'Tis strange that, in the dark sulphureous mine, Where wild ambition piles its ripening stores Of slumbering thunder, Love will interpose His tiny torch, and cause the stern explosion To burst, when the deviser's least aware. ANONYMOUS.

  About noon of the same day, Agelastes met with Achilles Tatius, thecommander of the Varangian guard, in those ruins of the Egyptian templein which we formerly mentioned Hereward having had an interview withthe philosopher. They met, as it seemed, in a very different humour.Tatius was gloomy, melancholy, and downcast; while the philosophermaintained the calm indifference which procured for him, and in somesort deserved, the title of the Elephant. "Thou blenchest, AchillesTatius," said the philosopher, "now that thou hast frankly opposedthyself to all the dangers which stood between thee and greatness. Thouart like the idle boy who turned the mill-stream upon the machine, andthat done, instead of making a proper use of it, was terrified atseeing it in motion."

  "Thou dost me wrong, Agelastes," answered the Acolyte, "foul wrong; Iam but like the mariner, who although determined upon his voyage, yetcannot forbear a sorrowing glance at the shore, before he parts withit, it may be, for ever."

  "It may have been right to think of this, but pardon me, valiantTatius, when I tell you the account should have been made up before;and the grandson of Alguric the Hun ought to have computed chances andconsequences ere he stretched his hand to his master's diadem."

  "Hush! for Heaven's sake," said Tatius, looking round; "that, thouknowest, is a secret between our two selves; for if Nicephorus, theCaesar, should learn it, where were we and our conspiracy?"

  "Our bodies on the gibbet, probably," answered Agelastes, "and oursouls divorced from them, and in the way of discovering the secretswhich thou hast hitherto taken upon trust."

  "Well," said Achilles, "and should not the consciousness of thepossibility of this fate render us cautious?"

  "Cautious _men_, if you will," answered Agelastes, "but not timidchildren."

  "Stone walls can hear,"--said the Follower, lowering his voice."Dionysius the tyrant, I have read, had an ear which conveyed to himthe secrets spoken within his state-prison at Syracuse."

  "And that Ear is still stationary at Syracuse," said the philosopher."Tell me, my most simple friend, art thou afraid it has beentransported hither in one night, as the Latins believe of Our Lady'shouse of Loretto?"

  "No," answered Achilles, "but in an affair so important too muchcaution cannot be used."

  "Well, thou most cautious of candidates for empire, and most cold ofmilitary leaders, know that the Caesar, deeming, I think, that there isno chance of the empire falling to any one but himself, hath taken inhis head to consider his succession to Alexius as a matter of course,whenever the election takes place. In consequence, as matters of courseare usually matters of indifference, he has left all thoughts ofsecuring his interest upon, this material occasion to thee and to me,while the foolish voluptuary hath himself run mad--for what think you?Something between man and woman,--female in her lineaments, her limbs,and a part at least of her garments; but, so help me St. George, mostmasculine in the rest of her attire, in her propensities, and in herexercises."

  "The Amazonian wife, thou meanest," said Achilles, "of that iron-handedFrank, who dashed to pieces last night the golden lion of Solomon witha blow of his fist? By St. George, the least which can come of such anamour is broken bones."

  "That," said Agelastes, "is not quite so improbable as that Dionysius'sEar should fly hither from Syracuse in a single night; but he ispresumptuous in respect of the influence which his supposed good lookshave gained him among the Grecian dames."

  "He was too presumptuous, I suppose," said Achilles Tatius, "to make aproper allowance for his situation as Caesar, and the prospect of hisbeing Emperor."

  "Meantime," said Agelastes, "I have promised him an interview with hisBradamante, who may perhaps reward his tender epithets of _Zoe kaipsyche_, [Footnote: "Life and Soul."] by divorcing his amorous soulfrom his unrivalled person."

  "Meantime," said the Follower, "thou obtainest, I conclude, such ordersand warrants as the Caesar can give for the furtherance of our plot?"

  "Assuredly," said Agelastes, "it is an opportunity not to be lost. Thislove fit, or mad fit, has blinded him; and without exciting too muchattention to the progress of the plot, we can thus in safety conductmatters our own way, without causing malevolent remarks; and though Iam conscious that, in doing so, I act somewhat at variance with my ageand character, yet the end being to convert a worthy Follower into anImperial Leader, I shame me not in procuring that interview with thelady, of which the Caesar, as they term him, is so desirous.--Whatprogress, meanwhile, hast thou made with the Varangians, who are, inrespect of execution, the very arm of our design?"

  "Scarce so good as I could wish," said Achilles Tatius; "yet I havemade sure of some two or three score of those whom I found mostaccessible; nor have I any doubt, that when the Caesar is set aside,their cry will be for Achilles Tatius."

