Page 6 of Dorothy on a Ranch



  San Leon ranch was a large one. The dwelling house and many outbuildingswere upon a rich plateau topping a spur from the great mountain beyond.On one side, the land sloped to the valley of the Mismit, utilized forthe sheep farming; and across the river, or run, rose grassy fields,climbing one above another till they ended in rocky, verdureless soil.Here were the cattle ranges, and here the herds of horses lived theirfree life. The extent of the property amazed the newcomers, even LadyGray herself.

  She was exploring the premises escorted by Leslie and her young guests,and piloted by the talkative Lem Hunt. For once he had attentivelisteners. There was no fellow ranchmen to ridicule his oft-told tales,but eager ears to which they were new; and eyes as eager to behold thescenes of these same marvellous stories.

  All began and ended with "The Boss, he." Evidently, for old Lem, thereexisted but one man worth knowing and that was the "Boss, he."

  "I s'pose, Ma'am, you know how the Boss, he come to buy S' Leon. No? Youdon't? By the Great Horned Spoon! Ain't that great? Just like him. TheBoss, he never brags of his doin's, that's why I have to do it for him.Well, Ma'am, I can't help sayin' 'twas a deed o' charity. Just a clean,simon-pure piece of charity. Yes, Ma'am, that's what it was, and you canbite that off an' chew it."

  Mrs. Ford smiled. She was always delighted to hear of her husband'sgenerous deeds but rarely heard of them from himself. Also, she hadsupposed that the purchase of San Leon had been a recent one and wasamazed now to learn it had been owned by Mr. Ford for several years. Notas it then was, for no improvements had been made to the home-piece tillafter he had found her that last winter in San Diego. Then, at once,preparations had been made for this home-coming, with the result of allthe beauty that now greeted her eyes.

  "Tell us, Lemuel. I'm anxious to hear."

  Lem switched some hay from a wagon seat, that stood upon the ground, andmotioned the lady to be seated. The youngsters grouped about her, Lemcut off a fresh "chaw," rubbed his hands and began. He stood with legsfar apart, arms folded, an old sombrero pushed back on his head, ariding crop in hand, and an air of a king. Was he not a free-bornAmerican citizen, as good as could be found in all the country? Lemueladored his "Boss" but he had not learned the manners which that "Boss"would have approved in the presence of the Gray Lady; who, by the way,was never more truly the "Lady" than in her intercourse then, andalways, with the toilers at San Leon.

  "Well, sir, Ma'am, I mean--'twas really a deed o' gift. There wasanother railroader, rich once, done somethin' he hadn't ought to. Idon't rightly know what that was. The Boss never told, course, and itnever leaked out otherwise. That's no more here nor there. But he, theother feller, had his bottom dollar into S' Leon, and some dollars 'twasn't his 'n. He was countin' on this range bein' chock full o' silveran' he'd wheedled the rest to takin' his word for it. Silver? Not onyour life. The sheriffs got after him. He hadn't a friend in the world.He lit out a-foot and got as far as Denver city an' aboard a train.Leastwise, under a baggage car, stealin' a ride. Course he got hurt.Happened the Boss, he was on hand. He's a way of bein' when other folksis in trouble. Heard the feller's story. Had knowed him out east and'lowed he was more fool than knave. Long-short was--S' Leon swoppedowners. The first named had had to take his medicine an' I've been toldhe took it like a little man. The Boss paid in full, on condition 't allhands round got their level dues. Atterwards, the Boss made this adumpin'-ground for all the down-in-the-world unfortunates he knew.

  "The doctor's one. He was just dyin' back yonder, same as MissMelton. Doc, he took the place o' book-keeper, sort o' manager--Iclaim to be that myself--but to do anything needed. The's alwayssomebody gettin' broke, legs, an' arms, and such. But as for gineralsickness, why there ain't never been none o' that to San Leon. Nowonder that Dan Ford's a prosperous man! He lives his religion--heain't no preachin'-no-practice-sky-pilot, the Boss, he ain't.

