Page 13 of Strange Candy

  "You are now Captain Kendrick."

  The other captain sputtered, but I interrupted him. "I want you gone from here and never come back. Take the four men who rode with you on search yesterday."

  There must have been something in my eyes that told him not to argue. He gave a stiff bow and left the room.

  "Now, Captain, how long ago did Trahern leave?"

  "Only moments, my lady."

  "Then take what men you think you need and find him. Relieve him of the peasant boy he got last night. The boy is to be healed, then taken back to his home. A gift of gold will be given to his family."

  He smiled. "Yes, my lady."

  "And free all the others. They are my people now, and no one mistreats my people. No one."

  He bowed, grinning. "All will be done as you ask, Alatir Lord-Slayer."

  "Lord-Slayer?" I questioned.

  "Yes, my lady, from last night."

  "Go then, Kendrick." I stopped him just before he left. "I must attend some business and will be away perhaps until tomorrow. But I will return and expect everything to be done as I asked."

  "I will inform the castle staff of your absence and will do as you ask." He bowed and left the room.

  I stood at the open window and let the autumn wind shiver over my skin. I changed into a familiar form and took to the sky on gray wings.

  I settled on the lake's dark waters and looked for Gyldan. I could not remain with the flock now. I remembered too much, but I had promised him a good-bye.

  He called to me from shore, his voice different than any others. I paddled over to him and hopped up on the grass. Regardless of what shape I wore, I loved him. We caressed, touching necks and bills. How could I leave him behind? And how could I take him with me?

  He stepped back from me, and I saw magic shimmer over him like silver rain. The flock awoke with cries of alarm and took to the safety of the sky. I watched him change, slowly, but his magic was strong and sure.

  He lay, a naked man, pale, white hair like moonlight. Eyes sparkled black so they showed no pupil. He blinked up at me with wide uncertain eyes. His voice was deep and song-filled, full of rushing wind and the freedom of wings. "I saw how you changed."

  I was human beside him, crying.

  He ran hands down the length of his new body. "I could not follow you as a bird, but as a man..."

  I knelt and kissed his forehead. "You are not a man."

  He gripped my hand. "I am your mate. I will follow you, whatever form you take."

  We held each other as the sun rose and knew each other as a woman knows a man. Afterward he lay panting beside me with innocent eyes. How much he had to learn. I could take the memory of my magic, of his magic, away. I could leave him as I found him. I ran a fingertip down the sweat-soaked length of his body. He shivered. "Your name is Gyldan, and I am Alatir."

  He tried the names on his human tongue, "Gyldan, Alatir. Are they nice names?"

  "Yes, I think so." I stood. "Come, we can take shelter at the mill for today. They will give us clothing and food."

  He nodded, and I helped him stand on his uncertain legs. I led him by the hand along the path that the children took to feed the geese. We shivered in the dim autumn sunlight. It was colder without feathers.


  This is another story about domestic skills being more important than magic. I have no talent for organizing a household. None. Over the years I've come to realize that being able to cook, clean, and make order from chaos is a skill of the highest order. It is a different way of looking at the world, almost a polar opposite to the absent-minded artist thing I've got going. I wouldn't trade who and what I am, but sometimes I get glimpses into that other way of thinking, of being, and I think, wouldn't it be nice. But I am definitely one of the wizards making a mess, and more work for Rudelle.

  RUDELLE was a practical woman. The fact that she had married a wizard did not change that, though marrying Trevelyn Herb-mage was the most impractical thing she had ever done.

  Her husband was tall, as were most Astranthians. His eyes were the color of a Red-Breast's eggs. His hair was the yellow of early summer corn silk.

  Rudelle knew she herself was not a great beauty. Her hair fell thick and wavy to her waist, was only the color of autumn-browned leaves. She wore it in a long braid, piled like a crown atop her head. Her eyes were plain brown, like polished oak. She was not tall, though she did possess ample curves, of which many men were fond. She was a good cook and tidy, laughed often and well, but had a sharp tongue. Her brothers learned early that she was not to be trifled with.

