Page 21 of Inferno

  “There is no choice, the decision has been made,” Zane said firmly. “She will join us.”

  Cassie shot Zane a fierce look as anger flitted over Devon’s features. She had just been starting to reach him but now she could feel his stubborn streak surging to life, wanting to deny Zane’s words. She also wanted to tell Zane that she would not be joining him, she would be joining Devon. Wanted to tell him that she would never be on their side, but she bit her tongue. She had a feeling that if she protested that statement holy hell would break lose. “Wait…”

  “There are details to iron out of course,” Zane continued over Devon’s protest. “We will need to make a decision on what will happen to her if the change is not successful. We also must discuss what our relationship amongst each other will be when this is done. There must be a truce struck.”

  “I will not let this happen,” Devon grated.

  “If it does not happen, then we will fight, because she cannot remain the way that she is. We cannot allow a Hunter to exist that can turn into a monster at a moment’s notice. Apparently her kind used to have the decency to take care of them, but that doesn’t happen now.”

  Cassie felt as if she had been slapped. Devon’s hands tightened around her as she took a small step back, horror curdling through her. “Zane,” Devon hissed in warning.

  “Why would you want to change me, and not kill me?” Cassie demanded ignoring Devon’s censuring, flustered look.

  Zane stared hard at her for a moment, his head tilting back and forth like an owl scoping its’ pray. Though she was a trembling mass of fear and uncertainty inside, she kept her shoulders thrust back, and her chin lifted defiantly. “A battle would be fun, but some of us would be lost, something I do not wish to have happen. You also know that most of you will not survive. Is that a chance you’re willing to take?”

  “No,” Cassie answered when Devon remained silent, brooding. “No, but you must promise you will not hurt them.”

  “Of course I won’t,” Zane murmured.

  “Cassie,” Chris whispered.

  She turned toward him, hating the sadness and resignation in his eyes. “It will be ok,” she promised.

  He shook his head, his mouth opened before snapping closed again. “Their promises mean nothing,” Julian informed her in a low, disgruntled voice. “Nothing princess, do you understand that?”

  She swallowed heavily before nodding. “Do we have a choice?”

  “We have a choice,” he growled.

  Her gaze darted to Devon; her heart ached with love and need at the sight of his broken expression. “Do we?” she whispered, her hand entwining tightly with Devon’s, clinging to him. “Do we?”

  He pulled her suddenly against him. His hands wrapped around her face as his lips descended upon hers. She could feel his fangs against her mouth, but she did not care as his tongue plummeted into her mouth with a desperation and ferocity that left her breathless and shaken. She trembled within his grasp, melting against him as she forgot about every rotten, evil thing surrounding them.

  She needed this moment, needed this man, no matter how short lived it may be. Tears burned her eyes, her fingers curled into his side, clinging to him. He pulled slowly away, gently kissing her lips, her nose, and finally her forehead. “It will be ok,” she vowed.

  His eyes were emerald once more as he met her gaze. He stared hard at her for a moment, his fingers lightly stroking her face before he bent to kiss her gently once more. He did not turn to look at the others before speaking again. “We will go inside and discuss this,” he said softly.

  “Wonderful!” Zane announced happily.

  Cassie closed her eyes against Zane’s joy, hating this entire situation, but also oddly excited about what was to come. She knew that her time on earth as a human was running short, but she was not terrified by that prospect. Not if it meant spending eternity with the one person she loved most in her life.

  Anger flashed across Devon’s gorgeous features, but he took hold of her hand as he turned back toward the store. His gaze briefly met Julian’s, who hung back, waiting for The Elder’s to come forward. Cassie held her head high as Devon led her past the others, but she could feel the sadness that radiated from them.


  Devon remained silent as he stood in the middle of the room. Though he was braced for a swift attack, he tried to keep his posture as casual as possible. He had tried to keep Cassie behind him but she refused to stay there, and stood silently by his side. His violet blue eyes were wide as she studied The Elder’s gathered before them. He could sense her curiosity, her questions, especially about his brother, but she didn’t ask them. She would not do so until this ordeal was over.

