They slowed down. David spotted The Chinese soldiers. They would slowly move forward, not to draw attention. He was glad they did not use dogs or they would be scented, long before they reached the camp. The wind was blowing towards the camp. He would start the attack by hitting two of their trucks with RPG’s and opening up with two machine guns at the same time. David would have four groups of five men cover the backs and sides of the camps so the Chinese could not flank them. Once the attacks start, the four groups would move fast into their positions.

  With any luck they will cut the soldiers down and end this nightmare before it gets out of control. Jerry spotted David just before the Attack started and he brought his men around to help. The explosions from the rockets were devastating for the Chinese. It through them off guard, just long enough for the machineguns to cut them down. Dave had them form six groups and start going through the prison camp. Flushing the Chinese out and then going through the tents one by one to make sure all the Chinese were dead.

  It was a massacre. The Chinese caught off guard, never had a chance. They slaughtered all the soldiers. From over 2000 people in the camp, there were only 500 or so left. The Chinese tortured and killed them. Now all the bastards paid for their sins, with the only payment acceptable, their lives. David had no pity for the bastards; they killed his wife in cold blood. If he killed everyone of the bastards it would not make him loose any sleep.

  The way they treated the people in the camps was horrific and judgment day would be here very soon for each and everyone of them. David had told all their people, they had to get the people out of the camp now, before more Chinese came. The sick and wounded they would treat later. He wanted the people in the worse condition transported back to Port Royal first, and the rest would hide out in the woods until the trucks could come back to get them.

  David figured there would have been at least one thousand in the camp and he had the people who were at Port Royal find houses to put 1000 people in until they could find a better place. 500 would be easier but still the living condition would be miserable but at least they would not be tortured, and they could find good food for them to eat. He saw their battered bodies and only half would be able to fight and that was after a few days of eating some good food.

  They were all in sad shape. They had some medical people at Port Royal he would have them tend to the sick and they would go to town and recapture a pharmacy to get medical supplies for them. They would have to take over a grocery store and department store. The Chinese were sitting fat and happy with everything they took from them. The sitting fat and happy was about to change. They had weapons now from their recent attack. It gave them enough weapons for everyone. They had plenty of weapons and ammo. China would pay.

  In the morning, he would send fifty people heavily armed to take a grocery store and to hold it, and set up a base inside. He would set up his own reaction force with three trucks and five people to a truck. Three trucks with three people to a truck would run perimeter guard around the clock in Port Royal.

  They found secure radios that would allow them to use wire from one phone to another. The Chinese would not pick them up over the air. They had five of them, wired to connect to each other.

  One of the people from the Everglades City area use to train in the Everglades with the Special Forces and he had a key to the camp and training facility. “He still conducted special training there, when called upon, semi retired you could say. He said it required an airboat to get there. Two of the men volunteered their boats to use.”

  He’d use one boat for security, and the other to carry the goods. They had Claymore mines, hand grenades, weapons, tear gas or CS gas what the army calls it. Booby-traps, all kinds of neat things to ruin the Chinese soldiers day. David loved the Claymore mines, 700 metal balls and packed with c-4 explosives when it went off it was devastating. Almost like being shot with fifty shotguns at one time. The Special Forces guy was called Mike. They would leave early in the morning for the camp to get the Claymores and other goodies.

  “Mike said he was thankful for the Chinese to give him a chance to kill them properly.” They had cases of C-4 to get as well. “David thought that Mike was a little weird he just got down, prayed and thanked God for bringing the Chinese to our great country.”

  The 500 people from the prison camp, their needs taken care of, a pharmacy taken over, and medical supplies brought back to Port Royal. The grocery store is now in the hands of David’s people. They killed five soldiers to take the store. The Pharmacy, two were killed. They will just have to see how hard it will be to hold on to the grocery store. Morning time was here and ten men including Mike set out to get the airboats and then to go to the Special Forces camp.

  Mike and the men fired up the airboats and were on their way. Doubted they would see any Chinese out here. He loved it out in the swamps, most were terrified of the critters that lurked in the night. Mike had spent many of nights in the swamp and it was comfortable for him, not chilling as it was for many. He used to go on all the missions no one liked and that suited him fine. He loved danger, he lived for it and needed it, the only thing that gave him the will power to not take a gun and shoot himself in the head.

  The Taliban in Afghanistan entered a village late at night and killed everyone in the village. He fit in there, he taught them how to purify water and how to improve their farming. They had a herd of goat they used for food and milk. A small brother and sister in the village use to call him papa. They lost their father and mother to the Taliban a year before and the village took care of them. They were sweet and lovable children.

  He went to the village the following morning to find the two children hanging in the doorway with a rope around each of their necks and a sign attached to them. This is what happens when you become friends with the Americans. The rest of the people in the village were all shot dead, they even killed the goats.

