Page 8 of Fallen Crest Home

  polite, so far.

  I started to stand from my chair. “Well, then I think we’re going to go. It was nice—”


  Everyone turned to Adam. He rolled his shoulders back and, still holding Becky’s hand, tugged her closer to the water. His cheeks pinked, and he pulled at his collar. “Okay. I can see it’s time to come clean. Mark didn’t set this up or anything, but I did kind of ask him to keep Sam here.” He gestured to me. “I wasn’t going to do this this way, but then I was told Mason and I were going to be working together and Mark said he was with Sam and…” He glanced down at Becky, a fond look coming over his face. “I thought ‘what the hell.’” He put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his side. “I love you and I know you’ve been missing Sam over the years, so I threw caution to the wind and…”

  “Adam.” Becky touched his bicep. “What are you doing?”

  A strangled laugh rasped from his throat, and the pink drained from his face. He coughed to clear his throat before dropping to a knee.



  Go—he was going to propose.

  Adam looked around, holding Becky’s hand in front of him. “I’m sorry for the deception, but I knew you’d want Sam here for this.”

  He was…

  He totally was.

  He looked back to Becky, who had a hand pressed to her mouth. She began to tremble. Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Rebecca Sullivan, you and I have had a whirlwind of friendship and then a relationship, but you’ve always been my best friend. You’re always there for me, even when no one else is, and today, I’d like to ask you to be my partner for the rest of our lives.”

  “Adam.” His name was a soft sigh. Tears streamed down her face, but she was glowing.

  He pulled a small box from his pocket and opened it, showcasing a diamond ring. He held it out to her. “Will you marry me, Becky?”

  “Yes. Yes! Oh, wow.” She laughed and cried. She looked so happy as he slid the ring onto her finger and picked her up, whirling her around in a tight hug.

  They kissed, and Becky could only look from her ring to Adam and back again. She seemed in a daze for a full minute before shaking her head and looking at us.

  “I’m engaged, you guys!”

  This was weird.

  And awkward.

  And uncomfortable.

  Cass moved forward, holding Becky to her. “Congratulations!”

  Mark congratulated Adam, as did Matteo. Mason held out his hand, giving Adam a quick nod of congratulations.

  I looked around, but there was no one else. There should’ve been more people. Everyone seemed to turn to me. They were waiting for my congratulations, but all I could think was, “Why did you do that in front of us?”

  “What?” Becky frowned.

  Adam looked shocked.

  “Just fucking congratulate them, Sam,” Cass hissed.

  I ignored her. “Why didn’t you do this in front of your families?”

  A pained look flashed in Adam’s eyes, and I remembered how his dad had been a shithead the few times I saw him. But Becky… “Your parents,” I whispered hoarsely. “This should’ve happened in front of them.”

  “You’re being a bitch.”

  I ignored Cass again. Pain pressed in my chest, like someone was poking my lungs. I felt an impending doom. I shook my head. “Becky, I don’t know… I mean, why?”

  So many years. We’d been friends once. That ended, and now this?

  Adam moved in front of Becky, shielding her from me. “I wanted you to be here for this. For her.”

  Becky rested a hand on his bicep again and stepped around in front of him. She clasped her hands in front of her and took a step closer, facing me directly.

  “I was your friend once, Sam, and I’m the one who dropped the ball. I chose Adam over you when I should’ve chosen you first. I’ve always regretted that, and I think Adam’s always known. A lot of time has passed, and I’m not asking for anything, but I’m glad Adam did this. I wanted it that way, and he knew it.”

  Her head bowed a moment before she gave me the shakiest, most scared and hopeful smile I’d ever seen on her. “Can you pretend to be my friend right now and congratulate me?” she whispered.

  The wall I’d erected broke, and I pulled her into my arms, which she didn’t seem to be expecting.

  “Congratulations, Becky.” She’d always loved him. “I am really happy for you. Really.” I held her even tighter.

  She hugged me back.

  I couldn’t remember the exact reason we weren’t friends anymore. The pain and betrayal were like a faint fog over my memories. They were there, and I knew things had happened, but in this moment, one she’d remember for the rest of her life, I let myself feel that old friendship once again.


  “You were quiet on the ride home.”

  We had just entered our room. I sank down on the bed and curled in a ball, holding a pillow to my chest as I looked up at him. I had been quiet, content to just watch the scenery go by as Mason drove us. Matteo chose to stay behind. He wanted to party it up with Mark, and Mason and I couldn’t blame him. There was a melancholy feel to us, or maybe it was just me.

