Page 12 of Bad Penny

  “He’s the douchiest douche to ever douche, Pen. He is so into himself, and his jokes are fucking terrible. It doesn’t even matter that he’s hot and muscly.”

  “What? That’s basically all that matters,” I said. “Just tell him not to talk when he goes down on you, and you guys will be fine.”

  Ramona cackled and took a sip of champagne.

  “I don’t want to sleep with somebody I don’t like,” Veronica stated plainly as if I couldn’t get her drift.

  I shrugged. “Beggars can’t be choosers, Ronnie.”

  She wrinkled her nose at me. “Anyway, we’re not talking about me. We’re talking about you. Just ask Bodie.”

  I wrinkled my nose back at her. “That’s so much pressure. I mean, I can barely admit that we went on one pseudodate and you want me to ask him to a wedding? I don’t even know if we could have dinner alone without me climbing out the bathroom window.”

  Ramona considered that. “I mean, a wedding is almost safer. You don’t even have to be alone. He already knows Joel, Shep, and Annika. And us. It’ll be fun, just like last night.”

  My face was still all pinched up.

  Veronica smiled and cocked an eyebrow. “Just think of the after-wedding sex. You’ll both be all dressed up. So many clothes to take off.”

  I bobbed my head in consideration. “Okay, now you’re speaking my language.”

  “There will be dancing and drinking and eating,” she added. “Bodie in a suit — just think about that. Those broad shoulders, his thick neck in that tie. Maybe he’ll tie you up with it after.”

  I bit my bottom lip, imagining it. “Mmm,” I hummed.

  “It won’t be a big deal,” Veronica said.

  And like the dumbass I was, I believed her.

  “Okay, I’ll do it.”

  They cheered, and we giggled and jumped up and down, careful of our champagne, which was what I blamed the giggle-bouncing on.

  “Text him!” Ramona begged.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not texting him to ask him to a wedding. I’ll ask him tonight.”

  “What’s tonight?” Veronica asked before taking a sip of her drink.

  “Nothing, yet.” I turned to the velvet chair where we’d set our purses and dug through mine for my phone.

  “Did you see that lingerie shop across the street?” Ramona dropped the question like she was sneaky or something.

  “Of course I did. Why? Think I should get a little something?”

  She shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt.”

  I champagne-giggled some more and texted Bodie.

  Busy tonight? I’ve got a little surprise for you.

  He started typing before I even set my phone down, and I tried to pretend like that didn’t make my heart skydive in my chest.

  I’m free, and I’ve got news about the video game. Want to celebrate?

  I shot off an answer as quick as I could. Yes, please. My apartment okay? We’ll have the place to ourselves.

  I’ll be there. Text me when you’re home.

  I will.
  I grinned. “He’s in. Or he’s not in yet, but he’s about to be so in. All the way in.”

  Veronica laughed. “Yeah, yeah. We get it.”

  And just like that, I’d talked myself into asking Bodie to a wedding.

  Heart ninja. I was helpless to fight him. He was just too sneaky.

  * * *


  I bolted out the door the second I got the text that Penny was home, barely waving goodbye to my brother and Phil. Her name cycled through my brain with every footfall.

  I had news — big news — and there was only one person in the world I found myself wanting to tell.


  I should have been scared out of my mind at the fact that she’d already become the person I told everything, especially since we’d been dancing around what we meant to each other for two weeks. But I wasn’t. I was too happy to be afraid, which was so beyond stupid that I thought I might have made it back around to smart again.

  My heart banged from taking her stairs two at a time. Seconds after knocking, the door swung open, and there she was.

  Just when I thought my heart couldn’t beat any harder, it proved me wrong.

  She stood there in the doorway in nothing but lingerie.

  No, I couldn’t even call it lingerie. It was like an elaborate necklace; from the collar hung dozens of silver chains that flowed around her naked breasts and torso, swaying with every breath, connected to a ring a few inches below her belly button. More chains hung down from there, draping over the perfect curve of her hips and upper thighs, and from the center of the ring was a chain tassel that brushed against her piercing.

