Page 29 of The Marriage Priza

  "You seem to know every detail of Marshal landholdings," Edward said with admiration.

  Rod grinned. "Before I wed Rosamond, I made it my business to do so; I hope I am worthy of my salt."

  When Rosamond saw Edward give Rodger a congratulatory slap on the back, she assumed her husband had boasted of his virility. "I must tell your mother," she said to Demi, "before all at Kenilworth know my secret."

  "You will need a whole new wardrobe! Mother has ordered new gowns for me because all the important men of the realm will be coming to Kenilworth to confer with my father. I will probably be betrothed before the year is out," Demi predicted humorously.

  "The gown you are wearing is beautiful; I've never seen material where the silk is interwoven with gold thread to create flowers."

  "It's called samite, imported from Syria. Wait until you see the transparent silks called sarcenet. They look as if the rays of the sun have been imprisoned in the threads!"

  "I cannot wear anything transparent!" Rosamond declared.

  "Silly, it is lined with sendal, and you must have a new girdle encrusted with precious stones."

  "Alas, my gowns will have to flow freely, not be gathered at the waist with girdles, Demi."

  "Well, the very latest fashion is a jeweled headband called a fillet worn over the forehead. That will divert attention from your waistline."

  As soon as the servers removed the plates, Eleanor de Montfort came to greet Rosamond with an affectionate kiss. The countess appeared to be even more beautiful and vivacious now that her husband had gained so much power. To Rosamond it seemed that Lady Eleanor laughed more often, her eyes sparkled brighter, and she looked younger than ever before.

  "I have something to tell you, Lady Eleanor."

  "You are enceinte! And if not, you ought to be after five months of


  marriage to that magnificent black stallion. Tell me, Rosamond, did he beat you when he abducted you from Kenilworth? "

  Rosamond found that she could now laugh about it. "No, but he threatened to drag me back by the hair if I ever came here again."

  "Yet here you are," Eleanor declared.

  "Rodger brought me to you out of concern for my well-being. He hopes that you will reassure me about having a child. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by fear," Rosamond confessed.

  "Then he brought you to the right place. I have four grown sons and a beautiful daughter, which makes every anxious moment of their upbringing worthwhile. I know you very well, Rosamond; you have far more courage than you realize. A child will teach you that life really is worth the living."

  Rodger de Leyburn joined the group of ladies and bowed to the countess. "Thank you for permitting this visit, Lady Eleanor. I shall return for Rosamond in a fortnight. Tomorrow I am off to see to Tewkesbury and Deerhurst; I won't be burdening you with my presence." He hoped this would allay any suspicions she entertained about his visiting Lord Edward, for he was aware that Eleanor de Montfort was an extremely clever woman.

  Rosamond looked at him in surprise, though she was wise enough to say nothing in front of the others. Once again she was reminded of his hidden depths, which lay beneath the polished surface.

  "Allow me to congratulate you, Sir Rodger. There is nothing like procreating to make a man walk taller." Eleanor looked directly into his eyes and said pointedly, "You must refrain from reckless behavior now that you are to be a father."

  Rosamond's anger began to simmer, but she did not allow it to explode until they were alone in their bedchamber. "You devil, you came here for some devious purpose! How very naive you must find me, Sir Rodger, but Lady Eleanor is far more astute. I heard that veiled warning she gave you."

  "You are being fanciful, Rosamond."

  "Fanciful indeed! Fanciful enough to believe the visit to Kenilworth was for my benefit, rather than Edward Plantagenet's!"


  "Anything I do for Edward will ultimately benefit you, chérie."

  "If you get killed, will that benefit me?"

  Rodger's heart soared; she really did care about him. Did her feelings run deep? He would take her to bed and find out! With a triumphant whoop of laughter, he lifted her high against his heart and carried her to the bed. "Sweetheart, I intend to die on the upstroke or the downstroke, not in some reckless plot you imagine Edward and I are hatching."

  He undressed her with haste, riven with the need to see her naked. Her lips, so temptingly close, compelled him to explore her mouth, its softness, its lushness, then he drew the pink tip of her tongue into his mouth, tasting all of her sweetness. He lifted his head and gazed down at her loveliness. "Have you any idea how beautiful you look tonight?"

