"Will the three Americans be in attendance?" Thad asked.


  "I expect you to befriend them, earn their trust." Thad paused. "I'm still working out the details of the plan, but as soon as I have figured it out I will be in contact. Remember, don't contact me. I will be in touch with you."

  "Yes, Alpha." Then his contact disconnected the call.

  Thad sat down in his office chair, looking out over the mountains of his territory. All he had to do was be patient and let his quarry come to him. The Gathering was a month away, he had plenty of time to finalize the plan. Once everything is said and done, I will have taken down the most powerful Alpha in a century.

  Decebel knocked on the door to the pack infirmary. Remembering Jennifer's words, he grinned and waited for Dr. Steele to invite him. Wouldn't Jennifer be proud of me? he thought.

  "Come on in," he heard Cynthia Steele yell through the door.

  Decebel turned the knob and pushed the door open, sticking his head in before walking through. "Is this a bad time, Cynthia?"

  "Decebel, hey." Cynthia took her glasses off and set down the book she had been studying. "No, not at all." She waved him in.

  Decebel closed the door behind him and stepped into the area that was used to treat their pack. The room consisted of several large hospital beds along one wall and across from those, two surgery areas that were separated by partitions. Cynthia had a desk immediately to the right of the door with several file cabinets behind her. There was also a lab area set up with various machines, microscopes, and sharp looking objects that Decebel preferred to stay away from.

  Part of Cynthia's punishment for her part in the kidnapping of Jacque was serving the Romanian pack as the on-site physician. Vasile, at Jacque's pleading, had spared Cynthia physical punishment, but Vasile had stripped Cynthia of her career. She would practice medicine for the pack and in turn the pack would provide her with lodging, food, the essentials – but until Vasile decided she would not be paid and her freedom was very limited.

  "What can I do for you?" she asked him.

  Decebel took a chair on the opposite side of her desk. Once seated he looked straight at Cynthia, who quickly averted her gaze. "I need to know what you know about dormant wolves."

  "I don't know that much," she told him.

  "Then I need you to find out about them. Find out if there is any documentation of their mating tendencies and the occurrences that have gone along with them." Decebel leaned forward, elbows on his knees, hands clasped in front of him.

  "What's going on, Decebel?" Cynthia asked, her brow furrowed in question.

  He let out a frustrated breath. "I thought I would have time to deal with whatever it is that's going on between Jennifer and I, but now with this gathering..."

  "Oh, yeah. Vasile told me about that," she said, nodding her head. "He wants me to go in case there are injuries during the inevitable fights between the unmated males."

  Decebel nodded. "We'll be lucky if there aren't any casualties, to be honest."

  "So, this thing between you and Jen..." she prompted.

  "I don’t know what it is. There are no mating signs other than the urging of my wolf and how I react in her presence," Decebel explained. The frustration he had been feeling was evident in the way his body tensed as he talked. "I can't hear her thoughts, my markings haven't changed – yet the idea of another male near her makes me crazy. She's all I think about. Her scent has become a part of me, and I have a ridiculous urge to make sure she has my scent on her."

  Cynthia watched him as he spoke, observing the way his eyes began to glow as he talked about Jen. There was something going on, that was for certain.

  "Everything you're describing indicates you have found your true mate," Cynthia told him. "I'll look into the pack archives and see if there is any documentation on dormant wolves. She may be your mate and it may take something major to create the bond, just like it took something traumatic to bring out the wolf genetics in her. Or she may just not be your mate."

  Decebel growled, not liking the doctor even suggesting that Jennifer didn't belong to him. Yeah, I'm in trouble. This gathering was going to prove to be the ultimate test in self control for him and his wolf.

  Decebel stood. "Thank you. I really appreciate your help." Before he reached the door, he turned and added, "And your discretion."

