Page 19 of Sunshine Jane



  JANE was married in the early autumn.

  She didn't have any trousseau or any wedding presents or any bridaltrip. It was a new kind of wedding, because so much about her and herway of looking at life was new to those about her, that even hermarriage had to match it. "My clothes are always in nice order," shesaid to Susan, slightly appalled over the non-existing preparations,"and I love to sew and will make what I need as I need it."

  "I don't want any presents," Lorenzo had said decidedly. "I don't wantany one on earth to groan because I'm marrying Jane."

  "I don't think much of bridal trips; Matthew and I didn't have one, so Iknow all about them," said Matilda, who now had her standard and neverlowered it for one instant; "those bothers are just about over forsensible people."

  So it all fell out in this way. One lovely bright September day, Mr. andMrs. Beamer and Mrs. Susan Ralston walked quietly into the villagechurch and sat down in the front pew. Shortly after the clergyman andthe bride and the groom came in, and the clergyman married the bride tothe groom. Then they all went out together, and the clergyman left themto go home together. A nice cold luncheon was spread at Susan's, and thecat was waiting, scratching hard at his white bow while he did so.

  After luncheon Mr. Beamer, his wife, and his wife's sister went off fora journey.

  "Think of me traveling!" Susan cried ecstatically. "Oh, Jane, may youenjoy going abroad this winter as much as I shall going off now."

  Jane smiled her pretty smile, and then, after the last wave of adieu,she and Lorenzo went back into the house.

  "This is really very funny, you know," said Lorenzo; "first we will washall the dishes, and then we will plan our future."

  "Yes," Jane said.

  But they failed to do either.

  Instead, they left the dishes and the future to care for themselves.Going straight down into the garden, climbing the two fences, safelysecluded in the little, growing, blooming inclosure, Lorenzo took hiswife in his arms, and said: "Oh, my dearest dear, how rightest righteverything is!"


  Books by Anne Warner

  =The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary=

  Players' Edition, with illustrations reproduced from photographs of scenes in the play. =$1.50=

  Always amusing and ends in a burst of sunshine.--_PhiladelphiaLedger._

  =Just Between Themselves=

  Frontispiece in color by Will Grefe. =$1.50=

  It is full of apt, pert little take-offs on human nature that provokesfrequent chuckles.--_Philadelphia Item._

  =In A Mysterious Way=

  Illustrated by J. V. McFall. =$1.50=

  A story of love and sacrifice that teems with the author's originalhumor.--_Baltimore American._

  =Your Child and Mine=

  Illustrated. =$1.50=

  The child-heart, strange and sweet and tender, lies open to thissympathetic writer.--_Chicago Record-Herald._

  =An Original Gentleman=

  Frontispiece by Alice Barber Stephens. =$1.50=

  Exhibits her cleverness and sense of humor.--_New York Times._

  =Susan Clegg, Her Friend and Her Neighbors=

  Illustrated. =$1.50=

  Combining all the Susan Clegg stories originally published in "SusanClegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop" and "Susan Clegg and HerNeighbors' Affairs."

  One of the most genuinely humorous books ever written.--_St.Louis Globe-Democrat._

  =Susan Clegg And a Man in the House=

  Illustrated by Alice Barber Stephens. =$1.50=

  Susan is a positive joy, and the reading world owes Anne Warner avote of thanks for her contribution to the list of American humor.--_NewYork Times._

  =When Woman Proposes=

  Illustrated in color. =$1.25 _net_=

  Dainty in form and content. It is printed, bound, and illustratedcharmingly, and the story, style, and atmosphere correspond.--_NewYork Herald_

  =A Woman's Will=

  Illustrated. =$1.50=

  A deliciously funny book.--_Chicago Tribune._

  =How Leslie Loved=

  Illustrations in color by A. B. Wenzell. =$1.25 _net_=

  The sprightly romance of a young and charming American widow.


  * * * * * *

  Transcriber's note:

  Throughout the dialogues, there were words used to mimic accents ofthe speakers. Those words were retained as-is.

  Errors in punctuations and inconsistent hyphenation were not correctedunless noted below:

  On page 228, "winable" was replaced with "winnable".

  On page 242, the comma after "softly" was replaced with a period.

  On page 245, the period after "cow declared" was replaced with a comma.

  On page 278, "Mr Beamer" was replaced with "Mr. Beamer".

  In the advertisements at the end of the book, the duplicate header onthe last page was removed.

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