As they climbed the stairs, Vasile positioned himself in between Fane and Decebel. "I want you two and Sorin to go and make sure the girls stay out of trouble until tonight."

  "As you say," Fane and Decebel spoke at the same time.

  When they reached the top of the staircase, Decebel's head snapped to the right. There was loud laughter coming down the hall.

  He nudged Fane. "My bet is we'll find trouble down that way." He indicated the direction the giggles were coming from.

  "Are we going to survive this week?" Fane asked Decebel wearily.

  "What's this we crap? You're mated, you can go hole up with your woman. I, on the other hand, get to be smack in the middle of the festivities," Decebel said the word as if it were a disease.

  Fane laughed and patted Decebel on the back. "However I can help, Beta, I will. But I don't envy you when it comes to being responsible for Jen."

  "No doubt. She's a handful."

  "You wouldn't have her any other way, would you?"

  "Not on my life," Decebel admitted shamelessly.

  Just as they reached the door from which all the noise was coming, they heard – for the first time – male laughter. Decebel snarled as he grabbed the doorknob and threw the door open. Fane was right behind him, immediately searching the room for Jacque. He wasn't as angry as Decebel because he'd been able to feel Jacquelyn, and knew there was no danger.

  Of course, danger isn't entirely what Decebel is worried about, Fane thought.

  Jen nearly rolled off the bed as she laughed. The two guys who had lead them to their rooms were hilarious, though it wasn't completely them. They didn't understand a lot of American sayings and when they repeated them or tried to use American slang, it came out really funny.

  "So are you liking Romania?" the wolf called Damion asked her.

  "Well, it's cold," Jen started, "but it's alright. We got to go out to one of the dives and dance. Costin over there," Jen pointed to Costin who was standing in a corner with his arms folded across his chest, looking way to close to being mini-me Decebel, "hooked us up with drinks. He even let me dance on the bar."

  "Forgive me, but what is a dive? And how do you hook a drink?"

  Jen, Sally, and Jacque couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up at his innocent question.

  "Sorry, Damion. We aren't laughing at you," Sally explained when he began to look even more confused. "It's just we don't really think about how our words must sound to someone who doesn't use the same slang."

  Damion waved her off, obviously not offended.

  "So a dive is like a bar or club, you know, somewhere to hang out. When I said hooked up I mean like helped us out, or provided us with something."

  Damion grinned and looked at his pack mate Adrian. "I think I like this term 'hook up'. What do you think?"

  Adrian nodded. "So would it be correct for me to say I want hooked up you?"

  That did it – even Costin's stoic façade fell apart. The entire room erupted into laughter. This time Jen did fall off the bed and landed next to Damion, who helped steady her just as the door flew open.

  Jen looked up and the first word that came to her mind flew right out of her mouth, "Shit!" She slapped her hands over her mouth, which only made her lose her balance more and she fell forward, across Damion's lap. So not good.

  The room suddenly plunged into deathly silence.

  Decebel's eyes landed on Damion and then at Jen as she struggled to right herself from Damion's lap.

  His eyes began to glow and, for the first time in a long time, his wolf won.

  Jen watched in complete horror as several things happened at once. Decebel lunged for Damion as Fane, Costin, and Sorin, who had appeared out of nowhere, all lunged for Decebel. Jen felt herself be pulled back and she tumbled onto her butt.

  "We haven't been here thirty minutes," Jacque said, sitting down next to her.

  Sally pulled up some carpet on Jen's other side. "Wow, that's impressive."

  Crina and Mariana, who had been sitting close to Costin, came over. "I guess I know where I need to be if I want free entertainment," Crina teased.

  "Yyyep," Jen said with a pop on the "p." "Just call me prime time, because if this kind of crap follows me all week, my ratings are bound to soar."

  Jacque snorted. "Lucy, esplain this mess." she used her best Ricky Ricardo voice.