  Rosamond shook her head, not feeling beautiful. "I am no longer slim."

  "Nay, your soft curves make you extremely desirable. Your body is so lush, it arouses me to madness. Let me show you!" He scooped her up and carried her before the polished mirror. Then he let her body slide down his until her feet touched the carpet and she stood in front of him facing the mirror.

  Rosamond watched, breathless, as his powerful hand slipped around her and cupped her bare breast, the calloused pad of his thumb toying with her sensitive nipple. She drew in a swift breath as a thread of fire ran from the tip of her breast, down through her softly curved belly, then burned its way to her woman's core. Rod gently pulled her back against him so that she could feel the hard length of his arousal against her soft bottom. She watched, mesmerized, as his fingers slowly traced the curves of her body with reverence. She moaned softly as he parted her legs and touched her most sensitive place with his fingertips.

  Slowly she became aware of how erotic it made her feel to watch him in the mirror as he pleasured her. She arched back against his hard body, relishing the tantalizing rhythm of his fingers. Deliberately she brushed the soft curve of her bottom across the sensitive head of his shaft and saw him shudder with desire. She suddenly realized that in Rod's eyes she was beautiful, and it changed all of her perceptions. The reflection of their naked bodies, his so dark and powerful, hers so fair


  and fecund, revealed a sensual, primal beauty she had not recognized before.

  He palmed her lush breast, stroking and caressing the silken globe until she shivered uncontrollably with the fierce need he aroused in her. When his hot and hungry gaze met hers in the mirror, she felt the tremors begin inside her and she thrust herself against his burning fingers.

  "You are beautiful in your passion," he whispered against her ear.

  "You make me feel beautiful."

  He picked her up and carried her back to the bed. Then he laid her down and spread her hair about her so that she lay in golden splendor. Rodger worshipped her with his eyes while he quickly disrobed, then, unable to keep from touching her, tasting her any longer, his hands and his lips caressed all her body's silken pleasure points where his gaze had lingered.

  Suddenly, Rosamond felt ravenous for him. Hungrily she lifted her mouth for his ravishing and pulled him down to her. She opened her thighs, then wrapped her legs around him, sliding them high about his back. She was in a fever of need as she molded her body to his and cried out her pleasure as she felt him bury himself hard in the scalding heat of her sheath.

  As he unleashed the fierce desire that had been riding him for hours, she cried out, "Rod ... Rod ..." Hearing his name on her lips inflamed him as nothing else could, making him groan with a hunger of his own. He whispered love words, hot passionate words that made Rosamond respond wildly. Her senses reeled with the male scent of him, her blood pulsed, and her body throbbed at the feel of every deep thrust.

  Rodger felt exultant. He had vowed to make her crave him, ache for him, and he had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. This was the way he'd always wanted her, moaning and frenzied beneath him, as he brought her to her final rapture. They spent together, clinging to each other in a hot, shuddering release, then his arms tightened possessively, holding her against his heart.

p; Rosamond sighed with pleasure as she lay against him, her body

  relaxing after the loving. "Rod, I wish I could believe you were not plot

  ting......I wish I could trust you."

  His arms tightened protectively. "You can believe this: If you give


  me your trust, I will never betray it." He stroked her silken hair possessively. "You know how I cherish precious things ... you are precious to me, and this child is the greatest treasure you could ever give me. I kiss your heart, Rosamond."

  In the morning when Rodger left, Rosamond watched him from her chamber window. He mounted his black stallion, then paused and looked up at the high tower. He touched two fingers to his lips, then pressed them against his heart, before he galloped out along Kenil-worth's causeway.


  He had ridden only a mile when he encountered Simon de Mont-fort at the head of a huge armed force. Rodger drew rein and Earl Simon did the same. The two men still respected each other despite the political choices they had made, and Rod felt it was necessary to offer Simon an explanation for his presence at Kenilworth. "My lord earl, I brought Rosamond to visit with Lady Eleanor. My wife is carrying our child and craves your wife's advice and reassurance."

