“That about wraps it up, Brothers and Sisters,” Bama said. “We’ll be taking donations up until 5:00. If you’d like to...”

  Someone shouted from the rear of the crowd.

  Another joined in.

  And then, another.

  Over the sound of Bama talking, I couldn’t tell what they were saying. He lowered the mic and paused. Then, the crowd’s chants became clear.

  “Snake! Snake! Snake! Snake!”

  Some raised their fists. Others soon followed.

  Within a matter of minutes, the entire crowd held their fists high.

  “Snake! Snake! Snake!”

  My heart swelled with pride.

  I tilted my head to toward the sky, closed my eyes, and exhaled.

  Hear that, dad?

  That’s something you’ve earned.


  Chapter Forty


  My brother’s betrayal didn’t bring me to tears. Cutting off my toes and losing a potential professional baseball career didn’t either. In fact, nothing had since I was about ten.

  Joey’s speech and the crowd chanting welled my eyes with tears, though. I somehow managed to keep them from rolling down my cheeks, but that didn’t lessen my emotion. On that afternoon, I learned to respect her with a greater degree of admiration.

  She wasn’t a strong woman.

  She was simply strong.

  I believed I trusted Joey prior to the poker run. After it was over, I had no doubt.

  I stepped from the bathroom into the bedroom. Dressed in shorts and a loose-fitting tee, Joey was sprawled out on the bed with her arms spread wide. Upon hearing me, she tilted her head toward me. “I’m exhausted.”

  I sat on the corner of the bed. “Makes two of us.”

  “Can we go to bed early?”

  “As soon as we’re done talking.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. Just have something I want to tell you.”

  “But it’s not bad, right?”

  “Depends on how you want to perceive it, I suppose.”


  “I haven’t told this story to anyone. Not Smokey, Crip, nobody. You’ll be the first.”

  She sat up. “I’ll keep it a secret.”

  I knew she would, that’s the only reason I could tell her. I clenched my fist and held it over the center of the bed.

  She pounded it.

  I gazed down at the floor and began. “When I was fourteen, I had a girlfriend. We were both freshman. We saw each during my freshman year and sophomore year whenever we could. We were young, and I couldn’t drive yet, but we were as close to inseparable as we could be. Had big plans, too. We were going to get married and have a house full of kids. My junior year, I started driving. We went everywhere together. Our plans grew bigger. I was going to be in the major leagues, and we were going to live in a house that looked over the ocean in the off season.”

  I drew a long breath, held it for a moment, and then exhaled. “Then, the accident happened. She never said anything, but something changed. I could sense it. we stopped seeing each other every day, and the next thing I knew, we weren’t going out on the weekends. She claimed she loved me, but I didn’t see it. I trusted her, so I figured I’d give it time.”

  I glanced at Joey. Her hands were covering her mouth and her eyes were puffy. She must have heard the emotion in the tone of my voice. Telling her wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. I pursed my lips and raised my index finger.

  She gave a nod. “Go ahead.”

  “It went on through my senior year, and never really got any better. We saw each other several times a week, and we said we loved each other, but I felt like it was one-sided. I blamed it on the accident, and told myself it’d get better. By the time I was a senior, I was the only one left at home. My three brothers were all in the military. It got a little better after school ended, but it was never the way it was before. One thing that always troubled me was that when my brother was home, she seemed to be unavailable.”

  I looked at her. “And he came home every chance he got.”

  She reached for my hand. I held her hand in mine, and continued, staring down at the floor the entire time.

  “A couple of years passed with us claiming we were in love, but it was becoming obvious she wasn’t, and I was. Then, when I was twenty-one, my father died. Everyone came home for the funeral, and when it came time to leave, my brother took my girlfriend with him. They uhhm. They got married, and they’ve got kids now. So that’s…that’s why I’m not really good with trust.”

  I looked at her. “But I want you to know this: I trust you. One hundred percent. I really do.”

  “I’ve got two things to say.” She released my hand. “Maybe three.”

  She wiped her eyes. “One. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. And, two. I was nine. It was my birthday. Mom and I were going to get a cake, and she stopped at the yellow light. She did that a lot. She was a really safe driver, especially when I was in the car. So, we sat there and talked, and listened to music. Boulevard of Broken Dreams, by Green Day was playing. I remember that. The light turned green, and we took off. Then, out of nowhere, some guy came flying through the intersection on our left. I saw him, but I didn’t really understand what was happening.”

  She twisted her mouth to the side, exhaled, and then gazed blankly at the wall for a moment. I reached for her hand, and held it in mine.

  “He uhhm. He hit the front of the car. Kind of the front, and kind of the side. It flipped us over. The uhhm. There was a fire. It uhhm. She. My mom didn’t…”

  She began to cry. Within seconds, she was blubbering. Seeing her in such pain crushed me.

  I pulled her to me and held her in my arms. “I’m so sorry.”