  She had no idea why the tall, blond stranger had asked for her hand. And she found it a sense of wonder that his eyes shone with love when he looked upon her.

  She knew she would be the only non-magic in the house full of wizards. Trevelyn was the eldest and would inherit the family estate. He tended the family magic shop already, freeing his parents so they could further their magical research.

  So Rudelle and her husband would live with his parents, two sisters, and a brother. All were spell casters.

  Rudelle would cook and clean and help tend the shop. She would raise fat children and fend for herself in a house of magic.

  Her brothers had thought her mad to travel across the sea to Astrantha. Calthu was a land where magic was rare and often persecuted. What did she, a Calthuian farmer's daughter, know about Astrantha--land of a thousand magics? Nothing.

  But from the moment their boat docked Rudelle had loved the city of Almirth, capital city of Astrantha. It was noise, the frantic calls of multicolored parrots being unloaded from a boat, the high neighing of unicorn-horses with their spiraling horns, the soft mumblings of spells as sorcerers lifted cargo boxes with word and gesture, and the hum of any busy port.

  Trevelyn said, "Look up, there."

  She followed where he pointed but at first saw nothing against the summer blue sky. Then something, something silver, flashed in the sun. The silver point whirled and raced itself and was joined by a flashing bit of gold. A third point of light, like a ruby winking in the sun, joined the mad flight.

  "What is it?" she asked.

  "Dragons," he replied, "playing tag."

  Rudelle stood and stared until the point of light became a rainbow of scattered stars, a dozen colored fireflies, high in the vault of the day.

  Trevelyn touched her shoulder gently. She turned, startled, and winced. Her neck was stiff from looking up.

  "My family is expecting us."

  "Oh, I'm sorry."

  He hugged her. "Don't be sorry. I love the way you enjoy such ordinary things."

  She blushed. "I am a country bumpkin."

  "No, never. Most of these people would be lost without their magic. They couldn't cook, or do business, or even marry without magic. They would be just as amazed at ordinary things in your world."

  Rudelle shook her head. "If you say so, husband."

  He kissed her forehead. "I say so."

  As they walked arm in arm through the bustling crowd, he warned her of his parents. "They liked the idea of having children, but raising us didn't interest them much. Their primary interest is the study of magic, not family."

  She frowned.

  He squeezed her hand and smiled. "That is one reason I did not wish to marry another wizard. I wanted a wife, and I wanted to be a real father."

  She smiled, then, and felt warm and whole in the shadow of his eyes.

  The house was on a quiet street with large, fenced yards and tall, stately houses. There was a woman walking very fast from the house. Her shoes clump-clumped on the stone walkway. She nearly ran into them in her haste to get through the gate. She gasped, made a vague curtsey, and said, "I resign my position. You can't cook in a kitchen that explodes," and she was gone, half-running down the quiet street.

  Rudelle looked at her husband.

  "That was the maid," he said, as if that explained everything.

  Rudelle was about to ask for
a more detailed explanation when the world swam for a dizzying moment and they were no longer in the yard.

  Rudelle grasped his arm in a panicked grasp. "Trevelyn, what's happening?"

  "It's all right, Rudelle. Mother teleported us to her study. No harm done."

  Rudelle wasn't sure she agreed. Her stomach was twisting, and she was forced to breathe deeply of the stale unpleasant air. Rudelle hoped she would not embarrass herself by throwing up all over her new mother-in-law.

  A tall, blond woman stood in a room. She could have been Trevelyn's younger sister, but Rudelle had been warned that sorcerers lived a very long time and aged accordingly. She was still grateful that Trevelyn was a mere herb-witch and herb-healer, and thus would age normally.

  The woman was beautiful, like a princess. But her yellow-gold hair was straggling from a loose braid, and her blue gown, which matched her eyes perfectly, was stained with ink in a large smear from bodice to mid-knee.

  The woman smiled; it was Trevelyn's smile. "Welcome, wife of my eldest son." She closed her eyes a moment and yelled, "Gaynor, your son is home! Where is that man?"

  Her voice seemed to echo in an unnatural way. Rudelle glanced at Trevelyn.