  "Ma'am? Like to see where the boys hang out? Well, come along. If thingsain't the way I'd like to have 'em, you c'n allow 't I'm the only one'sbeen in the ranks. Yes, Ma'am. I have that. Used to belong to a crackcomp'ny out home and was one the picked men to shoot at Seagirt, NewJarsey. The National Rifle Range, Ma'am, as maybe you know. I've scoredhighest, more 'n once. That's how I come to sort o' set up in businessout here. Shootin' an' hosses; them's my business; and every tenderfootstrikes S' Leon comes under my teachin' first or last."

  With that remark he cast a critical eye upon the assembled young folksand noted the kindling gleam of seven pairs of eyes. Only Jim Barlow'sblue orbs were missing; but, of course, that nurse or doctor had madehim stay in bed, which was a shame, the others thought, and Dorothyloyally expressed:

  "Course! That's one the things we're all wild to do--learn to handle arifle. But don't let's begin till Jim gets well."

  A curious expression passed over Mrs. Ford's face. She was the only onepresent who knew of Jim's midnight escape. The knowledge had almostmiraculously been kept from Lemuel and by the master's express orders.Whatever that talkative ranchman knew, all the world knew, as fast ashis tongue could tell it.

  All had been so quiet in the sick room that the nurse had supposed herpatient fallen asleep; and it was not till daybreak that she discoveredhis absence. She had immediately informed Dr. Jones, and he, in turn,the "Boss," who understanding the shy nature of the truant and knowinghow he would dislike to be talked about, had instituted a quiet butthorough search. Only the trustiest men had been set upon this search,Mr. Ford taking the most active part in it. By his request the matterhad been kept from his young guests, also; and they were to be made ashappy as possible in their ignorance. As he said to Lady Gray, beforeleaving her:

  "Of course, we shall find him in a very little while. He can't have gonefar afield, and we'll have him back in bed before any of thoseyoungsters get wind of his performance. Nurse says he was flighty andfeverish and I don't wonder. Doctor claims he'd rather have had a clean,sharp break to mend than all those bruised and torn ligaments. However,don't you worry. This party is going to be a success--don't doubt. Sorryto leave you with seven young folks on your hands--a little world inthemselves, of varying ideas and wills. They can easily spend this firsthalf-day in inspecting the ranch and, if they're as healthy and happy asthey seem, will be too interested to give much thought to Master James.Good-by, don't worry."

  However, although they felt it would be well to wait for the injured Jimbefore beginning their lessons in shooting, Lemuel himself took thematter out of their hands, explaining:

  "I've lived long enough to know there ain't never but one time to do onething, an' that if a feller don't snatch it then, afore it gets out o'reach, he'll be sorry forever atterwards. We'll go inspect the boys'quarters first hand. That's a part o' my business, anyway. Makes 'emmad, sometimes, but it's for their good. Nothin' like the army fortrainin' folks right, an' so I tell 'em. Get jawed for it a prettyconsid'able, but Lemuel G. W. Hunt--I'm named for the Father of myCountry, Ma'am--Lemuel G. W. Hunt always does his duty, let come whatfollers atterwards. Right this way, Ma'am. Hep, hep, hep, right face!"

  The odd fellow led off with a military step and catching his humor theboys did likewise. Then, the girls laughed and marched, Herbertgallantly escorting Mrs. Ford, as the eighth of the little "Company A,"as Leslie immediately named the new "awkward squad."

  "And I say, Lem, it'll be just rippin' if you'll drill us in regular'tactics.' Once a day, anyhow. I'll get Dad to furnish the uniforms andit'll be a help because, you know, I'm bound for West Point sometime,"cried Leslie.

  Lady Gray's face resumed its look of anxiety that had passed for amoment, listening to Lemuel's talk. This West Point ambition of herson's was a sore subject with her, though his great desire for amilitary life had never been hidden from her.

