Page 27 of The Dark Earl

  “And what did you conclude?”

  “I decided that only gods could be that perfect. Of course, I hadn’t seen you then.”

  “Flattery will get you everything you desire, my darling.”

  “I want to see if I can make you as hard as a marble statue.”

  He turned to face her. “I’m already there.”

  “Oh, bugger and balls, so you are!”

  He made a dive for her, and his arms clasped her close. He rolled with her until she was above him in the dominant position, and took possession of her mouth.

  When the kiss ended, Harry knelt above him. “I want to explore you tonight. Your body fascinates and enthralls me.”

  He raised his arms above his head and grinned up at her. “Do your worst.”

  Her fingers immediately began to explore his exposed armpits. The texture of the black hair was soft and silky. “You don’t seem to be ticklish.”

  “Things aren’t always what they seem. I am indeed ticklish, but I exercise control over my response.”

  “You like to be in control. It makes you feel safe. Aren’t you ever tempted to abandon your control and revel in being unconstrained?”

  “Tempted, yes. But I seldom give in to temptation.”

  I want to know what will make you frenzied and wild, and moaning with hunger. She stroked her fingertips across his wide shoulders. She toyed with his male nipples that were flat as copper pennies and felt delight when they became erect. She dipped her head and drew circles around them with the tip of her tongue. Her lips trailed down his rib cage; then she dropped a kiss on his navel and dipped in her tongue.

  When his hands cupped her bum cheeks, she felt a flame of arousal, and guessed that his passion was ready to explode. Slowly, and deliberately, she began to lick the swollen head of his cock. When she took him into her mouth, he cried out and arched his body off the bed in a wild frenzy of need. “Harry! Don’t ever stop!”

  Hours later, after he’d made love to her twice, they lay entwined, their bodies warm and soft with surfeit. Thomas was happy over his marriage. He had needed someone to share things with for a long time, and he felt he had chosen the right woman. But sharing physical intimacy was far easier than sharing other facets of his life. He stared into the darkness for long minutes and then his lips brushed her temple. For now this will suffice.

  The following day, Thomas took Harry across the bridge to the small island behind the Chinese pagoda to view the “Cat’s Monument” where the original Kouli-Khan was buried. She read the inscription and traced the feline’s name with her fingers. “I admire your ancestor George Anson very much. In spite of his fame and fortune, his pet obviously came high on his list of priorities. I warrant you have inherited his qualities.”

  “I have inherited his love for Shugborough at any rate. Come—let me show you our more famous ‘Shepherd’s Monument.’ The marble relief is copied from the Nicolas Poussin in the drawing room. The carved letters form a cipher that’s never been solved.”

  “How fascinating.” Harry took his hand and he led her past the Tower of Winds.

  “There it is. Since the Ansons had a connection with the Knights Templar, legend has it that the cipher refers to the whereabouts of the Holy Grail.”

  Harry knelt in the grass and traced the letters. Then she placed her hand on the sun-warmed marble and closed her eyes. “I’m only guessing, but I believe it is a secret message between lovers. An ancient Anson ancestor lost his beloved and this inscription tells her how much he adored her. The letters probably represent some beautiful Latin phrase or line of poetry that was known to the two of them.”

  Thomas held out his hand to raise her. “Harry, you are a true romantic. A secret message between lovers is such a lovely thought.” He enfolded her in his arms, and his lips captured hers in a tender kiss.

  “I think I hear another wagon.” He led her toward the courtyard.

  “Why, it’s Riley, my father’s coachman.” Harry ran to the wagon and greeted Riley.

  He jumped down and handed Thomas a letter from Abercorn.

  Thomas broke the seal and read the letter. He looked at Harry and smiled. “Your father wasted no time gathering the books, paintings, and furniture he agreed to return to Shugborough. He says that the only books missing are the ones at Barons Court in Ireland. He says that when he and your mother go over there in the spring, he’ll crate up the books himself. He also says he will bring one of his prized Arabians as a wedding gift for you, Harry.”

  “Oh, I never expected anything so generous,” she cried.

  “Your father loves you very much, sweetheart.”

  Harry dashed away a tear. “Riley, come to the kitchen and meet Mrs. Stearn. She will fill your belly with some rib-sticking grub, and you can wash it down with a jug of our home-brewed ale.”

  “I’d better unload this lot first, Lady Lichfield. There’s quite a haul here.”

  “First you will eat, drink, and be merry. Then I’ll get the staff to help, and we will all unload Shugborough’s treasures.”

  After the servants brought everything into the vaulted entrance hall, Harry ordered Riley to stay for a couple of days, rather than return to London the following morning.

  That evening, after an early dinner, Thomas and Harry took the paintings up to the long gallery and hung them back in the spaces they had originally occupied. Altogether, there were six paintings, so it took three trips up the curved staircase to the gallery.

  She could see how important the ritual of restoration was to her husband, and she took her joy from his satisfaction. They laughed as she insisted the paintings were far more beautiful displayed here than they had ever been in the Hamilton residences.

  “Your father was extremely generous to return these paintings in the marriage contract. This one, Sleeping Venus and Cupid, is extremely valuable.”

