in Assyria, 278–281
in Persia, 377–381
in India, 584–612
in China, 724–759
in Japan, 893–913
Artabhaga , 533
Artaxerxes I , King of Persia (464-423 B.C.), 380, 382
Artaxerxes II, King of Persia (404-359 B.C.), 362, 372, 373, 375*, 377, 378*, 380
Artaxerxes III Ochus, King of Persia (359-338 B.C.), 382
Arthashastra , 443
Arthur, semi-fabulous British prince (ca. 500), 455
Aryabhata , Indian mathematician (ca. 499), 452, 526, 527, 528
Aryans, 73*, 116, 286*, 287, 356, 363, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399–400
Arya-Somaj , 616†
Asana , 543
Ashikaga (ä-shē-kä-gä) Shogunate, 838, 895, 905
Ashikaga Takauji , Japanese statesman and shogun (fl. 1340), 838
Ashkanians, 285
Ashoka , Indian religious teacher (273-232 B.C.), 391, 407, 446–450, 451, 453, 456, 484, 503, 505, 506, 571, 593, 596, 603, 833
Ashramas , 522
Ashtoreth (ăsh’-tô-rěth), 235
Ashur (city), 119, 135, 265, 272, 278, 311
Ashur (god), 265, 268, 276, 277
Ashurbanipal , King of Assyria (669-626 B.C.), 117, 237*, 243, 249, 250, 266, 268–269, 270, 272, 275, 277, 278, 279, 281–283, 311
Ashurnasirpal II, King of Assyria (884-859 B.C.), 267, 271, 278, 279, 280
Ashurnirari , King of Assyria (753-746 B.C.), 266*
Ashvaghosha , Indian religion teacher (ca. 120), 450, 571–572, 579
Ashvamedha , 405
Asia Minor, 227, 264, 286, 287, 299, 352, 363
Assam (ăs-săm’), 32, 45, 451, 454
Assuan (ăs-swän), 185
Assumption (El Greco), 97
Assyria, 24*, 61, 117, 123, 124, 135, 215, 223, 226, 237*, 248, 265–284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 299, 302, 307, 317, 318, 324, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355, 363, 380, 633, 892
Astarte (ăs-tär’-tē), 235, 294–295, 296–297, 314, 321
Astika philosophies, 534
Aston, W. G., 885
Astrology, 79
in Babylonia, 257, 276
in Assyria, 276
in India, 518, 526
in modern times, 80*
Astronomy, origins of, 79–80
in Egypt, 180–181
in Babylonia, 256–257, 276
in Assyria, 276
in India, 526–527
in China, 644, 781–782
Astruc (ä-strük’) Jean, French medical writer (1684-1766), 329*
Astyages , King of the Medes (ca. 560 B.C.), 351-352
Asvala , 533
Atar, 369
Atharva-veda , 402, 407, 495, 530.
Atheism, in primitive societies, 56–57
Athene, 62
Athens, 1, 167, 355, 381, 395†, 640, 677
Atlantis, 107
Atman , 412–413, 414, 418, 546, 548, 550, 566
Aton (ä’-tn), 206–210, 211, 212, 213
Atossa , wife of Darius I (ca. 500 B.C.), 355
Atossa, daughter and wife of Artaxerxes II (ca. 375 B.C.), 375*
Atreya , Indian physiologist (ca. 500 B.C.), 530, 532
Attila, King of the Huns (ca. 400-454), 452
Atys , 288
Augustine, St., Bishop of Hippo, Latin writer and Father of the Church (354-430), 475
Augustus (Caius Caesar Julius Octavianus), Roman emperor (31 B.C.-14 A.D.), 752
Aurangzeb , Mogul emperor (1658-1707), 391-466, 474–476, 482, 558, 589, 592, 610, 613, 615, 616, 768, 897
Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, Roman emperor (161-180), 449
Aurignacian Culture, 93, 94, 97
Australians, 6, 7, 8, 21, 32, 43, 52, 62, 74, 84, 88–89, 103, 245
Auta , Egyptian artist (about 1370 B.C.), 211
Avalokiteshvara , 507, 595
Avidya , 548, 549
Ayodhya , 451, 567, 568, 569, 570
Ayuthia , 606
Azilian Culture, 641
Aztecs, 9
Baal (bā’-ăl), 294, 297, 309, 312, 314, 321; also see Bel
Baalzebub (bā’-ăl-zē-bŭb), 312
Babar Archipelago, 64
Babel (bā’-bl), Tower of, 225*; also see Babylon
Babur , Mogul emperor (1483-1530), 464, 465, 472, 579
Babur-nama, 579
Babylon, 1, 2, 14, 37, 104, 118, 120, 135, 215, 219, 221–222, 223, 224–225, 227, 228, 232, 235, 248, 250, 263, 266, 267, 268, 272, 283, 295, 296, 303, 306, 307, 312, 314, 318, 323, 324, 326, 327, 332, 343, 352, 354, 376, 384, 479, 633;