  "Ahh, Ricky, I just wanted to surprise you." Jen tossed back.

  Sally laughed with them. Then the collective group of five cringed as Decebel got one good punch across Damion's face before the other males finally pulled him back.

  Dang, he's strong, Jen thought.

  Finally Decebel collected himself and shook the others off. "I'm fine," he said, holding his arms up in surrender.

  Damion wiped the blood from his lip, his eyes now glowing an eerie green.

  Sorin stood in between the wolves, his hands held out between them as if to hold them off.

  Decebel growled when Damion continued to meet his eyes. Damion finally relented and dropped his eyes.

  Jen muttered, "Good grief."

  "Charlie Brown," Sally finished.

  Decebel's eyes fell on Jen, which made her squirm, only she didn't know why because she hadn't done anything wrong. Jen continued to meet his stare and the longer she held it the angrier she got. Finally she stood up, causing Jacque and Sally to scramble to their feet, not wanting to be the only ones on the floor. Fane walked over to Jacque and took her hand.

  "We need to go," he told her gently.

  "Do you think it wise to leave just now?" Jacque asked through their bond.

  "Most definitely," Fane answered as he tugged her towards the door.

  When no one else made to follow Fane and Jacque, Decebel growled, "Everyone out!"

  Suddenly everyone was in motion. Jen grinned to herself as she began to head to the door with everyone else. She heard Crina chuckle behind her, obviously having caught on to what she was trying to do.

  "JENNIFER." Decebel's voice wrapped around her, pulling her to a halt.

  Damn Beta, she thought.

  "Good try," Crina whispered as she squeezed past Jen.

  "Scream real loud if you need to be rescued," Mariana told her, then winked. "We'll send someone."

  "Yeah, thanks for that, wolf-girl."

  The door clicked shut, leaving Jen alone with one very large, very angry wolf.

  She turned around slowly and made her way towards the window, almost casually.

  "So, how are you liking the weather?" she asked as if he hadn't just nearly torn a man in half.

  "What part of 'don't touch another male' didn't make it through that thick skull, Jennifer?" Decebel's voice was deep and low.

  Oh, hell no, Jen thought. He did not just imply what I think he did. She whipped around and pinned him with ice blue eyes. "You know what, Decebel? I think this whole thing," she motioned between them, "is a conflict of interest. Yeah, the more I think about it the more I think it's detrimental to your health for you to be on my security detail."

  "A conflict of interest?" he repeated sarcastically.

  "Exactly. Your interest in me has caused your good sense to become conflicted, or impaired, actually. Wait, I'll do you one better than that – your good sense has kissed your ass goodbye on its way out the door, waving and smiling with well wishes."

  Decebel stood dumbfounded at the anger in her voice. Why is she angry? he wondered. He was the one who had found her in another wolf's lap. Oh, that was not a good thing for him to dwell on. He felt his canines trying to lengthen and took a deep breath, pulling his wolf back.

  "All I know is we are apart for five minutes and you're cuddled up next to some pup."

  "Cu-cud- cuddled," Jen was so angry that she couldn't even get her words out. "If you would open your freaky glowing eyes and quit jumping to conclusions, you would have seen that I wasn't cuddled in his lap. I fell off the bed and landed next to him. You barging in surprised me and I lost my balance, that's when
I ended up in his lap."

  "He's interested in you," Decebel bit out.

  "Of course he's interested in me, flea bag. There is all kinds of interest to be had up in here." Jen couldn't help but goad him on, it was just too stinking easy. She could almost see steam rising from his head at her words.

  "You aren't helping, you know."

  "You didn't ask for my help, B. You barged in here thinking the worst of me and then acted like a barbarian. Then you accused me of purposely throwing myself at some guy I don't even bloody know." Jen was to the point that she just really wanted Decebel out of her room. Her emotions were raw. She had been having fun, laughing and, sure, flirting a little. But much to her chagrin, no matter how hot Damion and Adrian were – who, by the way, were mega hot – she wasn't interested. Then Decebel has to come in and be all, well, all Decebel.

