She drew a design in the sand with her toe, and then looked up. “Like dropping a bomb on the home of a terrorist? I know you don’t do that, but you mean the same thing, right? Like beating up Josh?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “That’s okay. I trust you’ll always do what you believe is right.”

  I took her hand in mine, and we continued walking along the beach.

  “I’ve lived a fairly promiscuous life,” I said.

  “Are you planning on continuing?”

  “No, I am not.”

  “I guess you could just look at it as experience then, huh?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Anything else?” she asked.

  I squeezed her hand. “I don’t know how to do this.”

  “Do what?”

  “Be with someone.”

  Trailing behind me slightly, she tugged on my hand. I paused and turned to face her. She reached for my free hand, and then looked me in the eyes.

  “All you have to do to be with me, is exist,” she said. “It’s that simple.”

  It sounded easy enough. “I think I can do that.”

  “Be with me, then.”

  “I’m afraid I already am.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Shirtless, he stood in front of me. The chiseled structure of his perfectly sculpted body would have commanded anyone’s attention, but my focus was on his eyes. The green specks around the iris gave perfect contrast to the golden-brown centers. Peering into them provided me a keen sense of comfort, and at that moment, I needed it.

  He lifted my shirt over my head. My heart thrashed in response. As the garment fell at my feet, my breathing all but stopped.

  He reached around me and unclasped my bra. The tips of his fingers gently traced the outline of my shoulders as he brushed the straps over my arms. My eyes fell closed momentarily. I heard myself inhale a quivering breath.

  With one hand cupping my breast, he lightly pressed the tip of his index finger against my lips. My mind fumbled with where to place my hands. I had so many options, all of which I’d held in reserve, yet they dangled at my sides like heavy weights.

  It was the most sensual moment that I had ever experienced, and I was on the cusp of making a fool of myself. Certain that revealing my lack of experience would lead to the demise of our sexual relationship, I did the first thing that came to mind.

  I flattened my palms and pressed them against his chest.

  I had no idea what to expect, but what I received caused me to grin a giddy smile. His taught muscles invited me to explore every inch of him with the tips of my fingers. Ever so slowly, I draped my hands down the length of his torso, savoring the rippled structure of his abdomen.

  His jeans put a temporary stop to my pleasures, preventing me from further exploration. Desperately wanting to proceed, but uncertain of how to do so, I opened my eyes.

  He was looking right at me. One hand cupped my breast while the other rested along my waist. His mouth held a content smile.

  My desires throbbed between my legs with every beat of my heart.

  At the foot of his bed, naked from the waist up, we stood with our eyes locked on each other. Somehow, despite our combined desires, we’d reached an impasse.

  I waited.

  His thumb brushed against my nipple. A tingling ran through me, causing me to shiver. As if he sensed my satisfaction, he did it again. While I relished in the pleasure of his touch, his other hand slid from my waist, along my lower back, and came to a stop in the back pocket of my jeans.

  My eyes fell closed.

  Using my butt cheek as leverage, he pulled me into him and kissed me deeply.

  Dear God.

  I ached for him. My mind was reeling. He wedged his thigh between my legs. The tingling started again.

  I couldn’t take it any longer.

  I reached for his belt. With our tongues intertwined and our naked chests pressed to one another, I pulled against the leather strap and reached for the buckle. After what seemed to be an eternity of my bumble-fingered fumbling, it finally came free.

  Frantically, I shoved my hand deep into his pants.

  Holy cow.

  Fascinated at the feeling of having his cock in my hand, I stroked the length of his shaft anxiously.

  Our lips parted, and he leaned away from me.

  With his eyes fixed on mine, he pushed his jeans along his thighs and then to the floor. After adding his boxer shorts to the pile of clothes at our side, he stood before me completely naked.

  I looked him up and down. The muscles of his tattooed biceps were tense and bulging. His wide chest paid perfect complement to his narrow torso. The scars on his hands gave hint to his protective nature, and he stubble that had grown since he last shaved gave him enough edge to create pause.

  But. It was what he had on the inside that had drawn me so closely to him.

  In short, he was my perfect man.

  There was one thing I was versed on, and although it wasn’t all I had to offer, it was what I was comfortable giving him at that moment.

  I desperately wanted to please him. I lowered myself to my knees and looked up. “I want you in my mouth.”

  “You don’t have to--”


  A slight sigh escaped him.

  He took a step forward.

  I licked my lips, opened my mouth, and ached in anticipation.

  He guided himself toward my lips. I flicked the tip of my tongue against the precum that glistened from the tip of his cock. Fueled by the slightly bitter taste, I eagerly took him into my mouth.

  I slid my lips up and down his thick shaft, taking more of him with each stroke of my mouth. With his scrotum cupped in my hand, I sucked excitedly, eventually accepting him into my throat fully.

  I looked up, hoping to see satisfaction in his eyes. His head was tilted back and his eyes were fixed on the ceiling.