  "If I can pass the physical exam., and the book one--either," he added,with a grimace.

  "Well, you'll have to know a power more 'n you do now, if you get intothat place," said truthful Alf
y. "I've heard Mis' Judge Satterlee,up-mounting, tell 't her boy near studied his head off, an' then gotshut out. It's a terrible fine thing, though, if a body could. Why,up-mounting, we can hear the bands playin', guns firin', and Dollythere, she's seen 'em drill. Seen the battery-drill, she called it, anddidn't guess how in the world them gray-coated boys could hopon-an'-off their gun wagons like they did. When I get home, I mean to goover to the Point myself and see 'em. If you should be there I'd takeyou something to eat."

  Leslie was now much more interested in hearing about the place of hisdreams than in the present inspection of San Leon; and encouraged bythis Alfaretta made Dolly tell how she and Molly had once visited theAcademy and Molly's cadet cousin, Tom Hungerford.

  Molly interrupted the narrative with frequent comments and they allpaused at the entrance to the Barracks, as Lemuel had named the longbuilding of the workmen, while the story was told. Lemuel and Lesliewere the most eager listeners, both faces alight with enthusiasm, as thetwo girls described their day at the military school.

  "Tom got leave off, to show us around, and Aunt Betty with Mrs.Hungerford--"

  "That's Aunt Lucretia, Tom's mother," explained Molly.

  "You tell it, Molly. You can do it better," urged Dorothy.

  "All right. I'd rather. Well, we went down in the morning early, on theboat, to be in time for early drill. It was summer time and the darlingcadets were all in their white uniforms, fresh as daisies. Do you knowthose poor lambs have to change their white suits every day? Someoftener, if they get a single speck of dirt on them. Their laundrybills are something terrible. Terrible! poor dears!"

  Lady Gray laughed at the girl's sympathy with the afflicted youngsoldiers, and Dolly took up the tale again:

  "Well, they needn't worry. The Government pays for it, really. They justget a little salary each month and their expenses come out of that.Whatever else they have their own people give them. But, anyway, it wasjust lovely. If I were a boy and didn't want to be a great scientist,like Jim does, or a banker like Monty, or--or anything else, I'd be anarmy man."

  "Bother what you'd be, Dolly. You're only a girl. Go on with the story,"said impatient Leslie, while Lemuel nodded his head in satisfaction.Talk of soldiering touched the warmest spot in the old sharpshooter'sheart. "Do hurry up."

  "Why, after all, there isn't much to tell--"

  "But there is," cried Molly. "About the luncheon in the church. Listen.We went everywhere about the grounds, saw the riding-school, themess-room, the dancing-hall and all, a lot of places. Oh! yes, thelibrary, too. Then it got noon and hungry-time and we'd brought anelegant lunch. Cold chicken and sardines and sandwiches and earlypeaches--the nicest we could get, and Tom's 'leave' gave him a chance toeat it with us. We asked him where we could and he thought a minute,then said in the church. Aunty Lu thought that was dreadful, to eat in achurch! But Tom said it was the only place on the Point where wewouldn't be stared at by others. Folks were everywhere else; cadets andvisitors--and oh! It was so pretty. All the white tents on the campusand the darling boys walking about in their white--"

  "Nighties?" suggested Monty, maliciously. It had been an ambition of hisown to enter the Academy; but his being under age, his size--and severalother good reasons, including his utter want of fitness in the matter ofbook learning--had prevented the realization of this fine dream. Hisfailure had rendered him skeptical of the charms of the famousinstitution, and he now always mentioned it as a place quite beneath hisown notice.