  Cynthia was completely surprised the dominant wolf had come to her. That alone proved that Jen was really getting under his skin. She turned to her laptop and pulled up the database for the history of packs the world over. Amongst the thousands of files surely there was something documented on a dormant. She began searching through files – opening, skimming, and closing, over and over. Yeah, she thought, this is going to be fun.

  Chapter 9

  Jen and Sally walked together to a large meeting room. The pack was meeting in five minutes for the announcement of The Gathering.

  They had essentially done nothing all day. It was Saturday – so no lessons. Jen had been forced to endure Sally's endless reassurances that she wouldn't leave her side at the event they'd deemed Mate Fest 2010. They had also opted not to venture out after Jen told them about Decebel's declaration to always be with her when she left the mansion.

  Sally had asked, "And how did you respond?"

  "I told him the only place I would go with him was to the vet," Jen said innocently.

  "We all know that there was more to your comment than that, Virginia. So go on, share the rest of what I'm sure was a most enlightening statement for Decebel," Jacque prodded.

  "Fine. I added that he would be going to the vet to have my foot pulled from his ass. I didn't see his face but I'm sure he felt, as you said, enlightened."

  Sally had been taking a sip of water at that exact moment and spewed it everywhere.

  "I'm interested to meet these other unmated females," Jen told Sally. "I'm hoping they're cool. Ya know what I mean?"

  "If in 'cool' you mean non-psycho, jealous, female dogs – then yes, I know what you mean," Sally retorted.

  "Man, Sal. I have seriously rubbed off on your once sweet, innocent disposition." Jen chuckled. "And by design, Sally dearest, they are female dogs, they can't help it."

  Sally looked at Jen out of the corner of her eye. "You really crack yourself up. And by the way, maybe the real Sally is finally surfacing after years of repression."

  "Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, Sigmund. While you're at it why don't you explain to us the theory of conditioning," Jen teased her best friend.

  "I'm just saying."

  "Once again you prove that I have clearly influenced you." Jen's eyebrows rose as she glanced at Sally. "I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I mean, truthfully, most people would seriously benefit from a personality adjustment compliments of Jen Adams."

  Sally snorted. "Does it get heavy?"

  "Does what get heavy?"

  "That big head you lug around 24/7, 365." Sally patted Jen on the back. "It just seems like maybe your neck or back would begin to hurt at some point."

  "Wow, Sally. I'm impressed you aren't just going for a psychology degree! Right now you seem to be running for mayor of 'I think I'm funny' town."

  Sally laughed at Jen but quickly stopped as they walked into the meeting room. Chairs lined the walls and were also lined up in rows in the middle of the room. The room wasn't full yet but it was quickly becoming so as people filed past them.

  "Guess we should snag some chairs," Jen muttered as she walked into the room, heading for the far right corner.

  "Why are we sitting way back here?"

  "This way we can see the whole room and do some recon."

  "Great, here we go with the black op lingo. Were you a Navy SEAL or some special forces officer in a past life?" Sally asked.

  "It's a gift. It comes so naturally that you think I've had formal training." Jen winked.

  "Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. And, by the way, Hogwarts accepted you and is await
ing your arrival."

  "Ha ha, good one," Jen said dryly. "You have my vote – you'll be mayor in no time."

  Sally rolled her eyes as they both continued to watch people enter and sit in the large room.

  "Ooo, ooo!" Sally smacked Jen's leg as she spotted Jacque and Fane. "There's Simba and Nala."

  "Nice," Jen laughed, then hollered to get their attention. "Hey, princess! Over here."

  Jacque spotted them and pulled Fane in their direction.

  "Hey, why are you guys sitting way back here?" Jacque asked.

  "Here we go," Sally murmured.

  "We're doing recon," Jen explained.

  "Recoooon, riiiiight," Jacque repeated, one eyebrow raised dubiously.

  "Oh, shut up and sit down."

  Fane chuckled and sat down next to Sally, pulling Jacque onto his lap. Jacque looked back at him and smiled.

  "This way we are sure to have enough chairs for everyone," he explained with a grin.