  The stern expression on de Montfort's face softened somewhat. "Congratulations, Sir Rodger. Rosamond has been like a daughter to us. She has always held a special place in my heart. Be sure you take good care of her."

  Rodger nodded solemnly as he gazed into the warlord's dark eyes. "Rosamond is a prize beyond compare. I pledge to you that I will guard her with my life."

  Griffin and Nan had already arrived at Tewkesbury Castle by the time Rodger de Leyburn rode in. He had sworn them to secrecy because he did not want Rosamond to have knowledge of his plans while she was at Kenilworth. He intended to use both Tewkesbury and Deerhurst, which were only two miles apart, as gathering places for forces loyal to Edward Plantagenet.

  During the next fortnight, the Marcher lords, Mortimer, Hay, Clifford, and Montgomery met with Rodger de Leyburn, pledging their men-at-arms, Welsh archers, and cavalry mounted on surefooted ponies. They were joined by the western barons, Bohun and Bassing-bourne, and finally by Lincoln de Warenne, whose brother, the Earl of


  Surrey, was busy recruiting men in France. Foremost in their minds was a plan to free Prince Edward.

  "It is virtually impossible to storm Kenilworth Castle and effect a rescue," Sir Rodger informed them. "Simon de Montfort is presently in residence because he has invited Llewelyn of Wales. Kenilworth not only bristles with men-at-arms, the only entrance is over its narrow causeway."

  "If we cannot rescue him, then Lord Edward must escape," swarthy Lord Mortimer declared. "We will be ready with horses, and I offer my castle of Wigmore as a refuge for him."

  Rodger nodded his thanks. "Escape from Kenilworth would be more than difficult. It would be far better if Edward were moved to a less formidable fortress." He flashed his dark grin. "I will see if I can precipitate his removal from Kenilworth."


  At the end of June, Rodger returned to Kenilworth, and came face-to-face with Simon de Montfort, who was entertaining Llewelyn of Wales. "My lord earl, thank you for allowing me to visit Rosamond. I promised I would return in time for her mare to foal."

  "Since it is full moon, I accept your explanation, even though my instincts tell me I should keep you and Lord Edward apart."

  Rodger allowed a look of relief to transform his face. "He is still here then?"

  "Still here?" Simon said sharply.

  "You have no plans to move him from Kenilworth?" Rod asked anxiously.

  Simon de Montfort was immediately suspicious that a plot was afoot to rescue the heir to the throne. "Why are you anxious that Edward remain at Kenilworth?" he demanded bluntly.

  Rod tried to recover what he had said. "I ... I only think that Edward would be happier here with Harry and his uncle Richard for company."

  It was such a lame explanation that Simon de Montfort's suspicion immediately doubled. "Llewelyn of Wales is here to sign a treaty. Diplomacy works if given a chance; both countries will prosper from peace."

  "If you trust the Black Wolf of Snowdon," Rodger said smoothly.

  "I trust no one," Simon said pointedly.

  When Rodger took his horse into Kenilworth's stables to rub him down, he found Rosamond in Nimbus's stall. She had placed a blanket in the straw and, from the look of things, planned to sleep in the stables.

  "Oh, Rodger, thank you for returning today.... I thought you had


  forgotten about Nimbus." Her face shone with relief and trust in his ability.

  "O ye of little faith," he teased. He was not surprised that she had made plans to face the mare's foaling alone, for Rosamond always found the courage to do what she thought was her duty. "I would much rather you left Nimbus to me, sweetheart."

  "Oh, Rod, I cannot! It is not that I don't trust you, I do. But I must be here to soothe her. I have attended many births and given the women bayberry to ease the pain of long, hard labor."

  "Rosamond, a mare foaling is different from a woman giving birth to a child. A foal is encased in a sack of fluid when it is born; the mare cannot have a long labor or the foal would die. It usually comes quickly, once a mare's labor starts."

  "Really?" Some of her worry melted away, but not all. "Please let me stay with you?"

  Rodger cursed silently. He knew Nimbus was carrying twins, and almost always the second foal was born dead. He could not bring himself to tell her. "When it starts, you must stand back and promise not to interfere."