  The story promised to be a long one and Lemuel thoughtfully produced achair and placed it for Mrs. Ford's use. Her eyes were on Leslie'sinterested face and she would gladly have postponed the recital; for,even more than the disgruntled Monty, she disliked the very name of WestPoint. However, in this matter, as in many future ones, her own fancywas to be set aside by the eagerness of her young guests. So Dorothywent on:

  "There wasn't anybody else in the church except ourselves. A fewvisitors came to the door and peeped in, to see a famous painting overthe chancel, but finding us there went away again. That old church is sointeresting! Tablets to famous generals everywhere--"

  "This isn't a history lesson! Go on with the story!" cried Herbert, whowas so familiar with West Point that he desired no fresh description.

  Molly made him a little mocking face and herself took up the tale:

  "Well, we had our dinners there, sitting in some of the front pews, andthe way Tom walked into that fried chicken and things would make youopen your eyes. We were all hungry, course, after so early a breakfast,and the sail down, and all; but Tom was simply ravenous. He was sohungry he took away our own appetites, just watching. When he'd eatenall he could there was still a lot of stuff left; and Mrs. Calvert askedhim if he knew any place where we could dispose of it; a garbage can,she meant, or some waste-box.

  "Tom said yes he did, and if she'd excuse him he'd show her. It was whathe called 'slumgudgeon day.' 'Slumgudgeon' is a kind of stew made up ofthe leavings of lots of other meals and the poor, darling cadets justhate it. He said 'cold victuals' never came in as handy as ours didthen. So he unbuttoned his jacket, that fitted him as if he'd beenmelted into it, and began to pad himself out with the leavings. Cake andchickens, pickles and sardines, boiled eggs and fruit--you never sawsuch a mess! And the way he packed it in, so as to keep an even sort offront, was a caution. You know the poor dears have no pockets in theiruniforms. Not allowed. So that was the only way he could take it. Hewanted to share it with his cronies after we'd gone and told Aunty Luthat it would have been a perfectly wicked shame to have thrown it away,when it would do him so much good. Oh! we had a glorious time. I do justlove West Point--"

  "The cadets, you mean! I never saw a girl that liked the boys so wellas you do, Molly Breckenridge. But I s'pose you can't help it. If 'twasn't for that you'd be just splendid, and _they_ don't seem tomind--much--anyway," remarked Alfaretta, beaming upon pretty Mollywith loving smiles. Molly's liking for "boys" seemed to honest,sensible Alfy the one flaw in an otherwise lovely character.

  But Molly tossed her sunny head and laughed. Also, she flashed amischievous glance into all the boyish faces turned toward her and onevery one she saw a similar liking and admiration of herself. She wasquite satisfied, was Jolly Molly.

  "Now, if we are to 'inspect' the 'Barracks,' isn't it time? So that wecan get back to the house by the time James Barlow is ready to see us. Isuppose the doctor won't keep him in bed all day; do you, Mrs. Ford?"said Helena Montaigne.

  She had already learned that the Gray Lady was bitterly opposed toLeslie's plans for the future and wanted to put aside the unfortunatesubject of West Point. To her surprise, instead of lightening, thelady's face grew still more troubled, as she turned to scan thelandscape behind her with a piercing gaze.

  "That story was just rippin'! When I get to the Point the first place Ishall go to see will be that church! Hear me, Dorothy Doodles?" demandedLeslie, catching her hand and swinging it lightly as he led her forwardinto the first room Lemuel had opened. "Will you come over there andbring me just another such a luncheon, girlie?"

  "Well, yes. I don't like to promise things but I guess this is safeenough. When you get there--_when you get there_--I'll come, and youshall have the finest dinner Alfy and I can cook. We'll do it all byourselves--_when you get there to eat it_!"

  "Oh! I'll be there, never fear. My! isn't this rippin'? How does the oldsoldier make the men keep such order, I wonder! Lem Hunt must be asgreat a martinet as he is talker. Look at him."