  "Oh, right. We definitely want to make sure there are plenty of seats." Jacque smirked.

  "Well, as long as we are being so conscientious," Jen cut in. "Sally, why don't you go climb up in Sorin's lap and I'll," she pointed as a guy walked past her, "grab that hottie and pull up a lap as well."

  Jen felt a hand rest at the nape of her neck as a voice spoke softly next to her ear. "If you need a lap to sit on, ţinere de meu inimă (holder of my heart), mine will be the only available to you."

  She watched as Decebel sat in the chair next to her and felt her stomach drop as he winked at her.

  "I better stay in this chair. It has a tendency to walk off if left on its own." Jen hated how breathless her voice sounded and was mentally kicking herself for letting him see how he affected her. By the smug look that slid across his face he was indeed well aware of it. Damn werewolf, she thought to herself.

  Sally looked over at Jacque and grinned, obviously loving the play between Decebel and Jen.

  Jacque leaned over and whispered in Sally's ear, "I give it two days before he lays one on her."

  "You're being generous. I say less than twenty four hours."

  "Is that a bet?" Jacque asked, eyebrows raised.

  "Better believe it," Sally answered. Her lips eased into a crooked smile.

  Jen leaned around Sally and glared at her two best friends. "What are you two betting on?"

  "Good grief. What, does she have eagle ears or something?"

  "No, you dork. Your whisper is just you talking in normal volume but making your voice raspy. Really, you sound more like a chick who's been smoking for thirty years." Jen shrugged. "I'm just throwing that out there. You can take it and apply it at your leisure."

  Fane was chuckling at Jen's words when Jacque elbowed him, causing him to cough.

  "You don't get to laugh, wolf-man." Jacque turned back to Jen. "Thank you for that observation, Sherlock."

  "Always glad to help a friend in need, Watson." Jen grinned at Jacque's irritated look.

  Sally rolled her eyes. "Will there ever be a time that I don't have to send you two to opposite corners?"

  "When hell freezes."

  "And the people there finally get that glass of ice water they've been waiting on," Jen added.

  Jacque reached around Sally, her fist balled. "I like that one."

  Jen bumped Jacque's fist and winked. "I know, right? I came up with that one just now."

  "Ooo, pretty and quick witted."

  "What can I say, wolf princess? I'm the total package."

  Decebel looked over at Fane. "A face tu fiecare a lua ce ei say?(Do you ever get what they say?)"

  Fane smiled at his Beta. "Nu mai incerce sa, (No longer try)."

  "Good call." Decebel nodded.

  Jen looked over at Decebel, her eyes narrowing. "No talking in foreign tongue when around the Americans."

  Decebel leaned towards her, the gleam in his eyes causing Jen to tremble. "But Jennifer, I thought you spoke Romanian." He looked around at Sally and Jacque. "Weren't you two under the impression that she spoke Romanian?"

  Jacque and Sally nodded despite the daggers Jen was staring their way.

  "That was thoroughly impressed upon us, wouldn't you say, Sally?" Jacque turned to look at her.

  "Wait. Uh yeah, I distinctly remember a bar...vodka...and I'm almost positive Jen speaking in Romanian to the hot bartender." Sally was grinning from ear to ear as Jen's face grew red.

  "I hope you two aren't attached to your undergarments because I just got the sudden urge to have a bonfire," Jen growled out.

  "Note to self: hide underwear."

  "Or you could just solve that problem by not wearing any." Jacque heard Fane's voice through their bond. Her jaw dropped open and her face turned bright red as she turned to look at her mate.

  Jen looked at Sally. "Looks like Fane had a suggestion about the princess' undergarments. If I had my guess, I'd say he told her I couldn't burn them if she didn't own any."

  If Jacque could've turned any redder she would have. "How? What..." Jacque stuttered as she looked at her blonde friend, trying to figure out how she knew what Fane had been thinking.

