"Pipe away the diving-party!"

  H.M.S. "Ramillies," the flagship of the First Battle Squadron of theHome Fleet, had just anchored in almost the identical position that shehad occupied barely a quarter of an hour previously. With mathematicalprecision the other battleships of the squadron had also returned totheir late anchorage and were preparing to investigate the mysteriousoccurrence in the shape of a complimentary message from the still moremysterious Captain Restronguet.

  Up from below tumbled the diving-party. Air-pipes, life-lines, pumps,dresses, and helmets were produced from some remote yet properlyapportioned part of the ship and were thrown down in a seemingly chaoticmanner upon the steel deck. Actuated by electric power several sectionsof the armoured shields between the upper deck and the eaves of theV-shaped shell-proof roof were lowered till they lay flat upon the deck,and steel ladders for the divers' use were rapidly placed in position.

  "Do you wish me to go down, sir?" asked a sub-lieutenant of the NumberOne.

  "Certainly, Mr. Hythe," replied the first lieutenant. "Make a carefulexamination for a radius of say fifty yards from the shot-rope. You willdoubtless be able to see the place where the flukes of our anchor heldbefore. Ascertain if there are any traces of independent work; such asfootprints in the ooze, tracks of the underbody of a submarine settlingon the bottom, for example."

  "Very good, sir," replied the sub, who, saluting, went off to beassisted into his diving-dress.

  Sub-lieutenant Arnold Hythe was generally regarded as a smart andpromising young officer. These golden opinions were gained not byself-advertisement, for the sub was unusually reticent concerning hisprofession, but by sheer hard work and a consistent application to thatgreat deity that should always be before the eyes of all true subjectsof the King--Duty.

  He held a First-class certificate in Seamanship, Gunnery, andEngineering; a Second in Torpedo, and also in what the Navy List terms"Voluntary Subjects"; he was a qualified interpreter in French andGerman, and had more than a smattering of Spanish and Italian. Inaddition to these intellectual qualifications he possessed a powerfulphysique, and had a sound reputation as an all-round athlete whilst atDartmouth.

  The latter portion of his time as midshipman and the first few monthsafter his promotion to sub-lieutenant were spent in duty with the FifthSubmarine Flotilla, whose base was at Fort Blockhouse at the entrance ofPortsmouth Harbour. But through some cause, to him quite inexplicable,he had been appointed to the "Ramillies." This was somewhat to thesub's disgust, but realizing that it was of no use repining over suchmatters, Arnold Hythe accepted the change with cheerful alacrity.

  Banks and Moy, the two seamen divers who were also to descend, werealready dressed. All that remained was for their copper helmets to bedonned, the telephones and air-tubes adjusted, and the glass frontsscrewed on.

  "I don't expect you will find any actual evidence, and it will be luckyif you come across any circumstantial evidence," remarked Mr. Watterley,the first lieutenant. "But in any case, should you see anything of asuspicious nature, inform us before proceeding to investigate. I neednot remind you that the east-going tide is making, and that the currentwill be running fairly strong in a few minutes."

  "Very good, sir."

  Sub-lieutenant Hythe was a diver of considerable experience. Ever sincehis first descent in the training tank at Whale Island he took naturallyto the hazardous duty. Going under the sea had a peculiar fascinationfor him, whether it was in the hull of a submarine or encased in thecumbersome india-rubber suit and ponderous helmet of the diver.

  The men at the air-pumps began slowly to turn the handles. The glassfront plates of the sub's helmet were secured, and assisted by a seamanHythe staggered awkwardly towards the head of the iron ladder.

  Rung by rung he descended till the water rose to his shoulders.

  "By Jove, the tide does run," he muttered. "If it's like this now, whatwill it be in another ten minutes?"

  Raising one arm he waved to those on deck, then releasing his hold heallowed himself to drop into the deep. The "Ramillies" was anchored innine fathoms, but ere the sub reached bottom nearly a hundred and twentyfeet of life-line and air-tube were paid out. With an effort he gainedhis footing and commenced to walk in the direction of the ship's anchor,battling against the two-knot current that swirled past him.

