To my Hellcats, Amy Bartol, Angeline Kace, Shelly Crane, Quinn Loftis, Georgia Cates, Lila Felix and Samantha Young. Thank you girls for becoming a support system I could not live without. You are there for all of the great moments and the really, really hard moments. You’ve become so much more than peers, you’ve become some of my closest, dearest friends. Thank you for all of your music, your laughter and those moments I know I couldn’t do this without your perspective and insight. You’re some of the best authors in this industry and I’m just lucky to be a part of this group and to count each of you as friends.

  To my Panel. Girls. Who knew you would become such incredible friends? I could never have anticipated the kind of community we’ve developed. Thank you for your encouragement and words of wisdom. Thank you for your perspective. You are invaluable to me. Thank you for that. And thank you for loving my characters and worlds as much as I do.

  To the Reckless Rebels, thank you for devoting so many hours to promoting me. Thank you for loving my stories and loving my heroes even more! You girls work so hard and I am so blessed by everything that you do. Thank you for giving up your time to help and support me.

  And finally, to the readers. Reckless Magic was the very first book I self-published. I had spent two years working on getting it published traditionally and being rejected. I had no idea what self-publishing would do for me or that it would turn into a career and then my dream job. I couldn’t imagine someone picking up my books out of the thousands upon thousands of other books out there. And I really couldn’t imagine someone reading my book and actually enjoying it! But you did. And not only that, but you stayed with me to the very end. And you went even beyond that. I have treasured your emails, posts, messages, comments, tweets, phone calls and absolute enthusiasm for these characters and this world. Thank you for sharing your love for this story with your friends and families, with strangers and your co-workers. You are the best marketing system a girl could ask for. Without you there wouldn’t have been a second part to this series. Without you I wouldn’t be where I am today. You are the greatest, loveliest readers in the world. I am convinced of that. Thank you for taking this journey with me. Thank you for following the characters to the very end of their story. I am struggling to let this story go, but I cannot wait for what is to come in the future. I hope you enjoyed the final book of the Star-Crossed Series. Thank you for reading.

  About the Author

  Rachel Higginson was born and raised in Nebraska, but spent her college years traveling the world. She fell in love with Eastern Europe, Paris, Indian Food and the beautiful beaches of Sri Lanka, but came back home to marry her high school sweetheart. Now she spends her days raising their growing family. She is obsessed with bad reality TV and any and all Young Adult Fiction.

  Other books by Rachel to be released early 2015 are The Five Stages of Falling in Love, an adult contemporary romance, The Heart, the third and final installment of The Siren Series and Bet on Me, an NA contemporary romance.

  Other Books Out Now by Rachel Higginson:

  Love and Decay, Season One

  Love and Decay, Volume One (Episodes One-Six, Season One)

  Love and Decay, Volume Two (Episodes Seven-Twelve, Season One)

  Love and Decay, Season Two

  Love and Decay, Volume Three (Episodes One-Four, Season Two)

  Love and Decay, Volume Four (Episodes Five-Eight, Season Two)

  Love and Decay, Volume Five (Episodes Nine-Twelve, Season Two)

  Love and Decay, Season Three, Episode One

  Reckless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 1)

  Hopeless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 2)

  Fearless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 3)

  Endless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 4)

  The Reluctant King (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 5)

  The Relentless Warrior (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 6)

  Breathless Magic (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 6.5)

  The Redeemable Prince (The Star-Crossed Series, Book 7)

  Heir of Skies (The Starbright Series, Book 1)

  Heir of Darkness (The Starbright Series, Book 2)

  Heir of Secrets (The Starbright Series, Book 3)

  The Rush (The Siren Series, Book 1)

  The Fall (The Siren Series, Book 2)

  The Heart (The Siren Series, Book 3) coming February, 2015

  Bet on Us (An NA Contemporary Romance)

  Bet on Me (An NA Contemporary Romance) coming Spring 2015

  Follow Rachel on her blog at:

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  Rachel Higginson

  Please enjoy an excerpt of The Five Stages of Falling in Love, coming January 27th, 2015.

  Pre-order available now wherever eBooks are sold.


  “Hey, there she is,” Grady looked up at me from his bed, his eyes smiling even while his mouth barely mimicked the emotion.

  “Hey, you,” I called back. The lights had been dimmed after the last nurse checked his vitals and the TV was on, but muted. “Where are the kiddos? I was only in the cafeteria for ten minutes.”

  Grady winked at me playfully, “My mother took them.” I melted a little at his roguish expression. It was the same look that made me agree to a date with him our junior year of college, it was the same look that made me fall in love with him- the same one that made me agree to have our second baby boy when I would have been just fine to stop after Blake, Abby and Lucy.

  “Oh, yeah?” I walked over to the hospital bed and sat down next to him. He immediately reached for me, pulling me against him with weak arms. I snuggled back into him, so that my head rested on his thin shoulder and our bodies fit side by side on the narrow bed. One of my legs didn’t make it and hung off awkwardly. But I didn’t mind. It was just perfect to lie next to the love of my life, my husband.

