Page 31 of For Jacinta

  Transcriber's Note: The following typographical errors present in theoriginal edition have been corrected.

  In Chapter II, ="Don Erminio," said Jacinto, "evidently doesn't approveof his dinner."= was changed to ="Don Erminio," said Jacinta, "evidentlydoesn't approve of his dinner."=, =A bit doosoor on the coal trade is onething, but you was--insultin'= was changed to =A bit doosoor on the coaltrade is one thing, but yon was--insultin'=, =as he steamer rolled= waschanged to =as the steamer rolled=, and =our launcha ready= was changed to=our lancha ready=.

  In Chapter III, =Erminio Oliviera, the _Estremeduro's_ captain= waschanged to =Erminio Oliviera, the _Estremedura's_ captain=, and =if Jacintoever does= was changed to =if Jacinta ever does=.

  In Chapter IV, =it also occured to him= was changed to =it also occurred tohim=.

  In Chapter V, =a schoner load of onions= was changed to =a schooner load ofonions=, and a missing quotation mark was added after =painting littlepictures on board the _Estremedura_.=

  In Chapter VI, =as he drew in under the Estremedura's side= was changed to=as he drew in under the _Estremedura's_ side=, and =Isn't that sufficient.=was changed to =Isn't that sufficient?=

  In Chapter VII, =his silk-covered beast= was changed to =his silk-coveredbreast=, =escaped anihilation= was changed to =escaped annihilation=, and=didn't apear to have any legitimate connection= was changed to =didn'tappear to have any legitimate connection=.

  In Chapter VIII, =the negroes who crosesd it= was changed to =the negroeswho crossed it=, and =somebody seized his soulders= was changed to =somebodyseized his shoulders=.

  In Chapter IX, =drifted etherially athwart= was changed to =driftedethereally athwart=.

  In Chapter X, =acompanied the rhythmic splash of oars= was changed to=accompanied the rhythmic splash of oars=.

  In Chapter XI, =the blurr of steamy mangroves= was changed to =the blur ofsteamy mangroves=, =swoopd down beneath= was changed to =swooped downbeneath=, and ="Who the devil are you poisoning?"= was changed to ='Who thedevil are you poisoning?'=.

  In Chapter XIII, a missing period was added after =winch commenced tofire his blood=.

  In Chapter XV, a quotation mark was deleted before =Those salvage men arespecialists=.

  In Chapter XVI, a quotation mark was added after =Last night the waterwas on the thumb.=

  In Chapter XVII, a missing quotation mark was added after ="Well,= andbefore =he said, "it isn't the usual view=, and a missing quotation markwas added after =The trouble is, I don't quite know where I'm going toget it.=.

  In Chapter XIX, =admissable now and then= was changed to =admissible nowand then=, =he recognised thath she must be forced= was changed to =herecognised that she must be forced=, =the girls' big blue eyes= was changedto =the girl's big blue eyes=, and a missing quotation mark was addedbefore =Couldn't you get there in the _Estremedura_=.

  In Chapter XX, a missing quotation mark was added after ="Well,= andbefore =said Muriel, "it is really your own fault=, a quotation mark wasdeleted before =Eight guineas for the two=, and a period was changed to aquestion mark after =the Delgado Island lies=.

  In Chapter XXI, =That, I think, is, to be acurate= was changed to =That, Ithink, is, to be accurate=.

  In Chapter XXII, =one of the Canorios raised himself a trifle= was changedto =one of the Canorios raised himself a trifle=, and a quotation mark wasdeleted after =not afraid of Funnel-paint=.

  In Chapter XXIII, a quotation mark was added after =makes any exertionout of the question=, a quotation mark was deleted before =Offer any ofthe rest of them=, and =clenched a hard, scared fist= was changed to=clenched a hard, scarred fist=.

  In Chapter XXIV, =even Jefferson deferrd to him= was changed to =evenJefferson deferrd to him=, =as the Cumbria rose upright= was changed to =asthe _Cumbria_ rose upright=, =In a month her deck was almost leved= waschanged to =In a month her deck was almost leveled=, =You will remember theencouraging words that fellow left--"My arm's almost rotten now."= waschanged to =You will remember the encouraging words that fellow left--'Myarm's almost rotten now.'"=, and =slowly clenched one scared hand= waschanged to =slowly clenched one scarred hand=.

  In Chapter XXV, =he keeps in the litle case= was changed to =he keeps inthe little case=, =beam and angle comenced to tremble= was changed to =beamand angle commenced to tremble=, and =Wire and hemp and studded chainrosed= was changed to =Wire and hemp and studded chain rose=.

  In Chapter XXVI, a missing question mark was added after =Put that lampout.=, =keep outside the straking radius= was changed to =keep outside thestriking radius=, =Austim became sensible of a change in his mood= waschanged to =Austin became sensible of a change in his mood=, and =a faintrythmic throbbing= was changed to =a faint rhythmic throbbing=.

  In Chapter XXVII, quotation marks were added after =keep your skinunbroken.= and =You may as well open the rest of them.=

  In Chapter XXVIII, =the _Cumbria_ steerd handily= was changed to =the_Cumbria_ steered handily=, and =the distance run appeared to be workingacurately= was changed to =the distance run appeared to be workingaccurately=.

  In Chapter XXX, =an dinformed Brown that the surgeon= was changed to =andinformed Brown that the surgeon=.

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