  “Venus and Cupid?” She stood back and looked at it. “I thought it was a painting of a nude mother and her child.”

  Thomas was amused. “I shouldn’t laugh at you. Venus is the mother of Cupid.”

  “My education in art is lacking. Since you are an expert, you will have to give me lessons. How did you become an associate of Whitfield Cox?”

  “He came into possession of a painting from Shugborough and offered to sell it to me. I couldn’t afford to buy it, so I told him I’d earn it by selling paintings to wealthy art collectors. I was so successful at authenticating and selling art that we decided a permanent business association would be beneficial to both of us.”

  Her glance moved about the long gallery, assessing all the paintings. “I still love the horse paintings best. I am glad you secreted them away from the vultures who bought up Shugborough’s treasures at the auction all those years ago.”

  “Do you feel up to sorting books tonight?”

  “Oh absolutely! I can’t wait to put them back in their rightful place.”

  They went downstairs and carried the books, a few at a time, into Shugborough’s library. They both took deep pleasure arranging them on the almost empty shelves. Almost two hours passed as they sorted the books into their various categories. When they were done, they looked at each other and declared in the same breath, “The brass-mounted library chairs!”

  They raced to the entrance hall and separated the pair of chairs from the other items of furniture that Riley had brought. Working in tandem, they carried them to the library, one at a time. Then they each sat down in one and laughed with delight that another of Shugborough’s rooms had been miraculously restored.

  Thomas held out his arms and Harry immediately abandoned her own chair to sit on her husband’s lap. He tenderly cupped her face. “I am immensely grateful to you, sweetheart. Sharing things with you fills my being with deep, warm satisfaction.”

  She wound her arms about his neck. “I wish I could wave a magic wand and magically restore everything to Shugborough, and make it exactly as it used to be.”

  “You won’t need a mag
ic wand, sweetheart. I will restore everything,” he promised. “I am a ruthless businessman.”

  “I love this house as much as you do. I’m so glad you seduced me into marrying you, Lord Lichfield.”

  “Tell the truth and shame the devil. Was it me who seduced you, or Shugborough?”

  “Since we have agreed there will be absolute truth between us, I freely admit that it was both.”

  “You are a shameless baggage. Some secrets are better left unspoken,” he teased.

  She rubbed her bum against his cock. “Since you invited me to shame the devil, if you’ll take me up to bed, I’ll see what I can do.”

  The following day, Thomas hitched up the carriage horses and took Harry to visit all Shugborough’s tenants. Some of the farmers bred sheep and others grew crops, and it was obvious that they all respected Thomas. Most of the crops were in for the year and as Thomas and the farmers discussed which fields to plant in the spring, Harry made friends with their wives. She took an interest in their children and was pleased to learn that they all went to school.

  As they drove back to the hall in the late afternoon, she told Thomas that Shugborough’s tenant farmers seemed happy and contented. “The women told me how much you had done, not just for your tenants, but for the area in general.”

  “I regret that I will no longer be the member of Parliament for Lichfield. It gave me a great deal of satisfaction. Now that I’m the Earl of Lichfield, I will have to take my seat in the House of Lords. In my opinion, the work isn’t nearly as important.”

  “Then you won’t need to attend every session, and we can spend more time here at Shugborough. I’d love to return in the spring and stay through the autumn.”

  “Perhaps we could breed your Arabian mare with my hunter. Shugborough’s stables lack riding horses. I’m sorry I haven’t got a mount for you, Harry.”

  “You are right to spend your money on Shugborough, rather than horses. Breeding our own horseflesh is a good idea. Tomorrow you can take me up before you, when we explore Cannock Chase.”

  He winked. “Perhaps we can ride hell for leather again.”

  She laughed. “We did that last night. You are insatiable, my lord.”

  “Did you notice the splendid Staffordshire workhorses on some of our farms?” he said as they pulled up to the stables. “Next year perhaps we could start a breeding program. It may prove profitable.”

  “Thomas, that’s a wonderful idea. They are magnificent animals.”

  When they entered the hall, Harry took his hand. “I forgot to tell you. I informed Mrs. Stearn that we would feed ourselves tonight. It is high time you gave me the cooking lesson you promised.”

  He leered at her. “Kitchens have a wonderful warm atmosphere that panders to all the senses.”

  When Mrs. Stearn saw them, she ushered her maids from the area. “Lord and Lady Lichfield wish to be alone, I warrant.”

  “You are very perceptive, Mrs. Stearn,” Harry said. “Thank you.”

  Thomas lifted his wife onto the wooden chopping block. “What does the countess fancy for her dinner?”

  “Since this is my first culinary lesson, let’s have something simple.”

  “Mmm, how about Spanish omelettes?”

  “Sounds good. What will we need?”

  “A potato, an onion, a couple of mushrooms, some bacon, some hot red pepper, and eggs of course.”

  “Where will I find red pepper?”

  “Look in the pantry. You should find a package of dried hot peppers.”

  When Harry returned with the dried hot pepper, he had gathered all the ingredients and was frying bacon in a pan on top of the iron woodstove. “Mmm, that smells good.”