  After sobbing for some time, she leaned away from me. Then, she wiped her eyes and exhaled. “She didn’t. She didn’t make it. It’s uhhm.” She patted her left leg with her hand and nodded repeatedly. “It’s how I…how I got this. And, it’s why I don’t…celebrate my uhhm. Birthday.”

  “I know it’s not enough, but I’m sorry, Joey.”

  In each other’s arms, we collapsed onto the bed. Silently, we remained still, staring up at the ceiling. During that time, it seemed I let go of what anger and resentment I’d held onto from the loss of a girlfriend and my brother, but I couldn’t be sure.

  I turned to the side and tapped her on the shoulder. “You said there were three things. Is there another?”

  She looked at me and nodded. “Yeah, there’s one more.”

  “Okay. I’ve got one more, too.”

  “You first,” she said.

  “Ladies first.”

  She let out a breath. “Don’t get mad.”

  “I won’t.”


  “I’m not going to get mad.”


  “Why would I get mad?”

  “Are you going to promise?”

  “Okay. I promise.”

  She looked at me and grinned. “Promise what?”

  “I promise I won’t get mad.”

  “Number three,” she said. “I love you.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. It was exactly what I was going to say. My mouth curled into a smile.

  “That was my next one.” The four words that followed flowed from my lips readily. “I love you, too.”

  Chapter Forty-One


  He took a bite of his enchilada, swallowed it, and then lowered his fork. His lips parted slightly and I hoped he’d say something. While I sat, suspended in wait, his eyes fell to his plate. Our discussions had been sparse throughout dinner. I could tell something was troubling him, but I got the same response every time I asked.

  He’d gone to see his mother in the morning, and although he’d planned on giving a bid on a baseball card later, he never made it back in time to do so.

  He poked his fork at his food and then looked up. ??
?What are your thoughts on cops?”

  “In general?”


  I considered my response. I had very little respect for police. Most of my contempt came from my mother, who I suspected obtained it from my father.

  “I think they’re creepy, especially if they have mustaches.”

  He chuckled and then set his fork aside. “Do you trust them?”


  “Do you hate them?”

  “I try not to hate anyone. I hate what they do, sometimes.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “Like what?”

  “Lying. Doing x, and then claiming they did y. They get by with it nine out of ten times, and it makes me sick. Then, someone comes out with a video and says, ‘hey wait, you actually did this’.”

  “So, you think they can’t be trusted?”

  “I’d say that’s accurate, why?”

  “Just making conversation.”

  I was glad we were talking about something, even if it was cops. I offered a cheery smile. “Okay.”

  “What about feds?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “FBI, ATF, DEA. Those guys.”

  I’d heard far too many stories about the ATF and their lies from my mother. She told me of their infiltration into what they described as OMGs, or Outlaw Motorcycle Groups. They arrested, killed, and set up more club members than any other government faction.

  “If the ATF said the sky was blue, I wouldn’t believe them,” I said.

  His eyes slowly widened. “Why?”

  “They’ve proven over and over that they’re willing to lie. They murdered hundreds in Waco, Texas when all they had to do was back off and wait. I’ve heard far too many stories. I just don’t trust them, sorry.”


  “What’s interesting?”

  “Your answers.”

  “Why’s that?”

  He pushed his plate to the side. “Club business is club business. I won’t discuss club business.”

  “I wouldn’t ever expect you to.”

  He crossed his arms, leaned back in his chair, and let out a long breath. “I’ve got some business of my own, though.”


  “I need some advice,” he said. “And I don’t have anyone to get it from but you and Smoke. I know Smoke’s opinion, and I’m thinking I might want yours.”

  “Well, when you’re ready, let me know. I’ll give it.”

  I acted interested in my enchiladas, even though I wasn’t. I’d lost my appetite, but didn’t really want to get up from the table. I wanted him to continue with our discussion, but doubted he would.

  “I’ve got a guy in a box up by mom’s place.”

  I looked up. “Excuse me?”

  “One of the big metal things that they keep construction materials in.”

  I blinked a few times. “You’ve got a guy in one?”

  “Yep. Remember when I told you that I do bad things but--”

  “But you have great intentions?” I said.

  He nodded. “This is one of those times.”

  I took a drink of water and then shook my head. “I just want to make sure I heard you right. You have a guy in a metal box up by your mother’s house? Did I hear you right?”

  “Yep. Between Fallbrook and Highway 15.”

  “Okay. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess this guy’s a cop.”

  He pulled a dollar bill from his pocket, folded it, and began to pick his teeth. “Yep.”

  “A fed?”


  “Is he alive?”

  He nodded. “For now.”


  He stopped picking his teeth. “Why what?”

  “Why’s he alive?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you have him in a metal container, and he’s alive, there’s a reason for it. You would have killed him yesterday or the day before or whatever. But, if you’ve kept him alive for a few days, there’s a reason.”

  “Few months.”

  “Wait. What? A few months?”


  “You’ve had this guy in a metal box in the desert for a few months?”

  “That’s what Smokey said. I give the fucker food and water. I’m not a damned fool.”