  "It's a gift, Watson. But really what it boils down to is when it comes to chicks and underwear, guys will always say they don't mix."

  Decebel coughed as he choked on his laughter while Fane had buried his face in Jacque's back, his shoulders shaking. Jacque and Sally both looked at their friend with open mouths.

  "Another tidbit you might be interested in is when it comes to chicks and open mouths, guys -" Decebel leaned over and covered Jen's mouth with his hand and warned her with a glare to swallow her words.

  "Thanks, Dec. That's usually my job," Sally told him. "But I was in such shock that I couldn't get my limbs to move."

  Decebel inclined his head. "Is that why you always seem to stand so close to her?"

  "It's of utmost importance that whoever is within her reach be ready at any and all moments to intercept what might come from that wicked tongue."

  Jen was frantically trying to talk around Decebel's hand at Sally's comment. Decebel was quickly learning how Jennifer's brain worked, and could only imagine what she wanted to voice in regards to Sally's wicked tongue comment. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "I'm going to uncover your mouth. It would be wise of you to just let the wicked tongue comment slide."

  Jen glared at him from the corner of her eye, and after a tense moment finally nodded once in submission. Decebel slowly uncovered her mouth, ready if need be to slap it right back over her lips.

  The room began to get quiet and they all directed their attention to the front of the room. As Vasile welcomed everyone for coming and began to explain about the meeting he had with the other Alphas, Jen leaned over to Decebel. "You owe me. Sally walked right into it with that whole wicked tongue thing."

  Decebel chuckled and whispered back, "For some reason, ţinere de meu inimă (one who holds my heart), I have a feeling there will be plenty of opportunities for you to embarrass your friends for questionable comments they innocently walk into."

  Jen shrugged. "True enough, but you still owe me. And what are you calling me when you speak Romanian? You've said the same phrase to me twice now."

  Decebel patted her leg, causing all sorts of tingling sensations. "Dar tu romaneste, Micul meu lup. (but you speak Romanian, my little wolf)"

  "I know what lup is and I am not a wolf. Whatever else you said I'm sure is a load of crap as well."

  "My sweet Jennifer." It was his turn to lean in close. He drew in a deep breath, taking in her scent. His eyes closed as a new smell hit his nose. It was subtle, but it was most definitely there. "I didn't notice it before but I assure you, your scent says you are most definitely wolf." My wolf, he heard his own wolf growl, but he kept those words to himself.

  Decebel leaned back in his chair. He couldn't focus on what Vasile was saying, not after catching this new scent on Jennifer. He tried really hard to hide his surprise, but he was almost positive thi
s new scent was the mate scent. There were several things that identified a female as a true mate to a male: the ability to hear each other's thoughts, the markings on the male changing, new markings appearing on the female – ones that matched the male's like a puzzle piece – and a scent that only the true mate would recognize.

  The first two had definitely not happened between Jennifer and Decebel, but the scent, her scent had changed. It was very, very subtle and it was taking everything in him not to pull her into his lap and bury his nose in her neck. Yeah, he thought, that wouldn't freak her out. Decebel shook his head and tried to set aside this new development so he could listen to his Alpha.

  "The Gathering is to take place in a month," Vasile was saying as Decebel tried to catch up. "I want every unmated female to choose one or two mated females from the pairs I have chosen to attend to act as their companions. These females will help the unmated prepare for the evening dances and should she meet her true mate they will also stand as witnesses."

  "Do we have to go, Alpha?" Jen heard a pouty voice on the far left side of the room and craned her neck to see who had spoken. Vasile motioned for the wolf to stand and Jen watched as a petite girl rose from her chair. Her hair was cut short in a pixie style. She had big, expressive brown eyes and a small mouth. Her olive skin tone only added to her exotic look.

  Vasile's eyes softened and he smiled gently. "Unfortunately, Crina, this is out of my hands. We have been invited and if I refuse it would be considered an act against our species."