  "Look, we need to take five, okay? Go get a Kit Kat and give me a break."

  Decebel cocked his head to the side, obviously not understanding her reference.

  She shook her head. "Never mind, just leave. Is that clearer for you?"

  "You want me to go?" Decebel took a step back, obviously caught off guard by her statement.

  Yeah, well, that's what you get for being something that rhymes with stick, Jen thought angrily. "Can you not get that through your thick skull?" She threw his words back in his face.

  Decebel felt like she had slapped him, and realized how his words must have made her feel.

  "Jennifer..." He took a step towards her, his voice much gentler.

  Jen held her hand up to hold him off. "Save it. I'm not ready to hear how you didn't mean to hurt me and blah blah, boo hoo. Okay? I just want to chill out before this thing tonight."

  Jen walked to the door, pulled it open, and waited.

  Decebel stood there for a moment, still completely shocked that she was kicking him out. Finally he shook his head and made to leave. As he walked through the door he heard her mutter, "It'd be nice if you could try not to pee around my door." Then she slammed it shut. Decebel heard the lock click in place.

  Jen leaned her back against the door and slid to the floor. She drew her knees up and looked around the room. It was very elegantly done in candlelight and sage. It had a calming effect – well, when there wasn't a raging werewolf standing in the middle of it.

  She closed her eyes as she leaned her head back. "Well, this has started out splendidly. Fall in one little lap and all goes to hell in a hand basket" she said to no one.

  Jen jumped when there was a knock at her door. She rolled her eyes and growled, "Go away, fur ball. I told you I'm done."

  "Jen, it's Cynthia. I think we need to talk."

  Jen's eyes popped open and she stood up. "I think you read my mind."

  Chapter 13

  Thad answered the knock on his suite door and wasn't surprised to see his contact on the other side.

  "You have news for me?"

  "Can I please come in? I'd rather not be seen in the hall."

  Thad stepped back so she could enter.

  "I've decided that if someone spots us I will simply lead them to believe there might be a bond going on between us. That will explain any rendezvous." She shut the door behind her. "Now, Jen is under Decebel's protection and it's serious. Jen claims there are no mating signs but Decebel acts as if she is his mate."

  "Well, you will just have to make sure to earn the Americans trust. That way when you finally lead them to their demise no one will be suspicious of them being with you. Does your sidekick suspect anything?"


  "Good," Thad walked over to the wet bar and poured himself a drink. He didn't offer one to his guest. "I have a plan to get Vasile alone. I can't take the chance of Fane or Alina being there. I'm thinking that once the girls are out of the picture and Fane's mate is dead, I will give the appearance of wanting to help Vasile, gain more of his trust. Then it should be easy enough to take him out. It would make things easier if Jen and Decebel were bonded – take out one, the other falls. Got to love how the fates worked that one out."

  Thad took a sip of his drink and, with a nod, dismissed the contact. "You know what I want you to do. Don't disappoint me."

  "Yes, Alpha," she answered and turned to go.

  Thad dialed his Beta as soon as the door closed. "Damion, report."

  "Decebel's mated, no doubt. No male would react that strongly unless it was family or a mate."

  "Hmm. Well, he might be easy enough to deal with. If Jen is suddenly missing, Decebel would probably remove himself from the equation," Thad thought out loud.

  "What would you like me to do, Alpha?"

  "Unfortunately you are going to, as the American's say, take one for the team. Continue to pursue Jen. Let's shake Vasile's Beta up a bit and keep him distracted."

  "As you say," Damion responded and ended the call.

  Thad checked his watch for the time and saw that it was getting close to the first gathering. He still needed to shower and dress.

  "Planning the downfall of a pack is more time consuming than one might think." He chuckled to himself as he headed for the shower.

  Fane ran his hand down Jacquelyn's back as she lay on her stomach on their bed.

