My brother didn't agree to take us to the party for free. I hoped my friends appreciated how much it cost me. I had to do all of Brett's chores for a month, including washing his gross rugby clothes. All Brett had to do was to ask Hannah, the notorious gatekeeper of Carly's clique, if he could come to the party, with some friends. Naturally she said yes to him.

  Unfortunately, now that Lara, Brooke and I were dressed and waiting in my bedroom for Jason to pick us up, going to the party didn't seem like such a good idea. My stomach lurched nervously. I couldn't believe I'd agreed to walk straight into Carly's lair after what had happened this week. I tried to glance at myself in the mirror again, but my vision was blocked by Brooke, who was checking herself out for the millionth time since her mum had dropped her off five minutes ago.

  I watched as she turned side on, sucked in her already non-existent belly and smoothed down her tight, baby blue summer dress. Satisfied that her stomach looked okay, she then nervously adjusted the top.

  'Relax, you look fine,' Lara reassured her, rolling her eyes. She looked at me in exasperation. I shook my head in response. Honestly, Brooke could have been dressed in a million dollar dress, on the red carpet, a Hollywood celebrity on her arm, with thousands of fans screaming out her name and she'd be all, 'Are you sure I look okay?'

  I don't know why she was so worried. She looked amazing. Her platinum blonde hair flowed over her shoulders and, if it was possible, the colour of her dress made her brown eyes seem even bigger and brighter than usual. It was hard to believe that Brooke was single.

  Lara had gone for a completely different style but looked gorgeous too. She was wearing a beige singlet top, with a denim mini-skirt. With her toned, brown legs, and her ringlets tied back, she looked so sporty and fresh that I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd announced that she heading off on an African safari instead of to a party.

  If I looked even half as good as they did, I'd be happy. I was wearing a slim-fitting, dark purple summer dress. I'd hoped it would give me an alluring, sexy shape, but I was pretty sure that the only thing it showed off was the fact that I'd eaten too much dinner, and had long, gangly legs. My hair was loose, but of course it didn't seem to fall as neatly on my shoulders as Brooke's. It would probably be in a giant dreadlock by the end of the night.

  I checked my watch. Jason was always late, and tonight was no exception. Luckily we were aiming for fashionably late tonight.

  A beep came from outside. Brooke, Lara and I raced down the stairs to the front door. I opened the door and motioned for Lara and Brooke to lead the way outside.

  'Bye, Mum!' I started to shut the door quickly, hoping to avoid a parent intervention.


  The door bounced off the foot that had suddenly wedged itself between the door and the frame.

  Mum could move like lightning sometimes!

  'Not so fast!' Mum pushed the door open and glared at us over her glasses. She was still holding in her hand the newspaper she had been reading in the lounge prior to our attempted getaway. If I wasn't mistaken, Mum was feeling pretty pleased with herself.

  When did harassing teenage daughters become such a fun sport?

  'Have you given me the address? Where's Brett? I thought he was going with you,' the inquisition began. Before I could get an answer in, she started on the overprotective mother/public prosecutor routine. 'I agreed to this outing on certain pre-specified conditions, which appear to have been violated. If you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these conditions have been met then—'

  'Mum!' I tried to cut her off in embarrassment. I wished she'd save it for the courtrooms. I could feel myself starting to blush, even though she was the one humiliating herself. I glanced at Brooke and Lara to see if they'd noticed, but their attention was focussed elsewhere.

  Brett was walking down the stairs, and he was actually dressed half-decently for once. Instead of his usual crumpled, mud-stained outfits (I swear he uses his rugby bag as a wardrobe), he was wearing a clean t-shirt and jeans. He'd even combed his dark hair into a stylish, textured look.

  Luckily, the fact that Brett was actually clean surprised Mum enough that she momentarily paused mid-lecture.

  'Yes, Mum. I'll be a good chaperone. No, Mum, I won't drink much. And yes, Mum, I'll make sure that not one drop of alcohol passes through the lips of these would-be underage drinkers,' he pre-empted Mum's questions. It was often faster that way.