  He glanced toward Robert, bristling at the sight of the man. He had never wanted to see him again. His brother was a man that he had cared for a little, but had never been close to in life. He had grown to despise Robert in death. Robert stared back at Devon, an amused smile quirked his mouth as he leaned against the wall, his arms folded over his chest. Every once in awhile Robert’s gaze would wander to Cassie, lingering on her far too long for Devon’s liking.

  It didn’t matter what Zane said, they were not here for a tenuous truce. If they had come here looking for a truce, they would have left Robert behind, no matter how many reinforcements they felt they may need here. They all knew that what Robert wanted more than anything was to see Devon miserable, not dead because that would be too quick, but completely destroyed.

  Devon wanted to tell Robert to stop looking at her, but he knew that all Robert wanted was a reaction from him. He refused to give it to him. Julian shifted slightly, his shoulder brushing up against Cassie’s, his lip curled into a sneer as he glared at Robert. Though there was a fierce amount of hostility between Robert and Devon, there was even more between Robert and Julian. Especially since Robert had once tried to kill Julian, and would have succeeded if Devon had not intervened. That had been the last time Devon had seen Robert, and he was fairly certain it had been the last time that Julian had too.

  Devon had left his brother broken and bleeding, and near death. Devon had been brutal and ruthless at the time, had savored in the blood and the power, but he had been unable to bring himself to kill his own brother. He was beginning to regret that decision now. Though he knew that Robert had not actually been trying to kill Cassie outside, and had merely been trying to draw Devon out, Devon also knew that Robert would kill her if given the chance. As long as it was in front of him, and Devon was determined not to let that happen.

  Cassie tilted her chin, her gorgeous eyes narrowed as she glared back at Robert. He broke into a wide grin, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively as he tilted his head to the side. “You know I was always the better looking, more sought after brother. You could always switch; many a woman has.”

  Julian’s breath hissed out of him, his anger notched up a fierce level. Devon’s hands fisted as he fought the urge to punch the smug look off of Robert’s face, but he knew that was exactly what Robert wanted. Cassie sneered in disgust. “They obviously lied to you,” she retorted.

  Robert’s grin widened. “I’m going to enjoy ripping your throat out.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  “Cassie,” Julian growled in warning.

  Devon remained silent, unmoving. He wanted Cassie to stop baiting Robert, yet at the same time he wished that Robert would rush him, that Robert would give him the excuse he needed to kill him. “Enough,” Zane commanded, holding up a hand as Robert took a step forward. “She will be one of us.”

  “Why are you so determined about that?” Cassie inquired.

  “To join forces of course. Hunters and Vampires have fought for over a thousand years; it is time to end that war. If you are both a Hunter and a vampire we can guarantee that this batch behind you will stay clear of us.”

  Cassie glanced behind her, her delicate eyebrows drawn tightly together, her mouth pursed. “You killed our parents,” she whispered.
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  “Bygones,” Zane replied lightly.

  Cassie’s head spun back around, her eyes narrowed fiercely. Devon stiffened, panic filling him as her fury beat against him. He didn’t want them to see what she could be capable of, didn’t want them to see what was inside of her. Not now anyway, he did not need them to attack right now, and he feared they would if they realized just how much power was inside of her. He feared that they would destroy her rather than take the risk of what changing her might actually do to her. “Bygones!” she snapped. “Bygones! They were our parents you son of a bitch!”

  Devon took a defensive step forward, wishing yet again that for once Cassie wasn’t quite so fearless. Zane was not one to mess with. But instead of becoming angry, true amusement lit Zane’s eyes. “She’s a feisty one, I like it.”

  “You don’t know how feisty I can be!” she spat back at him.

  “Cassie,” Devon hissed. “Enough.”