  "What's on your mind, love?" he asked her gently.

  Jacquelyn let out a loud huff. "I just can't believe the way Decebel lost it back there."

  Fane laid down on his side next to her and propped himself up on one arm. He continued to rub her back, unable to keep from touching her at any opportunity. If anyone had told him being mated would be so indescribable, he would have said they were exaggerating, but truth be told Jacquelyn amazed him. Every day he felt more and more blessed at having her in his life.

  "I don't see how he can deny anymore that she is his mate," Fane admitted. "A male would only respond that strongly to his mate being touched by another."

  "I don’t get it," Jacquelyn told him as she turned to look at him. "Why do y'all freak? It was an accident that she even landed in the dude's lap. Are wolves that insecure?"

  Fane chuckled. "You forget, Luna, we are not human. I know it is hard to truly grasp but an animal lives in us, is a part of who and what we are. That part of us will always respond in its own nature. Natural wolves are very territorial. I think because we add our human emotions it just amplifies our wolf's traits. I wouldn't call it insecurity when we respond to another male touching our mate, more an issue of protection. You've seen the depths to which I will go to protect you."

  "Very familiar, yes," she agreed with a grin.

  "Well, for me it just makes sense that it's better to avoid the possibility of something happening to you. You can effectively do that by avoiding situations that open doors to those possibilities. If a male doesn't touch you, he doesn't have the opportunity to harm you."

  Jacquelyn laughed at him. "I think that's a little overboard, wolf-man."

  "You may, but that's why I'm Alpha."

  Jacque's eyes widened. "Did you seriously just say that?" She sat up abruptly and pushed at his chest, putting him flat on his back. Jacque leaned over him. "Take it back," she growled, but still there was a hint of humor dancing in her emerald eyes.

  "But I am Alpha," Fane told her, his brow drawn together.

  "Maybe, but you implied that because of that you get to boss me around."

  Fane ran the back of his fingers across her cheek. Jacque closed her eyes at the feel of his skin against hers. "As Alpha, I do get to give you orders,"

  "Is that so?" she challenged, her eyes still closed, savoring the closeness between them.

  "That's so." Fane switched to the more intimate way of communicating between them. "And right now I'm ordering you to kiss your mate."

  Jacque's eyes popped open and, grinning wickedly, started to get up. Fane quickly wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her down to his chest. "Where are you going?"

  "You told me to kiss my mate," she answered. "I have to go find him, cuz my mate wouldn't be such
a bossy butt."

  "Bossy butt?" Fane laughed.

  Jacque poked his chest. "Don’t laugh at me or I'll bite you."

  Fane drew her closer and leaned up to whisper in her ear. "Promise?"

  "Geez, Jen's influence reaches further than I realized."

  Fane stared into her eyes, a silent challenge, daring her to do as he ordered. She moved closer and leaned down as if to kiss him, but nipped him instead and tried to squirm away before he could retaliate. But his werewolf reflexes were faster. He flipped her on her back and quickly pressed his lips to hers. When he pulled back, Jacque was grinning.

  "What?" His eyes narrowed.

  "You kissed me, oh great Alpha." Jacque laughed. "I win."

  Fane groaned. "Why do I have this sense of dread that this is a foreshadowing of our very long life to come?"

  "And you will love every minute of it."

  Fane stood and pulled her up as well. "I will more than love it, Luna," he agreed impenitently. "Now, we must get ready and then go gather up Sally and Jen."

  "Sounds like a plan, Stan," Jacque chimed.

  "Who is this Stan?"

  Jacque laughed. "We have really got to work on your lingo."

  "Work away, my love."

  "So, let me see if I'm catching what you're throwing." Jen sat up a little straighter as she faced Cynthia and tried to wrap her brain around what the good doctor was telling her. "According to this Alpha from way back, in order for the mating signs to become apparent there has to be some sort of catalyst?"