  He glanced at Lara and Brooke. Brooke immediately blushed bright red and looked away.

  'I put the address on the fridge,' I added.

  'All right, then, have a nice time.' Mum dismissed us with a last, amused glance at Brooke. Brooke's sudden colour change had not gone unnoticed by any of us—except Brett, of course. He was completely oblivious, as usual.

  Jason, Megan and Matt were waiting for us in Jason's father's 4WD. Matt jumped out of the front passenger seat as soon as we approached.

  'Hey, man!' Matt enthusiastically pumped hands with Brett, in his best, blokey way. 'Take the front seat.'

  I suppressed a snort of amusement. Matt was always trying to act manly and confident in front of my brother. It was hilarious to watch—especially since Matt's lankiness made him look like a twelve-year-old who had accidentally been stretched.

  Matt climbed into the back seat of the car next to Megan, leaving Lara, Brooke, and me to take the middle row of seats. We quickly fastened our seat belts, ready to endure Jason's erratic driving. He'd started school late so he was actually a year older than most of us and had his license. Let's just say he's still struggling with gear changes. We set off with a jolt, and the conversation lapsed into silence as the car bounded like a giant kangaroo towards Carly's house.

  Not that I wanted to talk anyway. The impending doom ahead required some reflection. If my stomach felt unsettled before, in my room, it was far worse now. Even though it was evening, the car was still an oven from the heat of the day. I wiped the sweat beads from my face. Ick. I was going to be saturated by the time we got there.

  I was trying subtly to unstick my sweaty thighs from the vinyl seat when we reached a street packed out with cars. Music was pumping from a large house down the road.

  'I'd say this is it,' Jason commented as we drove slowly past a group of boys from year eleven. They were taking it in turns to pull swigs from a bottle hidden inside a brown paper bag.

  'There's definitely enough drinking for this to be a party with Hannah's friends,' Brett commented dryly. 'Are you sure you guys want to get mixed up in this crowd? They're pretty messed up.'

  'That's an understatement,' Matt agreed in his mature voice. He'd somehow forgotten that this was his idea. I'd like to watch him maintain his air of cool indifference when Hannah was around.

  As if to confirm Brett's judgement, one of the guys from the group tripped over near the kerb. Instead of helping him up, his friends jokingly kicked him and hurled insults.

  I stole a glance at Brooke. Surely she didn't still want to go into this place? She hated people behaving like that. Brooke, however, seemed to have missed the exchange. She was staring in wonder and excitement at the house. Party lights were strewn around the letter box, and the door was standing wide open to welcome the streams of cool kids who were Carly's friends. I had to hand it to her—Carly sure knew how to throw a party with atmosphere. The air was electric with anticipation for the night ahead.

  We got out of the car and joined the crowds entering the house. No one even stopped us to check whether we were invited. I'd wasted a month of chores on Brett for nothing.

  Carly's place was pretty stylish. It looked like the set from an interior design magazine. We followed the front corridor down to a kitchen/family room. French doors opened out onto a large pool area. Clearly, from the snoring bodies passed out on the couch, a few people had started early. As we moved past them to join the crowds outside in the pool area, one of them stirred enough to rearrange his crotch before resuming his snoring.


  I scanned the crowd of bikini-clad girls and drunken boys, looking for Carly. In my years of experience with getting myself into trouble, I've learnt that it's always best to know where your enemies are. Unfortunately, there were so many girls dressed in raunchy outfits, flirting, and flicking their hair around, that for once it was hard to notice Carly. Finally, I spotted her on the other side of the pool. She was flirting ferociously with Sam Wilson, a gorgeous boy in year twelve, commonly referred to as 'Hot Sam' amongst our circle. Carly was shoving him, pretending she was going to push him into the pool, but every time she pushed him, she miraculously seemed to lose her balance and end up pressing into his chest. Not that I could hold that against her. Much as I dislike Carly, I admit that I'd probably do worse for a chance to press myself against Sam's chest.