  The ranchman was in his element. He had long before marshalled theentire working force of San Leon into a "regiment." Any newcomer whodeclined to join it was promptly "left out in the cold." The "soldiers"were jolly company for themselves and none at all for any outsider whorefused to obey the unwritten laws which honest old Lem had laid downfor their benefit. "Captain Lem" was the neatest man of all, but herequired the rest to come as near his standard as the disadvantages ofprevious bad training permitted.

  Now, in imitation of that W
est Point discipline he admired, he hadpulled from his pocket a white linen handkerchief and was passingit gently but firmly over the few simple furnishings of this firstapartment in the long row. It belonged to Silent Pete, just then engagedbreaking to harness a spirited colt, exercising it around and around thesmooth driveways of the "home piece." He was not so far away that hecould not perfectly see what was going on at the "Barracks," and even atthat distance his grizzled cheek flushed. He had risen late and beenremiss in his room-cleaning. He hoped old Lem would forget to mentionwho was the occupant of that cell-like place, and, for once, he did.

  There was dust on the chest of drawers which held Peter's belongings,the cot was just as he had crawled out of it at daybreak, a horsewhipand blankets littered the floor, and the "Martinet" was so ashamed ofthe whole appearance of things that, after one hasty test with thehandkerchief, he withdrew carrying the company with him. Yet, beforeleaving, he had drawn a piece of chalk from the band of his sombreroand made a big cross upon the dusty chest. Silent Pete would know whatthat meant: mounting guard for three nights to come! and a grim smiletwisted Lemuel's lips, reflecting what that meant to one of his "Squad."

  The visitors had smiled, too, but with amusement at this odd oldranchman's discipline; and Monty had whispered:

  "What makes 'em put up with it? What right has he to order them around?"

  But Leslie, the young master of San Leon, was as much in the dark as anyother stranger, and could only answer:

  "Suppose it's because he's a leader. Born that way, just as my fatherwas, though it's a different way, of course. Otherwise, I can't guess.But I'm wild to get at the shooting lessons. I hope the rest of you are,too. The first step to becoming a real 'wild westerner' is to know howto handle the 'irons.' He's rippin', Lem is. But come on. He's gettingaway from us. I wish poor old Jim was here. It's a pity anybody has tobe sick in such a place as this. I tell you, boys, I was never so proudof Dad as I am now, when I look around and see what a ranch he'sgot--earned--right out of his own head-piece! I don't see where he is! Iwish he was here. I'd ask him about those uniforms and I'd get him tolet old Lem off every other duty, just to teach us. Dad's a sort ofsharpshooter himself. Once he--No matter. That story'll keep. Lady Grayis calling us."

  They had lingered to inspect some of the ranchmen's belongings, as theypassed from room to room, Lady Gray and the girls going forward inLemuel's company. She was beckoning her son and asked, as he camerunning up:

  "Please go across the lawn and ask Miss Milliken to join us. She went toher room to write letters, immediately after breakfast, but I see she'scome out now and I don't want her to feel lonely nor neglected."

  Leslie darted away, but returned again to say:

  "She doesn't want to come, just now. She wants Jim Barlow. Says she wentto his room but the nurse said he wasn't in. Jim knows about some booksshe wants to send for, when the mail-bag is sent out. Do you know wherehe is? Or father? 'Tisn't half-fun, this inspection of San Leon withoutDad here to tell us things. I haven't seen him this morning, any morethan I have Jim. Do you know where they are?"

  Poor Lady Gray was not much better at keeping secrets than old Lemuelwas. She had had to put a great constraint upon herself not to revealthe anxiety which consumed her. Hours had now passed since Mr. Ford hadridden away, with a couple of men attending him. All the other men notabsolutely required to look after the place had been despatched tosearch on foot. Their long-delayed return seemed to prove the matter ofthe sick boy's disappearance a more serious one than at first imagined.Her answer was a sudden wringing of her white hands and the tremulouscry:

  "No, no, I don't. Pray God, no tragedy marks the opening of our home!"