  "And what of the gallant who assisted at our prelections?" saidAgelastes; "your Edward, as Alexius termed him?"

  "I have made no impression upon him," said the Follower; "and I amsorry for it, for he is one whom his comrades think well of, and wouldgladly follow. Meantime I have placed him as an additional sentinelupon the iron-witted Count of Paris, whom, both having an inveteratelove of battle, he is very likely to put to death; and if it isafterwards challenged by the crusaders as a cause of war, it is onlydelivering up the Varangian, whose personal hatred will needs berepresented as having occasioned the catastrophe. All this beingprepared beforehand, how and when shall we deal with the Emperor?"

  "For that," said Agelastes, "we must consult the Caesar, who, althoughhis expected happiness of to-day is not more certain than the statepreferment that he expects to-morrow, and although his ideas are muchmore anxiously fixed upon his success with this said Countess than hissuccession to the empire, will, nevertheless, expect to be treated asthe head of the enterprise for accelerating the latter. But, to speakmy opinion, valiant Tatius, to-morrow will be the last day that Alexiusshall hold the reins of empire."

  "Let me know for certain," said the Follower, "as soon as thou canst,that I may warn our brethren, who are to have in readiness theinsurgent citizens, and those of the Immortals who are combined withus, in the neighbourhood of the court, and in readiness to act--And,above all, that I may disperse upon distant guards such Varangians as Icannot trust."

  "Rely upon me," said Agelastes, "for the most accurate information andinstructions, so soon as I have seen Nicephorus Briennius. One wordpermit me to ask--in what manner is the wife of the Caesar to bedisposed of?"

  "Somewhere," said the Follower, "where I can never be compelled to hearmore of her history. Were it not for that nightly pest of her lectures,I could be good-natured enough to take care of her destiny myself, andteach her the difference betwixt a real emperor and this Briennius, whothinks so much of himself." So saying, they separated; the Followerelated in look and manner considerably above what he had been when theymet.

  Agelastes looked after his companion with a scornful laugh. "There," hesaid, "goes a fool, whose lack of sense prevents his eyes from beingdazzled by the torch which cannot fail to consume them. A half-bred,half-acting, half-thinking, half-daring caitiff, whose poorestthoughts--and those which deserve that name must be poor indeed--arenot the produce of his own understanding. He expects to circumvent thefiery, haughty, and proud Nicephorus Briennius! If he does so, it willnot be by his own policy, and still less by his valour. Nor shall AnnaComnena, the soul of wit and genius, be chained to such anunimaginative log as yonder half-barbarian. No--she shall have ahusband of pure Grecian extraction, and well stored with that learningwhich was studied when Rome was great, and Greece illustrious. Nor willit be the least charm of the Imperial throne, that it is partaken by apartner whose personal studies have taught her to esteem and
valuethose of the Emperor." He took a step or two with conscious elevation,and then, as conscience-checked, he added, in a suppressed voice, "Butthen, if Anna were destined for Empress, it follows of course thatAlexius must die--no consent could be trusted.--And what then?--thedeath of an ordinary man is indifferent, when it plants on the throne aphilosopher and a historian; and at what time were possessors of theempire curious to enquire when or by whose agency their predecessorsdied?--Diogenes! Ho, Diogenes!" The slave did not immediately come, sothat Agelastes, wrapt in the anticipation of his greatness, had time toadd a few more words "Tush--I must reckon with Heaven, say the priests,for many things, so I will throw this also into the account. The deathof the Emperor may be twenty ways achieved without my having the blameof it. The blood which we have shed may spot our hand, if closelyregarded, but it shall scarce stain our forehead." Diogenes hereentered--"Has the Frank lady been removed?" said the philosopher.

  The slave signified his assent.

  "How did she bear her removal?"

  "As authorised by your lordship, indifferently well. She had resentedher separation from her husband, and her being detained in the palace,and committed some violence upon the slaves of the Household, severalof whom were said to be slain, although we perhaps ought only to readsorely frightened. She recognised me at once, and when I told her thatI came to offer her a day's retirement in your own lodgings, until itshould be in your power to achieve the liberation of her husband, sheat once consented, and I deposited her in the secret Cythereangarden-house."

  "Admirably done, my faithful Diogenes," said the philosopher; "thou artlike the genii who attended on the Eastern talisman; I have but tointimate my will to thee, and it is accomplished."

  Diogenes bowed deeply, and withdrew.

  "Yet remember, slave!" said Agelastes, speaking to himself; "there isdanger in knowing too much---and should my character ever becomequestioned, too many of my secrets are in the power of Diogenes."

