I stepped into the middle of the circle, making my intentions clear. Olivia, Ophelia, and Roxie backed away. Liv patted me on the shoulder before she took her sister’s hand and walked off. Roxie lingered for a few minutes later, clearly torn between Seraphina’s beseeching silent plea and my clear intentions.

  “Monaco,” I said.

  Roxie huffed a surprised breath. “Okay, but then that’s it. You can’t call it again.”

  “I know.”

  “Good. I’m glad to have that over with. You’ve been holding it over my head for far too long.” And then she walked away.

  I was finally alone with Seraphina. Again. But there had been at least a half hour since the last time.

  Sera’s eyes were on her friend. “What was that about? I’ve never seen Roxie agree to something so quickly.”

  I suppressed a smile. “She owed me a favor. I called it in.”

  “What favor?”

  I looked back at Roxie too. She’d managed to make her way across the village and I doubted she’d looked back at us once. She was a very hard woman to crack, but I was the only soul on earth that truly knew what could undo her.

  He just happened to be my closest mate and half-man, half-bear.

  “We were in Monaco a few years back, just wasting time and spending money. Something happened that she didn’t want anyone to know about. I told her I would keep her secret, but she owed me something in return.”

  Seraphina swung her incredulous gaze back to mine. Her blue eyes practically glowed in the twilight sky. Her cheeks flushed pink with outrage for her friend. “Where was I?”

  “With your parents in Amsterdam.”

  “What happened?” her voice was a whisper of fear and suddenly I felt like the biggest arse.

  “Nothing between me and her, Sera. God, nothing like that.”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “Then what?”

  “She saw something she couldn’t unsee. The rest of the night was spent in drunken debauchery in which she drove a Ferrari 911 into a fountain, froze three police officers to keep from getting arrested and robbed a casino.”


  “It was not a good night for her. I, uh, helped her fix everything.”

  “That’s so unlike Roxie!”

  “I know. She knows. It was a bad night.”

  “What did she see? What could be so bad that would make her behave like that?”

  I took a step closer and dropped my lips to her ear. “She watched Titus leave with another woman.”

  I felt the surprise and understanding ripple through her. She put her hands to my chest and I thought she might push me away, but she just held them there.

  “I still can’t imagine Roxie losing control like that.”

  “She’s in love, Sera. People do crazy things when they’re in love.” I hadn’t pulled away yet so I felt her full body shiver when I said the word “love.” I leaned in just a touch more and let myself inhale the scent of her creamy skin. My lips grazed the curve of her neck when I said, “It wasn’t that long ago that I threw you over my shoulder and kidnapped you from the date you were on. Love isn’t exactly rational.”

  She cleared her throat. “I was in danger. I thought you said that didn’t have anything to do with Andrei.”

  I smiled and bravely pressed a kiss to her throat. “Sure, that’s why I did it.”

  This time her hands did push me away. “Sebastian, I need to go… I need to do something.”

  I lifted my head and met her stare. “What is it? I’ll help.”

  She frowned. “No, I mean, I just, I… listen; tomorrow I realize I’m going to be stuck with you. I’d just like tonight to be Sebastian-free, alright? I need space.”

  Disappointment rang through me, but I gave her what she needed. I stepped back and separated myself from her. “Of course.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She looked at the feast that had already begun, then back at me and then back at the feast. “I’ll just, um, I’m hungry.”

  I held her gaze, “Me too.”

  Of course, I wanted to spend time with her and keep her close, but there was nothing like the satisfaction of watching her flee at those words.

  Ileana was right; I just needed to make sure she didn’t forget me. She couldn’t deny this anymore than I could.

  After tomorrow, I would throw everything into making her remember the good things about us, to making her think about nothing but me. I would keep myself near her until she couldn’t deny this anymore.

  She would be mine. And she would accept that I was hers.

  And until then, I would just enjoy the chase.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The morning was cool despite the record hot summer we’d had. A thick fog settled over the rolling green hills of the mountain. The Citadel looked quiet and still from this distance.

  It nestled into the hill and stood regally against the thick trees and majesty of the scenery. I had always loved this view. My family had made countless trips here during my lifetime. We’d pilgrimaged here for festivals and council meetings. My father had been Lucan’s invited guest many times throughout my child, even though I hadn’t officially met Kiran until he joined me at Kingsley. But I remembered cresting this hill every single time we’d visited and taking in the first breathtaking view of the capitol.

  I would always breathe in a thick breath of relief and feel at home.

  When I’d originally been made Kiran’s fiancée, I couldn’t wait for the moment that this castle would be mine. I imagined a lifetime of court held within these walls and the endless balls and parties I would throw.

  When I lost Kiran to Eden, I had been less upset about losing the man than the Citadel.

  I had hated Eden for taking this dream of mine away.

  Obviously, I’d gotten over it and my greedy future aspirations. But I still felt the thrill and hope that came with this one stunning view.