  My daydream about Sam was suddenly interrupted as I was shoved roughly aside.

  'Brett! So glad you could make it!' Hannah squealed as she grabbed Brett around the neck in a bear hug. She bent her stumpy legs up behind herself in the air as she hung from his neck.

  'How are you!' she continued once she'd disentangled herself from my brother. She was still giving his back a thorough rub-down. Gross.

  Luckily, I was quickly distracted from my nausea by the voice of Tom.

  'Fiona, hi, how are you?' Tom smiled at me. 'Drink?' he passed me a cup filled with what looked like punch.

  I glanced at Brett who, from the high-pitched squeals emanating from Hannah every few seconds, was too preoccupied to take much notice of me.

  'Er … sure,' I accepted the cup from Tom. Apart from his ill-fated, I-don't-think-your-hair-is-gross apology the other day, we'd never actually talked before. It was kind of weird.

  Before I had a chance to panic about what to say next, a giggle interrupted us.

  'Don't worry; it's non-alcoholic,' Penny, one of the quieter girls in Carly's group informed me. 'You can trust me, I've had four cups so far, and I'm not the slightest bit tipsy.' As if to disprove this statement, she swayed ominously and had to grab Tom around the waist to maintain her balance. She giggled again.

  'Okay, thanks for the tip,' I said and smiled at Tom. He shook his head in amusement.

  'Woops!' Penny squealed. She'd let go of Tom, and he now had to grab her to keep her from falling. She was really in a bad way.

  Note to self: Avoid the punch.

  'Let's get you some water,' Tom said. He shrugged apologetically to me, then led Penny towards the kitchen. I was now standing awkwardly alone—social suicide. I hoped no one had noticed. I started walking purposefully while I scanned the crowd for my friends. I hoped that by walking, I would look like I was on my way somewhere.

  I spotted them standing by the food table, grabbing at the remains of the token selection of party food Carly had provided. I guess her parents hadn't left her any money to cater her illicit party.

  'Fiona! I saved you some food,' Jason said as I approached, opening his hand to reveal a palmful of sweaty corn chips. I accepted the warm chips appreciatively, despite their doubtful freshness. Having an older brother who's constantly hungry really makes you appreciate any food offerings.

  'Guys! That's gross!' Brooke hissed, whilst keeping a casual smile plastered to her face. She nodded 'hi' to two girls, who I thought I recognised from the school bus. Oblivious to Brooke's gesture, they continued walking. Brooke glared at Jason and me before resuming her fake smile. She was really on edge about making a good impression.

  A sudden exclamation from Megan and Matt snapped Brooke out of her self-conscious anxiety attack.

  'Unbelievable!' Matt groaned, his dark eyes transfixed on something behind us.

  'No way!' Megan squealed with a mixture of amusement and shock. She was also staring at something behind us.

  Honestly, they looked like five-year-olds who had just spotted an ice cream truck. Whatever it was, it couldn't justify the drool that was dribbling down Matt's shirt. Lara, Brooke, Jason and I turned to check it out.

  Matt and Megan were looking at the same thing, but they clearly weren't seeing the same thing. Across the pool was a group of high school students. I know, not that interesting, considering that this was a high school party, except that two of the girls were dressed in Baywatch swimmers—and they were definitely pulling off 'the look', if you know what I mean. Which explained why Matt had suddenly lost the ability to swallow his own saliva.

  Megan's attention, however, had not been caught by the bright red, high-cut swimsuit that needed a good unpicking from its owner's bum crack. Rather, her excitement was induced by the topless Greek god who was standing next to them, his curly, golden hair glistening in the moonlight.

  It was Shane.