  He said, "The only way to communicate from Mother's study is by magic."

  Rudelle turned in a circle, searching for the door. There were only rough-hewn stone walls. "There's no door."

  "No. In case one of Mother's spells goes awry, the house above us is protected."

  Rudelle stood in the middle of the room, trying to keep her face blank. A thick, gray coating of dust touched everything. Spider webs stretched across the room like garlands strung for a party. Broken bits of crockery lay on the floor. Ancient bits of food had dried to their surface.

  His mother vanished to find his father. Trevelyn whispered to her, "Mother never allows a maid to touch this room."

  "Why not?"

  "It is her work room."

  "She works in this?"

  He grinned. "She never allows anyone to clean this room."

  "We shall have to see about that. It's filthy."

  His mother reappeared accompanied by a slightly older replica of Trevelyn.

  Trevelyn said, "May I introduce my mother, Breandan Spellweaver, and my father, Gaynor the Researcher. And to you, my parents, may I introduce my wife, Rudelle the Quick-fingered."

  Breandan asked, "May one ask how you came to have such a name?"

  "I am quick with needle and thread."

  "Oh, I suppose if you have no sorcery that sewing is a useful talent."

  His father interrupted, "You are not a sorcerer, for you do not shine." He squinted at her. "She does not shine at all, Breandan."

  "She is a healer, Gaynor. Healers do not shine until they perform their magic."

  He nodded. "Yes, a healer. We've never had one of those in the family."

  Trevelyn stopped them. "Rudelle is not a healer."

  "Then what is she?" his mother asked.

  "A woman and my wife."

  Neither parent understood, then his mother said, over slowly, ""


  She flopped down into a dust-covered chair. "You married a non-magic, a non-person? She can't even vote."

  "She can vote because she is married to me."

  "But if she wasn't your wife, she would be a non-person. A peasant."

  "Mother, please remember, she is my wife, and I love her."

  His father added, "Son, why, why did you do this?"

  Trevelyn took Rudelle's hand and drew her aside. "This could take some time, my beloved. Why don't you go out in the garden for a time?"

  "No, I will stand beside you."

  "It will be an argument. An argument with my parents means magic. I would rather have you settled in a few days before being turned into a frog."

  Rudelle's eyes widened. "They could really do that?"

  "My parents? Without a word or a gesture. Most sorcerers have to at least say a spell, to help their concentration, but not my parents."

  Rudelle swallowed. "I'll remember that, and go wait in the garden."

  She paused before a blank wall and asked, "How do I get there?"

  He kissed her then, hard and full on the lips. "Enjoy the garden. Mother, if you please, teleport her gently into our garden."

  His mother looked unhappy but waved her hand and the world vanished for a moment.

  Rudelle appeared in the garden. Two teleports so close together were too much for her stomach. She vomited into the grass. At least she hadn't thrown up in front of anyone, but she decided then and there that she did not care for teleportation.

  The garden was a contrast to the house. Neat, trimmed fruit trees formed a small orchard in the west. An herb garden formed an intricate green-leafed knot around a small garden. Flower beds were isolated and planted to be viewed from every side: carnations in pink and scarlet, delphiniums in shades of royal blue, and brown speckles over all, the pure white of crystal stars on their dainty nodding stems.

  A vegetable patch opened behind a screen of hedges. Never had Rudelle seen such perfect red tomatoes, crooknecks so large and glossy yellow that they did not seem real. Bees hummed among the bean blossoms. The bean plants were rainbows of bean pods; purple, spotted and streaked, bright yellow and pale pink. Two short rows and every color Rudelle had ever heard of, and some she had not. No one grew them like this, for the eye's beauty more than the harvest.

  Then Rudelle came to the rose garden. She stopped and simply stared. There was nothing else to be done. The reds were an eye-searing scarlet, pinks from the palest dawn's blush to deep coral, yellows the color of goldfinches and buttercups, and whites like crystal shining in the sun. Then she came to one of pale lavender. Another was orange like the rare fruit itself. The scent on the afternoon breeze was almost intoxicating. Then the sound of humming came to her ears. For a moment she thought the roses were singing, then she spied a young girl kneeling among the bushes.