  Although the sun was shining brightly and the light at that depth oughtto be fairly strong, the sand and mud churned up by the tidal currentmade it impossible to see beyond a few yards. With nothing to guidehim, for the life-line was quivering in the swirling water, Hythestruggled stolidly in the supposed direction. He realized that he waspractically on a fool's errand. The mysterious person or agency who hadbeen responsible for attaching the message to the anchors of thesquadron was not likely to remain upon the scene of his exploit, whilealready all the sought-for traces must have been obliterated by thetide.

  Presently two eerie-looking shapes ambled towards him. They were hiscompanions, Banks and Moy.

  "Well, if I am going in the wrong direction, those fellows are makingthe same mistake," thought the sub. "So here goes."

  Another thirty yards were laboriously covered. Here and there the divershad to make a detour to avoid the wavy trailing masses of seaweed, that,if not actually dangerous, would seriously impede their progress, whileat every few steps numbers of flatfish, barely discernible from the sandand mud in which they were partially buried, would dart off with theutmost rapidity.

  "Thank goodness, here's the shot-line," exclaimed the sub, as a thinrope, magnified under water to the size of a man's wrist, became visiblein the semi-gloom. The shot-line, terminating in a heavy piece of lead,had previously been lowered to serve as a guide for the divers to workfrom.

  Pointing in two opposite directions Hythe signed to the two men to begintheir investigations, while he, taking a route that lay at right anglesto the others' course, began once more to struggle against the current.Ere he had traversed another ten yards his feet slipped into a slightdepression. It was the hole scooped out by the flukes of the"Ramillies'" stockless anchor.

  "Could do with a lamp," he remarked to himself, then stooping he beganto examine the bed of mud and sand in which he stood. Beyond the almostfilled-in cavity and the faint traces of the sweep of the battleship'sanchor-chain there was nothing to attract his attention. He turned tolook at his own footprints. They were already practically obliterated,so it was hopeless to expect to find the footprints of the mysteriousdiver or divers who had contrived to visit each of the anchors of thebattleships in turn.

  "Anything to report?" asked a voice through the telephone.

  "No, sir," replied the sub.

  "Thought as much," said Watterley. "Merely a matter of form. You mayas well come up. I'll recall the two men."

  Sub-Lieutenant Hythe was not sorry to hear the order to return. Hadthere been any possibility of success he would have prosecuted hisinvestigations with alacrity, but Spithead with an east-going springtide running is no place to indulge in submarine excursions. The dangerof getting life-line and air-tube foul of some unseen obstruction was noslight one.


  Hythe adjusted the valve of his helmet prior to giving the recognizednumber of tugs on the life-line--the signal to be hauled up. The nextinstant he felt himself being hurled violently backwards by a sudden andirresistible swirl of water. Within ten feet of him a huge, ill-definedmass of what appeared to be bright metal tore past. He was justconscious of a vision of one of a pair of propellers thrashing the muddywater and the object was lost to view.

  "What a narrow squeak!" he growled angrily. "By Jove, I shouldn't besurprised if Banks is done for. It's a submarine, that I'll swear, butnot one of ours. Ours are painted a dull grey and that seems to be ahuge moving mirror."

n spite of his strong nerves, a mild panic overtook the sub. Hesignalled frantically to be drawn up, and to his relief he found himselfalongside the battleship.

  Grasping a line that was thrown him, Hythe hauled himself along till hereached the iron ladder. Here he clung, too excited to attempt toclimb, until a seaman descended and assisted him up the side.

  "What's up, Mr. Hythe? You look as if you'd seen a ghost," exclaimedthe Number One, as the front plate of the sub-lieutenant's helmet wasremoved.

  "Are Banks and Moy safe?" gasped the young officer.