  I reached behind him, gripped his bare butt in my hands, and forced what little of him that remained past my willing lips.

  He drew an uneven breath and then met the gaze of my watering eyes.

  “Jesus,” he breathed.

  He reached for my head and pulled himself from my mouth.

  My heart sank. “You didn’t like it?”

  “I can’t fucking stand it,” he said. “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

  “You liked it?”

  He guided me to my feet. “Loved it.”

  I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand and looked at him wantonly, hoping that he’d somehow justify continuing our sexual adventure. I’d waited a lifetime for what I was poised to share, and I was afraid I could wait no longer.

  I felt if he’d give himself to me, that we’d connect on a level that secured my presence in his life, and in his being.

  A magical existence known only to those who truly belonged in each other’s lives. A feeling so difficult to define, that any combination of words would fall short of an accurate description. These were the things I was certain we would share afterward.

  He lifted me from my feet and turned toward the bed. I sucked in a breath. He must have anticipated my desires, but it came as no real surprise. At times, it seemed he could read my thoughts.

  I hoped this was one of those times.

  I’m giving myself to you because I trust you.

  Be careful with me, please.

  You’re my first.

  Chapter Thirty


  She lifted her head from the pillow and fixed her blue eyes on mine. Filled with nervous anticipation, I proceeded cautiously, fearing I’d make a grave mistake. I wanted everything to be different than it had in the past. I desired perfection, but my previous exploits had been far from it, leaving me with little hope of a completely faultless approach.

  I pulled her jeans down along her legs and past her feet. Her eyes gave warning of her concern, but I didn’t share the perception she had
of herself. I saw her as innocent, kind, and beautiful.

  I slid my fingers beneath her panties, pausing with my hands at the taught skin that covered her hip bones. As I pressed the tips of my thumbs against the sensitive flesh in the depression of her hips, she inhaled a sharp breath.

  The back of her head fell onto the pillow.

  I hooked my index fingers underneath the delicate fabric. After receiving no objection, I tugged gently, bringing the red lace with me as my hands slid the length of her thighs.

  I dropped the panties beside the bed, and then inched my way between her legs, until my face was hovering over her waist.

  She lifted her head and met my gaze.

  “Spread your legs,” I breathed. “I want to taste you.”

  “Oh God,” she muttered.

  Her pleasure was my only concern. I buried my face between her legs, licked her precious pussy from bottom to top, and then flicked the tip of my tongue against her swollen clit.

  She pulled the pillow from beneath her head and covered her face.

  I looked up. “You like that, do you?”

  An almost inaudible uh huh came from beneath the pillow.

  “That’s good,” I said. “So do I.”

  I continued licking her in the same fashion, from the bottom to the top, circling her clit for some time before beginning the process again. Her hips writhed in response, rising against my face until the pleasure was more than she could bear.

  Ten minutes later, she tossed the pillow across the room.

  With my tongue resting against her clit, I raised my head. “Is there a problem?”

  She lifted her shoulders from the bed and looked at me. Her eyes were wide and her breathing was irregular. “I think I’m going to die.”

  “I want you to come first. Then you can die.”

  “I think I did,” she muttered. “Maybe like a hundred times.”

  “If I didn’t make you scream, it doesn’t count. You’ve got to scream when you come.”

  “You want me to scream?”

  “If it feels good, yeah.”

  “It feels really good.”

  I slid my hands underneath her ass cheeks, lifted her toward my mouth, and grinned.

  The thought of her reaching orgasm from my tongue lifted me to a heightened state of arousal. I pressed my mouth hard against her mound, then buried my tongue deep inside her wetness. Her scent filled my nostrils, fueling me to bring her as much pleasure as I was able.

  I slid a finger inside her, and then worked it in and out of her folds as I sucked her clit with precision. Her moans of pleasure soon filled the room.

  I added another finger, sending her into a frenzy. Her hips bucked wildly, forcing her pussy against my face with each thrust.

  My tongue danced around her swollen nub while I fingered her tight slit. She buried her fingers in my hair, and then gripped my head firmly. Her moaning became more pronounced. Then, her legs began to shake.

  “Holy cow,” she gasped. “It’s…”

  In and out my fingers slid. I rolled her clit between my tongue and upper lip, hoping to bring her into a climactic state she’d never known.

  I wanted her to want me as strongly as I wanted her, and I was sure if I could give her a heightened state of pleasure, my chances of reaching that goal were realistic.




  Her hips pressed against my face, held their position for an instant, and then dropped onto the mattress.

  She released my head, released a shuddering breath, and then her every muscle relaxed. I lifted my head and looked at her.

  “You weren’t very vocal,” I said. “Was it that bad?”

  She lifted her head ever so slightly and then cocked a playful eyebrow. “Seriously?”

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Loved. It.”

  “Your pussy tastes like honey.”

  “Stop it.”

  “It does.”

  “I’m uhhm. I’m glad you like it.”

  I sat up, gripped my rigid cock in my hand, and grinned. “What do you think we should do with this?”