  She glared up at him. Folding her arms over her chest, she focused her hate filled look on Zane again. Her foot tapped impatiently, but for once she held her tongue. “The change will occur tonight.”

  “No.” Devon sighed in resignation as he turned back to Cassie; at least she had stayed silent for a moment. Determination lit her delicate features, her lips were pursed tightly.

  “What do you mean no?” Zane demanded, his amusement fading rapidly. “This will be done.”

  “Yes, it will,” Cassie agreed. “But not tonight, not until these creatures have been taken care of. You will need Devon and I in this fight, if something goes wrong with the change then you will no longer have either of us. You especially need Devon since you are the only other vampire here that can walk about in the daylight, and we know that some of the Halflings can too.”

  Zane was thoughtful, silent as he pondered over Cassie’s words. “And how do you know that I share Devon’s ability?”

  Cassie rolled her eyes in disgust. “You’re the only other one sporting a tan.”

  Amusement returned to Zane’s features, a hint of respect shone in his eyes. Devon was not fooled though, Zane may be entertained and impressed by Cassie, but Devon knew Zane would still kill her in a heartbeat. “Very true my dear. The change will wait until this ordeal is over, but the moment that it is over the change will occur. Even if I have to do it myself.”

  Devon bristled, shifting slightly. He may not agree with this, but no one else was ever going to touch her. “That won’t happen,” Devon told him, his voice low and deadly.

  “Then make sure that the change does occur,” Zane informed him coldly.

  Devon’s jaw clenched, rage flared through him. “I’m not one of your little followers Zane, I never have been,” he snarled as his gaze raked disdainfully over the people gathered around him. “Do not think you have any control over me.”

  “But I do,” Zane replied. “You will do anything not to have her hurt, in any way. If you wish to push this into a fight you both may survive it, but not everyone will. You do not want her heart to be broken do you?”

  Frustration filled him; he wanted nothing more than to beat the smug look from Zane’s face. Cassie touched his arm lightly, looking to soothe him. “How do we know we can trust you not to turn on us anyway?” she asked softly.

  “How do we know we can trust you not to turn on us once the change is complete?”

  She glanced nervously around before her gaze settled on Devon, seeking help. “You don’t.”

  “And neither do you.”

  “You could allow Julian to touch you,” Devon said softly. “To learn the truth.”

  Zane quirked an eyebrow. “Then you would know the truth and we would not, that would put us at a disadvantage.”

  Devon glanced toward Julian. His jaw was set, his hands fisted. His eyes burned with his desire to grasp hold of one of them and learn the truth, but he remained restrained and unmoving. “Bernard can tell if we are lying to you or not,” Devon answered.

  Bernard glanced over them all, his gaze briefly settled on Chris before he nodded his agreement. “Yes, the boy will not block my ability, he is not strong enough.”

  “Excuse me?” Chris inquired sharply.

  Bernard turned away, apparently deciding that Chris was not worth talking to. Chris continued to glare at the massive giant of a man, looking completely affronted. “Bernard’s ability is the same as yours; he can sense people’s emotions and what they are truly like inside. He will know if we are lying,” Annabelle told Chris gently, trying to ease his anger.

  Chris looked even more aggravated and insulted by this response. Unfortunately though, it was the truth, Bernard was far more powerful than Chris. In fact, The Elders were all more powerful than most of the people in this room, it was why Devon didn’t trust Zane. It would be a fierce battle between the groups, but the outcome would more than likely favor The Elder’s. Even though he knew that Zane didn’t want to lose any member of his group, he still didn’t understand why they would be willing to back down. And why did they want Cassie to change when they had no idea what she would become?

  “Then you will allow Julian to touch you,” Devon commanded.

  Zane’s eyes flickered with hostility and resentment. He did not like being ordered around, it was why Devon had made it more of a command than a question. He wanted Zane rattled and angered, it may let some of his defenses drop enough for Julian to slip in. Zane hesitated, his jaw clenched tighter.

  “Fine,” Zane finally relented.