  "Safe? Of course they are," replied Lieutenant Watterley, giving ahasty glance over the side to where two distinct clusters of air-bubblesmarked the progress of the divers. "What have you seen? But no, saynothing more at present. Wait till you're out of your dress, and youcan report to the captain."

  Arnold Hythe sat down on a bollard and attempted to collect hisscattered thoughts, while his attendant proceeded to remove his helmetand leaden weights. Ere his india-rubber dress was stripped off Banksand Moy appeared over the side.

  "Well?" demanded the first lieutenant laconically.

  "Nothin' to report, sir," replied Banks, while his companion signifiedcorroboration by a nod of his head.

  Mr. Watterley looked inquiringly at the sub. The flush upon his face hadvanished and his features were white with excitement. Several of theofficers had come up and were engaged in plying Hythe with questions, towhich the latter paid no attention. He was still in a kind of stupor,the result of a sudden shock to his nerves.

  "Now then, Mr. Hythe--why, what's the matter with you? Here, I mustsend for the staff-surgeon; I must, by George!"

  Assisted by two of his brother officers the sub was taken below, and ina very short space of time Doctor Hamworthy succeeded in bringing him toa more normal state.

  Meanwhile Admiral Hobbes, hardly able to conceal his impatience beneatha cloak of official reserve, was engaged in animated conversation withCaptain Warborough upon the eventful incidents that had necessitated thereturn of the Fleet to Spithead.

  "Commander-in-Chief coming off, sir!" reported the lieutenant of thewatch.

  Tearing as hard as her sixty horse-power motors could drive her theAdmiral's pinnace containing the Commander-in-Chief, theAdmiral-Superintendent of the Dockyard, and the military Governor of theFortress headed towards the "Ramillies."

  Received with due ceremony and formality the officials came over theside, and on being welcomed by Vice-Admiral Hobbes were taken below tothe latter's cabin.

  "Well, Hobbes, what do you make of this business, eh?" asked Sir PeterGarboard. "Have you taken any steps to investigate?"

  "Sent three divers down," replied the Vice-Admiral. "I am even nowawaiting their report."

  "Then the sooner the better," rejoined the Commander-in-Chief.

  Admiral Hobbes touched a bell and a marine orderly entered the cabin.

  "Pass the word for Mr. Watterley."

  The marine orderly saluted and doubled along the half-deck, nearlybowling over the staff-surgeon and the first lieutenant who were alreadyon their way to make their report to the captain.

  "What's this? Mr. Hythe frightened by something he saw beneath thesurface?" demanded Vice-Admiral Hobbes.

  "No, sir," replied Doctor Hamworthy. "He is suffering from a shock tothe nervous system; the symptoms are almost identical with thoseresulting from a severe electric shock."

  "You don't mean to say that Mr. Hythe is the victim of a submarinedischarge?"

  "I do not assert, sir; I merely stated my opinion based uponobservations."

  "And how is he now?" asked the Vice-Admiral impatiently.

  "Fairly fit; he could be judiciously cross-examined," replied thestaff-surgeon. "But, unless absolutely necessary----"

  "It is absolutely necessary," interposed Admiral Hobbes; then turning tothe first lieutenant he continued:--

  "And what were the other men doing? I understand that there were twoseamen sent down. Were they injured?"

  "They saw nothing unusual, sir," replied Mr. Watterley. "I subjectedthem to a strict examination. They walked in opposite directions fromthe shot-rope, athwart the tide, while Mr. Hythe went dead against thecurrent. The water was very muddy. The men said they could see aboutten yards in front of them. Banks, after the question was repeated, saidhe fancied he felt a cross-current that might have been thefollowing-wave of a submerged vessel moving at high speed----"

  "By the by," interposed Sir Peter Garboard. "I suppose you ascertainedthat none of our submarine flotilla were manoeuvring at Spithead?"

