Vasile was the first to break the tense silence. "Do you see why Cynthia feels this is a dangerous situation?"

  Decebel didn't respond at first. Finally, he gathered himself. "My options?" He looked directly at Cynthia.

  Cynthia took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. "Create some intense reaction from Jen or leave it alone."

  "Neither of those is acceptable," Decebel growled.

  Cynthia actually laughed. "Leave it to a dominant wolf to expect someone to pull a solution out of their -"

  "Cynthia," Vasile cautioned, his eyes narrowing.

  "I beg your pardon, Alpha," she submitted. "What I meant to say was, acceptable or not it is what it is."

  "What are your reservations about pursuing her?" Alina asked him.

  Decebel looked at Vasile. "I don't want a mate."

  Cynthia's eyebrows drew together. "What?"

  Alina continued to hold Decebel's stare, and as an Alpha in her own right, she would not back down. Decebel eventually relented out of respect, not a lack of dominance. He let out the breath he'd been holding.

  "I had a sister, a long time ago. I failed to protect her. I decided then I did not ever want someone else relying on me for their safety."

  "But Vasile and I rely on you every day. The other wolves, the ones you train, the unmated females all rely on you to protect them. How is having a mate any different?" Alina questioned.

  "I have backup when it comes to all those you just named. You know as well as I do, Alina, that when it comes to your protection Vasile is the end all. If you are left unprotected, if your protection fails, Vasile will be the one responsible. That's part of being mated, bonded. Vasile alone considers himself responsible for your safety. I don't want that responsibility again."

  "You are willing to spend your entire existence spiraling further into darkness because you are afraid of failure?" Cynthia asked, unable to hide her disbelief. "You would pass up something that others consider precious and an honor? Not only that, but you would doom her to live with only half her soul. Really? That's what you are willing to sacrifice?"

  Decebel was growling at Cynthia when she finished.

  "You don't understand. You aren't a male of this species; you aren't an Alpha. Have you any idea what's like to watch the one you loved and were bound to protect die in your arms because you didn't get there fast enough? DO YOU?" Decebel snarled.

  "Decebel." Vasile didn't raise his voice, but his words were full of power.

  Decebel backed down but his body shook with anger at Cynthia's words, knowing they were the truth.

  "This is what I would have of you, Beta." Vasile faced Decebel, making it a formal command. Anything less wouldn't get Decebel's cooperation. "You will be part of Jen's security. If you don't want to pursue this possibility, fine. I suggest that you wait and see if she finds her true mate at The Gathering. If she does not, then you will take part in seeing if she's your mate through the methods this document has shed light on. You will not leave Jen to the fate of being only a shell of what she should be. Do you understand?"

  Decebel growled but nodded his head. He finished formally, "As you say, so shall it be."

  Decebel turned to leave, but Vasile spoke up before he could make it out the door. "Decebel, you are choosing this. If you so much as breathe on another wolf at The Gathering because of Jen, you will suffer the consequences."

  "Understood," Decebel acknowledged. He walked out of the room, leaving with not only more questions but complete and utter confusion.

  Decebel knew that the moment he saw another wolf put his hands on Jennifer he would not be able to control his wolf, yet he had stupidly agreed to guard her. He was doing the very thing he wanted to avoid. He was her protection. Damn his Alpha and his meddling.

  Jen paced her room like a caged animal. She couldn't believe what a fool she had made of herself, but at the moment all she had been able to think about was getting away from a certain wolf.

  She was so screwed. How had she gotten to this point? She'd been telling herself over and over that he wasn't an option. She might as well have had a license plate made as many times as she had repeated it to her heart. Yeah, well her heart was doing its own thing because it didn't give a royal, flipping, fat pig that Decebel was supposed to be off limits. Something in her reached out to him. Every time he was near her she just wanted to rub up against him and curl up in his lap. Can we say coming unhinged, boys and girls, Jen thought.

  Back and forth she paced. "Okay," she said to the empty room, "Mate Fest 2010 is the answer. I have to really, really try to find my mate." Once again her heart piped in its two cents while Jen was telling it not to waste its money. Decebel is our mate, it told her. "Nope, not happening. I'm not listening to you. La la la la la la." Jen plugged her fingers in her ears and closed her eyes. It was at this point that Sally walked in.

  "Who are you not listening to, exactly?" Sally asked, looking around the room.

  Jen swung around, dropping her hands quickly. "Hey, Sal. What's up?" she asked, reaching for calm but falling five thousand feet short.

  "Yeah. Well, about that..." Sally folded her arms and raised a hand to tap her chin with a finger. "What's up? Hmm. See, you jumping up like you were sitting on a fire cracker and then bolting out of the meeting like said fire cracker was trying to bite your butt…yeah, that's pretty much what's up."

  Jen cringed at the picture Sally painted. "Okay, so it wasn't my best moment," she muttered.

  "Ya think?" Sally asked, her eyebrows rising.

  "You don't know what it was like..." Jen's voice was reaching that high-pitched point when she would normally have thrown something at someone else using it. "Sitting there next to his furry hotness, his eyes doing that smoldering thing, his voice deep and soft, his hand being all handy. I mean seriously, Sally, it was either jump and run for the hills or crawl up in his lap panting like some desperate wench."