  Julian broke into a wide grin, stepping eagerly forward as he was finally given reign to set his powers free. Devon seized hold of Julian’s arm before he went any further. He wanted Julian to grab hold of Zane, wanted to know what Julian would be able to learn from him. But Devon also knew that there was a possibility that Zane had become powerful enough to keep Julian blocked from anything that he didn’t want him to know.

  Holding tight to Julian, he tried to make sure that he learned everything that Devon wanted him to know. Tried to make sure that Julian understood there was someone else that he must touch. Someone that Devon now controlled, and who would be unable to keep anything from Julian while under Devon’s command. Julian’s eyes widened slightly upon his, surprise, amusement, and admiration gleamed in his gaze. For a moment Devon was sharply reminded of how things used to be between them, how close they had been, how devious and cruel.

  He was reminded of the fun they had once shared, not only while killing, fighting, and hunting for women, but also just with each other. They had shared many laughs, many drinks, and many nights simply enjoying each other’s friendship. They had been closer than brothers, far closer than Devon and Robert had ever been, and that was one of the reasons that Robert hated Julian so much.

  A pain tugged at Devon’s heart, and for the first time he actually found himself wishing that they could go back there, that they could share that again. But he knew that it could never be that way again, not with everything that had passed between them, and not with Julian’s feelings for Cassie. Julian’s eyes glimmered briefly, something slipped across his features as he sensed Devon’s change of thought.

  “I want to know why they want her to change so badly too,” Devon said aloud to explain his halting of Julian to The Elder’s, though Julian already knew this.

  Julian’s gaze slid to Cassie, pain and longing bloomed briefly in his iced eyes. Then, to Devon’s complete and utter surprise, he grasped hold of Devon’s arm with his free hand, squeezed it tightly, and nodded to him. Though Julian didn’t say the words, Devon knew that he had just released any resentment toward him. Julian would not stand in their way, and he accepted what he couldn’t have, no matter how badly he wanted Cassie. In that moment Devon knew he had his friend again, that he didn’t have to worry about any of Julian’s intentions, and that he could rely upon him again.

  Cassie turned toward him as Julian strode across the room. Tears glimmered in her eyes as she slid her hand into Devon’s, squeezing it reassuringly. He s
tudied her, amazed by her strength and beauty. Touched by her unwavering love and understanding, no matter what he kept from her, or did to her. He was acutely reminded of the fact that she was too good for him, that she deserved better than this life. And yet this was all that he could give her.

  One day he would make this up to her. When this was over, he vowed he would give her everything that she deserved, and more. His hand tightened around hers as he clasped it within both of his.

  Julian reached Zane, grinning wildly as he stopped before the oldest Elder. They were the golden boys of The Elders, both fair and bright with disarming good looks. But that was where the similarities between them ended. Zane was refined, elegant, and thin with expensive clothes and even more expensive tastes. There was never a hair out of place, never a speck of dirt upon him. Julian however was wild, preferred beer to champagne, had never worn anything more expensive than cotton, and was never happier then when he was rolling around in the dirt getting drunk and causing a raucous. Their completely different personalities were only some of the reasons they hated each other. There were far more. One of the main reasons being that like Devon, Julian had never fallen into line with the rest of The Elder’s. He disdained their way of life, much preferring to be out in the world, reveling in it, instead of hiding and slinking through the shadows.

  Zane had never allowed Julian to touch him before; in fact he had gone out of his way to avoid it every time they’d met. From the look on his face, he would not allow it now if it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t have a choice. And there was no choice; if Zane didn’t allow Julian to touch him then he would be admitting that there was something to hide. But if Zane did allow Julian to touch him, then there was also the possibility that he could somehow keep it hidden from Julian.

  “This is to be quick. You get one brief chance to find what you are looking for and that is all,” Zane sneered.

  Julian’s mouth quirked, distaste flashed through his eyes. “Don’t be afraid Zane, it doesn’t hurt. Much.” Julian taunted.