  I groaned. What was that creep doing here? How embarrassing, after everything that had happened this week! It was not too late for damage control, I consoled myself. If I just made sure he didn't notice me…

  Too late. At that moment, Shane's bright blue eyes looked away from the Baywatch babes and straight at me. And it wasn't one of those blank looks where you don't take in what you're looking at, because his square face broke into a smile and he jerked back his head, in that greeting gesture that boys use instead of saying hello.

  I pretended I didn't see him and turned around to face my friends. Now would be a good time for me to make my friends laugh so that I looked popular and unapproachable. Unfortunately, they were all still staring at either Shane or the Baywatch girls.

  'Wow, I think I just died and went to heaven,' Matt said.

  Lara whispered something to Brooke and Megan.

  'No way!' Brooke cried. 'That's the guy that you and Carly are fighting over? He's gorgeous!'

  'We're not fighting over him! He's a loser!' I replied, perhaps a little too shrilly. This was so embarrassing!

  'Oh, yeah, that's right. He stood too close to you when you were washing up. I'm finding it hard to feel sorry for you right now, when I see that body,' Megan said, all the while not taking her eyes off Shane.

  I was seriously disturbed. When did my friends become such pervs? I was starting to blush. I didn't want to answer any more questions about this.

  'Umm … I'm gonna go find the toilet,' I muttered, walking off. I headed back inside through the French doors.

  Suddenly, I heard someone rush up behind me and a hand brushed the small of my back. I spun around to glare at whichever drunken perv was mauling me, only to find myself staring at Shane's smirking face. He put his arm around my shoulders.

  'Steady, you're a bit jumpy tonight,' he said. I shook his arm off me in annoyance, and turned to face him angrily.

  'Would you mind keeping your hands off me?'

  For a brief second, I thought I saw Shane's eyes flash threateningly. A split second later, his smirk had returned.

  'Aw, come on. You know I don't skip class and sneak into other schools to visit just any old girl. You should be flattered.'

  My heart jolted slightly. Had he really come into Canberra High just to visit me? Against my better judgement, I felt flattered. However, I couldn't let him see that. I fixed Shane with my best icy stare. I tried to channel Mrs Stratton.

  'I'm not flattered. I was totally embarrassed. Why don't you visit someone who actually likes you, like Carly?'

  Shane snickered. 'Ha! Carly Taylor? Are you kidding? I wouldn't go near that troublemaker. None of the Grammar School boys will after what happened last year. You're gorgeous. You're the one I want.'

  The surge of excitement I felt on hearing that a guy actually found me desirable was overshadowed by my curiosity. What had happened last year to make the Grammar School boys turn on Carly? I totally agreed with the sentiment that the girl was a manipulative troublemaker, but somehow no one else ever seemed to notice that. It was hard to believe that the Grammar School boys were the only guys in history to have seen Carly for what she truly was. Whatever had happened, it had to have been big. Chris went to the Grammar School last year. Was it possible it had involved him?
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  'What happened last year?' I asked casually without meeting Shane's eyes. I didn't trust myself not to betray just how close I was to falling for Shane's flattery. He stepped in closer towards me. He was totally in my personal space now. Our faces were so close that I could feel his hot breath on my skin. Despite the balmy night air, I felt a shiver go down my spine. I had to unfold my crossed arms to stop his chest brushing against them. Unfortunately, this also removed the barrier between us. Shane quickly took advantage of this and leaned in closer so that our chests were touching. He put his mouth next to my ear.

  'Let me take you out,' he whispered distractingly. I forced myself to focus and ignore the energy that seemed to bounce between us.

  'Give me one good reason why you want to go out with me.' I glared up into his face. His bright blue eyes stared back at me and he smiled triumphantly, causing his chiselled jaw to be even more defined. He was so attractive. It was unfair. He reached down for my hand, which was hanging by my side. At his touch, I felt electricity jolt up and down my arm.

  'Do I even have to say it?' he replied cockily. 'Because we've got something, and you know it.'

  Ugh. I swallowed nervously. I couldn't deny that I felt attracted to him, much as I disliked him. I was speechless. He clasped my other hand. I couldn't drag my eyes from his face. Now my instincts were really screaming out that I was in trouble.