  Something about the swing and shine of it, the peekaboo of the tattoos covering her milky-white skin, the way the chains moved on either side of her breasts, her nipples pink and taut, framed by barbells — all of it overloaded my senses, and I found myself standing stupidly in the hallway, staring in wonder.

  She laughed and reached out just enough to grab my shirt to pull me into the apartment, closing the door behind me.

  I palmed her breast as she stepped into me, and I finally got a good look at the rest of her. Her hair was a brighter purple than it had been yesterday, and her lips were blood red and smiling at me. She wore a headband of some sort, but it ran across her forehead with hundreds of tiny chains hanging down, shielding her eyes just enough to drive me crazy.

  “You like it?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  All I could do was nod and kiss her.

  God, she felt so good pressed up against me, her bare ass in my hands, her tongue against mine as I tasted her like it was the first time.

  She broke away and smiled, taking my hand before turning for her bedroom.

  The back of the contraption she had on was almost bare with another ring just over her ass where another little tassel swung with the sway of her hips, and more draping chains followed the curve of her backside.

  “Where the fuck did you get this thing?” I breathed in appreciation.

  She shot me a smile over her shoulder. “The store.”

  I shook my head as we stepped into her room. “I need to check out the stores where you shop.”

  She laughed at that and closed the door. The lights were low, just a few small lamps to bathe the room in a golden light, and her portable speaker played a slow, sexy sort of electronic music. Her hips moved to the beat just a little, sending the chains swinging and my cock straining.

  I pulled off my shirt and dropped it by the door, kicking off my shoes as she closed her eyes, her body moving in a wave to the music like I wasn’t in the room. I took the hint, dropping my pants and stepping out of them before moving in her direction.

  She didn’t want me to stop her — she would have looked at me if she had — so I climbed onto her bed and sat propped up against the pillows, watching her.

  With every roll of her hips, my pulse ticked faster, and my eyes drank her in — her hair, her shrouded eyes, the light catching the metal hanging on her. Her lily-white hands moved down her body and across her breasts, her fingers grazing her nipples.

  I gripped my cock — it was so hard it hurt — stroking myself to ease the ache, wishing it were her around me, but I wouldn’t have stopped her if you’d paid me.

  She spun around, sending the chains arching around her, her hips still shifting, her torso rolling, just like it did when she rode me. Her lips parted as she looked down, her neck and shoulders rocking opposite her hips, and when her hands moved down her body and between her legs, when her long white finger disappeared into herself, my cock throbbed in my fist.

  I moaned a curse, and she looked up at me, slivers of her eyes burning hot through the curtain of chains, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I moved to the end of the bed, rising up onto my knees to tower over her, slipping my hand into her silvery-purple hair so I could kiss her. Her mouth opened up, and her tongue slid past
my lips as mine did the same, teasing each other. My hands were in her hair, our mouths open wide, our breath coming heavy, our bodies determined to find release, so determined that we were barely in control.

  But I was never really in control. Not when it came to Penny.

  She took my cock with both hands and pumped, and I groaned into her mouth, which did nothing but spur her on.

  My control slipped even further away. I flexed into her fists, fucking her hands with my cock, fucking her mouth with my tongue. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted more, and I always would. Anytime I said different, I was a fucking liar.

  When I broke away, I sat on the end of the bed, setting my feet on the ground. I looked up at her, mesmerized by the shadows across her face as she looked down at me, her hands cupping my jaw.

  She started dancing again.

  Penny let me go and turned around — her ass was just under eye-level with that tassel swinging over places where I wanted my face. But before I could grab her and do just that, she rolled her hips in a figure eight and lowered her body until her ass was cradling my cock.

