and yanks me to my feet.

  “That was just me, being an asshole,” I grumble as we bend down to exit the ring.

  My eyes are closed as I sit on the bench in the small locker room on the other side of the station, far away from the noise. With my back and head leaning against one of the lockers, I think about just how big of an idiot I was and it pisses me off even more. Dax has been working overtime to try and figure out what the hell is going on with Phina and I act like a jealous dick because he makes her laugh and gets to hold her. I have no right to any part of Phina and that thought just makes me even angrier. If my face didn’t feel like someone smacked it with a two-by-four, I’d probably get up off this bench and apologize to Dax. I’m lucky he didn’t kick me when I was down and turn my face into hamburger meat after the way I acted.

  I hear the click of the door opening and closing, but I keep my eyes sealed shut, knowing it’s probably just Collin coming in here to fuck with me some more. If I open my eyes right now, the stabbing
pain in my cheek and eye will get even worse.

  “If you came in here to call me Nancy again…ah, fuck it. I can’t even threaten you. My face hurts too much.”

  My nose immediately fills with the smell of spicy perfume and though I know it’s going to hurt like a motherfucker, my eyes open wide and my jaw drops when I feel a soft hand press against the bruise on my cheek.

  Phina has pushed her legs in between mine and she stands in front of me like a fucking goddess, a light from the ceiling surrounding her head and making her red hair glow like the sun as she stares down at me.

  Without a word, she drops her hand from my cheek, pressing both of her palms to her thighs. She slowly slides them up under her skirt, grabbing onto her panties and sliding them down. The black lace drops from around her knees and pools at her feet. She steps out of them, using the toe of one of her boots to kick them away.

  I swallow thickly and try not to moan, my dick hardening as she reaches up to the scooping neckline of her shirt, pulling it down to expose her tits.

  Fuck me. She’s not wearing a bra. Or panties now.

  “I hate you,” she whispers, trailing the tips of her fingers over one pebbled nipple.

  I want to tell her I don’t care if she hates me, I don’t care if I’m the last person on earth she wants to be with, but I can’t make my mouth form any words as she places her knees on the bench on either side of my hips and straddles me.

  My hands go to her hips, clutching the leather of her skirt as I pull her down on top of me, the heat from her bare pussy burning right through the crotch of my pants to my dick.

  She uses both of her hands to grab her tits, kneading them and running her thumbs over her nipples.

  “I really fucking hate you,” she whispers again.

  Letting go of her hip with one hand, I run my fingertips over her lips to get her to stop fucking saying those words to me. Her tongue darts out, licking the tips of my fingers before sucking them into her mouth. She grinds herself against my dick as she hollows out her cheeks while she sucks my fingers all the way inside her warm, wet mouth. I quickly pull my fingers away, trailing them down over her chin, her throat and her collarbone before circling her nipple with their wet tips.

  “Goddammit, I hate you,” she mumbles as she lifts her hips, reaching between us to unzip my pants.

  Her hand dives inside the opening, wrapping around my cock. She strokes the length from root to tip, letting her thumb slide around the pre-cum leaking out, spreading it all around the head of my cock.

  I continue circling her nipple with the tips of my fingers, rolling it between my thumb and forefinger and pinching it gently. She drops her forehead to mine and closes her eyes, humming her approval as I add more pressure with my fingers. Bringing my free hand up behind her head, I grab a fistful of her long, red hair, yanking her head back so I can look into her eyes.

  “I don’t give a shit if you hate me. I need to fuck you,” I tell her with a growl, thrusting my hips in time with her strokes on my cock.

  The lie flies right off my tongue. I don’t want her to fucking hate me. I want her to need me, I want her to come to me when she has a problem and I want her to know me. Right now, though, I just fucking want her.

  Reaching into her boot, she pulls out a condom and quickly rips the package open. I watch with rapt interest as she places the rubber over the head of my dick and then slowly slides it down my length, squeezing me as she goes.

  She raises her hips just enough to line the tip of my cock up with her wet pussy. She takes her time, sliding the sensitive tip back and forth, dragging it through her wetness until I’m completed coated with her.

  Taking my fingers away from her nipple, I clutch onto her hip again and tighten my hold on her hair, pulling her down on top of me.

  Her hands fly to my shoulders and she fights against my pull, holding herself completely still with just the tip of my cock inside of her. I’m breaking out in a sweat and panting against her mouth. It’s killing me not to move, but if she’s having second thoughts, I will drop her onto the floor, tuck my dick back into my pants and walk away. Nicely, of course.

  I hold my breath as she sinks down on my cock another centimeter.

  “If you want to fuck me, then do it,” she whispers angrily. “Fuck me hard, and make it hurt. I’m not going to break.”