  After that day, he did not care much about countries who bully people around. He still sees the Children in his nightmares and the villagers who were good people just doing the best they could to survive. They lost their lives, dead for no damn reason. He is almost at the camp now and hopefully all the supplies will still be there. He unlocked the door to their supply room and a big smile was on his face, someone added more supplies than they had before.

  He told the guys, let’s load everything up on the boats, and get out of here so we can get back to Port Royal in case we are needed there. They hauled ass out of the swamps and Mike had a big smile on his face, Uncle Sam did them proud. So many nice things left for him that he almost thought it was Christmas time.

  They almost made it back to put their boats away, until they looked in front of them. They were shocked to see two airboats driven by Chinese soldiers heading straight for them, they did a fast u-turn and headed back, deep in the swamps. The Chinese were in hot pursuit. “Mike wondered how the hell did they get the airboats. They must have followed a few people from Everglades city getting in their boats, and killed them and took over their boats. Now he had them hot on his trail, they had to lose them quick before they shot them full of bullets. The soldiers were firing their AK-47 rifles at them during the chase.

  His men picked up AK-47’s and returned fire. They were going to try to lose them, if they weren’t shot first. Mike’s guess was some how when they managed to get the airboats. They put some kind of tracking device on their airboats, and when they saw, the boats move; they started to follow the signal. He now knew why they were tracked coming back, and not tracked when they were heading out. It took them time to get to the boats from their tracking location. They managed to leave the Chinese in the dust and they were out of sight, they would pull over and check both boats to see if they had tracking devices on them and get three or four Law rockets ready to retaliate against the Chinese.

  They found tracking devices under the driver's seat on both boats. They quickly through them in the water and set up the rockets and moved their boats away from thei
r current position. He would set up a trap for the Chinese. They would lay waiting for them to come, and then they would blast them with the rockets, once they had a clear shot. It did not take them long to start circling around where they put the transponders in the water They extended the tubes on two of the rockets and made sure no one was standing in the back blast area. Mike would be the one doing the shooting.

  The other men would pass him the rockets as he needed them. The first shot was a direct hit and blew the first boat to pieces. The second shot from the other rocket, a miss. They handed in another rocket launcher “ Law rocket launchers are one shot and throw away”. The Chinese boat was closing in on them with their rifles blazing away; soon the blazing, replaced with a big fireball when Mike made another direct hit ending their game of chase forever.

  He would have never believed in a million years that The Chinese would have found them out in the swamps, but they did and that surprised everyone. They would have to be careful what they assume and know that the Chinese could be anywhere at any given time. The guys were happy that was over. It was a little too close for comfort, the bullets from the Chinese were getting very close to hitting their targets, they were all lucky that no one got shot.

  He handed out a Glock model 22 pistol to each of the nine guys and kept one for himself. They included thigh holsters, Double magazine holster and he gave them three fifteen round magazines each. He gave them 2000 rounds of 40 S&W ball ammo. He had forty more Glocks and 10,000 rounds of ammo to include holsters for all. Each gun came in a case with a cleaning kit. He would give the other forty to David to do with as he pleases. One of the joys of being Special Forces they were not stuck with the model 92 Berettas in 9mm. The 9mm is used because it is a NATO used round and used by all the allied forces, whatever the 9mm can do the 40 S&W will do better. In his book better is always a good thing.

  They finally made it back to put their airboats away, and loaded up in the trucks and headed to Port Royal. Mike Hauled ass and the other truck followed. They were almost there, they would check the perimeter on the way to make sure everything was secure and the Chinese did not follow them. He was a little worried about being followed after they had been chased with the airboats in the swamps. When they had a second he would pull over to check the trucks real quick, to make sure they did not have any tracking devices on them. He found one on the two trucks and threw it away. They were on their way again, They had no one following them.

  Mike had a look around and everything looked secure, he would pull into the house where David was and they would unload everything. He walked in, David was taking a much-needed rest, and sipping a cup of coffee, he asked David if he had another cup. He said sure he just put a fresh pot on, it should be ready in a few minutes. David asked mike did they get everything they went to the camp for. Mike said he was able to get much more than he thought was possible. They struck gold. The camp just resupplied, and they went there at the right time. He told David about the incident with the two airboats, how they destroyed both of them with law rockets. David said he was lucky they had the rockets with them. David went outside to see what they brought back and he was amazed. Mike said he brought back forty Glock model 22 pistols for him along with 10,000 rounds of ammo as a Christmas present to include holsters.

  They found fifty claymore mines to include the wire and electrical blasting caps and m57 firing devices, “Some called them cranker” hand squeezable generator type to energize the Blasting caps to set them off.

  And twenty M-4 rifles and 30,000 rounds of 5.56 mm ball ammo. Twenty old style Law rockets. Two hundred fragmentation grenades, fifty CS grenades, fifty of each, Red and Yellow smoke grenades. And one hundred, razor sharp combat knives, specially made by Randal. To include sheaths. Mike took one for each of the nine guys who went with him on the airboat, and he took one for himself. He told David the rest of the knives and everything else is his.

