Page 15 of Abduction

  “You like that, huh?” Richard questioned.

  The women nodded.

  Richard brought his goblet to his lips and tossed off the entire drink, to the surprise of the people around him. Putting the vessel on the floor he grabbed the hand of the nearest woman and charged toward the raised platform surrounding the pool in the center of the arena. With lots of laughter the crowd gave way and shouted encouragement to the couple. Reaching his goal, Richard leaped up and dragged the woman with him. He turned to face her and was momentarily taken aback by her beauty. Having seen so many beautiful people he’d already had begun to take it for granted, but he was particularly struck by this one’s looks.

  “You’re gorgeous!” he whispered, his words slightly slurred.

  “Thank you,” she said. “You’re attractive as well.”

  “You think so?” Richard asked.

  “You’re very entertaining,” the woman said.

  “I’m glad,” Richard said. He then had to take a lateral step to regain his balance. For a second the image of the woman went out of focus. He was feeling light-headed.

  “Are you all right?” the woman asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Richard assured her. He could feel the ends of his fingers tingling. “That crystal stuff packs a wallop.”

  “It’s my favorite,” the woman said.

  “Then it’s mine, too,” Richard said. “Hey, do you want to learn to dance?”

  “What does that mean exactly?” the woman asked.

  “Like I was doing before,” Richard said. “Only we do it together.”

  Richard closed his eyes and repeated his earlier gyrations. It only lasted for a second since he had to open his eyes to catch his balance a second time. The crowd responded with cheers and applause. They shouted for more.

  Richard faced out into the audience and did an exaggerated bow. There were more cheers. Turning back to the woman, Richard began to strut, twist, and shake as best as he could to the music. The woman watched him with great interest and amusement but had trouble imitating him. The only thing she was able to do with any degree of accomplishment was raise her hands in the air and move them as Richard was doing.

  “Let me show you,” Richard said. He reached out and grasped the woman about the hips and tried to get her to shake rhythmically. She couldn’t get the idea but found her awkward attempts hilarious. So did the crowd.

  Suzanne and Perry watched with understandable misgivings. Suzanne told Perry she was worried that Richard was drunk, and Perry agreed. But they couldn’t help but notice how much the crowd was enjoying his antics.

  “Your friend is very amusing,” a voice said behind Perry. He turned to face a darling young woman whom he guessed to be around eighteen. She had lively light blue eyes that reminded him of Suzanne’s and an infectious smile. She reached out with her palm. Perry pressed his against hers self-consciously; he could feel his face flush. The woman was disarmingly attractive and several inches taller than he.

  “My name is Luna,” the woman said in a voice that made Perry’s knees feel weak.

  “I’m Perry.”

  “I know,” Luna said. “You are very appealing. I see you have whiter teeth than Richard.”

  Perry blushed even more. He nodded. “Thank you,” he managed to say.

  Luna’s eyes drifted out toward the center of the arena. “Can you dance like Richard?”

  Perry glanced back at the diver, who was now doing an interpretation of break dancing. At that moment he was on his back spinning around with his legs thrust up in the air.

  “I can, I suppose,” Perry said noncommittally. “Maybe not quite as well as Richard. He’s a bit more extroverted than I. But to tell you the truth, I haven’t tried dancing for a few years.”

  “I think Richard is as good as an entertainment clone,” Luna said. She seemed to be mesmerized by Richard, who was now moon walking to the enjoyment of the crowd.

  “That’s a compliment I bet Richard has never gotten before,” Perry said.

  Forever the follower, Michael took the hand of one of the women surrounding him and joined Richard on the pool’s raised border. No sooner had he started to dance than a dozen other women stepped up on the platform to join in.

  There was now a bevy of beautiful women surrounding Richard and Michael, trying to move their arms and swivel their hips in imitation of the two tipsy divers. But it was not easy. Even the divers were having trouble coordinating their movements to the peculiar beat of the music.