  Sally laughed. "Did you just say desperate wench?"

  "Shut up, Sally."

  Sally held her hands up in surrender. "Hey, don't shoot the one pointing out your dumb metaphors."

  Jen rolled her eyes at her best friend as she plopped down on the floor, leaning her back against the bed.

  "So, what's the -" Sally started to ask but was interrupted when the door to the room flew open.

  "I'm here!" Like a turbulent wind, Jacque came rushing in. "I'm here," she panted. "What's the plan?" Her head snapped back and forth between Jen and Sally.

  Jen nodded her head in Jacque's direction. "What the bloody hell is wrong with her?" she asked Sally.

  "I'm beginning to think it's the s-e-x," Sally spelled, covering the side of her face so Jacque couldn't see but speaking in a loud whisper. "All the lack of oxygen from the panting, heavy breathing, and what not is killing her brain cells."

  Jen busted out laughing, "That would be even funnier if my brain wasn't trying to fill in the what not."

  "Could we please refrain from talking about my sex life," Jacque ground out.

  "No, there will be no refraining because then you would want me to talk about the attraction I'm trying to ignore to the wolf who is still not an option even though neither one of us can seem to stay the hell away from the other." Jen took a deep breath and barreled on. "If we cease talking about your sex life then you two hyenas will expect me to tell you how when I'm near him I feel like electricity is running over my skin. You would want me to explain how my heart speeds up and my breathing becomes erratic every time he whispers in my ear. You would force me – against my will, mind you – to describe to you the many times I have daydreamed hearing his voice in my mind, seeing marks cover my skin, seeing his marks change. So, hell to the no. Request denied. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. In summary, we cannot stop talking about your sex life."

  Sally was standing with her jaw dropped open and Jacque was staring at Jen like she had sprouted wings from her butt.

  "Well, okay then," Sally finally spok
e. "I think talking about Jacque's sex life has really shed some light on things. Don't you, Jacque?"

  "Some light? Crap, my sex life has illuminated a whole stinking football stadium."

  "Who knew?" Jen shrugged innocently.

  "What's the plan, Jen?" Sally asked soberly, "We all know you have one, so spill."

  Jen stood up and started pacing again. "I've got to find my mate, I've got to stay away from B, and I've got to pull it together." She blew a breath out, ruffling her bangs.

  "Okay, operation MAP starts now." Jacque grinned.

  "Operation MAP?" Jen asked dubiously.

  "Um, wolf-princess, would you please elaborate on the title?" Sally prodded.

  "M, mate, A, avoid, P, pull," Jacque explained.

  "Ooo, MAP. Like we're mapping out her future. I like." Sally winked at Jacque.

  "I know, right? It fits, like we're making a map out of this mess," Jacque added.

  Jen smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically, "Oh, I've got one," she said, joining in. "It's like you're making a map to lead your crazy asses out of my room."

  "Hey," Sally said indignantly.

  "Hey, if the shoe fits, Sally. I'm just saying, if it fits all you can do is wear it to the best of your ability. Let me tell you, you are doing some wicked justice."

  Jacque laughed and Sally's head snapped around as she glared at her.

  "You have to admit that was pretty funny."

  Sally thought for a minute and then grinned. "Yeah. I guess she deserves props, but I'm still calling it operation MAP."

  "Fine, crap. Let's get this op in the works," Jen relented.

  "Yes!" Jacque and Sally said at the same time, giving high fives.

  Jen shook her head at her two best friends. Loyal, yes. Giving, for sure. Crazy as loons? Without a doubt, she thought as she grinned while Sally and Jacque both talked at the same time, gradually getting louder as they talked over one another. Jen decided to try and make the most of them as they came. She had a feeling they were going to get few and far between once at The Gathering.

  Chapter 11

  Jen, Sally, and Jacque spent the next four weeks learning about different packs that were going to be present at The Gathering. They learned the names of the Alphas and their mates, if they had one. They learned about the different pack traditions and practices. Jen found it interesting that though there were some things that were universal in the Canis lupis world, packs were very individualized.

  It was now two days before they left for the Transylvanian Alps and they, along with three other unmated females and eight unmated males, were in the large gathering room of the mansion to learn to dance.

  "I don't need lessons on dancing," Jen muttered under her breath as she stood with Sally and Jacque against the back wall.

  "I think Vasile wants the dancing to be PG rated," Jacque teased.

  Jen faked indignation. "Excuse me, but my clothes stay on."

  "Mostly," Sally mumbled, erupting a laugh out of Jacque.

  "Oh, COME ON! That was one time!" Jen groaned. "I swear, lose your clothes at a party one time and they never let you live it down."

  "Ooo, now this sounds right up my alley." Crina, the wolf who had spoken up at the pack meeting, came bouncing up with another girl. "Hey,we haven't formally met. I'm Crina and this brute is Mariana." Both girls gave friendly smiles.

  Although Mariana wasn't really a brute, she was very tall. Standing next to the pixie Crina, she did qualify as classification brute.

