Page 11 of Double Date

  What’s going on here? he asked himself. It looks like every girl I ever dated and dumped is in this room!

  “Wait, Mr. Wade,” Bobby pleaded. “She took me to your cabin. Jennilynn did. She dumped cannibal ants on me! She—”

  “Huh? What kind of ants?” Mr. Wade demanded.

  “Cannibal ants!” Bobby cried breathlessly.

  Mr. Wade frowned. “There’s no such thing as cannibal ants.”

  “But—but—” Bobby stammered, hearing more laughter in the room. “You can check your cabin if you don’t believe me!”

  Mr. Wade’s eyes narrowed. His confusion was quickly turning to anger. “Bobby, we don’t own any cabin. And the girls don’t have a third sister! You’re not making any sense.”

  Bobby had a sudden flash of memory. He remembered having to break into the cabin the first time he was there. Was it possible it didn’t belong to the Wades?

  “Where is this cabin?” Mr. Wade demanded suspiciously.

  “I—I don’t know,” Bobby stammered. “In the woods. On a dirt road.” He turned desperately to Melanie, who had joined Ronnie and Kimmy on the couch. “Melanie knows. Tell him where it is,” Bobby pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, Bobby,” Melanie replied softly. “I don’t know anything about a cabin.”

  “Huh?” Bobby gasped in shock. “You’re lying! Lying!”

  “Take it easy, Bobby,” Mr. Wade urged. “If you’ve been drinking, we’d better get you home.” He turned to his two daughters. “Do either of you know what Bobby is talking about?”

  “No, Daddy,” Bree replied quickly.

  Samantha shrugged. “Beats me.”

  “They’re lying!” Bobby screamed. “Listen to me. Maybe there isn’t a Jennilynn. But one of them drove me to a cabin.”

  “Stop right there,” Mr. Wade interrupted. “Bree and Samantha don’t have drivers’ licenses yet.”

  “One of them drove me,” Bobby insisted. “The one with the tattoo. The one with the tattoo—she kidnapped me and—”

  “Tattoo?” Mr. Wade’s voice boomed loud in the small living room. “They’d better not have any tattoo!”

  “Look at their shoulders,” Bobby urged desperately, pointing at the two girls. “The one with the tattoo—she did it!”

  “Let me see your shoulders, girls,” Mr. Wade ordered sternly.

  “Daddy, this is silly,” Bree said. “Bobby has totally lost it!”

  “All this crazy talk about a third sister and cannibal ants,” Samantha muttered. “He needs help, Dad. He really needs help.”

  Both girls obediently lowered the collars of their T-shirts.

  No tattoos.

  The phone rang. “Bobby, you’d better get home and get cleaned up,” Mr. Wade said sternly. He hurried away to answer the phone.

  “You did this to me!” Bobby shrieked as soon as Mr. Wade had left. “You did it! You found out I was dating you both—and you cooked this all up! You and Melanie!”

  The twins gazed at each other innocently. “We’ve been home all night with our friends, Bobby,” Samantha said meekly. “We haven’t been out for a minute.”

  Melanie suddenly climbed to her feet. “I warned you,” she said in a low voice. “This is what you get for the way you treated Bree and Samantha, and for the way you treated all of us. You’re not Bobby the Man. You’re Bobby the Total Pig!”

  The girls in the room—the ones Bobby had dated and dumped—burst into loud cheers and applause.

  “Dating both Wade twins was the last straw,” Kimmy said angrily.

  “That’s when we got the idea to pay you back,” Ronnie added.

  “I had so much fun driving you crazy, acting like a wild girl,” Samantha said with a grin. “Making you think Bree and I were so, so different!”

  “You got a little carried away with the shoplifting,” Bree told Samantha sternly.

  “Yeah. I guess,” Samantha replied. “But the look on Bobby’s face—”

  “Hope you liked your surprise party,” Melanie cut in, unable to hold back a gleeful laugh.

  “This is the best party I’ve ever been to!” another girl exclaimed.

  “Nice outfit, Bobby!” someone else remarked. Everyone laughed some more.

  “You—you mean you don’t like me?” Bobby cried in disbelief.

  His question was greeted by gales of scornful laughter.

  Bobby started to protest. But he realized there was no use. Defeated, he turned and slumped out of the room, their laughter ringing in his ears.

  After school a few days later, Bobby started toward the music room. He was halfway there when he remembered he no longer had a band. Paul had found another group to play with. And Arnie had finally realized that he had no sense of rhythm, and had sold his drum set.

  Bobby headed toward the exit, but stopped short as Bree and Samantha hurried up to him. “Here,” Bree said. She slipped a small envelope into his hand.

  Bobby raised the envelope and quickly read the handwritten message on the back:

  “Twin sisters don’t have secrets. We both knew everything from the very start. Bye.”

  “Bye!” Bree and Samantha called. They waved to him and disappeared around the corner.

  Bobby sighed and tore open the envelope.

  Inside, he found a small paper temporary tattoo. A blue butterfly.

  About the Author

  “Where do you get your ideas?”

  That’s the question that R. L. Stine is asked most often. “I don’t know where my ideas come from,” he says. “But I do know that I have a lot more scary stories in my mind that I can’t wait to write.”

  So far, he has written nearly three dozen mysteries and thrillers for young people, all of them bestsellers.

  Bob grew up in Columbus, Ohio. Today he lives in an apartment near Central Park in New York City with his wife, Jane, and thirteen-year-old son, Matt.


  NEXT: THE THRILL CLUB (Coming in May 1994)

  Five kids from Shadyside High have formed a new, scary club … the Thrill Club. Every week, Talia Blanton reads a horror story sure to send chills up everyone’s spine. Her stories are so good, they almost seem real. And she even gives her friends starring roles.

  But then Talia’s stories start to come true. Two members die gruesome deaths. Now the Thrill Club starts wondering about Talia. Why does she always use real names? And who will be next?



  Amy finds that breaking up with Ernie isn’t easy—it’s impossible! When she finally does manage it, you’ll break up, too—with laughter!


  Five teens dial for trouble in a contest of plots, counterplots, and practical jokes. Major phone war has been declared—and the laughs are on the line!


  In a summer theater camp for teenagers, the play’s the thing—until the blood begins to run! Can Rena survive the backstage horror—or will it be her final curtain?


  Jamie and Tom are the perfect teenage couple—until Tom breaks a date. Now Jamie is running from her boyfriend … does he really want to kill her?

  All Available from Archway Paperbacks Published by Pocket Books



  R.L. Stine, Double Date



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