Hanging Gardens, 218, 225;
Kasr, 225;
Ishtar Gate, 225;
Sacred Way, 225;
Temple of Marduk, 225;
Tower of Babel, 224, 225
Babylonia, 61, 116, 117, 119*, 120, 123, 124, 131, 132, 135, 136, 152, 171, 176, 215, 218–264, 265, 266, 267–268, 270, 272, 274, 27–5, 276, 278, 283, 285, 286, 289, 291, 299, 301, 321, 322, 323, 329, 352, 354, 355, 359*, 363, 380, 393, 395, 397, 534, 640
Bacchus (băk-ŭs), 65
Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans, English philosopher and statesman (1561-1626), 107, 631, 687, 780
Bactra, 108
Bactria, 355, 397†, 593
Badaoni , Indian historian (fl. 1600), 469
Badarayana , Vedanta philosopher (ca. 200 B.C.), 546
Badarians, 103, 145
Baganda , 25
Baghdad , 395*, 527, 532, 606
Bagoas , Persian eunuch and general (executed 336 B.C.), 382
Baila , 38
Bakin, Kyokutei , Japanese novelist (1767-1848), 885
Bakufu , 837
Balawat , 278, 280
Balban-Gheias-ed-din , Sultan of Delhi (1265-1286), 461
Bali (bä’-lē), 47
Balkh (bälk), 761
Balonda, Queen of the, 46
Balta-atrua , 259, 260
Baluchistan , 355, 395†, 440, 446
Bana , Indian historian (ca. 650), 749
Banerji , R. D., 394
Bangerangs, 50
Bangkok (băng-kk’), 606
Bantus , 65, 67
Baroda , 623
Baronga, 87
Bartoli, Daniele, Italian Jesuit, traveler, and writer (1608-1685), 471
Baruch (bär’-ŭk), Hebrew minor prophet (ca. 600 B.C.), 322
Bas-relief, in Sumeria, 133
in Egypt, 189–190
in Babylonia, 254–255
in Assyria, 278–279
in Persia, 379–380
in India, 593
in China, 739
Bathsheba , 303*, 305
Bau (bou), 129
Bayon (bä’-yn), 604–605
Beaumarchais, Pierre Auguste Caron de, French dramatist (1732-1799), 45
Beautiful Joyous Songs, etc., 176–177
Bedouins , 2, 229, 291, 303, 309
Beersheba , 299
Begouën, Louis, French archeologist, 97
Behistun , 249, 373
Bek (běk), Egyptian sculptor (ca. 1370 B.C.), 192, 211
Bel (bāl), 232, 234
Belgium, 92
Belit , 277
Bel-Marduk , 235
Benares (běn-är’-ěs), 393, 428, 437, 465, 490, 521, 543, 547, 557, 582, 583, 677
Benares, University of, 530, 547
Bengal (běn-gôl’), 29, 393, 420, 451, 461, 479, 481, 509, 581, 614, 621
Bengal, Bay of, 393
Bengal Provincial Council of the National Congress, 623
Beni-Hasan , 185, 190
Benjamin, son of Jacob, 336, 340
Bentham, Jeremy, English political economist (1748-1832), 616
Bentinck, Lord William Charles Cavenish, Governor General of India (1774-1839), 609*†, 614
Beppu Collection, Tokyo, 902*
Berar (bā-rär’), 576
Bergson, Henri, French philosopher (1859-), 434, 554*
bsp; Berlin, 286†, 693, 817
Berlin Museum, 181, 189
Bernier, François, French traveler and physician (1625-1688), 479, 559
Berosus , Babylonian historian (4th century B.C.), 118*, 250, 364
Besant, Annie, English theosophist (1847–1933), 616†
Bhakti-yoga , 522, 617
Bharata , 561, 576
Bharhut , 593, 594, 597
Bhartri-hari , Indian sage (ca. 650), 517, 556, 580
Bhasa , Indian dramatist (ca. 350), 572
Bhaskara , Indian mathematician (fl. 1114), 528
Bhava Misra , Indian medical encyclopedist (ca. 1550), 530–531
Bhavabhuti , Indian dramatist (ca. 500), 576
Bhavagad-Gita , 488, 523, 541†, 547, 561, 564–567, 616, 631
Bhikkhus , 437
Bhilsa (bēl’-sä’), 597
Bhimnagar , 460
Bhishma , 562, 564
Bhopal (bō-päl’), 597
Bhuvaneshwara , 599, 610
Bible, 294, 299, 301*, 305, 320, 328, 339–349, 565
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, 741
Bidar . 458
Bihar , 419, 607
Bijapur , 458
Bikaner , 454
Bill of Rights, 625
Bindusara , Indian king (298-273 B.C.), 446
Birbal (bēr-bäl’), Indian poet (fl. 1600), 468
Birth control, 71*
Bismarck-Schönhausen, Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von, Prussian statesman (1815–1904), 554, 695