  “Oh, yeah,” he growled suggestively. “You know what that means?” He walked his free hand up my arm and gave my breast a wicked squeeze. “When the kids are away, the grownups get to play…”

  “You are so bad,” I swatted him- or at least made the motion of swatting at him, since I was too afraid to hurt him.

  “God, I don’t remember the last time I got laid,” he groaned next to me and I felt the rumble of his words against my side.

  “Tell me about it, sport,” I sighed. “I could use a nice, hard-“

  “Elizabeth Carlson,” he cut in on a surprised laugh. “When did you get such a dirty mouth?”

  “I think you’ve known about my dirty mouth for quite some time, Grady,” I flirted back. We’d been serious for so long it was nice to flirt with him, to remember that we didn’t just love each other, but we liked each other too.

  He grunted in satisfaction. “That I have. I think your dirty mouth had something to do with Lucy’s conception.”

  I blushed. Even after all these years, he knew exactly what to say to me. “Maybe,” I conceded.

  “Probably,” he chuckled, his breath hot on my ear.

  We laid there in silence for a while, enjoying the feel of each other, watching the silent TV screen flicker in front of our eyes. It was perfect- or as close to perfect as we had felt in a long time.

  “Dance with me, Lizzy,” Grady whispered after a while. I’d thought maybe he fell asleep; the drugs were so hard on his system that he was usually in and out of consciousness. This was actually the most coherent he’d been in a month.

  “Okay,” I agreed. “It’s the first thing we’ll do when you get out. We’ll have your mom come over and babysit, you can take me to dinner at Pazio’s and we’ll go dancing after.”

  “Mmm, that sounds nice,” he agreed. “You love Pazio’s. That’s a guaranteed get-lucky night for me.”

  “Baby,” I crooned. “As soon as I get you back home, you’re going to have guaranteed get-lucky nights for at least a month, maybe t

  “I don’t want to wait. I’m tired of waiting. Dance with me now, Lizzy,” Grady pressed, this time sounding serious.

  “Babe, after your treatment this morning, you can barely stand up right now. Honestly, how are you going to put all those sweet moves on me?” I teased, wondering where this sudden urge to dance- of all things- was coming from.

  “Lizzy, I am a sick man. I haven’t slept in my own bed in four months, I haven’t seen my wife naked in just as long, and I am tired of lying in this bed. I want to dance with you. Will you please, pretty please, dance with me?”

  I nodded at first because I was incapable of speech. He was right. I hated that he was right, but I hated that he was sick even more.

  “Alright, Grady, I’ll dance with you,” I finally whispered.

  “I knew I’d get my way,” he croaked smugly.

  I slipped off the bed and turned around to face my husband and help him to his feet. His once full head of auburn hair was now bald, reflecting the pallid color of his skin. His face was haggard, dark black circles under his eyes, chapped lips and pale cheeks. He was still as tall as he’d ever been, but instead of the toned muscles and thick frame he once boasted, he was depressingly skinny and weak, his shoulders perpetually slumped.

  The only thing that remained the same was his eyes; they were the same dark green eyes I’d fallen in love with ten years ago. They were still full of life, even when his body wasn’t, still full of mischief while the rest of him was tired and exhausted from fighting this stupid sickness.

  “You always get your way,” I grumbled while I helped him up from the bed.

  “Only with you,” he shot back on a pant after successfully standing. “And only because you love me.”

  “That I do,” I agreed. Grady’s hands slipped around my waist and he clutched my sides in an effort to stay standing.

  I slipped my arms around his neck, but didn’t allow any weight to press down on him. We maneuvered our bodies around his IV and monitors. It was awkward, but we managed.

  “What should we listen to?” I asked, while I pulled out my cell phone and turned it to my iTunes app.

  “You know what song. There is no other song when we’re dancing,” he reminded me on a faint smile.

  “You must be horny,” I laughed. “You’re getting awfully romantic.”

  “Just trying to keep this fire alive, Babe,” he pulled me closer and I held back the flood of tears that threatened to spill over.

  I turned on The Way You Look Tonight- the Frank Sinatra version- and we swayed slowly back and forth. Frank sang the soft, beautiful lyrics with the help of a full band, the music drifting around us over the constant beeping and whirring of medical machines. This was the song we thought of as ours, the first song we’d danced to at our wedding, the song he still made the band at Pazio’s play on our anniversary each year.

  “This fire is very much alive,” I informed him sternly. I lay my forehead against his shoulder and inhaled him. He didn’t smell like himself anymore, he was full of chemo drugs and smelled like hospital soap and detergent, but he was still Grady. And even though he barely resembled himself anymore, he still felt like Grady.

  He was still my Grady.

  “It is, isn’t it?” He whispered. I could feel how weak he was growing, how tired this was making him, but still he clung to me, held me close. When my favorite verse came on, he leaned his head down and whispered in a broken voice along with Frank, “There is nothing for me, but to love you. And the way you look tonight.”

