"My poor Ruperto is indeed in danger! Now I am sure of it. Ah, even tohis life! And I may be the cause of his losing it."

  So spoke the Countess Almonte half in soliloquy, though beside her sather friend Luisa Valverde. They were in a carriage on return from theirfruitless visit to the Dictator. It was the Countess' own landau whichhad remained waiting for them outside the Palace gates.

  The other, absorbed with her own anxieties, might not have noticed whatwas said but for its nature. This, being in correspondence with whatwas at the moment in her own mind, caught her ear, almost making herstart. For she, too, was thinking of a life endangered, and how muchthat danger might be due to herself. It was not poor Ruperto's life,but poor Florencio's.

  "You the cause, Ysabel!" she said, not in surprise, save at thesimilarity of their thoughts. "Ah! yes; I think I comprehend you."

  "If not, _amiga_, don't ask explanation of it now. It's a hatefulthing, and I dislike to think, much more speak of it. Some other timeI'll tell you all. Now we've work to do--a task that will take all ourenergies--all our cunning to accomplish it. However is it to be done?_Valga me Dios_!"

  To her interrogatory she did not expect reply. And the desponding lookof Luisa Valverde showed she had none to give that would besatisfactory; for she quite understood what was the task spoken of, andequally comprehended the difficulty of its accomplishment. Perplexed asthe Countess herself, and possibly more despairing, she could but echothe exclamatory words--

  "How indeed! _Valga me Dios_."

  For a while they sat without further exchange of speech, both buried inthought. Not long, however, when the Countess again spoke, saying--

  "You're not good at dissembling, Luisita; I wish you were."

  "_Santissima_!" exclaimed her friend, alike surprised at the remark asat its abruptness. "Why do you wish that Ysabel?"

  "Because I think I know a way by which something might be done--if youwere but the woman to do it."

  "Oh, Ysabelita! I will do anything to get Florencio out of prison."

  "It isn't Florencio I want you to get out, but Ruperto. Leave thegetting out of Florencio to me."

  Still more astonished was Don Ignacio's daughter. What could thecountess mean now? She put the question to her thus--

  "What is it you desire me to do?"

  "Practise a little deception--play the coquette--that's all."

  It was not in Luisa Valverde's nature. If she had many admirers, andshe had--some of them over head and ears in love with her--it was fromno frivolity, or encouragement given them, on her part. From the dayFlorence Kearney first made impression upon her heart, it had been trueto him, and she loyal throughout all. So much that people thought hercold, some even pronouncing her a prude. They knew not how warmly thatheart beat, though it was but for one. Thinking of this one, however,what the countess proposed gave her a shock, which the latterperceiving, added, with a laugh--

  "Only for a time, _amiga mia_. I don't want you to keep it up tillyou've got a naughty name. Nor to make fools of all the fine gentlemenI see dangling around you. Only one."

  "Which one?"

  She was not averse to hearing what the scheme was, at all events. Howcould she be, in view of the object aimed at?

  "A man," pursued the Countess, "who can do more for us than your father;more than we've been able to do ourselves."

  "Who is he?"

  "Don Carlos Santander, colonel of Hussars on the staff--aide-de-camp andadjutant to El Excellentissimo in more ways than military ones--some notquite so honourable, 'tis said. Said also, that this staff-colonel, forreasons nobody seems to know, or need we care, has more influence atCourt than almost any one else. So what I want you to do is to utilisethis influence for our purpose, which I know you can."

  "Ah, Ysabelita! How much you are mistaken, to think I could influencehim to that! Carlos Santander would be the last man to help me inprocuring pardon for Florencio--the very last. You know why."

  "Oh yes; I know. But he may help me in procuring pardon for Ruperto.Luckily my good looks, if I have any, never received notice from thegrand colonel, who has eyes only for you; so he's not jealous ofRuperto. As the obsequious servant of his master, hostile to him nodoubt; but that might be overcome by your doing as I should direct."

  "But what would you have me do."

  "Show yourself _complaisant_ to the Colonel. Only in appearance, asI've said; and only for a time till you've tried your power over him,and see with what success."

  "I'm sure it would fail."

  "I don't think it would, _amiga mia_; and will not, if you go about itaccording to instructions. Though it may cost you some unpleasantness,Luisita, and an effort, you'll make it for my sake, won't you? And as areward," pursued the Countess, as if to render her appeal more surelyeffective, "I shall do as much for you, and in a similar way. For I,too, intend counterfeiting complacency in a certain quarter, and in theinterest of a different individual--Don Florencio. Now, you understandme?"

  "Not quite yet."

  "Never mind. I'll make it more plain by-and-by. Only promise me thatyou'll do--"

  "Dearest Ysabelita! I'd do anything for you."

  "And Don Florencio. I thought that would secure your consent. Well,_mil mil gracias_! But what a game of cross-purposes we'll be playing;I for you, and you for me, and neither for ourselves! Let us hope wemay both win."

  By this the carriage had stopped in front of the Casa Valverde to setdown Dona Luisa. The Countess alighted also, ordering the horses home.It was but a step to her own house, and she could walk it. For she hadsomething more to say which required saying there and then. Passing oninto the _patio_, far enough to be beyond earshot of the "cochero," andthere stopping, she resumed the dialogue at the point where she had leftoff.

  "We must set to work at once," she said; "this very day, if opportunityoffer. Perhaps in the procession--"

  "Oh! Ysabel?" interrupted the other. "How I dislike the thought ofthis procession--making merry as it were, and he in a prison! And wemust pass it too--its very doors! I'm sure I shall feel like springingout of the carriage and rushing inside to see him."

  "That would be just the way to ensure your not seeing him--perhaps,never more. The very opposite is what you must do, or you'll spoil allmy plans. But I'll instruct you better before we start out."

  "You insist, then, on our going?"

  "Of course, yes; for the very reason--the very purpose we've beenspeaking of. That's just why I ask you to take me with you. It willnever do to offend his High Mightiness, angry as we may be with him.I'm now sorry at having shown temper; but how could I help it, hearingRuperto called a robber? However, that may be all for the best. So,upstairs; turn out your _guarda-roba_, and your jewel case; arrayyourself in your richest apparel, and be in readiness for the gildedcoach when it comes round. _Carramba_!" she added after drawing out herjewelled watch,--one of Losada's best--and glancing at its dial, "wehaven't a moment to spare, I must be off to my toilet too."

  She had made a step in the direction of the street, when suddenlyturning again she added--

  "As a last word, lest I might forget it. When next you appear in theGrand Presence drop that forlorn doleful look. Misery is the weakestweapon either man or woman can make use of--the very worst advocate inany cause. So don't show it, especially in the company of Don CarlosSantander, where in all likelihood you will be before the end of anotherhour. Try to look cheerful, put on your sweetest smile, though it be afeigned one, as I intend doing for Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna."

  She took her departure now; but as she passed out through the _saguan_ acloud could be seen upon her countenance, more than that from the shadowof the arched gateway, telling that she herself needed quite as much asher friend, admonition to be cheerful.