Page 19 of Inferno

  She stared at him, her mouth wide open, and shock hammering her heart against her ribcage. He and Devon were so alike, and yet so different. Who the hell was this guy?

  She shook her head, taking a step back as terror filled her. She didn’t know who he was, but it was more than apparent that he was not on her side as evil and hunger radiated from him. Yet, he did not appear to be one of the creatures either as his eyes remained clear and he did not appear half crazed. Malevolent yes, but half crazed no. She took another step back, swallowing heavily. She wanted to turn and flee, but she instinctively knew that she would not get away.

  “You must be her,” he purred.

  Cassie frowned as she took another step back, trying hard to keep her terror in control. Who the hell was this man? She knew what he was, but who the hell was he that he thought he knew her? And why was he staring at her with such malice when she didn’t even know him?

  She took another small step back, trying not to draw his immediate attack. She could sense his power, his strength. She could feel it thrumming from him like a tightly wound guitar string. Taking another step back, she tried to breathe through the lump of fear in her throat and the tight constriction in her chest.

  A small, cruel smile twisted his lips. Lips that weren’t as full as Devon’s but the upper one was stiff like Devon’s, while the bottom was soft. Confusion continued to twist through her. The similarities were so striking, so fierce. Yet so different. There was no softness in his gaze, no love, no humanity.

  She took another step back, but knew instinctively that it didn’t matter what she did, he was going to come after her anyway. “Pretty.”

  Though the word was barely a soft hiss, Cassie heard it as clearly as if he had been standing beside her. She shivered, suddenly certain that he could be beside her in an instant. Her skin crawled as if he had touched her, crawled as if he were already next to her.

  The corners of his eyes crinkled as his smile widened. “This is going to be fun.”

  Cassie’s hands clenched as she prepared herself for the attack she knew was imminent. Then she felt the ground begin to rumble, felt the earth shake and tremble as it lifted and shook with mighty waves. A fissure sprouted in the street, zigzagging rapidly toward her as the pavement cracked and heaved. A startled cry escaped her as she jumped out of the way of the rapidly growing hole in the middle of the street.

  She wanted to turn and flee, but as she took a step back, her foot came up against the edge of another hole. She glanced wildly around, terrified to realize that a large hole had formed around her. A hole she was beginning to realize she could no longer see the bottom of. Dirt and pavement fell into the widening gaps; it clattered as it bounced off the sides of the dirt and rock.

  Chris, Liam, Melissa, and Annabelle skidded to a halt at the edge of the hole. They stood, gaping at her across the widening five foot gap. Behind them, she could see Dani and Luther gathered at the edge of the store, watching in horror as the earth gave another mighty heave. Cassie stumbled, falling as she lost her balance. A small cry escaped her as her hand fell into one of the ever growing pits, and her leg skidded off the side.

  “Cassie!” Melissa screamed.

  Terror rushed up to replace her shock. For the first time she realized that the earth may just swallow her whole. She scrambled away from the edge of the growing cavity, knocking more rocks and pavement away, causing her small shelf of safety to become even smaller.

  “Cassie!” Chris was kneeling before her, stretching his hand across the widening breach. “Reach for my hand!”

  She gathered her legs beneath her. Kneeling, she leaned forward as she reached for his questing hand across the gap. Her fingertips were just centimeters from his, just within reach. She stretched herself as far as she could, but it was not enough. Frustration filled her; helplessness consumed her as her small plateau began to shrink.

  “Jump!” he hissed at her.

  Desperation seized her as she lunged forward, leaping for Chris’s hand. She fell forward; air and space rushed up to meet her as she tumbled toward the large chasm. A small scream of terror worked its way up her throat, but it lodged there as Chris’s hand grasped hold of her arm. His fingers dug into her skin, he held her tight, his grip painful and bruising, but greatly welcome. Cassie’s breath froze in her lungs, her body stiffened as she waited for the impending, painful contact of the wall of dirt and rocks. She lifted her other hand, preparing to use it to block as much of the blow as she could as she fell rapidly forward. Her legs kicked out, catching a glance blow off the wall. The impact of the wall threw her off balance, spinning her around in midair as Chris clung to her.

  Arms suddenly wrapped around her, grasping her so tight that the air exploded from her lungs. A startled cry escaped her as Chris’s hand was ripped away, leaving long scratch marks down her arm. The crater rushed away from her, the arms encircled her tighter. She would have panicked against the sudden hold, but she recognized Devon’s smell and solid embrace instantly.

  All of her terror disappeared, the tension eased from her body as she allowed herself a moment to melt against him, to savor in him, to take comfort in the strength and reassurance of his embrace. Then, they were on solid ground. His legs bowed as he took the impact of their landing, lifting her high so that her feet did not touch the ground.

  He held her against his chest for a moment, his nose buried in her hair as he inhaled her scent deeply. A shiver of delight and desire raced down her spine. For a brief moment she allowed herself to forget everything as her fingers dug into his hard arm. His lips touched briefly against her ear, then her neck, before he gently lowered her to the ground.