  Silent tears streamed down my face with truths I wasn’t ready to admit to myself and fears that were too horrifying to even think. This was the man I loved with every fiber of my being- the only man I’d ever loved. The only man I’d ever love.

  He’d made me fall in love with him before I was old enough to drink legally, then he’d convinced me to marry him before I even graduated college. He knocked me up a year later, and didn’t stop until we had four wild rug rats that all had his red hair and his emerald green eyes. He’d encouraged me to finish my undergrad degree, and then to continue on to grad school while I was pregnant, nursing and then pregnant again. He went to bed every night with socks on and then took them off sometime in the middle of the night, leaving them obnoxiously tucked in between our sheets. He could never find his wallet, or his keys, and when there was hair to grow he always forgot to shave.

  And he drove me crazy most of the time.

  But he was mine.

  He was my husband.

  And now he was sick.

  “I do love you, Lizzy,” he murmured against my hair. “I’ll always love you, even when I’m dead and gone.”

  “Which won’t be for a very long time,” I reminded him on a sob.

  He ignored me, “You love me back, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I love you back,” I whispered with so much emotion the words felt stuck in my throat. “But you already knew that.”

  “Maybe,” he conceded gently. “But I will never, ever get tired of hearing it.”

  I sniffled against him, staining his hospital gown with my mascara and eye liner. “That’s a good thing, because you’re going to be hearing it for a very long time.”

  He didn’t respond, just kept swaying with me back and forth until the song ended. He asked me to play it again and I did, three more times. By the end of the fourth time, he was too tired to stand. I laid him back in bed and helped him adjust the IV and monitor again so that it didn’t bother him, then pulled the sheet over his cold toes.

  His eyes were closed and I thought he’d fallen asleep, so I bent down to kiss his forehead. He stirred at my touch and reached out to cup my face with his un-needled arm. I looked down into his depthless green eyes and fell in love with him all over again.

  It was as simple as that.

  It had always been that simple for him to get me to fall in love with him.

  “You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me, Lizzy.” His voice was broken and scratchy and a tear slid out from the corner of each of his eyes.

  My chin trembled at his words because I knew what he was doing and I hated it, I hated every part of it. I shook my head, trying to get him to stop but he held my gaze and just kept going.

  “You are. And you have made my life good, and worth living. You have made me love more than any man has ever known how to love. I didn’t know this kind of happiness existed in real life, Liz, and you’re the one that gave it to me. I couldn’t be more thankful for the life we’ve shared together. I couldn’t be more thankful for you.”

  “Oh, Grady, please-”

  “Lizzy,” he said in his most stern voice that he only ever used when I’d maxed out a credit card. “Whatever happens, whatever happens to me, I want you to keep giving this gift to other people.” I opened my mouth to vehemently object to everything he was saying but he silenced me with a cold finger on my lips. “I didn’t say go marry the first man you find. Hell, I’m not even talking about another man. But I don’t want this light to die with me. I don’t want you to forget how happy you make other people just because you might not feel happy. Even if I don’t, Lizzy, I want you to go on living. Promise me that.”

  But I shook my head, “no.” I wasn’t going to promise him that. I couldn’t make myself. And it was unfair of him to ask me that.

  “Please, Sweetheart, for me?” His deep, green eyes glossed over with emotion and I could physically feel how painful this was for him to ask me. He didn’t want this anymore than I did.

  I found myself nodding, while I sniffled back a stream of tears. “Okay,” I whispered. “I promise.”

  He broke out into a genuine smile then, his thumb rubbing back and forth along my jaw. “Now tell me you love me, one more time.”

  “I love you, Grady,” I murmured, leaning into his touch and savoring this moment with him.

  “And I will always, always love you, Lizzy,” he promised.

  His eyes finally fluttered sh
ut and his hand dropped from my face. His vitals remained the same, so I knew he was just sleeping. I crawled into bed with him, gently shifting him so that I could lie on my side, in the nook of his arm and lay my hand on his chest. I did this often; I liked to feel the beat of his heart underneath my hand. It had stopped too many times before, for me to trust its reliability. My husband was a very sick man, and had been for a while now.

  Tonight was different though. Tonight, Grady was lucid and coherent, he’d found enough energy to stand up and dance with me, to tell me he loved me. Tonight could have been a turn for the better.

  But it wasn’t- because only a few hours later, Grady’s heart stopped for the fourth time during his adult life, and this time it never restarted.

  Stage One: Denial

  Not every story has a happy ending. Some only hold a happy beginning.

  This is my story. I’d already met my soul mate, fallen in love with him and lived our happily ever after.

  This story is not about me falling in love.

  This story is about me learning to live again after love left my life.

  Research shows there are five stages of grief. I don’t know what this means for me, as I was stuck, nice and hard, in step one.


  I knew, acutely, that I was still in stage one.

  I knew this because every time I walked in the house, I wandered around aimlessly looking for Grady. Because I still picked up my phone to check if he texted or called throughout the day. Because I looked for him in a crowded room, got the urge to call him from the grocery store just to make sure I had everything he needed, and reached for him in the middle of the night.