Bithynians, 285, 358
Bitiu , 175–176
Black Death, 3
Black Dragon Society, 923
Black Sea, 116, 215, 226, 286, 287, 292, 766
Blake, William, English artist and poet (1757-1828), 550*
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, Russian mystic (1831–1891), 616†
Boaz, 336
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Italian novelist (1313–1375), 555
Bodh-gaya , 427*, 431, 593, 597, 610
Bodhi tree, 402, 427†,. 506
Bodhisattwas , 423, 450, 504, 739, 833, 864
Boëthius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, Roman philosopher and statesman (475–525), 340
Boghaz Keui , 286
Bokhara , 350
Bombay, 393, 394, 486, 597, 613, 614, 629, 662, 630, 632
Bombay Presidency, 394
Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon I
Bond Street, 395
Bondei, 50
Bongos, 85
Bonwick, J., 84
Book of Ceremonies, 646, 659, 794
Book of Changes, 650–651, 665, 732
“Book of the Covenant,” 321, 328
Book of the Dead, 203-204, 371
Book of History, 643, 665, 718
“Book of the Law of Moses,” 328
Book of Lieh-tze (lē’-ŭ-dzŭ), 651, 667
Book of Mencius , 666, 682
Book of Odes, 648-649, 659, 665, 671
Book of Rites, 664
Book of a Thousand Leaves, 878
Book of the Way and of Virtue, 653
Borneo, 8, 37, 46, 64, 99*
Borobudur , 595, 603, 611
Borodin, Mikhail, Russian Soviet general, 812, 816
Bororos, 81
Borsippa , 249, 255
Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra , Indian physicist and biologist (1858-), 618–619
Bosporus , 286, 355
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, Bishop of Meaux, French preacher (1627-1704), 199, 340
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 591, 606*, 750, 751
Boswell, James, Scotch biographer (1740–1795), 2*
Botany, in Assyria, 276
in India, 530
Botocudos, 38, 85
Boucher de Perthes, Jacques, French archeologist (1788–1868), 90
Boulak Papyrus, 165
Boxer Rebellion, 731, 746, 799*, 807–808
Brahma , 403*, 408, 409*, 413*, 507, 508, 509, 511, 594, 604, 605
Brahma (poem), 415
“Brahma script,” 406
Brahmachari , 522
Brahmacharia , 541†, 543, 627, 628
Brahmagupta , Indian astronomer (598-660), 452, 526, 527, 528
Brahman , 411, 412, 413, 414, 517, 544–545, 546, 547, 548–549, 550, 551, 553, 616
Brahmanas , 405, 407
Brahmans, 28, 398, 399, 405, 419, 447, 449, 452, 480, 483–488, 490, 495, 502, 508, 509*, 510, 511, 518, 520, 522, 523, 524, 535, 552, 561, 564, 581, 582, 597, 602, 623, 624
Brahma-Somaj , 615, 623
Brahma-sutra, 546
Braid, James, English surgeon and psychologist (1795–1861) 532
Brazil, 50, 73, 79, 81, 98
Breaking of the Pledge, 926
Breasted, James H., 117*, 136*, 143, 174*, 205, 218, 378†
Breuil, Abbé Henri Édouard Prosper, 92
Brewitt-Taylor, C. H., 718†
Briffault, Robert, 42*, 84, 331
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad , 402*
Brihadratha , King of Magadha (d. 185 B.C.), 449-450
Brihaspati , Indian sceptic, 418
Brihatkatha , Indian poet (1st century), 579
Brinkley, Frank, 801*, 808*
Brinton, Daniel Garrison, American ethnologist (1837–1899), 26
British Guiana, 70
British Medical College, Hong Hong, 809
British Museum, 145*, 155, 159, 161, 167, 188, 206*, 279, 747*, 749*
Bronze Age, 103–104
Brothers Karamazov, 717
Bruno, Giordano, Italian philosopher (1550–1600), 469
Buck, Pearl, 718*, 754
Buckle, Henry Thomas, English historian (1822–1862), 299
Buddha , Indian religious teacher 563-483 B.C.), 193, 325, 398, 399, 400, 415, 416, 417, 422–439, 449, 480, 501, 503, 504–505, 506, 516, 522, 534, 535, 536, 541, 542, 546, 547, 578, 579, 589, 590, 593*, 594, 595, 603, 604, 617*, 690, 720, 830, 834, 864, 886, 887, 892, 897–898
Buddha-charita , 579