  Up and down she went, stroking me with her body. My hands were on her hips, squeezing, but she didn’t need me to guide her. She looked back over her shoulder and raised her hips, stopping when the tip of me rested against the center of her. And I wouldn’t wait any longer, wouldn’t be teased for another second — with a flex of my hips and a shift of my hands, I pulled her down onto me until I was so deep inside her, I never wanted to leave.

  She sighed my name as I gently pushed her away by the hips to lift her, then pulled her down again, grinding against her every time I hit the end.

  “Lie back,” she breathed.

  And I did with an aching chest and a racing pulse and the length of me buried in her.

  Without separating us, she rolled her hips a few times, her hands on my knees, and I watched my cock disappear and reappear in the heat of her from the best possible angle, every part of her exposed and open and full of me.

  She climbed backward onto the bed in a feat of skill, first one knee coming to rest outside of my matching thigh and then the other, leaving her straddling me with her feet tucked into my ribs and her ass in my hands.

  Her body moved, needing no help from me as she rose and fell, and I was so focused on every inch of her that a nuclear bomb could have detonated and I’d never know — I’d have died a happy man. I cupped her ass low, so low that my thumbs grazed my cock with every up and down of her body until they were slick from her. And then I spread her open and ran my thumb around the rim of her tight ass. It clenched under my touch as I circled, and she sucked in a breath.

  “Do it,” she said, voice rough as she dropped down.

  I smiled and pressed.

  The warmth of her, the tightness of her around me in more than one place was almost too much. It was too much for her, her body working faster. Every moan and sigh out of her said she was close. And she wasn’t alone.

  One of her hands slid between my thighs, cupping my aching balls, and my eyes rolled back when her fingertips against the space just behind them.

  My hand squeezed involuntarily, pressing my thumb deeper inside of her, and she gasped. The sound sent a shock through me, and my cock pulsed inside her.

  “Fuck, Penny,” I growled.

  Her body moved faster, harder, her skin smacking against mine with every motion. “Say my name again,” she breathed.

  “Come on, Penny,” I said, the words gruff and hard. My abs burned as I watched the lips of her pussy swallow me. “Come for me, Penny.”

  “Oh God. Fuck,” she cried, her voice breaking as her body clenched around me like it wanted to keep me still.

  But I knew better.

  I sucked in a breath through my nose, pounding into her as I pulled her down onto me with a slap and a jolt. And when I came, it was with her name on my lips, her flesh in my hands, her body throbbing around me like a song I never wanted to end.

  I lay back hard as our bodies slowed, our hips still connected, and I rocked her against me, savoring the feeling for a minute longer as we tried to catch our breaths unsuccessfully. My abs were on fire. So was the rest of me.

  After a moment, she sighed and lifted herself off of me before stretching out with her back to the door, looking sated, smiling at me.

  I ran my clean thumb across her bottom lip. “How come this never comes off?”

  “I use a special lipstick that doesn’t smudge if I think I might have a dick in my mouth.”

  I laughed. “Prepared for anything.”

  “A girl’s gotta be.”

  I kissed her nose. “Be right back.”

  I climbed off the bed and made my way to her bathroom, unable to keep the smile off my face. It was the third time we’d gone bareback, having had the whole birth control/clean conversation after she practically begged me to fuck her bare. It’d been years since she had sex without a condom, and though I never asked, I wondered how it was possible that she hadn’t been with anyone long enough to get to this point.

  The thought made me feel like a king and a caretaker. It was a gift I had no intention of squandering. It showed her trust, told me she was letting me into more than her body.

  I cleaned myself up and grabbed a washcloth for her, running it under the warm water before heading back to her bedroom. But I stopped mid stride at the sight of her.

  She lay curled on her side with her back to me, purple hair spilling over the bed in waves, her head on her bicep as she toyed with her hair. My eyes followed the curve of her tattooed waist and hips, coming to rest at the center of her. My gaze hung on the silvery rivulets that streamed out of her, what I’d left inside her.

  I was instantly ready to fuck her again. Needed to fuck her again. Wanted to fill her up with me, every part of me.