  “Melt some butter in that other pan, and slice the potato very thin. Add some chopped onion, and cook them together on a low heat so the butter doesn’t burn.”

  “Low heat?”

  “Place the pan to the front of the range. The back gives off higher heat than the front, for safety reasons of course.”

  When the bacon was cooked, Thomas cut it up and told Harry to add it to her pan along with the mushrooms and the red pepper. “Crack six eggs, and whip them with a fork.”

  When she cracked the first egg rather gingerly, he grimaced. “Do it with passion.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “I shall do it with the flourish of a countess!”

  “That’s better,” he approved. “Now pour in the eggs and brown the omelettes on both sides.” He handed her a wooden spatula and stepped back.

  Thomas brought two plates, and she successfully lifted the delicious-smelling omelette from the pan and divided it. “I’m so clever.”

  “Absolutely brilliant.” He pulled out a chair for her at the kitchen table and they both sat down to eat. When he had devoured the last mouthful, he declared, “Not bad for an amateur. What shall we make for dessert?”

  “I enjoyed the pears we had the other night.”

  “That’s good, since they are in season now. I’ll teach you to make pears flambé.”

  “French dessert sounds sinful.”

  “Then it should be right up your alley. Back to the pantry and find some preserved berries. I’ll get the brandy.”

  Harry came back with a jar of preserved black cherries. “These look good.”

  “First you have to core the pears.” He handed her a paring knife. “You needn’t peel them if you enjoy the skin.” He unscrewed the metal cap on the jar and removed the plug of preservative wax. “Spoon some cherries and juice into the pan, add sugar, and heat it to a simmer. When it bubbles, pop in the pear halves, and pour on some brandy. I’ll whip some cream.”

  Harry followed his instructions. Then Thomas lit a taper from the stove and handed it to her. “I won’t deprive you of the fun part. Set the brandy alight and jump back.”

  Her eyes were bright as the flame she wielded. “Keep that bucket of sand handy!” She set the pan aflame and hopped back. When the blue flame stopped burning, she divided the concoction into two dessert bowls and anointed them with a dollop of cream.

  This time Thomas sat down at the table and pulled her into his lap. “This is the way dessert à deux must be eaten.” Laughing like children, they fed each other and licked their lips between kisses.

  The next day, Thomas took his wife before him on his black hunter. Shugborough estate was on the edge of Cannock Chase, an area of outstanding natural beauty. He spoke softly with his lips close to her ear. “We’ll go easy at first. This is the largest swath of heathland in all the Midland counties and it teems with wildlife. This place has it all—woodland, grassland, and wetland habitat.”

  Harry was enthralled at the abundance of small animals that made their home in the different sections of the chase. They entered a coppice of oak and birch trees.

  “Cannock Forest is mentioned in the Domesday Book. Some of these trees are five hundred years old. Richard the First granted the chase to the bishop of Lichfield.”

  “What a pity you don’t still own it. Oh, look, a herd of deer! But they are white.”

  “They are fallow deer, first brought here and released by the Normans. But there are also herds of red deer, and muntjac that bark like dogs.”

  Harry slid her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Thomas Anson, I love you! I know of no other man who would not hunt these creatures.”

  “Think of it as our own private wildlife preserve.”

  When they emerged into the grassland, they startled a covey of game birds.

  “What are they?

  “Gray nightjars. See their black bills and white-tipped tail feathers? Now that we’ve disturbed them, we can ride hell for leather. Are you ready?”

  Harry nodded eagerly. “Ready when you are, my lord.”

  When they arrived back at the hall in the late afternoon, they learned that yet another delivery had been made. A huge wooden crate with bits of straw falling from it awaited them in the kitchens.

  Mrs. Stearn handed Harry a letter addressed t
o Harriet Anson, Countess of Lichfield.

  When Thomas glanced at it, he recognized his mother’s handwriting. “Read it.”

  Harry obeyed his declaration, and gasped with delight. “Oh, Thomas, your mother has made us a wedding gift of her prized Chinese porcelain collection. She says its rightful place is Shugborough.”

  He opened the crate, and they both carefully lifted out the exquisite pieces and set them on a long kitchen table.

  “After dinner, will you help me wash them so we can put them on display in the dining room?”

  He enfolded her in his arms and kissed her. “I never heard of a countess who washed her own porcelain. It thrills me that you treasure this collection, Harry.”

  Hours later, when they retired, she stood at the bedchamber window. An autumn wind had come up suddenly and was blowing the leaves from the trees. “I’m sorry that our fortnight is up, and our honeymoon must end.”

  He came up behind her and nuzzled the nape of her neck. “Our honeymoon will never end.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t be sad, Harry.”

  “Oh, I’m not sad, darling. This was one of the most glorious days of my life.”

  His arms tightened and he murmured suggestively, “And it isn’t over yet.”

  She sighed with happiness. “Our time at Shugborough has been absolute perfection.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  The door at 15 St. James’s Square swung open, and Thomas carried Harry over the threshold and set her down in the elegant reception hall.

  “This is Norton, who proved indispensable to my mother and me during the last difficult year. As reward,” Thomas declared, “I’ve promoted him to butler.”

  “I am delighted to meet you, Norton.”