  "Hi, Crina. I'm Jen. These two yahoos are my best friends, Sally and Jacque."

  Both girls bared their necks briefly at Jacque. It had been explained during one of their lessons that, although Jacque held no real power right now, the pack would show her respect for her place with signs of submission, such as baring their necks.

  Jacque gave a single nod in acknowledgment of their submission.

  "So, you ready for Mate Fest 2010?" Jen asked them.

  Crina smiled. "Mate Fest?"

  "It seemed so much more twenty first century than The Gathering."

  Crina nudged Mariana. "I told you they would be cool, didn't I?"

  Mariana smiled. "Yeah, boss. You told me." She looked at Jen conspiratorially. "She said anyone who could get Decebel all in a tizzy the way you do has to be cool."

  Jen didn't just laugh at that, she cackled. "He makes it too easy."

  Crina smiled with her and added, "Just so you know, I don't know what is between you two, but neither I nor Mariana have designs on him."

  Jen sobered and looked at both girls. It hadn't dawned on her until that moment that there might be others in the pack who had an interest in Decebel. Before she could stop herself, she let out a low growl. Jen watched Mariana's and Crina's eyes get big and heard Sally's intake of breath, but before she could turn, a strong arm came around her waist and pulled her away.

  "What the -" she started, but was cut short when a woman in the far corner hollered:

  "Grab a partner!"

  Jen was turned abruptly and found herself face to face with Decebel.

  "Hello, Jennifer." He grinned unrepentantly.

  "Decebel, so nice to see you. It's been what, three weeks since you've graced me with your presence?"

  "Ahh, yes. About that – please forgive me for my absence. I've been working out your security detail."

  "My what?" Jen asked cautiously.

  Decebel took Jennifer's left hand and placed it on his shoulder, took her right hand in his left, then wrapped his free arm around her waist, drawing her close.

  "Your security detail," he told her again, now much closer to her ear. "Vasile has placed me in charge of your security while at The Gathering, so I have been back and forth between here and Transylvania working out the kinks."

  Jen made an “oh” motion with her mouth but said nothing else. She was actually in a small state of shock after not seeing Decebel for days on end. To suddenly have him here in front of her, this close, was a bit overwhelming. Although there was no way in Hades she would ever 'fess up to it.

  They danced in silence for several moments before Jen blurted, "You're a really good dancer."

  Decebel chuckled. "You didn't think that something that walked on four legs would be able to waltz?"

  Jennifer grinned at him. Decebel could almost see the thoughts form in her mind.

  "Actually, when in your four legged form, waltzing would be rather similar to you in your two legged form. Only, you wouldn't need a partner because you'd already have plenty of legs." Jen couldn't help the giggles that bubbled out at her own little joke. Decebel growled at her, but it was only half-hearted.

  Their banter was cut off by another shout. "Switch!"

  "Beta, may I cut in?" Costin, the wolf from the bar, stood next to a now frozen Jen and Decebel.

  Decebel abruptly let go of Jennifer. "Of course." He nodded to the other wolf and walked off without a backward glance.

  Jen watched as Decebel walked away and then looked at Costin.

  "What crawled up his knickers?" she wondered out loud as she once again assumed the dancing stance.

  "Aw, he's just a little sore that I stepped in. He doesn't share his things well."

  Jen glared at Costin. "I am not one of his things," she ground out.

  Costin chuckled but covered it quickly with a cough. "Of course you're not."

  The rest of the lesson was spent switching partners periodically. All the while, Decebel kept his eyes glued on Jen and whomever she happened to be dancing with.

  "So, how do you feel about this whole Gathering thing?" Crina asked Jen.

  After the dancing lesson ended, the five girls had all gone in search of hot chocolate and were now gathered around the dining room table.

  "Honestly," Jen paused as she took a sip of her hot chocolate, "I'm kind of looking forward to it. It's something to take my mind off of other, I would like to say unsavory things, but mother of pearl if he isn't the most savory fur ball this side of a

  "Girl has got it bad," Jacque told Crina and Mariana.

  "Decebel is hot, no doubt," Crina agreed.

  Jen's head snapped around and a growl came from somewhere inside her.

  Crina held her hands up in surrender. "Whoa, I'm not infringing on your wolf." She bared her neck to Jen and something inside her settled. It was freaking weird.

  Jen shook her head, attempting to clear out the haze that filled her mind.

  "Sorry about that. I don't know what that was but it was, man, I don't know what."

  Mariana spoke for the first time."It was you claiming what's yours."

  "But there are no mating signs.”

  "Here we go," Sally threw in.

  Jacque nodded in agreement. "Once you get her wound up it's like watching the energizer bunny. Y'all better get comfortable."

  "What if they just haven't appeared yet because you are a dormant?" Mariana offered.

  Jen propped her elbows on the table and then put her face in her hands. "I've thought of that. But seriously, it's been several months since we met and in those several months I was in a major car crash and burned, found out I had werewolf blood, moved to a new country, oh and turned eighteen. You would think that something in there would trigger, well, something."

  "But it did," Mariana told her. "It triggered interest on both your parts, didn't it?"