Buddhism, 419, 428–439, 447–450, 453, 454, 458, 459, 484, 503–507, 508*, 520, 534, 554, 589, 593, 596, 603, 657, 675, 676, 701–702, 719–720, 731, 733, 734–735, 739–740, 741, 746, 748, 750, 786, 818, 829, 832–833, 834, 842, 856, 859, 864–865, 866, 872, 891, 894, 911
Bundahish , 365‡ 376
Burial, in Sumeria, 128
in Egypt, 148–150
in Babylonia, 240
in Persia, 372
in India, 501–502
Burma , 32, 45, 46, 393, 479, 506, 602, 606
Burnouf, Eugène, French Orientalist (1801–1852), 391*
Burraburiash II, King of Karduniash (ca. 1400 B.C.), 223*
Burslem, 759
Bushido , 847–848, 923
Bushmen, 6, 14, 21, 45
Byblos , 106, 294, 295
Byron, George Gordon Noel, Baron, English poet (1788–1824), 269, 283
Cadiz, 239
Cæsar, Caius Julius, Roman general, statesman and historian (100-44 B.C.), 39, 137, 139, 181, 216, 246, 271, 305, 398, 467, 585
Cæsars, 216*
Caillé, René, French traveler (1799–1838), 43
Cairo, 138–139, 140, 145, 216, 606
Cairo Museum, 148, 152, 186, 187, 188
Cajori, Florian, 528*
Calanus , Indian philosopher (ca. 542-543)
Calculus, 79
Calcutta, 393, 394, 500, 613, 614, 621
Calendar, origins of, 79–80
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 180–181
in Babylonia, 258
in India, 527
in China, 781
Calicut, 478, 613
California, 915, 929
California Indians, 48
Cambaluc , 763, 779
also see Peking
Cambodia, 391, 506, 507, 594, 595, 602, 603–605, 606
Cambridge Ancient History, 181*
Cambyses (kam-bī’-sēz), King of Persia 529-522 B.C.), 215, 353–354, 361
eroons, 56, 65
Canaan (kā-’năn), 285, 298, 300, 301, 302, 310
Canada, 94, 613
Canals, 358, 765
Canneh (kăn’-nā), 291
Cannibalism, in primitive societies, 10–11
in later ages, 10
Canning, Charles John, Viscount, Governor General of India (1812–1862), 614
Canton , 759, 764, 780, 803, 804, 805, 809, 811, 814
Canton Opium Party, 804
Capart, Jean, 143
Cappadocia, 285, 355
Carchemish , 153, 224, 227, 287, 290, 321
Carians, 285
Caribs, 54
Carlyle, Thomas, British essayist, historian, and philosopher (1795–1881), 343, 631, 719, 906
Caroline Islands, 77
Carter, Howard, English archeologist (1873-), 143
Carthage, 1, 66, 90, 215, 293, 295, 353
Cartier, Jacques, French explorer (1494–1536), 81
Caruso, Enrico, Italian operatic tenor (1868–1921), 192
Carver, T. N., 17
Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Giacomo, Italian adventurer (1725–1803), 62
Caspian Sea, 286*, 350, 353, 394, 397†
Castes, origins of, 20
in Sumeria, 125
in Egypt, 159
in Assyria, 274–275
in India, 398, 484–489, 623–624
in Japan, 851
Cathay, 760
Caucasus, 119, 266, 283, 286, 355
Cave of a Thousand Buddhas, 728–729
Celestial Kingdom, 797*
Censorinus, Latin grammarian (fl. 238), 181
Censors, 798
Central America, 42, 54
Century of Love, 580
Ceramics, in primitive societies, 87
in prehistoric cultures, 101
Sumerian, 117, 133–134
Egyptian, 191
Babylonian, 227
Assyrian, 278
Indian, 585
Chinese, 754–759
Japanese, 899–901
Ceres, 60, 200
Ceylon , 14, 21, 56, 391, 392, 393, 394, 401, 449, 450, 451, 456, 503, 506, 531*, 594, 595, 602, 603
Chaco, Gran, 50
Chaldæa , 179. Also see Mesopotamia, Babylonia
Châlons-sur-Marne, 72
Chalukya , 456, 600
Chamberlain, B. H., 924
Champollion, Jean-François, French archeologist (1790–1832), 91, 142, 144–145
Ch’an (chän) (state), 680
Chand Bardei , Indian poet, 580
Chandalas , 399, 452, 487
Chandi Das , Indian poet (ca. 1400), 491, 580–581, 621
Chandogya Upanishad , 416
Chandragupta Maurya , King of Magadha (322-298 B.C.), 441–445, 477, 478, 481, 493, 596
Chandragupta I, King of Magadha (320-330), 451
Chang Heng (jäng hŭng), Chinese astronomer (fl. 139), 780, 781
Chang Ts’ang (jäng tsäng), Chinese mathematician (died 152 B.C.), 781