  Mike asked David what was next. David had told him if they got the people out of the other prison camp there would be no housing for them. We cannot leave them in that camp to die. The people who we got out of the prison camp will rest for a few days to recover from their harsh ordeal. The rest of us can do a little recon of the town. To check the Chinese support for Naples and the people who are guarding everything to keep Americans away. He went on to say they would need to secure all the motels and hotels in town to house all the people from the prison.

  The information we had at one time the camp had 10,000 plus Americans. He bet it was only half that number and to subtract all the people they have tortured and killed. The numbers now would be closer to 2 to 3000 people, that would be his rough guess. The longer they waited the more lives will be lost, they had to get them out. “David said that since they took over the grocery store no Chinese have tried to take it back.”

  His idea was to take forty of the fifty at the grocery store and use them somewhere else. Tomorrow they could try to take over three motels or hotels and one department store. They should be all in the same area and they could set up a few strong quick reaction forces to attack any Chinese threats. “If they sent there Task force to counter attack us then we would be ready with our own quick response teams to attack the Chinese.”

  He told Mike they had enough people where they could leave ten people to a building as a security team to hold and secure the buildings.

  David asked Mike if he felt up to setting up three task forces who would be there quick response teams, fifteen men to a team and three different teams.

  They had in place a quick response team all ready, but he did not want to take them away from the Port Royal area. “David told him that he could change the size of the teams and the number of teams as their needs changed. He would leave that up to him. The question now is will you do it Mike?” Mike agreed to take the job for the quick response task forces.

  He would assign the hotel/motel and department stores to Jerry and Bryant. Scott and himself would bring ten people with them in the morning and head towards the Prison camp and try to get any new information that they can round up. He told Mike they would need to plan on having at least 1500 rooms for the people in the prison camp. They can double them up in the rooms, and if needed three to a room.

  He told Mike they were moving fast but for everyday we leave the people in that camp more will die. David did not want all the dead on his consensus, because he did not do his best to get them out, Mike felt the same way. The sooner they got the people out of the camp the better.

  They had to put an end to the main headquarters in Ft Myers, but that would have to wait until they freed the people from the prison camp. He noticed Mike carried two grenades on his web belt harness, he asked him why the grenades. Mike told him in case the bullets don’t kill them maybe the grenades will.

  Another day had past and morning time was upon them. The day would be a busy one and everyone had their assigned task. David would head over to the prison with Scott and ten more men. Bryant, Mike and Jerry had their tasks so David and Scott took off for Golden gate. He pulled up near a dirt road and had everyone drive down the road to hide their vehicles. They would get out, and walk, stay in the woods to hide themselves from the prison camp.

  The men closed in on the camp and what they saw next was right out of a horror movie. Covering the front fence the Chinese hung twenty heads severed from the bodies. The heads were from woman, men and children. The soldiers have stepped up the killings and cruelty. David thought to himself that whatever the soldiers plan was with the heads, only made David want to kill them even more.

  They left and headed back to town to check on how the hotel/motels and department store was going. With any luck they would be successful. David did not need and explanation on what he saw. The road covered with dead Chinese; three trucks from the soldiers were ablaze from RPG-7 direct hits by Mike’s task force. The soldiers who survived the rockets, shot to pieces with machinegun fire.

  Everyone loaded up and got the hell out of there be
fore re-enforcements came. David rode with Mike and asked him what happened? What brought the soldiers? Apparently, top ranking Chinese officials were using one of the hotels, when they tried to take his newly acquired hotel. He was not pleased. He called for troops to dispose of the Americans. Not only did the official lose his life, but the lives of all of his soldiers also. They acquired many more weapons in that attack, the way things are going they will own all the weapons from the Chinese army in a short time. The radio equipment damaged by the fires from the rockets, they were not worth salvaging.

  Mike had re-taken three hotels back from the Chinese and one department store. Jerry and Bryant’s people were occupying all of the buildings now. David said they would need added security to make sure they can maintain what they now have. He was telling Mike about the twenty heads hanging on the fence at the prison camp. Mike told David many countries use the same tactics with the heads in order to make people they are fighting against lose control and to start thinking out of anger and not with logic. The enemy will lose when they fight out of anger, they will not take the proper steps in their attacks and leave something unsecure and often they will lose the fight.

  They need to forget about the heads and concentrate on the objective and that is freeing the people from that camp. They thought this over, and have billeting for the people even if they have to be three to a room; they have food with the grocery store. The people they freed from the camp should have at least 100 that are ready to fight and that will help build their numbers back up with the lost of people they are now using to guard the three hotels and department store.

  David went on to say, that the attack on the prison camp was as ready as it would ever be. They could go over tactics with their people and assign teams and tasks so when they go there they would be organized.