Rome, on which the countenance of our Saviour was supposed to

  have been imprest.

  v. 101. Him.] St. Bernard.

  v. 108. The queen.] The Virgin Mary.

  v. 119. Oriflamb.] Menage on this word quotes the Roman des


  -Iignages of Guillaume Ghyart.

  Oriflamme est une banniere

  De cendal roujoyant et simple

  Sans portraiture d'autre affaire,


  v. 3. She.] Eve.

  v. 8. Ancestress.] Ruth, the ancestress of David.

  v. 60. In holy scripture.] Gen. c. xxv. 22.

  v. 123. Lucia.] See Hell, Canto II. 97.


  v. 63. The Sybil's sentence.] Virg. Aen. iii. 445.

  v. 89. One moment.] "A moment seems to me more tedious, than

  five-and-twenty ages would have appeared to the Argonauts, when

  they had resolved on their expedition.

  v. 92. Argo's shadow]

  Quae simul ac rostro ventosnm proscidit aequor,

  Tortaque remigio spumis incanduit unda,

  Emersere feri candenti e gurgite vultus

  Aequoreae monstrum Nereides admirantes.

  Catullus, De Nupt. Pel. et Thet. 15.

  v. 109. Three orbs of triple hue, clipt in one bound.] The


  v. 118. That circling.] The second of the circles, "Light of

  Light," in which he dimly beheld the mystery of the incarnation.

  End of Project Gutenberg's Etext The Divine Comedy of Dante: Paradise

  as translanted by H. F. Cary



  Dante Alighieri, The Vision of Dante Alighiere or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise

  (Series: # )




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