animate / inanimate in, 76

  Aristotelian time in, 83

  Beatrice in, 66, 215

  Cavalcando l’altr’ier and, 136–7

  Cavalcanti in, 120

  consolation after death in, 268

  Dante’s choice of poems in, 178

  desire vs. reason in, 6

  development of lyrics and, 27

  direct speech in, 8, 140

  Donna pietosa and, 214, 215

  Donne ch’avete in, 177

  ecphrasis in, 228

  emenda / ammenda in, 102

  erotic aggression in, 173

  “fiso” in, 248

  free will vs. choice in, 55

  friendship in, 118

  friendship / poetry link in, 115

  ghirlanda in, 128

  Guittonian style in, 78

  leggiadria in, 9, 72

  Lo doloroso amor and, 164

  lyrics as prerequisites for, 4–5, 8

  magnate rivalries in, 51

  manifestation in, 227

  master-servant trope in, 7, 80

  memory and recall in, 68

  and ordering of lyrics, 18, 20–1

  pascere in, 59

  pilgrimage in, 291–2

  poetics of the new in, 156

  poets in, 115

  quotidian history / local life in, 101, 238

  representation in, 81

  rime and, 3

  road / journey of life in, 84

  sexual categories and, 66

  time in, 84

  verbal “optical illusions” in, 248–9

  visionary experience in, 38n3, 48, 208.