  He rose slowly, his hand encircling hers as he lifted her to her feet. His eyes were hard as they met hers, his jaw locked tight, and his shoulders stiff. For a moment love filled his gaze, and then resignation and anger blazed forth. Cassie’s eyes widened, her hand tightened around his as she clenched it tighter. This Devon was different than the one that had fled the store. That one had been terrified that he would hurt her, that he would take her against her will. This Devon looked prepared to do war as he released her.

  He kept her behind him, his arm braced in front of her as he turned to face the strange man across the way. The strange man with the frightening power to make the earth split apart in order to swallow her whole. The man was grinning at them; his eyes alight with mischief and delight. “There you are!” he cried eagerly, clasping his hands before him. Cassie’s eyes widened in the face of his obvious, malicious delight at seeing Devon. “I was so hoping you would join us!”

  “Here I am,” Devon growled.

  Cassie wanted to reach for Devon, to cling to him, but she found herself unable to move as she watched the exchange in wide eyed fascination. Standing across from each other, the similarities between the two were even more noticeable, as was the immense hatred they had for one another. Devon stepped closer to her, blocking her even more from view as the strangers gaze darted quickly toward her, his smile widened to reveal his long fangs.

  “She’s a fine little piece.”

  A low hiss escaped Devon, his muscles rippled beneath his shirt. Cassie thought he was going to lunge forward, but instead he pushed her back a step. “I’ll destroy your mind and rip your throat out before I ever let you near her.”

  The stranger’s amusement did not wane at the threat. Instead, he seemed even more intrigued by the notion as his head tilted to the side, trying to get a better look at her. Cassie stared in disbelief at the back of Devon. Even against Patrick he had not wanted to use his ability. But now, not only was he threatening to wield it, he was also threatening to destroy this stranger with it. She did not know how to process this strange turn of events. Cassie started in surprise, jumping slightly as Julian suddenly appeared beside her, his arm firm against hers as he boxed her in. She tilted her head to look up at him, her confusion evident as she met his electric eyes.

  He gazed briefly down at her; the hatred in
his gaze leaving her breathless. She knew that hatred was not for her, even when he had wanted to kill her he had never looked at her like that. There had always been an air of amusement, curiosity, and admiration about him when it came to her. There had never been hatred. In fact, even when he had claimed to hate Devon, she had never seen this look in his eyes. This was absolute abhorrence, and it was apparent that it was for the man standing across the street from them.

  Who was he? She wondered again, her gaze darting back to the stranger. He had to be someone bad if they were both reacting to him in such a way.

  “And if it isn’t the venerable sidekick,” the man purred, his eyes lighting upon Julian. “I thought you two parted ways when Devon went vegan on us. Imagine my surprise when Matthew informed us that you two had reunited, and for this girl no less. Our enemy.” Devon stiffened even more at the name Matthew, while Julian hissed a soft curse. Cassie glanced wildly between them, sensing that the name, and this man’s presence, was far worse than she had even begun to fathom.

  “How are you not killing each other over her?” The man continued. “Or are you sharing her like you’ve shared so many others before?”

  Cassie winced involuntarily; the words were a stabbing reminder of Devon’s past that she did not want to hear. A past that she had so recently come to terms with. “Enough!” Devon roared his hands fisting as he took a step forward, bracing for an attack.

  “Easy,” Julian warned, grasping hold of Devon’s arm. “It’s what he wants Devon, and that cannot be good.”

  Though Devon did not lunge forward, his tension did not ease. “Still a good sidekick, always sticking by your leader’s side,” the man commented lightly, pinning Julian with a disgusted look. “Always second best, especially now.”

  Julian quirked an eyebrow, amusement flitted over his features. It was a look Cassie recognized well, but the amusement didn’t reach his eyes. “Oh Robert, even after all of these years your jealousy has not eased. You were never best, second best, or even third, how pathetic and sad.”

  Cassie’s forehead furrowed, her eyes narrowed as she glanced toward the stranger.


  For the first time, he seemed aggravated by the situation, and not as in control. Julian’s words had affected him, rattled him, and annoyed him. But even more than that, the name rang a bell in Cassie’s memory. She had heard it before, she couldn’t recall where, but she was fairly certain that Devon had been the one to mention it.

  She glanced back at the man, taking in his features and build. Her mind spun, running through everything that Devon had ever told her. “What are you doing here?” Devon demanded.

  Robert’s gaze darted to her, his eyes lit, his mouth pursed as his eyes raked her. Cassie felt as if her skin had just been flayed from her body, as if she had just been ripped open and exposed to the very marrow of her bones. Her arms wrapped involuntarily around herself as she took a small step back. It was more than apparent that this man wanted her dead. Devon growled in low warning, Julian stepped closer to her.

  Her hands trembled, she wanted to reach out to Devon, to touch him, to hold him, but she couldn’t bring herself to move. Her spinning mind had just clicked into place. She suddenly knew instantly who this strange man was. She also knew that Devon had not told her about what he was. That he had purposely kept it from her. Her eyes landed on Devon’s broad back, betrayal spun through her, but she couldn’t bring herself to be angry, just shocked and dismayed. And completely confused and lost.