  The Immortal army Avalon had amassed joined me on the top of the hill. He’d called in Titans from everywhere, even from the places like St. Stephen’s and Peru. It was a risky move to bring everyone here, but we wanted to throw all of our efforts into reclaiming this one place. And hopefully, finally take out Terletov for good.

  But from here, things got a little tricky. Our cars and various vehicles of transportation lay abandoned on the side of the road. We would attack the Citadel on foot.

  We were all equipped with swords and guns that could match any force Terletov and his men could throw at us. I wore black cargo pants and a long-sleeve black shirt to protect my skin.

  Men and women fanned out to either side of the road with just as much love and respect for this place as I had.

  The full Titan guard, save for the entourage that stayed with Eden, Kiran and the babies, made up most of our army, but not all. Those that had once been loyal to the Resistance also joined us. That’s where the women came from. The Resistance had always been equal opportunity, unlike the Guard.

  Sebastian put a heavy hand on my shoulder. “You could always wait for me here.”

  Or most of the Resistance had been equal opportunity…

  I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “I suppose you could do the same. I’m very worried about you. Better sit this one out so I feel better about myself.”

  He frowned at me. “Point taken.”

  I curtsied obnoxiously. “Thank you.”

  “You promised to stay with me.”

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t. I just want you to get the idea that I would give this up out of your head. I’m doing this Sebastian. How did you put it? Oh, right. This is happening.”

  His lips twitched. “God, you’re unbelievably sexy.”

  I felt my mouth drop open in surprise. My mind when blank and my stomach bubbled with excitement.

  How did he do that so effortlessly?

  Before I could make sense of his words or the look on his
face, Avalon addressed the army with a shouting voice. “We take this back today! We will not put up with this treachery for a moment longer! This is ours by right! This is ours by law! The Magic has been freed and our people are free. We will not put up with Terletov and his tyranny for a moment longer! Join me friends and reclaim our capitol! Reclaim our freedom!”

  I felt purpose and intent drive through my veins and electrify my Magic. I had needed yesterday to recover from Terletov’s horrific torture, but I was ready today.

  So ready.

  We charged the hill as one legion. There were men stationed all around the wall when we finally reached it and the battle began immediately.

  I didn’t bother engaging with these minions. Sebastian and I were part of a select team. Our mission was to get the gates open and the rest of our people inside the city walls.

  We veered off from the larger group and disappeared into the thick woods that bordered the Citadel. We ran along with Roxie, Jericho, Olivia, Ophelia, Titus, Xander, and Xavier. Avalon had hung back to fight with the army, even though I knew that this team was his home.

  He had a hard time being anywhere else than with us.

  The sounds of battle followed us as we went. I could have sworn I heard dogs barking and howling along with swords clashing and guns firing.

  We stayed far enough inside the woods that we didn’t run into any resistance until we emerged on the other side of the wall. And when we finally met the guards that stood sentinel against the back wall, we didn’t hesitate.

  We rushed them with no remorse and no fear. We raised our guns and started shooting.

  They were jumpy and not focused on the attack. Their ears were turned toward the front of the Citadel where sounds of battle rang loudly through the forest.

  They should have expected our attack, but these were not men bred for battle. These were just bad people that had signed up with the wrong guy. Terletov had trained them, but not well enough.

  The Titans that fought alongside us had done nothing else with their lives except train for war. And the Resistance members had enough experience to put this pathetic insurgence to shame.

  Sure, if they managed to surprise us, they could get the upper hand. But obviously not for long.

  We took out our enemy in a few minutes. They put up a good fight, but in the end we opened the back door victoriously.

  Sebastian had explained that his Magic had worked when we escaped. We went into this fight hoping it still would, but we didn’t know what to expect. It was one of the reasons that we attacked so soon. We knew that Terletov would find the door once we went through it, but we hoped he hadn’t had enough time to figure out how to change the Magic.

  Sebastian put his hand to the handle and we waited with bated breath for the Magic to take hold.

  The lock clicked over our rapid breathing and the door swung open. Thank God.

  Our small team rushed into the brambly hedge. Right away there was more danger. I shot first and ducked when the bullet from my enemy whizzed by.

  I’d just managed to get the guy in the stomach. He collapsed on the ground unconscious.

  We used the same kinds of guns they did, only when we shot them they died. It was a consequence of their extreme strength and giving Terletov their loyalty. We might slip into a coma after a bullet, but they could not survive one.

  I couldn’t decide which fate I’d rather have if I were one of them. There ugly Magic was bound to kill them slowly. They were dead men either way.

  Once the guy that shot at us was down, we moved forward a little more carefully. We took each corner with precision and intelligence.

  By the time we got to the balcony, thirteen more men had been put out of commission.

  At this point, we split up. Xander, Xavier, Roxie, and Titus ran along the wall toward the front gates, where they would, hopefully, overpower the men on the inside of the wall and let the army in. Olivia, Ophelia, Jericho, Sebastian and I would infiltrate through the ballroom and create a diversion big enough to give the rest of our team time to open the gates.


  We slinked up the balcony steps and climbed through the glass that hadn’t been replaced since Sebastian and my escape. Our feet crunched on broken glass, signaling our arrival.