  “I know you’re not. But having a federal agent in a metal box for a few months, regardless of where you’re keeping him, isn’t a great idea. It’s a tremendous risk. It’s quiet out there at night. There’s the noise, the smell, you’ve got to be coming and going, what, daily?”

  “Pretty much, yeah.”

  “And, you’re not worried about getting caught?”

  “Not really.”

  I knew being with a 1%er would eventually expose me to some craziness, but I had no idea a federal agent in a box in the desert would be the first thing I would be forced to deal with. Nonetheless, I was committed to the cause.

  “Okay.” I shook my head. “So, what’s your question?”

  “What should I do with him?”

  It wasn’t an easy question to answer. I picked at my cold food for a moment and thought of what our options might be. I had no idea what brought about the series of events that led up to him being in the box. Knowing that would be crucial to developing an accurate response.

  “What event or events brought him to you?”

  “Club business, can’t say.”

  “But you having him isn’t club business?”

  “Club don’t know about it.”

  “They have no idea?”


  “Not even Crip?”

  “Nobody. Just Smoke, but that was off the record. He knows as a friend, not as a brother. Brother half of him is dumb to the fact.”

  “Okay. So, the federal agent did something to the club or one of its members. In an effort to protect your brothers, you kidnapped him, and kept it to yourself. Probably because you didn’t want to ask permission – or you didn’t want to be denied permission. Now, you’ve got him in a box in the desert. Oh, and you can’t decide what to do with him. Is that close?”

  “You’re pretty damned good, except for the desert part. He’s by the desert, not in it.”

  I grinned. It wasn’t planned, and I know I shouldn’t have, but I did. I was in love with a modern-day version of my father. Percy was doing whatever he must to protect his brethren, and he wanted no recognition for doing so.

  “We have two options. Kill him, or let him go. That’s it.”

  “Kind of what I figured. I can’t keep him forever.”

  “Yeah. He’s not a kitten.”

  “Smoke said the same thing. Except he said puppy.”

  “Does Smokey want to kill him?”

  He seemed to consider my question for a while before responding. He shoved the dollar bill into his pocket and met my gaze. “Yep.”

  “And, you don’t.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You don’t have to. If you agreed with Smokey, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I want to talk to him.”

  His nose wrinkled. “Smokey?”

  “No. The guy in the box.”

  “No can do.”


  “You’d be an accomplice or whatever.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I already am.”

  His eyes fell to the table. Slowly, his eyebrows raised. “Good point.”

  “So, can I talk to him?”

  “What good’s that going to do?”

  “Do you trust me?” I asked.

  “Sure as fuck do.”

  “Then I need to talk to him before I give an answer.”

  “Let’s get this shit washed, then. If we haul ass, we can get there before dark.”

  Talking to an ATF agent who was being held captive and was undoubtedly angry, dehydrated, and close to death wasn’t how I planned on spending my evening.

  Being the Ol’ Lady of a 1%er was going to be int
eresting, that was for sure.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  The storage container was amongst a few dozen others that were stored behind a construction company that a Hells Angel owned.

  I unlocked the padlock and paused before I let it fall open. “You sure you want to do this?”

  “We’re in this together,” she said. “If you want an answer, I need to talk to him.”

  I liked her response. She was in it for the long haul, there was no doubt. To think I had a woman helping me with the decision on what to do with an ATF agent who had the potential to threaten the livelihood of the club spoke volumes of my respect for Joey.

  It was a new territory for me, but it felt right.

  I pulled the door open.

  She peered inside. “It smells better than I expected,” she whispered.

  “I wipe the fucker off with Baby Wipes pretty much every day, and he takes baths with that antibacterial pump soap. I might not be a pro, but I damned sure ain’t a novice.”

  Agent fucktard was sitting in his chair at the end of the container. With his long growth of beard and unwashed hair, he had somewhat of a mountain man look going on. My guess was that we had 30-45 minutes before sundown, and I hoped whatever Joey had to do could be resolved before then.

  “That’s him. He looks like shit but don’t let that fool you.”

  “Are we going in together?”

  I gave a nod. “Follow me.”

  I stepped into the container, and she followed right behind me. Halfway to where he sat, I gave fair warning. “One fucking word without being asked a question, and I’ll shove a zucchini squash up your ass.”

  He nodded.

  He’d been exposed to me and my ways for long enough that he knew better than to fuck with me. When we got close enough that he could see clearly, he exchanged glances between us.

  Eventually, he fixed his eyes on her.

  “Quit looking at her, you fucking turd. I’ll spoon your fucking eyes out and feed ‘em to the vultures.”

  He looked away.

  “He doesn’t tip the chair over?” she asked.

  “Welded to the floor.”

  “And the sports cup with the four-foot long straw. Did you fashion that?”

  I grinned. “Made it myself. It keeps him from banging around. If he tips it over, he can’t get a drink until I get back, so he knows better than to thrash around in here. I just set it on the floor at his feet and he leans over when he wants a drink.”