  Several of the more adventuresome young Interterran men climbed onto the platform to attempt the strange dance. Richard was not amused. Without interrupting his gyrations, he worked his way over to each of the men in turn. With sudden, exaggerated movements of his hips, he knocked each in turn off the platform. The crowd and even the men themselves loved it, thinking it was all part of the exercise.

  After a half hour of uninterrupted dancing, the limits of endurance were reached. Forever the leader, Richard swept his arms out and grabbed as many women as he could before collapsing in giggles to the floor. Michael aped Richard’s maneuver, adding to the pile to create a tangle of legs, arms, and lightly clad, perspiring torsos. The recumbent divers didn’t mind keeping up with the palm pressing, and the women were happy to return the favor with kisses. At Arak’s suggestion, worker clones rushed up with more drinks.

  “This place is a dream come true,” Michael cried after taking a swig from his freshly filled goblet.

  “Poor Mazzola,” Richard said. “Good old bell diver misses all the fun.”

  “What do you think this crystal liquor is made from?” Michael asked. He peered into his glass. The fluid was completely transparent.

  “Who cares?” Richard squealed as he reached out and gave an exuberant one-armed hug to one of the women pressed up against his chest. In the process he spilled his drink on his chest to the merriment of all who noticed.

  “Michael, I have something for you,” a blue-eyed, dark brunette said.

  “What, gorgeous?” Michael asked. He was on his back, gazing up at the inverted image of the woman who was standing next to the raised platform. She smiled and held up a small jar.

  “I want you to try some caldorphin,” she said as she unscrewed the jar’s top. She extended the jar toward Michael, who used his free hand to scoop out a glob of the creamy contents. “That’s a bit more than you need,” she said, “but it’s okay.”

  “Sorry,” Michael said. “What do I do with it?” He brought it to his nose and sniffed. It was odorless.

  “Rub it on your hand,” she said. “I’ll do the same and then we touch palms.”

  “Hey, Richie,” Michael said as he rolled over and sat up. “Here’s something new.” Richard didn’t respond. He was busy getting another refill of crystal.

  Michael rubbed the cream on his palm and then looked up at the attractive woman who’d given it to him. She had a dreamy look about her, her eyes were half closed. Slowly she raised her hand, and Michael pressed his palm against hers.

  The reaction for Michael was swift and overpowering. His eyes shot open, then closed in utter pleasure. For a few minutes of rapturous ecstasy he couldn’t move. When he was finally able to, he snatched the jar away from the woman. He reached over and yanked on Richard’s arm.

  “Richie!” Michael yelled. “You got to try this stuff.”

  Richard tried to detach himself from Michael’s grasp, but Michael hung on. “Hey, can’t you see I’m occupied,” Richard said. He was trying to kiss two women at the same time.

  “Richie, you got to try this stuff,” Michael repeated. He held out the jar.

  “What the hell is it?” Richard said. He pushed himself up on one elbow.

  “It’s hand cream,” Michael said.

  “You’re interrupting me to try some hand cream?” Richard couldn’t believe it. “What’s the matter with you?”

  “Try it,” Michael said. “It’s like no hand cream you’ve ever tried. It’s better tha
n coke. I tell you it’s dynamite!”

  Sighing, Richard reached out and took a small amount of the cream and rubbed it on his hands. He looked up at Michael. “So, now what’s supposed to happen?”

  “Press your palm against one of the girl’s,” Michael said.

  Richard beckoned one of the two he’d just been kissing, but she motioned for him to wait. She took a bit of the cream for herself, rubbed it into her palm, and then pressed hers against Richard’s. The result was the same as it had been for Michael. It took Richard a full minute to pull out of the blissful delirium that enveloped him.

  “Oh, my god” Richard cried. “That was like an orgasm. Gimme some more!”

  Michael snatched the jar away from his groping hand.

  “Find your own,” he said.

  Richard made another lunge for the jar, but Michael batted his hand away.

  Perry was in the middle of explaining to Luna what it meant to be the president of Benthic Marine when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. It was Suzanne. She looked concerned.