  At least I had shoes on this time.

  “Eden’s going to kill me,” Jericho whispered. He held a few sticks of dynamite in his hand.

  It was amazing what the Gypsies kept in storage.

  Amazing and also alarming.

  “Are you sure we can’t die?” Ophelia asked with wide eyes.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Jericho assured her. “We’ll be fine. The ballroom however… will not be.”

  “This is only the second time we’ve destroyed it,” Olivia rushed to assure him. “Surely she will understand.”

  Sebastian gave her a dry look. “Eden understands accidentally blowing things up. Believe me. She has us all beat.”

  That was true. The Indian Palace for example.

  I had loved that place too.


  Sebastian, Ophelia and I took off running down the hallway to clear a path for Liv and Jericho. There were a few men that needed taking care of, but everything went as planned.

  I felt the moment still, as if all of the air were sucked into the ballroom just before Jericho lit the long fuse. I heard Olivia and he start running and his forceful “Go!”

  We took off sprinting again and this time didn’t bother to stop and shoot bad guys. They didn’t even know what to do with us when we ran by them. They stood dumbly confused until the first echoes of the foreboding boom finally hit them.

  The dynamite detonated in a scream of destruction. We tried to outrun the explosion, but it was only seconds before I felt the pressure hit my back.

  My feet stopped touching the ground and my arms flew back when the momentum threw me forward. My vision blurred and the air got knocked from my lungs completely.

  I saw the wall in front of me, but there was nothing I could do to slow my impact with it. Luckily, the blast still followed behind me and the stone crumbled with me.

  Pain shot through every bone and muscle in my body. White dots danced in my vision when I landed. My Magic felt damaged by the impact. Holy shit that hurt!

  Someone should have been a little more upfront with me about the kind of ungodly pain I was going to go through in order to “create a diversion.” They’d made it sound so simple.

  Yeah right! Ouch!!!

  Freaking ouch!

  Strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to my feet. “Did you survive?” Sebastian asked.

  I winced, “No.”

  “Ready to leave?”

  I smiled and finally his face stopped being three versions and funneled into one. “Not a chance. Besides, I’m already here.”

  “You’re already here,” he agreed.

  He set me on my feet and moved on to help Ophelia. She wasn’t as quick to shake off the blast. She still struggled to figure out her Magic. But as far as I could tell, the two human sisters were as strong and capable as any other Immortal I’d ever met.

  Unlike the last time I was here, Magic rushed through my blood without faltering, without fading.

  I felt incredibly resilient and capable. I felt invincible.

  Which was a good thing, since I needed every ounce of stamina and strength I could muster.

  The wall we collapsed led to what was once a guest room, but had been turned into a prison since Terletov took over. It looked a lot like the room Sebastian and I had been thrown into.

  Dark drapes covered the long windows and all of the furniture had been removed. People lay scattered over the bare floor in various states of rags and nakedness. Their thin hands were bound behind their backs. They looked starved and sickly.

  My stomach lurched at the sight of them and I felt murderous. How dare they be treated this way! How dare someone disrespect the gift of life like this.

sp; I often teased Mimi for her humanitarian spirit. She was ridiculously bleeding-hearted. And I thought it was adorable that she cared so much for the human race who could only live a few decades on this earth anyway.

  But seeing these people, sick, starved and mistreated, birthed a fiery revenge that burned hot and furious through my blood.

  I could not accept this.

  I would not.

  Death would not be good enough for Terletov. I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck and make him pay for what he had done and for how many he had killed. I wanted to kill him, bring him back to life and then kill him again.

  I wanted to put him through every last torturous procedure he’d used on his victims. I wanted him to scream in agony, cry in desperation, I wanted him to suffer in the purest, rawest sense of the word.

  I covered my mouth and nose and tried not to gag on the stench and rot that filled this space. The people writhed and whimpered as we walked all the way into the room and stood over them.

  I squatted down and tried to meet one of the women’s eyes, but she turned her head and tensed in fear.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” I promised in a gentle voice.

  She didn’t believe me.

  I took out my sword and very carefully cut through the rough ropes that bound her hands. Her wrists were bloodied and completely raw. They flopped at her sides because she was too weak to lift them.

  My stomach clenched in empathy and tears misted my eyes. I stood up abruptly, too overcome to face her. I turned to find Sebastian, hoping he could ease this for me. His haunted eyes met mine and I knew without a doubt that he felt the same upheaval of emotions I did.

  “I’m going to eviscerate him,” Sebastian declared.

  Faraway shouting interrupted the quiet of this room. Our army had broken through the gates. The castle would be flooded with Titans any minute.

  “Then let’s go,” I told Sebastian. “Let’s hunt him down and make him pay for what he did to us. For what he did to them.”

  Sebastian turned to Jericho, but Jericho just waved him on.

  “Go,” Olivia ordered. “We’ll see to them.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked her.

  She leveled me with her steady gaze. “I’m positive. I’ve been here. I know what they’re going through. We can handle it; just… just make sure he dies. Yeah?”