Page 1 of We're All Wonders

  We're All Wonders


  Alfred A. Knopf New York


  Copyright © 2017 by R. J. Palacio

  All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of

  Random House Children’s Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York.

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  Penguin Random House LLC.

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

  Trade paperback ISBN 9781524766498 — Library binding ISBN 9781524766504 —

  ebook ISBN 9781524766511

  A note on the art in this book: I based Auggie’s look in this picture book on the iconic cover

  for Wonder, which was art-directed by Isabel Warren-Lynch and beautifully envisioned and

  drawn by the artistic wonder Tad Carpenter. I am ever thankful for their collaboration,

  which resulted in an image that has captured the imagination of readers everywhere. I drew

  all the line art for these illustrations with an iPencil in Procreate for the iPad, and used

  a combination of painting (with the stylus) and Photoshop to create the final art.

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  For Nathaniel Newman, a true wonder,

  and his wonder of a family, Magda, Russel, and Jake.

  For Dina Zuckerberg and the MyFace family.

  You are my heroes.

  I know I’m not an ordinary kid.

  Sure, I do ordinary things.

  I ride a bike.

  I eat ice cream.

  I play ball.

  I just don’t look ordinary.

  I don’t look like other kids.

  My mom says I’m unique.

  She says I’m a wonder.

  My dog, Daisy, agrees!

  But some people don’t see

  that I’m a wonder.

  All they see

  is how different I look.

  Sometimes they

  stare at me.

  They point or laugh.

  They even say

  mean things

  behind my back.

  But I can hear them.

  It hurts my feelings.

  It hurts Daisy’s feelings, too.

  When that happens, I put on my helmet.

  I put Daisy’s helmet on, too. And then we...

  Up! Up! Up!

  Up through the clouds...

  across the galaxy...

  ...all the way to Pluto!

  We say hello to old friends.

  From far away, the Earth

  looks so small. I can’t see

  any people. But I know

  they’re there.

  Billions of people.

  People of all different

  colors. People who walk

  and talk differently.

  People who look different.

  Like me!

  The Earth is big enough for

  all kinds of people.

  I know I can’t change the way I look.

  But maybe, just maybe...

  ...people can change the way they see.

  If they do, they’ll see that I’m a wonder.

  And they’ll see that they’re wonders, too.

  We’re all wonders!

  Look with kindness

  and you will always

  find wonder.

  R. J. PALCIO is the author of the #1 bestselling novel Wonder, which has been translated into forty-five languages and has sold over 5 million copies worldwide. The story of ten-year-old Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy born with a severe facial difference, has won more than twenty state awards as well as the E. B. White Read Aloud Award, and was a finalist for the Carnegie Medal. Wonder’s message of kindness and tolerance inspired the “choose kind” movement, which has been adopted by schools and classrooms across the country. Wonder is also being adapted into a major motion picture.

  Born and raised in New York City, R. J. Palacio attended the High School of Art and Design and the Parsons School of Design, where she majored in illustration with the hopes of someday following in the footsteps of her favorite  author-illustrators,  Antoine  de Saint-Exupéry, Maurice Sendak, and the D’Aulaires. She was a graphic designer and art director for many years before writing Wonder. We’re All Wonders, which is based conceptually on the themes of her novel, represents the fulfillment of her dream to write and illustrate her own picture book.

  In addition to Wonder, R.J. has written Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories and 365 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne’s Book of Precepts. She lives in Brooklyn, where she is surrounded by magical water towers, with her husband, their two sons, and their two dogs, Bear and Beau. Learn more about her at or on Twitter at @RJPalacio.

  I know I can’t change the way I look.

  BUT maybe, just maybe, people can

  change the way they see.



  R. J. Palacio, We're All Wonders

  (Series: # )


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