  See also Inferno; Paradiso; Purgatorio

  Con l’altre donne mia vista gabbate, 146–8

  Cavalcantianism of, 139, 146–7

  change in appearance of lover in, 146–7

  and courtly world, 154

  De Robertis and, 25

  direct speech to madonna in, 146

  “figura nova” in, 147

  gabbo in, 149, 154

  lamentations in, 147

  in Vita Nuova, 25, 147, 154

  Confessions (Augustine), 219–20, 240, 243

  confortare, 249

  congedo, 94–5

  Consolatio Philosophiae (Boethius), 213n98, 250, 265

  consolation / consolatio: from Beatrice, 295

  donna gentile and, 268, 269, 281, 283

  in Li occhi dolenti, 213n98, 247, 249, 250–1, 294–5

  consolato, 159

  consolatoria: Avegna ched el m’aggia più per tempo as, 114n49, 115n50, 250n118

  I’ vegno’l giorno a·tte ’nfinite volte as anti, 114, 250n118

  contaminatio, 8, 102

  Contini, Gianfranco: and Amore e monna

  Lagia, 122, 123–5

  on Aretine / Guittonian rhymes in Se Lippo amico, 63

  Barbi’s ordering and, 13, 14, 44

  on Com più vi fere Amor co’ suo vincastri, 98

  and Dante da Maiano tenzoni, 14

  and De Robertis’ edition, 10

  and Degli occhi della mia donna, 156

  on Di donne io vidi, 236

  on E’ m’incresce di me, 172

  editions of, 9

  Giunta’s order and, 17

  and Guido, i vorrei, 116n53

  on incipit composed of settenario as Guittonianism, 67

  on La dispietata mente, 79

  and Lo doloroso amor, 156

  on Lo meo servente core, 68

  on Madonna, quel signor, 87

  on Ne le man vostre, 158

  and No me poriano, 26, 100, 103

  numbers of poems in edition, 14

  on Onde venite, 201, 202

  ordering of lyrics / canzoni, 14

  on Quando ’l consiglio, 63n20

  and rime dubbie, 14

  on Tanto gentile, 229

  on Un dì si venne, 219

  and Vede perfettamente, 232, 233

  and Vita Nuova, 23

  on Voi donne, 204

  Convivio: Amor che nella mente in, 19, 20, 21, 178

  analogy between literary and biological creation in, 95n35

  Barbi and, 16

  canzoni, 12

  Dante’s choice of canzoni in, 10, 178

  donna gentile in, 265–6, 281–2

  estravaganti excluded from, 22, 168n84

  Giunta and poems in, 17

  hunting dogs in, 106n40

  ladder of desire in, 27

  Lady Philosophy in, 213n98, 250, 265, 269, 282

  Le dolci rime in, 19, 20

  master-servant trope in, 8, 80

  orderings in, 18, 19–20, 21, 161

  “perfettamente” in, 232

  poems in Contini, 14

  poetry set within prose in, 18, 19, 20

  as prerequisite of Commedia, 5

  road / journey of life in, 84

  shame in, 286–7

  soul in search of “albergo” metaphor in, 304–5

  stil novo in, 4

  visionary experience in, 38n3; Vita

  Nuova and, 61, 281–2

  Voi che ’ntendendo in, 19, 20, 21, 26, 178

  Corrotto, 198, 199, 203, 209

  Così nel mio parlar vogli’esser aspro: in canzoni distese, 11, 20

  as one of the rime petrose, 173

  sexual violence in, 97

  courtly life: in Ballata, i’ voi, 138–9

  biblical elements and, 158

  Con l’altre donne and, 154

  and Inferno, 82

  in La dispietata mente, 82

  in Lo meo servente core, 67

  in lyrics, 6–7

  theologization of, 206

  courtly love: and Christianity, 180–1

  and death, 243

  donna gentile cycle and, 275

  fidelity to dead beloved and, 275

  lady in Ne le man vostre, 159

  in L’amaro lagrimar, 277–8

  narcissism / self-pity in, 278

  in Sì lungiamente, 240

  in Sonar bracchetti, 107–8

  in Vita Nuova, 136, 159

  Daniel, Arnaut, 40, 98

  Dante Alleghier, Cecco, tu’ servo amico (Cecco Angiolieri), 46–7, 299

  Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture (Barolini), 6n3, 7n5, 10n14, 45n10, 140n72, 168n84, 179n88, 240n111

  Dante da Maiano: and A ciascun’alma presa e gentil core, 37, 60, 109

  Amor mi fa sì fedelmente amare, 55–6

  Di ciò che stato sè dimandatore, 7, 37, 45, 46, 47–8, 60, 208

  in Giuntina, 13n19; Lasso, lo dol che più mi dole e serra, 43, 47, 54

  Lo vostro fermo dir fino ed orrato, 43, 47, 53

  mother of, 40

  Per pruova di saper com vale o quanto, 43, 44–5, 46, 52, 70

  Provedi, saggio, ad esta visïone, 37, 38, 42, 46, 58, 128

  Savere e cortesia and, 6

  tenzoni with Dante, 4, 7, 14, 37–57, 64

  Dante’s Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice (Rossetti), 206, 215

