Rishi (H)—a wise man.
Ronin (J)—an unattached Samurai.
Rupee (H)—an Indian coin worth about 32 cents.
Sake (J)—rice wine.
Salonnière (F)—a frequenter of a salon; usually referring to the French salons or drawing-room receptions of the seventeenth or eighteenth centuries.
Samadhi (H)—the eighth stage of Yoga.
Samaj (H)—assembly; society.
Samhita (H)—collection.
Samohini (H)—a drug.
Sang-de-bœuf (F)—(color of) bull’s blood.
Sannyasi (H)—a hermit saint.
Sari (H)—a silk robe.
Sati (H)—suttee; devoted wife; the burial of a widow with her husband.
Savant (F)—scholar.
Sei (J)—caste.
Sen (J)—a Japanese coin, worth one-hundredth of a yen.
Se non è vero è ben trovato (I)—if it is not true it is well invented.
Seppuku (J)—ritual self-disembowelment.
Sesquipedalia verba (L)—words a foot and a half long.
Shaduf (A)—a bucket swung on a pole to lift water.
Shakhti (H)—the female energy of a god.
Shaman (H)—a magician, or miracle-working priest.
Shastra (H)—a text-book.
Shastra (H)—treatise.
Shekel (He)—a coin of the Near East, of varying value.
Shinto (J)—the Way of the Gods; the worship of the national deities and the emperor in Japan.
Shloka (H)—couplet.
Shogun (J)—general; military governor.
Siesta (Sp)—a short sleep or rest.
Silindhra (H)—an Indian flower.
Sine qua non (L)—an indispensable condition.
Soufflé (F)—blown.
Swadeshi (H)—economic nationalism; the exclusive use of native products.
Swaraj (H)—self-rule.
Tantra (H)—rule or ritual.
Tattwa (H)—reality.
Tempera (I)—distemper; painting in which the pigments are mixed or “tempered” with an emulsion of egg, usually with the addition of “size” (diluted glue) to secure adhesion.
Terracotta (I)—baked clay, coated with glaze.
Torii (J)—gateways.
Tour de force (F)—an act of sudden ability.
Urœus (L)—a serpent image symbolizing wisdom and life; usually worn by the Egyptian kings.
Virtus dormitiva (L)—soporific power.
Yaki (J)—wares.
Yen (J)—a Japanese coin, normally worth about fifty cents.
Ziggurat (Assyrian-Babylonian)—a tower of superimposed and diminishing stories, usually surrounded by external stairs.
of books referred to in the text
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