  Long yellow hair blew free in the wind. The white and silver of a party gown was bunched underneath her knees. She was working with a small hand trowel in the soil underneath a yellow rose.

  Rudelle cleared her throat quietly. The humming stopped abruptly, and the girl turned, flinging her hair from her eyes. There was a smudge of fresh dirt on one cheek. Her eyes were the startled blue of an autumn sky.

  They stared at each other a moment, then Rudelle said, "I am Trevelyn's new wife, Rudelle."

  The girl smiled. "I am Ilis, his youngest sister." Ilis stood, bunching the silk of her dress in muddy hands.

  Rudelle asked, "Do you always garden in a party dress?"

  The girl smiled down at the ruined cloth. "Well, sorcery can fix it instantly, so it's not ruined. It is the last clean dress I have. Mother and Father have both been terribly busy with their research as of late."

  "Trevelyn tells me you're an earth-witch."


  "And you made this garden."

  "Helped it." Ilis stroked a rose bud, and it opened instantly, bursting with color and scattering scent both rich and welcoming.

  "That rose, it opened when you touched it."

  "Of course, it did. I am an earth-witch, and this is my special bit of ground." Ilis looked at her new sister-in-law critically for a moment. Then she laughed, "You aren't magic, are you?"


  "Oh, Mother must have had a fit."

  "Something like that, yes."

  "Where are you from?"


  "Oh, no. No magic. You've never seen it, have you?"

  "Not really."

  The girl laughed and grabbed Rudelle's hand. "Come. I'll show you some real magic."

  Rudelle had to laugh. A feeling of such warmth, health, wholeness came through the girl's touch.

  She let her pull her along the grass paths until they came to the center of the rose garden. There they stopped, still hand in hand.

  There was a whit
e painted arbor with a bench underneath. A rose climbed and fell and curved over the wood until it was like a small house. The roses were the size of cabbages, white like frost, the lip of each petal kissed with the palest pink, and outlined and ribbed with silver that sparkled metallic in the sun.

  The girl walked forward, leaving Rudelle to gawk. Ilis touched the bending flower, larger than her own face. The flower nodded in response, moving all on its own. It rubbed against her cheek, like a cat.

  "It moved."

  "This," the girl said, "is real earth-magic. Not just every earth-witch can animate a growing thing. It took me three years to get flower color and size, and only the last month has she lived for me."


  "Yes. Blinny." Ilis held out her hand. "Come. She'll like you."

  Rudelle approached slowly, noticing now how the flower heads wavered independent of the wind. The ruffling of petals was a soft, sibilant sound. A half-opened rose nodded over her and touched pink-tinged lips to her face.

  "Oh," Rudelle said.

  A lightning bolt struck near Rudelle. She screamed and Ilis dragged her to the ground.

  Ilis tried to hide Rudelle underneath her, as a sound of explosions and lightning cracks got closer.

  Rudelle struggled to raise her head and asked, "What is happening?"

  "Elva and Ailin are having a quarrel."


  There was a roaring whine overhead; Ilis dragged Rudelle to her feet and screamed, "Run!"

  They ran, Ilis leading them toward dubious safety, as fire rained down from the sky. They huddled at the base of a small oak tree. Now Rudelle could see the combatants.

  A young woman of about seventeen was shooting balls of greenish flame toward a boy of about ten. The green flame splattered harmlessly against nothing that Rudelle could see, as if there were an invisible shield around the child. The boy was flushed and sweating; the girl calm and unstained. She waved aside his attacks with a careless hand. Then, laughing, she vanished.

  Ilis let out a sigh and slumped against the tree trunk.

  "Where did the woman go?" Rudelle asked.

  "Elva? She teleported. She'll stay gone until Ailin cools down."

  "You can't teleport, though?"


  "How do you hide from your brother when he's angry?"

  "I stay out of his way as best I can."

  The little boy was furious. His pale face was flushed, and his hands balled into fists at his side. Rudelle could see him trembling with rage.