  I should probably question her need for pain when all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and make love to her like a pansy-ass, but my dick is doing all of my thinking for me right now.

  She practically purrs when I tighten my grip on her hair, so I clench her hip even tighter and thrust upwards, slamming myself all the way inside of her tight pussy. Phina lets out a yelp and an apology is on the tip of my tongue until she lifts her hips, my cock sliding almost all the way out of her before she drops right back down, impaling herself on my dick.

  Clutching onto her hair, I jerk her head back and expose her throat while I begin roughly fucking up into her, pushing and pulling her hips as hard as I can, moving her up and down on my cock. I lean forward, wrapping my lips around the smooth skin of her throat and bite down while I fuck her.

  “I fucking hate you, I fucking hate you,” she chants in between moans as the bench beneath us creaks and rocks with the force of my thrusts.

  Her thighs tighten around my legs as she helps me move her. She bounces up and down on my cock, slamming our groins together so hard I swear I’m going to have bruises. Everything about this moment is going to be forever seared in my brain. The sound of her moans of pleasure ringing through my ears, the way her pussy clenches around me and how her skin tastes as I continue to bite and nip at her neck. She’s so wet that she easily slides up and down my cock, no matter how hard I fuck her. She’s so tight I feel like a fist is squeezing my cock. Something about this moment, about the feel of her wrapped around me, the smell of her arousal and the taste of her skin is so goddamn familiar that it’s like a punch to the gut. She feels familiar. She feels like home and like I’ve been waiting years to come back to this exact place, waiting for this exact moment when I could be inside of her again.

  My balls tighten with the need to come and I push those thoughts aside because they have no business here. I’ve never fucked Phina before, but I’ve dreamt of it so many times that the familiarity is probably only natural.

  “Harder!” she shouts as she slides her fingers through my hair and squeezes so hard I feel some of it being pulled out by the roots. I’m so glad she didn’t tell me she hates me again that I’ll do whatever the fuck she asks.

  My hips move like pistons, my cock driving into her so hard and fast that my thighs start to ache, but I don’t let up. I keep pounding into her over and over, slamming her down on top of me so hard I’m surprised I don’t break her in half.

  “Fuck, I’m coming! Fuck, I fucking hate you!” she shouts as she grinds herself on top of my dick and her pussy clenches around me.

  So much for stopping that whole hate thing.

  My dick is surrounded by wet heat and the pulsing of her release and it feels so fucking good that it pushes me right over the edge. With a roar, I bite down even harder on her neck as I come, tasting blood on my tongue as she bounces up and down on top of me, prolonging my orgasm until I feel like I’m going to die from pleasure.

  Her pussy milks my cock as she continues to ride me, and I swear to Christ nothing has ever felt better. With a final thrust up into her, I hold myself still for a few seconds before my ass slumps back to the bench. Phina’s body follows, her hands dropping from their death grip on my hair as she drapes her arms over my shoulders and collapses against my chest.

  With my cock still buried inside of her, I wrap my arms around her and hold her against me until my heartbeat returns to normal and I feel like I can finally breathe without passing out.

  “I hate you so much,” she whispers softly, her face pressed against the side of my neck. There isn’t any anger or conviction in her voice this time, just a tinge of
sadness and exhaustion.

  “I hate you too, Fireball,” I lie with a smile, tightening my hold on her.

  “I shucking fate him,” I slur, after my sixth shot of tequila. Or was that seven?

  After removing myself from DJ’s lap in the locker room, I watched him scoop up my underwear and shove them in his pants pocket before I stormed out of there and away from the comfort of his arms. Fight Night had officially ended by the time I got back out to the truck bay, and a bunch of people were heading to McCallahan’s to celebrate the police department’s victory over the fire station. I figured it would be a good place to hide and drink away my troubles without having to worry about DJ showing his face. He basically lost Fight Night for the station because of his jealous pissing match with Dax, and I figured his ego wouldn’t allow him anywhere near the place. Stupid me for thinking for one second that DJ wasn’t a stand-up guy and wouldn’t want to celebrate even though he lost. Five minutes after I got here, he came strolling in, congratulating the victors and easily taking all the good-natured ribbing from everyone. I ordered as many shots of tequila as the bartender would allow, slammed my ass down on a barstool and haven’t moved since. It didn’t help that every time I fidgeted on the wooden seat, I winced at the tenderness in my fucking vagina and thighs and immediately remembered every second of what it felt like to have DJ pounding away inside of me.

  Every. Fucking. Glorious. Second.

  Finnley grabs the refilled shot glass I started to reach for and moves it out of my way. “Yep, you’re cut off. When you can’t even properly explain how much you hate someone, you’ve had enough to drink.”

  I close my eyes and the room starts to spin, so I immediately open them. “You don’t understand, Finn.”