At about the time when Sam Marlowe was having the momentous interviewwith his father, described in the last chapter, Mr. Rufus Bennett wokefrom an after-luncheon nap in Mrs. Hignett's delightful old-worldmansion, Windles, in the county of Hampshire. He had gone to his roomafter lunch, because there seemed nothing else to do. It was stillraining hard, so that a ramble in the picturesque garden wasimpossible, and the only alternative to sleep, the society of Mr. HenryMortimer, had become peculiarly distasteful to Mr. Bennett.

  Much has been written of great friendships between man and man,friendships which neither woman can mar nor death destroy. RufusBennett had always believed that his friendship for Mr. Mortimer was ofthis order. They had been boys together in the same small town, and hadkept together in after years. They had been Damon and Pythias, Davidand Jonathan. But never till now had they been cooped up togetherin an English country-house in the middle of a bad patch of Englishsummer weather. So this afternoon Mr. Bennett, in order to avoid hislife-long friend, had gone to bed.

  He awoke now with a start, and a moment later realized what it was thathad aroused him. There was music in the air. The room was full of it.It seemed to be coming up through the floor and rolling about in chunksall round his bed. He blinked the last fragments of sleep out of hissystem, and became filled with a restless irritability.

  He rang the bell violently, and presently there entered a grave, thin,intellectual man who looked like a duke, only more respectable. Thiswas Webster, Mr. Bennett's English valet.

  "Is that Mr. Mortimer?" he barked, as the door opened.

  "No, sir. It is I--Webster." Not even the annoyance of being summonedlike this from an absorbing game of penny nap in the housekeeper's roomhad the power to make the valet careless of his grammar. "I fanciedthat I heard your bell ring, sir."

  "I wonder you could hear anything with that infernal noise going on,"snapped Mr. Bennett, "Is Mr. Mortimer playing that--that damnedgas-engine in the drawing-room?"

  "Yes, sir. Tosti's Goodbye. A charming air, sir."

  "Charming air be--! Tell him to stop it."

  "Very good, sir."

  The valet withdrew like a duke leaving the royal presence, not actuallywalking backwards, but giving the impression of doing so. Mr. Bennettlay in bed and fumed. Presently the valet returned. The music stillcontinued to roll about the room.

  "I am sorry to have to inform you, sir," said Webster, "that Mr.Mortimer declines to accede to your request."

  "Oh, he said that, did he!"

  "That is the gist of his remarks, sir."

  "Did you tell him I was trying to get to sleep?"

  "Yes, sir. I understood him to reply that he should worry and get apain in the neck."

  "Go down again and say that I insist on his stopping the thing. It's anoutrage."

  "Very good, sir."

  In a few minutes, Webster, like the dove despatched from the Ark, wasback again.

  "I fear my mission has been fruitless, sir. Mr. Mortimer appearsadamant on the point at issue."

  "You gave him my message?"

  "Verbatim, sir. In reply Mr. Mortimer desired me to tell you that, ifyou did not like it, you could do the other thing. I quote the exactwords, sir."

  "He did, did he?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Very good! Webster!"


  "When is the next train to London?"

  "I will ascertain, sir. Cook, I believe has a time-table."

  "Go and see, then. I want to know. And send Miss Wilhelmina to me."

  "Very good, sir."

  Somewhat consoled by the thought that he was taking definite action,Mr. Bennett lay back and waited for Billie.

  "I want you to go to London," he said, when she appeared.

  "To London? Why?"

  "I'll tell you why," said Mr. Bennett vehemently. "Because of that pestMortimer. I must have legal advice. I want you to go and see SirMallaby Marlowe. Here's his address. Tell him the whole story. Tell himthat this man is annoying me in every possible way and ask if he can'tbe stopped. If you can't see Sir Mallaby himself, see someone else inthe firm. Go up to-night, so that you can see him first thing in themorning. You can stop the night at the Savoy. I've sent Webster to lookout a train."

  "There's a splendid train in about an hour. I'll take that."

  "It's giving you a lot of trouble," said Mr. Bennett with belatedconsideration.

  "Oh no!" said Billie. "I'm only too glad to be able to do something foryou, father dear. This noise is a terrible nuisance, isn't it."

  "You're a good girl," said Mr. Bennett.