  Dante’s Poets (Barolini), 64n21, 135n69

  Davanzati, Chiaro: Amico, proveduto ha mia intenzione, 38, 50

  Di penne di paone

  e d’altre assai, 48

  and Provedi, saggio, 37n1, 40

  Davidsohn, Robert, 196, 200n94

  De Amicitia (Cicero), 6, 47, 50, 92, 113n45, 116

  De Robertis, Domenico: 2002

  edition, 10, 15–17; 2005

  commentary, 10

  and Amore e monna Lagia, 122–3

  Barbi’s ordering and, 44

  and Boccaccio’s canzoni distese, 15, 16

  and Ciò che m’incontra, 149

  on Con l’altre donne, 139

  on death of lady / lord, 219

  on Deh pellegrini, 292

  and Deh ragioniamo, 90

  on Di donne io vidi, 236

  and “documenti antichi,” 17

  on Donna pietosa, 206–7, 209, 215

  on Donne c
h’avete, 180, 181

  on Era venuta, 259

  and “estravaganti,” 11n15

  on Fresca rosa novella, 131–2

  on Gentil pensero, 280, 283

  on Giovanna / Vanna, 222

  and Giuntina, 15–16

  on Guido, i’ vorrei, 17, 113

  on interpretation, 17

  and L’amaro lagrimar, 275, 280

  on Lasso, per forza, 287, 288

  and Li occhi dolenti, 245, 248

  and “Lippo,” 17, 25–6

  and Lo doloroso amor, 162, 168

  on Morte villana, 77–8

  on Ne le man vostre, 158

  and No me poriano, 26, 100, 102–3

  and number of lyrics, 3

  and O voi che per la via, 70

  on Oltra la spera, 294, 297

  on Onde venite, 201

  ordering of lyrics, 9, 15–17, 161, 162

  on parere, 226

  on Per quella via, 301–2, 306n158

  and Per una ghirlandetta, 127, 129, 237

  and Quando ’l consiglio, 63n20; Rime, 24–5

  and rime dubbie, 17, 122–3

  and Se’ tu colui, 198

  and Sì lungiamente, 241n113

  on Tanto gentile, 226, 229

  on Tutti li miei penser, 145

  and Vede perfettamente, 232

  on Venite a ’ntender, 254, 255

  on Vita Nuova, 22, 23, 24–5, 61n17

  De vulgari eloquentia: and “amicus eius,” 51

  Donne ch’avete in, 177, 179, 180

  friendship in, 114–15

  and Guido delle Colonne’s Amor che lungiamente, 240

  on hendecasyllable beginning canzoni, 67

  master-servant trope in, 8, 80

  Mezzabati in, 302

  poetics of directio voluntatis, 266

  as prerequisite of Commedia, 5

  death: acceptance of / moving on from, 268, 269

  in Augustine’s Confessions, 243

  of beloved, 243

  courtly love and, 243

  direct speech and, 248

  in Lasso, per forza, 289

  in Lo doloroso amor, 289

  in Morte villana, 77

  passion and, 173–4

  in Quantunque volte, 257

  and transience of life / earthly things, 219–20

  in Vita Nuova, 243

  Death and Ritual in Renaissance Florence (Strocchia), 200n94

  death of Beatrice: in A ciascun’alma, 60

  analogy with Christ, 159, 224

  anniversary of, 259–60, 262, 266–7

  and Beatrice as comparable to Virgin, 246–7

  and Beatrice in heaven, 60–1, 244, 246

  and Beatrice in Purgatorio, 185

  and consolation from, 249–50, 295

  consolatoria, 114, 115n50

  Dante’s dream at time of, 206

  in Deh pellegrini, 290–3

  in Donna pietosa, 207–8

  in Era venuta, 259–60, 262

  and fidelity, 268, 276–7, 281

  funeral rites, 209–10

  in Li occhi dolenti, 159, 177, 243, 247

  poet’s state of mind following, 247, 266–8

  praise vs. lamentation for, 75

  in Quantunque volte, 256

  reprimand in Purgatorio, 284, 302

  sending of Vergil to Dante, 269

  in Sì lungiamente, 239–40

  in Venite a ’ntender, 254–5

  in Videro gli occhi, 266

  death of madonna: death of lover-poet vs., 289

  and donna gentile cycle, 275

  in Donna pietosa, 206, 207

  in Donne ch’avete, 278

  and dream of dead madonna, 206

  fidelity following, 275

  forgetfulness after, 276–7

  in Lasso, per forza, 288–9

  in Li occhi dolenti, 243

  in Lo doloroso amor, 277–8

  mourning of, 199, 201–2

  “moving on” from, 277

  new lady vs., 275

  pilgrims and, 292

  poet’s participation in mourning, 209–10

  in Quantunque volte, 257–8

  Decameron (Boccaccio), 106, 108, 118–19, 120, 124, 125, 196–7, 220, 230, 230n107, 234