  Rosamond nodded her understanding and stroked Nimbus's soft muzzle as she murmured endearments to her. After a while, she sat down on the blanket next to Rodger and waited patiently. At dusk the mare started to get resdess, and Rodger knew that as the moon climbed the sky, Nimbus would foal.

  Suddenly the animal was taken with a great shudder, and she began to whinny. Rodger was on his feet instantly, his powerful hand stroking down the mare's belly. "Stand back, Rosamond."

  In fascinated horror, she watched her beloved palfrey go down to her knees, then get back up again, heaving and shuddering. All of a sudden there was a great swooshing sound, and an enormous quivering sack was deposited into the straw. She watched Rodger fall to his knees and tear open the thick membrane. All at once the air was filled with a sweet scent she had never smelled before. Then Rod was helping a cream-colored foal from the sack and pushing it toward its mother.

  "Oooh, it's so very beautiful!" Rosamond exclaimed with joy, laughing nervously as it wobbled on its spindly legs. "Oh no! There's


  another one?" she cried, all the joy leaving her voice as she saw the small, limp foal in Rodger's hands.

  Rodger knew the smaller twin colt was dead as he tried in vain to revive it. He made sure its mouth and nostrils were clear, then tried to revive it by pressing on its fragile rib cage in hopes it would take in air, but it was hopeless.

  Tears of grief streamed down Rosamond's ashen face as she mourned the dead baby horse. Rod cleansed his hands with straw and took her in his arms. "Rosamond, can you not rejoice for the foal that thrives?"

  She stared up at him through her tears, and the wisdom of his words slowly dawned on her. "Yes," she whispered, "I can ... I must." She went to Nimbus and stroked her muzzle. "Good girl, sweet girl." She watched Rod rub straw over the foal, though in truth there was no blood as in a human birth. She smiled at him. "What is it, a male or a female?"

  He smiled back. "It's a colt, a male, and he's hungry."

  As they stood back watching Nimbus suckle her colt, Rodger's arm slipped about her and pulled her close to his side. "Thank heaven you were here," Rosamond said. "I would have been lost without you." He felt his own child move in her belly and offered up a silent prayer.


  "Be prepared to be moved to another castle," Ro
dger warned Edward. "Escape is not possible from Kenilworth."

  "If it were possible, I wouldn't still be here. Is my wife still safe in sanctuary, Rodger?"

  "Yes, and she is head over heels in love with you, my lord." "And I with her. She is different from all other women." "Therein lies the attraction, I believe—you find her different." Rodger lowered his voice, even though they appeared to be alone. "Mortimer offers his castle of Wigmore on the Welsh border for your safe haven. If and when you are moved, we will arrange to have fresh horses awaiting your escape. As a precaution, all the loyal forces we have gathered have been moved to Ludlow Casde, about seven miles north of Wigmore."


  Edward nodded his understanding, then he cursed. "Llewelyn is being treated like the Prince of Wales he thinks himself."

  "Simon de Montfort knows he cannot fight us and Wales at the same time, so he is kissing Llewelyn's arse."

  "It makes me want to spew! The old lion, King Henry, my greatgrandfather, conquered Wales for England a century ago, and our Marcher barons have held it ever since, effectively putting down all uprisings. Now de Montfort is handing it back to Llewelyn on a silver platter!"

  "When you are king, you will simply have to conquer it all over again," Rod said lightly.

  Edward pierced Rodger with an ice-blue stare. "Make no mistake, my friend, I will unite England and Wales."

  In that moment, Rodger de Leyburn had no doubts that Edward would do as he pledged.

  Edward grinned. "But first I must win back England!"


  At the midday meal in the Great Hall of Kenilworth, Rosamond saw that the swarthy Llewelyn's eyes followed Demoiselle de Montfort to the exclusion of all other ladies. Noticing that he had the hungry look of a wolf stalking its prey, Rosamond shuddered and decided to warn her young friend when the meal was over. But when the tables were cleared, Demi sought out Rosamond, breathless with suppressed excitement. "What do you think of him? "