  'God, you're attractive,' he whispered. He leaned his face a little closer. His nose was now almost touching mine. I started to panic. Was he about to go in for a kiss? Was that his eyes shutting in preparation? Freaking out, I turned my face to the side, so that if he went for the kill, he'd have to plant one on my cheek instead.

  Unfortunately, what I saw when I turned my head to the side had me even more panicked than the thought of Shane puckering up. Hannah was striding angrily towards us. Walking purposefully next to her was Georgia, another crony of Carly and Hannah. Georgia was unique in Carly's group. Instead of being a perky blonde clone like all the others, Georgia went for a more edgy look—short, pink, punky hair, and piercings. Lots of them. She looked fierce and had a personality to match. Whilst most of the girls in Carly's group weren't exactly nice, for popularity's sake they at least faked it half the time. Georgia, on the other hand, was never nice. She was mean, and she was mean to your face. I wasn't sure which approach I preferred.

  'Shaaane,' cooed Hannah as she reached Shane and me, immediately causing the moment between us to evaporate. She stroked his back. 'How are you, sweetie?'

  Georgia stood behind Hannah, arms crossed, her heavily made-up eyes glaring at me.

  'Actually we were in the middle of a conversation,' Shane replied coldly. 'Would you mind?'

  'Sorry, hon, but I just need to bother your friend for a second. It's really important.' Hannah punctuated the word 'friend' by flicking her eyes towards me for a momentary glare. Her sarcastic tone warned me that Carly's gang were displeased with my presumption to think that I was cool enough to talk to Shane.

  'We'll just borrow her for a second, hon, and then we'll send her right back,' Georgia said as she grabbed me roughly by the arm and pulled me away from Shane.

  Shane rolled his eyes and shook his head in annoyance.

  'Whatever. Come see me later, Fiona.' He casually blew a kiss at me as he walked away from us, back outside. Georgia's grip on my arm tightened.

  Normally, I would never let myself be manhandled by the likes of Georgia and Hannah, but tonight I was almost thankful for their intrusion. Shane's advances had me flustered. I wasn't about to let them realise that though.

  I snatched my arm out of Georgia's grip.

  'Okay, what's so important that you feel the need to grope me?' I asked angrily.

  'Fiona, sweetie…' For the first time since I'd known her, Hannah used her fake-nice, cooing voice on me.

  'Shane's hot. We know that. No one blames you for wanting him, but believe us when we say he's not a nice guy. You should stay away from him.'

  Staying away from Shane was exactly what I intended. One advantage of always messing with ghosts is that I could smell trouble a mile off. And Shane was trouble. Still, that didn't mean I wasn't going to enjoy letting Carly sweat for a bit.

  'Oh yeah? How would you know?'

  'You don't need to trust our word. We can show you,' Georgia said.

  'Let's just say we have something that, once you see it, you'll know exactly why you should stay away from Shane,' Hannah added in a knowing voice. 'Come with us.'

  My curiosity was aroused.

  I allowed Georgia and Hannah to lead me upstairs. We walked past the main bedroom, then Hannah showed me into what looked like Carly's room, judging by the large glamour shots of her on the walls. I suppressed a snort.

  Hannah motioned towards the wicker clothes basket in the far corner of the room.

  'You'll know what we're talking about when you look inside the clothes basket,' Hannah explained.

  'The clothes basket. Right,' I responded incredulously. 'You realise that you guys are a little weird?'

  I walked over to the clothes basket and tentatively lifted the lid. Nothing special. On the top layer of clothes was a dirty t-shirt. I picked it up gingerly (who knows where Carly had been?) and turned to Hannah and Georgia, who were still standing in the doorway.

  Before I could ask what was going on, Hannah and Georgia leapt out of the room, slammed the door, and turned the key, leaving me locked inside.

  'Stay away from Shane!' Hannah yelled through the door.

Sandra Thompson's Novels