  I sighed. “It’s hitting me that someone I used to love is engaged now.”


  I frowned, then saw he was joking. “Becky.” I laughed. “Asshole.”

  His eyes darkened, and for a moment I thought he was going to lay with me, but he turned for the closet. He pulled his shirt off and disappeared inside.

  “That bugs you?” he called. “That she’s engaged?”

  I sat up, scooting my back against the headboard. I still held that pillow in front of me. “Maybe. I don’t know why.”

  “Sam.” He came back out, still with no shirt. I wasn’t complaining. Mason was leaner than he’d been in high school, but more ripped. Almost every muscle in his chest and stomach stood out, and my eyes traced the V of his obliques, the way they disappeared under his light grey sweatpants.

  “You’re forgetting why Becky and you aren’t friends anymore. Quinn was trying to break us up, and she chose his side. Now, it looks like she chose the right side for her since they’re getting married, but that’s not how it was back then. If you’re beating yourself up over letting go of that friendship, stop. You can’t be friends with someone who’s not friends back.”

  He was right. I knew it, but I still felt a little hole inside where she used to be. “I don’t know if it’s Becky or my mom… I don’t know what it is, but I feel off. I have since we came home for the summer.”

  He didn’t say anything, but watched me with a knowing look mixed with concern. I wasn’t saying anything new or surprising. Going somewhere Mason had enemies, then getting a job at the local carnival with Mark, and now being at Becky Sullivan’s engagement—none of those were normal. The last was sprung on me, but I stayed even after I heard Becky and Adam were going to be there. I mean, it was Cass’ house for fuck’s sakes. Cass and I hated each other, but I still went.

  I looked up and held Mason’s gaze. “What’s going on with me?”

  His eyes clouded over, and he said almost as softly as I’d asked, “I don’t know.”

  Dropping the shirt he’d been holding, he sat on the bed and he leaned down. His lips found mine, then he pulled back. His face was a few inches from mine and his eyes stared at my lips. “Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it.”


  I was becoming breathless.

  My body was starting to burn up.

  Whatever I felt was beginning to fade, and a whole different pressing need was taking its place. Heat began to pool between my legs, spreading through me.

  I closed my eyes, arching up against him, and groaned at the feel of him right there.

  No matter what was going on with me, this would never cease. Ever.

  His arm slid underneath my back and he moved me until I was in th
e middle of the bed. He lay on top of me, still holding most of his weight so he didn’t crush me. He gazed down, his eyes molten with desire. His other hand lifted to my cheek and rested there, framing the side of my face.

  He said, “Yeah. We’ll figure it out.”

  That was enough. I turned my mind off.

  We stared at each other for a moment, and then I lifted a hand and touched his lips. They were so perfectly formed. They only accentuated the strength in him somehow, but goddamn. I could feel all of his muscles as he rested on me. Mason was known as the fighter, the protector, the strong one. Sometimes I forgot how beautiful he was on the inside, too.

  He smiled before he drew my finger into his mouth. His tongue swirled and rubbed against it gently.

  I gasped and clamped my legs tight. The need for him was almost overwhelming now. My legs entwined around him, bringing him in full contact against me. Both of us gasped. I arched my back again, closing my eyes, just feeling him. His entire body rested more fully on me now, pinning me down.

  My hand cradled the back of his neck, holding him prisoner.

  I didn’t want him to look away, to move away.

  I wanted him inside of me.

  His eyes darkened and as if reading my mind, he moved back to pull his pants off. After grabbing a condom, and pulling it on, he came back and settled between my legs.

  My arms went back around him, like returning to their home.

  “Sam,” he murmured, tracing a finger down the side of my face. He tucked some hair behind my ear, and then I felt his lips against mine again.

  Yes. Home.

  That’s what this was.

  I groaned, my head falling back, and I felt his soft chuckle against my skin, but then he reached down and shifted, lifting my leg until I wound it around his waist. He dipped in, shifting, and I felt him at my entrance. He paused, then slid inside.

  My eyes closed and I relished the feel of him in me.

  He began moving, thrusting inside of me.

  As he kept going, and he slid his hands up my arms to capture my hands, I opened my eyes. We were staring back at each other, watching each other. I could feel him reaching inside of me, searching, claiming me. Everything in my body yearned for him, yearned for more. I wanted more. I needed more.