  “I uhhm. I know what I’d like to do with it,” she said.

  “Tell me.”

  “I want to feel you inside of me.”

  “I think we can arrange that.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Although I’d masturbated myself into somewhat of a frenzy on various occasions, I’d just experienced my first real orgasm. I had no idea if Percy licking my pussy was a one-time thing, or if was something he truly enjoyed, but I hoped like hell we could both experience it again in the future.

  Filled with apprehension, I watched as he positioned himself between my legs. He lowered his chest to mine and kissed my neck.

  I scrunched my shoulder against his face and giggled. “Oh, my God. That tickles so bad.”


  He kissed me again. And, again. He kissed my chin. My cheek. He gave me a light peck on the lips, then lifted his head and looked into my eyes.

  “I want this to be special.”

  Believe me, it will be.

  “You’re special to me,” I said. “So, it can’t help but be special.”

  “You’re pretty fucking special to me, too.”

  I liked it that he tossed random cuss words into sentences where they didn’t necessarily belong. I often wondered if realized to what degree he did it, or if they simply slipped out without notice.

  “I like it when you cuss. It’s sexy.”

  His brow wrinkled. “Who’s cussing?”

  I shrugged. “Never mind.”

  “Dirty talk?” His voice had the enthusiasm of a lottery winner. “You like dirty talk?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose.”

  “We’ll save that for some other time,” he said. “Not tonight.”


  He swept my hair away from my face and kissed me. As our mouths parted, he bit into my lower lip.

  It frightened me at first.

  And then, I felt my pussy throb.

  Do it again.

  He kissed me softly.

  “Uhhm. Bite my lip again?”

  He grinned.

  A series of kisses followed. Some were slight, while others were more aggressive. Mixed amidst them were playful bites to my upper and lower lips.

  When he stopped, I could feel my heart beating between my legs. I was drenched.

  He reached between my legs.

  “You’re soaked.”

  A sigh shot from my lungs. “Tell me about it.”

  He arched his back, reached between his legs, and gripped himself in his right hand. The moment had arrived.

  He rubbed the tip of his dick against the length of my wetness.

  I let out my breath, and my eyes fell closed.

  I felt slight pressure against my lower lips, and my eyes opened.

  As he began to penetrate me, I sank my teeth into my lower lip. I was scared, excited, and hopeful all at the same time.

  He pushed a little more.

  I gasped.

  And, a little more. I exhaled, and forced a smile. It wasn’t what I expected, at least not yet. It was painful, and I wondered if it was always going to be that way.

  He continued, exercising care and caution. About the time I was going to ask him to stop, he did so on his own.

  He looked right at me and raised both eyebrows. “Jesus. Your pussy is tight as fuck. My God.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  He coughed out a laugh. “Fuck. I love it.”

  He retracted his hips, and withdrew himself from me slowly. I exhaled a sigh of relief, and then took another quick breath when he began to push himself inside me again.

  It came a little easier that time. Even so, it was uncomfortable, and the pressure was intense. I felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out, and I couldn’t help but wonder wha
t all the hype was about.

  Deep within me, he paused.

  He moved his hands to my boobs. He pinched each of my nipples between his thumb and forefinger. As he twisted them lightly, he kneaded my breasts in his hands.

  I closed my eyes and exhaled heavily.

  Somehow, I must have relaxed. Either that, or something changed drastically.

  During the mind-blowing nipple torture exercise, he withdrew once more, and then pushed himself right back in.

  It felt heavenly.

  Then, he did it again.

  Oh. My. God.

  I lifted my shoulders from the bed. I needed to see it.

  I craned my neck and gazed between my legs. His entire length slid from within me, paused, and then disappeared deep inside.

  I watched it twice, and then I couldn’t watch any more.

  He pulled back his hips, and reached for his glistening dick. He rubbed the head of it against my clit feverishly. “You like watching me fuck you?”

  My body trembled. I responded the best I was able. “Uh huh.”

  He glanced between my legs. “Me too.”

  “This feels…”

  He pushed himself into me, taking my breath and my ability to speak at the same time.

  “Your tight little pussy is going to be the death of me.”

  His pace increased slightly, taking me to a place where words were no longer able to be used. My mind was a jumbled mess of sexual acts and sensual thoughts. He was fucking his way into my heart, I was sure of it. I could feel it.

  With his fingers still on my nipples, my boobs clenched in his palms, and his dick deep inside of me, he leaned forward and lowered his face to mine.

  The small change in dynamics caused the base of his dick to rub against my clit with each in stroke.

  He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me deeply. It was the last straw. The tension that had been building inside of me quickly came to a head.

  I felt myself clench his shaft from deep within. Then, I began to tingle from head to toe. I closed my eyes and then opened them.

  I pulled my lips from his. “Am I supposed to…scream?”

  He arched his back and nodded his head. His breathing became labored. He continued his pace. With each stroke, I felt like I was going to explode. Or implode. I had no idea, but I liked it.