  Degli occhi della mia donna si move, 156–7

  eyes of madonna in, 156–7

  mingling of Cavalcantianism and Guinizzellianism in, 156

  nuovo/new in, 156–7

  representation in, 156–7

  ritrarre in, 156

  as stil novo sonnet, 156, 157

  Degli occhi di quella gentil mia dama, 17, 122–3

  Deh, piangi meco tu, dogliosa petra, 16, 122–3

  Deh, Vïoletta, che ’n ombra d’Amore, 131–3

  Cavalcantianism in, 87, 127

  diminutives in, 128

  Donne ch’avete compared to, 131

  fire of love motif, 131

  Per una ghirlandetta compared to, 131

  placement of, 87, 127

  Violetta in, 131

  Deh pellegrini che pensosi andate, 290–3

  beatrice in, 163n83, 182n90, 294n146

  De Robertis and, 25, 292

  mourning in, 203

  Oltra la spera compared to, 294

  passare in, 294n146

  pilgrims in, 290–1

  and planh, 292

  social communication in, 290–1

  in Vita Nuova, 25, 290

  Voi che portate compared to, 290–1

  Deh ragioniamo insieme un poco, Amore, 90–3

  brigata in, 256

  friendship in, 6, 91–2, 113, 118

  “nostra donna” in, 220

  “ragionar” in, 115

  Delmolino, Grace, 28

  desire: changeableness of, 134

  ladder of, in Convivio, 27

  in lyrics, 6

  in Purgatory, 41

  reason vs., 6, 56

  in Savete giudicar, 40–1

  soul and, 41, 266

  and “the new”/il novo, 134

  in Vita Nuova, 136

  Di ciò che stato sè dimandatore (Dante da Maiano), 7, 37, 45, 46, 47–8, 60, 208

  Di donne io vidi una gentil schiera, 236–8

  ardire in, 237

  brigata/“schiera” in, 7, 234, 236, 238

  Contini on, 236

  feast of All Saints’ Day in, 7–8

  madonna in, 236–7, 238

  quotidian social life in, 7–8, 238

  and stilnovism, 236

  Tanto gentile compared to, 237

  temporal precision of, 236, 237

  vedere in, 237

  “vidi” in, 237

  Di penne di paone e d’altre assai (Davanzati), 48

  Dido, in Inferno, 282

  direct discourse / speech: Cavalcanti and, 150

  in Ciò che m’incontra, 150, 208

  in Commedia, 8, 248–9

  in Con l’altre donne, 146

  to lady, 140

  in Li occhi dolenti, 248–9

  and life vs. death, 248

  to madonna, 146, 154

  and mystical-visionary, 150, 207–8, 209

  in Per quella via, 303

  reprimand to eyes of poet in, 275–6

  in Sonetto, se Meuccio, 95–6

  in Spesse fiate, 153

  used by Dante with Beatrice in Commedia, 140

  Doglia mi reca nello core ardire: amico in, 50, 114n48

  in canzoni distese, 12

  congedo of, 94

  desire vs. reason in, 6, 56

  gender equality in, 189

  leggiadria in, 4, 71

  love vs. virtue in, 189

  master-servant trope in, 80

  “dolce loco,” 88

  dolce stil novo. See stil novo

  Donati, Forese: Dante’s friendship with, 51, 118; in Purgatorio, 198

  tenzone with, 4, 5, 13, 124

  Doni, Salvino, 37n1, 40

  donna gentile: appearance
of Beatrice to Dante in Purgatorio and, 276

  and auto-exegesis, 265

  in Color d’amore, 265, 271

  consolation from, 268, 269, 281, 283

  in Convivio, 265–6, 281–2

  death of Beatrice and, 266–7, 281

  eyes of poet and, 288

  in Gentil pensero, 281, 282–4

  in L’amaro lagrimar, 265

  in Lasso, per forza, 265, 279, 284

  Lisetta and, 302, 304

  in Lo meo servente core, 67

  love for “distrutto,” 286; pity in face of, 267–8

  praise of, 284

  reciprocity toward poet, 267–8

  reconversion to Beatrice and, 286

  in Videro gli occhi, 265–9. See also new love / new lady

  donna gentile cycle: anthology for, 295n149

  Cavalcantianism in, 280–1

  and courtly love, 275

  death of beloved and, 275, 304

  existential vs. ethical conflict in, 280–1

  shame in, 287

  and topos of new love, 266

  Donna me prega, per ch’eo voglio dire (Cavalcanti), 135, 179

  Donna pietosa e di novella etate, 206–18

  angels in, 181

  beatified lady in, 216

  biblical elements in, 214–15; “colore” in, 185

  and Commedia, 214, 215

  confortare in, 249

  consolare in, 249n117

  date of composition, 209, 210–11

  De Robertis on, 206–7

  and death as lesson in transience of life / earthly things, 219–20

  death of beloved in, 243

  and donna gentile vs. donna pietosa, 265

  Donne ch’avete compared to, 206

  embedded speeches in, 213

  farneticare in, 48, 60

  feminine pity in, 267

  Foster-Boyde on, 206

  Inferno compared to, 213

  length and construction of, 179, 239

  Li occhi dolenti compared to, 243

  mortality of poet in, 207, 214

  mourning in, 220

  and name Beatrice, 207, 244; “nostra donna” in, 220

  painterly qualities of, 206

  and Paradiso, 214–15

  and Purgatorio, 215

  and Rossetti’s Dante’s Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice, 206

  sconfortare in, 249n116

  shame in, 287

  as theologized, 206

  Un dì si venne compared to, 219

  unidentified lady in, 219

  vanità in, 278n134

  visionary in, 206, 212–15, 247

  in Vita Nuova, 206–7, 244

  women tending poet’s sickbed in, 234

  Donne ch’avete intelletto d’amore, 177–87

  addressed to noble women, 58

  afterlife in, 278

  angels speaking in, 180

  Beatrice in, 131, 244

  Cavalcantianism of, 153

  celestial scene in, 180–1

  colours/“colore” in, 184–5, 271

  in Commedia, 177

  “cosa mortale”-“cosa nova” pairing in, 184–5

  Dante’s finding own voice in, 71

  De Robertis on, 180, 198

  in De vulgari eloquentia, 177, 179, 180