  “Richard and Michael are starting to quarrel,” Suzanne said. “I’m worried. Arak is seeing to it that their glasses are never empty, and they’re already very drunk.”

  “Uh-oh!” Perry said. “That could spell trouble.” He glanced in the divers’ direction and saw them pushing and shoving each other.

  “I think we’d better walk out there and try to control them,” Suzanne said.

  “I guess you’re right,” Perry said. He hated to leave Luna.

  “Let them have their fun,” a voice said behind Suzanne. “Everyone is enjoying them. They’re quite lively.” She turned to find the same man who’d asked her if she lived with a mate.

  “We’re afraid their behavior could become disruptive,” Suzanne said. “We don’t want to take advantage of your hospitality.”

  “Let Arak worry about their behavior,” the man said. “As you can see, he is encouraging their drinking.”

  “I noticed that,” Suzanne said. “It’s not a good idea.”

  “Leave it up to Arak,” the man said. “It’s his job to take care of them, not yours. Besides, I’d like to talk with you in private for a moment.”

  “You would?” Suzanne responded. She was nonplused by the request. She glanced back at the divers and was relieved to see they’d stopped their squabbling and had settled back down into their bevy of reclining women. Suzanne looked at Perry, wondering if he’d heard the man’s request. He had. Perry smiled mischievously and gave Suzanne an encouraging nudge.

  “Why not?” Perry whispered leaning toward her. “We’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves, and the diver emergency has passed for the time being.”

  “It will be just for a moment,” the man said.

  “What do you mean, ‘in private’?” Suzanne asked. She took in the stranger’s chiseled features and liquid eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. She’d never seen a man quite so classically handsome, much less spoken with one.

  “Well, not really in private,” the man said with a disarming smile. “I thought we could just withdraw a few steps or perhaps climb the stairs to the balcony. I only wish to be able to speak to you alone for a moment.”

  “Well, I suppose,” Suzanne said. She looked back at Perry.

  “I’ll be right here,” Perry said, “with Luna.”

  Suzanne let herself be led up the stairs.

  “My name is Garona,” the man said as they climbed.

  “Mine is Suzanne Newell,” Suzanne responded.

  “That I know,” Garona said. “Dr. Suzanne Newell, to be precise.”

  They reached the top of the stairs and leaned against the balustrade. Below, it was apparent the gala was a great success: laughter and lively conversation drifted up from the throng. Most people were milling around the central pool area where the divers and their harem were the focus of attention. The crowd was orderly, gracious, and respectful. Those closest to the dancing were constantly giving way so that those on the periphery could move up to get a close-up view.

  “Thank you for giving me this moment,” Garona said. “It’s unfair for me to monopolize your time.”

  “It’s quite all right,” Suzanne said. “It’s a relief of sorts to step back and get this overview.”

  “I had to talk with you to tell you I find you irresistible,” Garona said.

  Suzanne peered into Garona’s handsome face. She expected to see at least a faint vestige of a sly smile. Instead he was regarding her with a warm, smiling intensity that suggested utter sincerity.

  “Run that by me again,” Suzanne said.

  “I find you absolutely irresistible,” Garona repeated.

  “You do?” Suzanne asked. She chuckled nervously.

  “Truly,” Garona said.

  Suzanne’s eyes wandered back to the crowd to give her a chance to process this unexpected encounter. She hesitated before turning back to him. “You’re very flattering, Garona,” she said. “At least I think you are. So I’m sorry if I seem skeptical, but with all these absolutely gorgeous and flawless females, I find it a bit hard to believe you’d be interested in me. I mean, I know my limitations. In the irresistible arena, I’m no competition for any of these women here.”

  Garona’s smile never faltered. “Perhaps it is hard for you to believe,” he said. “But nonetheless it is true.”

  “Well, than I am sincerely flattered,” Suzanne said. “But perhaps you could tell me why you find me so irresistible.”

  “It’s hard to put into words,” Garona said.

  “At least give it a try,” Suzanne said.

  “I suppose I’d have to say it involves your freshness or your innocence. Or perhaps it’s your alluring primitiveness.”