  The second he touched me, everything blared alive. I was awakened. Always.

  In and out. Mason kept thrusting.

  My fingers clamped down over his, sinking deep as his pace quickened.

  “Mason,” I gasped. Weak. His onslaught kept going, harder, faster. “I love you.”

  He groaned, climaxing, and his body clenched as he thrust into me a last time. It sent me hurdling over the edge, and I wrapped both arms around his neck, hanging on.

  A moment later, he brushed a soft kiss on my forehead before he slipped out.

  I still lay beneath him.

  I didn’t want to move.

  I didn’t want him to move, and eventually, we slept like that.

  I woke later, but I was still in his arms. He was curled up behind me, and I went back to sleep again. All the doubts and questions would be there tomorrow.

  The rest of the week passed uneventfully.

  Mark and I picked up trash at the carnival. Mason looked at me like I’d grown an alien head when I told him about our new job, but he didn’t say anything against it.

  He only nodded and kissed my forehead. “Logan will want to work with you when he gets back, even if he doesn’t get paid.”

  And at the end of every shift, Mason picked me up. But today I texted that he wouldn’t have to. When Mark and I checked in after lunch, Keifer announced we’d be manning booths today—two different booths.

  “What? You think I’m a complete idiot?” he said to our disappointed faces. “No way am I letting the two of you fuck up. Don’t know the ways, both of yas too green,” he grunted, grabbing our red vests and exchanging them for carnival shirts. I got a blue one, and Mark got a black one. Keifer pointed at the shirts. “You rip those, and it’s coming out of your paycheck. Got it? We ain’t rich millionaires around here.”

  I was paired with the guy who told us to be sure we got paid that first day. He held out a hand, introducing himself. “I’m Petey.”

  I looked over his sun-streaked dark blond curls, bright blue eyes, matching bright smile with perfect white teeth, and lean build. He wore a matching blue carnival shirt, but his was bigger and ripped all over. A large gash went up the side, showing off how tan he was.

  Keifer saw the gash, too, I could tell, but he only pressed his lips together. Petey smirked.

  “Sam,” I said as I shook his hand.

  Keifer closed one eye, staring hard at Petey. I got a good whiff of chew as he exhaled. “You okay with her? Not going to mess this one up, are yas?”

  Petey flashed a cocky grin and shrugged. “You’re delusional, old man. I’ve never messed one up. Go on. Teach the other guy the ropes.” He nodded to me. “I got this. She’ll be fine.”

  Keifer didn’t move, just continued to stare at Petey. Neither blinked. Neither moved. A full thirty seconds passed before Keifer broke, waving for Mark to follow him.

  “If you do, we both know what’s in store for you.”

  Petey just laughed. The sound seemed carefree, but as soon as Keifer was out of hearing distance, all smiles and charm dropped. A hard glint entered in his eyes, and he let out a soft sigh. Then he looked at me, and just like that, a switch flipped and the easygoing worker was back.

  “You can tell me. You requested my booth, didn’t you?” He winked.

  “What? No.”

  “It’s okay.” He moved around me, jumping on the counter in one swift movement before hopping back down on the other side of me. “Come on. Follow me.” He led me to the back of the booth and showed me some of the basic things I’d have to know in case the game stopped working. “Just in case I’m not around, you know, but I should be. This booth is my baby. But no worries. You won’t be working here the whole time.”

  I followed him back to the front. “Where do you think I’ll be put?”

  “You’re a townie. He’ll put you somewhere he wants your local friends to come visit you.” A waiting customer stood at the base of the rope ladder, and Petey scooped up the offered money. He gestured for him to start, and a second later, the customer was cursing. He’d already been flipped backward.

  The man’s friends cheered him on, making fun of him at the same time.

  Petey leaned back in his seat, watching the whole thing. “You got a boyfriend?” he asked me.

  “What?” How was that his business? “Yes, I do.”

  “Does he get into fights?”


  “Because Keifer will want to know. If he doesn’t, you’ll go to the beer garden. Keifer will want all your friends to come in and get drunk. If your boy does fight, you’ll be put in the swim tank.”

  Swim tank? I looked across the carnival. A large tank in the middle had a crowd of guys in front. They took turns throwing baseballs at the target, and each time one hit the bullseye, a girl in a bikini dropped into the water. I watched as she fell in and