  My eyes were still locked between her legs as I approached the bed and sat next to her, folding the washcloth before running it up the length of her, cleaning her tenderly, both hands fully occupied.

  I never did anything halfway.

  She sighed and rolled over onto her back, the chains flowing around her breasts and the curves of her stomach and hips, and I shifted until her legs were open and slung over my thighs. I kept cleaning, and she smiled up at me.

  “Tell me your news,” she said, her voice a little rough.

  “We got a pitch meeting for the game.” I was smiling, grinning even.

  Penny popped up onto her elbows. “Oh my God! Bodie, that’s … that’s amazing! When?”

  “Two weeks,” I said as I went back to work on her pussy, which was as clean as it was going to get. I just didn’t want to stop touching it. “There’s a lot to do, so I might be busy until it’s finished.”

  She frowned a little at that, spreading her legs wider. “Well, just don’t forget about me.”

  I laughed. “That’s funny, Pen.”

  Her frown disappeared, turning into a smile as she watched my hands. “God, I’m so happy for you. You gave up everything to follow your dreams. I’d never be brave enough to take a risk like that. It’s impressive. You impress me.”

  “The feeling is entirely mutual, believe me.”

  She smiled, lying back with a sigh. “Tell me more about the game.”

  “Well, there’s a madame of a pleasure ship, Gemma.”

  “Oh, I love this already.”

  I smirked. “She’s a smuggler, and so are her girls.”


  “Then there’s Nate— he’s the airship pirate and a smuggler too. They go on this treasure hunt together and have to team up — he has the map, and she has the key. Of course, the bad guy is after them with an army of goons called Ravens. Basically, they wear these leather masks they wear with beaks and top hats.”

  “Ugh, that is so cool,” she said as I ran the cloth over her piercing softly. “I want to draw all the things — airships and girls in leather with knives and pistols and chakrams. What color is her hair?”

/>   “Fire-engine red.”

  “A woman after my own heart.”

  I smiled. “So, how was the dress fitting?”

  “Good. Everything was perfect, and we went home with dresses. Ramona cried, which made me and Ronnie cry. I blame the champagne though.”

  I chuckled and ran the cloth over her.

  “So, I wanted to ask you something,” she started, seeming nervous.

  I kept my eyes on my task, hoping it would give her room to say what she needed to say. “Ask away.”

  “Well,” she flexed her thighs, bringing her hips closer to me, “Ramona put me down for a plus-one, but I don’t have a plus-one.”

  I tossed the washcloth toward her closet where her hamper was, trying not to smile. “Oh?” My focus was on my hands as I rested them on either side of her hood and ran my thumbs up and down the line of her center, soaking them.

  “Mmhmm,” she buzzed with her lip between her teeth and eyes on my hands. “Wanna go?”

  My heart leaped. This was beyond a date. This was a wedding.

  This was big.

  I stroked her, opening her up, pressing against the warm pink hole that led to Shangri-la. “Sure,” I said simply, hoping I sounded cool. Because inside, I wasn’t cool at all. Inside, I was fist-pumping and whooping and jumping around like a maniac.

  She smiled and sighed again as I ran my thumbs up to her piercing, slicking it, rubbing it, teasing it. I didn’t want to say anything else about the wedding. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to pretend like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “Good,” was the last thing she said, a soft sound that left her lips on a breath as I worked her body with my thumbs.

  Instead of speaking, I decided to use my tongue for other things.

  I hinged at the waist and kissed her piercing with an open mouth and a sweep of my tongue, but she was a little too close for it to be comfortable, so I hooked her thighs over my shoulders, gripped her waist, and sat up, taking her with me.

  Her shoulders were still on the bed, and her hands wrapped around my legs, nails digging into my skin as she gasped with surprise, then pleasure.

  I buried my face in her, running my tongue up the hot slit I’d been touching. The metallic tang of what I’d left inside her sent a jolt through me, and I delved deeper into her, looking for more.