  Why had he not told her about this? What had happened between them to cause such animosity and hatred?

  She glanced back at the strange man, but even before he spat the word with such vehemence, she already knew the answer, already knew who he was. “You know why I’m here, brother.”


  Devon could feel the turmoil rolling off of Cassie, the shock and horror that vibrated from her in waves. He did not feel shock from her though when Robert revealed what they were to each other. So, she had already figured it out, he realized. She knew his worst secret now, the worst part of him, the one thing that he had never been able to bring himself to reveal to her. The one person he had never wanted her to meet.

  And now he wanted her the hell out of here before Robert came at her again. Robert would do everything in his power to take her from him. Robert would do everything he could to destroy her, in order to destroy Devon. “Matthew sent you here?” he inquired in a low rumble, barely able to get words out through the constriction of anger and terror tightening his chest.

  Roberts grin, and the wicked gleam in his eyes should have warned him, but he was still unprepared for what he said next. “Oh no dear Devon, Matthew escorted me here. I mean imagine our surprise when he revealed that there are Hunter’s still alive, and one of our own fancies himself in love with one of them. Plus, from what I’ve been led to understand, we are standing in what is now a ghost town, with a bunch of miscreants that never should have existed running around. All of our lives are on the line if they escape here; all of our safety is in jeopardy. Do you think that any of us would miss this fun?”

  Julian swore loudly, grabbing hold of Cassie, he shoved her roughly in between him and Devon as he stepped firmly behind her. Devon bristled at her startled cry, but he did not protest Julian’s action, nor did he react to Julian’s protective hold upon her. It was where she needed to be, and he was simply grateful for the fact that Julian would protect her with his life also. Something he greatly feared that Julian was going to have to do very soon.

  Devon took a step back, pushing her tighter in between them. Her hands curled into his back, her breath was warm even through the layers of clothes he wore. He would not allow her to die, he would not allow her to be killed, but he had no way to get her out of here right now. Not in time anyway.

  “I love you,” she whispered, her head briefly dropping to his back.

  Devon shuddered; raw emotion swirled up to choke him. She had put her absolute faith and trust in him, and even though he had omitted a big part of his life, she still loved and forgave him. He could not let such a person be destroyed. He could not lose her. He would do everything he could, do whatever it took to make sure that she walked away from this. Even if it meant doing things he had sworn he would never do again.

  His gaze fell back to his brother; it was not Robert that he wanted, not Robert that he could use. But where were the others? He knew that they were all out there, somewhere. He glanced toward Chris, who remained standing only a few feet away, his face ashen, his eyes wide with terror. Chris sensed them, sensed their power and intent, and he knew what they were. Chris knew what else had come to this town, knew what else had come to kill them.

  Sensing Devon’s gaze, Chris turned slowly toward him, but he simply shook his head in response to Devon’s unasked question. Chris didn’t know where they were either. Devon’s hands clenched, his fingers fisted in frustration. They would do whatever they could to avoid Devon for as long as possible, to hide from him. They thought that if they revealed themselves together they would be able to protect themselves from him.

  However, they did not know that he had been feeding on Cassie, a powerful Hunter, who had Julian’s Elder blood inside her also. They could not know the power that she possessed, the strength that had been flowing through her veins and into his. They may have a vague inkling about it, or at least Matthew might have foreseen it, but Devon didn’t think they would be here if they knew it all. No matter what Robert said about the Hunter’s, or the creature’s in this town, those things together would still not be enough of an enticement to bring The Elder’s here if they thought there was any chance they could lose this battle. No matter what, above even risk of exposure, Elder’s valued their own lives far more than they valued anything else. The survival instinct in them was far deeper and fiercer than in younger vampires.

  Devon suspected the reasons for that were partly because they had survived so long, and they had seen and caused so
much death in their long lives. Because of that, they had a far firmer grip on how tenuous life truly was. Even an immortals life. The Elder’s had a far firmer grip than a younger vampire who suddenly found themselves with a vast amount of power, vitality, and an immortality status they had never imagined could exist, and they believed it never could be revoked. He suspected the other reason was that The Elder’s had been around so long and caused so much destruction that they feared death, and the afterlife they may have to face. For there would be no heaven for them, or for himself even, but a fiery pit of Hell that none of them wanted to experience, but quite possibly could if they were destroyed.

  No, The Elder’s had come here fully expecting to win this battle. Which meant that Matthew’s visions had not revealed everything to The Elder’s and that gave them an air of surprise still that The Elder’s would not expect. There was still a chance he could get Cassie out of here. He did not kid himself into thinking that he could get them all out of here. He was not a dreamer, or an optimist, he never had been. He had always been practical, and he knew that when this was over they would not all be standing, but he was determined that Cassie would be.

  Wrapping his arm behind him, his fingers entangled with hers. For a brief moment he allowed himself to savor in the wonderful touch of her skin against his, in the wonderful peace that she brought to him. The beast inside him was too focused upon the upcoming battle, and the necessity to keep her alive to allow himself to drift into her too much. The man was terrified that he would lose her, and could barely bring himself to release her hand. His fingertips lingered against hers for a brief moment before he let her go.