  At this moment a blow thrice repeated, and struck upon one of theimages without, which had been so framed as to return a tingling sound,and in so far deserved the praise of being vocal, interrupted hissoliloquy.

  "There knocks," said he, "one of our allies; who can it be that comesso late?" He touched the figure of Iris with his staff, and the CaesarNicephorus Briennius entered in the full Grecian habit, and thatgraceful dress anxiously arranged to the best advantage. "Let me hope,my Lord," said Agelastes, receiving the Caesar with an apparently graveand reserved face, "your Highness comes to tell me that your sentimentsare changed on reflection, and that whatever you had to confer aboutwith this Frankish lady, may be at least deferred until the principalpart of our conspiracy has been successfully executed."

  "Philosopher," answered the Caesar, "no. My resolution, once taken, isnot the sport of circumstances. Believe me, that I have not finished somany labours without being ready to undertake others. The favour ofVenus is the reward of the labours of Mars, nor would I think it worthwhile to worship the god armipotent with the toil and risk attendinghis service, unless I had previously attained some decided proofs thatI was wreathed with the myrtle, intimating the favour of his beautifulmistress."

  "I beg pardon for my boldness," said Agelastes; "but has your ImperialHighness reflected, that you were wagering, with the wildest rashness,an empire, including thine own life, mine, and all who are joined withus, in a hardy scheme? And against what were they waged? Against thevery precarious favour of a woman, who is altogether divided betwixtfiend and female, and in either capacity is most likely to be fatal toour present scheme, either by her good will, or by the offence whichshe may take. If she prove such as you wish, she will desire to keepher lover by her side, and to spare him the danger of engaging in aperilous conspiracy; and if she remains, as the world believe her,constant to her husband, and to the sentiments she vowed to him at thealtar, you may guess what cause of offence you are likely to give, byurging a suit which she has already received so very ill."

  "Pshaw, old man! Thou turnest a dotard, and in the great knowledge thoupossessest of other things, hast forgotten the knowledge best worthknowing---that of the beautiful part of the creation. Think of theimpression likely to be made by a gallant neither ignoble in situation,nor unacceptable in presence, upon a lady who must fear theconsequences of refusal! Come, Agelastes, let me have no more of thycroaking, auguring bad fortune like the raven from the blasted oak onthe left hand; but declaim, as well thou canst, how faint heart neverwon fair lady, and how those best deserve empire who can wreathe themyrtles of Venus with the laurels of Mars. Come, man, undo me thesecret entrance which combines these magical ruins with groves that arefashioned rather like those of Cytheros or Naxos."

  "It must be as you will!" said the philosopher, with a deep andsomewhat affected sigh.

  "Here, Diogenes!" called aloud the Caesar; "when thou art summoned,mischief is not far distant. Come, undo the secret entrance. Mischief,my trusty negro, is not so distant but she will answer the firstclatter of the stones."

  The negro looked at his master, who returned him a glance acquiescingin the Caesar's proposal. Diogenes then went to a part of the ruinedwall which was covered by some climbing shrubs, all of which hecarefully removed. This showed a little postern door, closedirregularly, and filled up, from the threshold to the top, with largesquare stones, all of which the slave took out and piled aside, as iffor the purpose of replacing them. "I leave thee," said Agelastes tothe negro, "to guard this door, and let no one enter, except he has thesign, upon the peril of thy life. It were dangerous it should be leftopen at this period of the day."

  The obsequious Diogenes put his hand to his sabre and to his head, asif to signify the usual promise of fidelity or death, by which those inhis condition generally expressed their answer to their master'scommands. Diogenes then lighted a small lantern, and pulling out a key,opened an inner door of wood, and prepared to step forward.

  "Hold, friend Diogenes," said the Caesar; "thou wantest not my lantern,to discern an honest man, whom, if thou didst seek, I must needs saythou hast come to the wrong place to find one. Nail thou up thesecreeping shrubs before the entrance of the place, and abide thou thereas already directed, till our return, to parry the curiosity of any whomay be attracted by the sight of the private passage."

  The black slave drew back as he gave the lamp to the Caesar, andAgelastes followed the light through a long, but narrow, archedpassage, well supplied with air from space to space, and not neglectedin the inside to the degree which its exterior would have implied.

  "I will not enter with you into the Gardens," said Agelastes, "or tothe bower of Cytherea, where I am too old to be a worshipper. Thouthyself, I think, Imperial Caesar, art well aware of the road, havingtravelled it divers times! and, if I mistake not, for the fairestreasons."

  "The more thanks," said the Caesar, "are due to mine excellent friendAgelastes, who forgets his own age to accommodate the youth of hisfriends."