  "Oh, no, sir; or rather, I mean yes, sir," replied the harassedlieutenant. "We signalled to Fort Blockhouse and in reply were informedthat F 1, 3, 7, and 9 of the 2nd Flotilla went out at 7 this morning forexercise off the Nab. Those were the only submarines under way from thisport. I also asked them to communicate with the Submarine Depots atDevonport, Dover, Sheerness, Harwich----"

  "I hope you didn't give the reason, by Jove!" exclaimed Sir Petervehemently. "If the papers get hold of the news there'll be a prettyrumpus."

  "I shouldn't be surprised if the Press hasn't received more informationthan we have," remarked Rear-Admiral Maynebrace. "It passes mycomprehension how they manage it. One thing, it's no use trying to hushthe matter up. We cannot expect to muzzle nearly five thousand men."

  "Wish to goodness I could!" snapped Sir Peter. Then addressing Mr.Watterley, he added: "Oh, first lieutenant, will you please send for Mr.Hythe, so that we can hear his version of the business."

  Five minutes later Sub-Lieutenant Hythe was shown into the Admiral'scabin. The young officer was still pale. His iron nerves had receiveda severe shock, but thanks to Doctor Hamworthy's attentions he was ableto pull himself together sufficiently to give a fairly full account ofwhat had occurred.

  "How would you describe the submarine that passed so close to you?"asked Captain Warborough.

  "She was quite unlike any of our types, sir. I noticed she was almostwall-sided, with a very flat floor. Instead of tapering to a point foreand aft she had a straight stem and, I believe, a rounded stern, cutaway so as to protect the propellers."

  "How many propellers?"

  "Two, I think, sir. I distinctly saw the starboard one revolving. Theeddy from it prevented my seeing anything more."

  "H'm. By the by, had she a conning-tower?"

  "I could not see, sir. Her upper deck must have been quite twelve feetabove my head."

  "What colour was she painted?"

  "That, sir, I can hardly describe. I can only liken the sides to a hugemirror that reflected objects without reflecting the sunlight at thesame time. As it was I could only see that portion of her that passedimmediately in front of me. I could not even give an estimate as to herlength, or even the speed at which she was travelling."

  "You were capsized, I believe. Did anything strike you?"

  "An under-water wave, sir, hurled me backwards. Nothing actually struckme, but I felt a strange paralysing sensation in my limbs, so that Icould not make my way back to the shot-rope. All I could do was tosignal to be hauled up."

  "Then how do you account for the fact that this submarine craft passedclose to you, and yet was unseen by Banks who was farther from the shipthan you were?"

  "I regret, sir, I cannot hazard an opinion," replied the sub.

  "That will do, Mr. Hythe," said the Commander-in-Chief, indicating thatthe interview was at an end.

  "Oh, by the way, Doctor," he continued, after the sub had left thecabin, "I suppose you have no doubt that this young officer actually_did_ see this submarine? Is it possible that he was the victim of ahallucination?"

  "From Mr. Hythe's medical sheet, and from my personal knowledge of hisphysical and mental condition, I have every reason to reply in thenegative to both your questions, sir."

  "Well, well, gentlemen," exclaimed Sir Peter, "we have a great task infront of us, with very little data to work upon. We have reason tosuppose that there
is a mysterious submarine commanded by an equallymysterious Captain Restronguet--a name that suggests that the fellow isFrench. We have definite evidence that by some unknown means thatCaptain Restronguet is able to execute extensive and fairly intricatework, namely, fixing those painted boards to the fluke of the anchors ofthe Fleet. How it was done has to be proved, and it must be proved upto the hilt, for even though no hostile act has been committed it isquite evident that the ships at Spithead were quite at the mercy of thisunknown submarine. As far as the safety of the Fleet at Spithead isconcerned, you, my dear Hobbes, are responsible. I, for my part, musttake due precautions to prevent this submarine from entering theharbour, and I venture to assert, gentlemen, that when our preparationsare complete, this Captain Restronguet and his submarine will be neatlytrapped."

Percy F. Westerman's Novels