  “Primitiveness?” Suzanne echoed. “That’s how Arak characterized Richard.”

  “Well, he definitely has it, too,” Garona said.

  “And that’s supposed to be a compliment?” Suzanne asked.

  “Here in Interterra it is,” Garona said.

  “What exactly is Interterra?” Suzanne asked. “And how long has it been in existence?”

  Garona smiled patronizingly and shook his head. “I’ve been warned against answering any questions other than purely personal ones about myself.”

  Suzanne rolled her eyes. “Sorry,” she said with a touch of sarcasm. “I guess it just slipped out.”

  “It’s quite all right.”

  “So, I have to think up some personal questions?”

  “If you’d like,” Garona said.

  “Well . . .” Suzanne said as she tried to think of one. “Have you always lived down here?”

  Garona roared with laughter, loudly enough to attract the attention of two men on the floor below. They looked up, waved when they recognized Garona, and began making their way toward the stairs.

  “I’m sorry I laughed,” he said, “but your question underlines how wonderfully innocent you are. It’s so refreshing. I’d love to get better acquainted. When you have had enough of the festivities and you want to leave, let me know. I’d love to take you to your room. We can spend some intimate time together pressing palms, just you and I. What do you say?”

  Suzanne’s mouth slowly dropped open as the true meaning of Garona’s proposal dawned on her. She laughed mockingly. “Garona, I don’t believe this,” she said. “Only a short time ago I thought I was going to die. Now I’m in a fantasyland with a great-looking guy making a pass at me and wanting to come to my room. How am I supposed to respond?”

  “Just say yes,” Garona said.

  “I’m afraid I’m a little too stunned to reply so smoothly.”

  “I can appreciate that,” Garona said. “But I can comfort you and make you relax.”

  Suzanne shook her head. “I don’t think you understand. I’m having trouble just thinking straight.”

  “You excite me,” Garona said. “You enthrall me. I want to be with you.”

  “I have to give you high marks for persis
tence,” Suzanne said.

  “We will talk more later,” Garona said. “Here come two of my friends.”

  Suzanne turned to see the two men who’d been roused by Garona’s outburst of laughter mount the top step of the main stairway and approach. She couldn’t help but notice that both were as attractive as Garona. They walked arm in arm, like two lovers.

  “Greetings, Tarla and Reesta,” Garona said. “Have you met our honored guest, Dr. Suzanne Newell?”

  “Not yet,” the two men said in unison. “We were hoping to have the honor.” They both bowed elegantly.

  Suzanne forced a smile. This was all so enchantingly odd. She felt it all had to be a dream.

  Richard knew he was drunk, but he’d certainly been drunker in the past. His inebriation didn’t seem to deter any of the women who were still flocking around him. He was aware the faces of the women changed as he danced, meaning there was a rotation of sorts, but it didn’t matter since they were all so beautiful.

  Without meaning to, he bumped up against Michael hard enough to knock both of them off balance. They collapsed to the floor, too limp to hurt themselves. When they realized what had happened, they laughed so hard, they brought tears to their eyes.

  “What a party!” Michael cried when he’d recovered enough to speak. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

  “Nobody’s going to believe us when we get home,” Richard said. “Especially when we tell them that every single chick is available. I mean, it’s like a turkey shoot. It’s unreal.”

  “The men down here just don’t care,” Michael said. “Hey, look at that girl over there.”

  “Which one?” Richard asked. He rolled over and tried to follow Michael’s line of sight through the milling crowd. His eyes finally came to rest on a statuesque redhead walking arm in arm with a young boy.

  “Wow,” he said.

  “I saw her first,” said Michael.

  “Yeah, but I’m going to get her first.”

  “No way.”

  “Screw you,” Richard said as he scrambled to his feet.

  Michael reached out and grabbed one of Richard’s legs and tripped him. He fell head first and skidded off the edge of the platform, striking his forehead on the floor. He wasn’t hurt, but he was angry, especially when Michael tried to run past him toward the girl.