it all over very carefully, and I don't think the chance offeredby dear Maggie would be a good one for me."

  "Why not, my dear? Your reasons must be strong when you say this."

  "I don't know if they are strong," answered Priscilla, "but they are atleast decided. My father and mother were poor and independent. AuntRaby is very poor, and also independent I fancy that were I rich incomparison, I might cease to be independent. The strong motive powermight go. Something might be taken out of me which I could never getback, so I--" Her lips trembled.

  "Pause a minute, Prissie; remember what Maggie offers, a sufficientincome to support your aunt, to educate your sisters, and to enable youto pursue those studies at St Benet's for which you have the greatesttalent. Think of the honours that lie before you; think how brilliantlyyou may pass your tripos examination with your mind at rest."

  "That's not the point," said Priscilla. There was a ring in her voicewhich she must have inherited from a long line of rugged, proud, butworthy ancestors. "In a question of this kind, I ought never to contentmyself with looking at the brilliant and tempting side. Forgive me,Miss Heath. I may have done wrong after all; but, right or wrong, Ihave made my resolve. I will keep my independence."

  "Have you considered your Aunt Raby in this?"

  "She has put herself absolutely out of the question by declining all aidas far as she is concerned. She says such assistance would kill her ina week. If I can earn money to help her before she dies, she willaccept it from me with thankfulness, but from no one else."

  "Then you will give up your Latin and Greek?"

  "For the present, I must."

  "And you are quite happy?"

  "If Maggie and Mr Hammond will only marry one another, I shall be oneof the happiest girls in the world."

  There came a knock at Miss Heath's door. Priscilla flew to open it.

  "Prissie, darling!" said Maggie Oliphant's voice. She flung her armsround the young girl's neck, and kissed her several times.

  "It's all right, Priscilla," said Hammond.

  Miss Heath made a step or two forward.

  "Come and tell Miss Heath," said Prissie. "Miss Heath, here is Maggie!Here is dear Maggie and here is Mr Hammond, and it is all right."Tears of gladness filled Priscilla's eyes. She went up to Hammond, tookone of his hands in both her own, and said, in a voice of rapture, "Idid help you to-night, didn't I? You know I said I would do anything inthe world for you."

  "You have done everything for me, Priscilla," replied Hammond. "I shallbless you while I live."

  Maggie Oliphant's arms were round Miss Heath's neck; her head restedagainst her breast. "We have come straight to you," she said; "you toldme that if--if such an occasion came, you would act as a mother to me."

  "So I can, and so I will, dear child. God bless you. You are happynow."

  "Happy!" Maggie's eyes were glistening through the softest rainbow oftears. Hammond came and took the hand which she had suddenly thrown ather side.

  "We both owe everything to Priscilla," he said.



  Before Maggie Oliphant left St Benet's she brought some of the honourwhich had long been expected from her to the dearly-loved Halls: shetook a first-class in her tripos examination. With her mind at rest, agreat deal of the morbidness of her character disappeared, and her lastterm at St Benet's reminded the students who had known her in AnnabelLee's time of the old, brilliant, and happy Maggie. Miss Oliphant's badhalf-hours became rarer and rarer, and Hammond laughed when she spoke tohim of them, and said that she could not expect him to believe in theirexistence.

  Shortly after the conclusion of the summer term Maggie and Hammond weremarried, and her little world at St Benet's had to get on without thepresence which had always exerted the influence of a strong personality,and which had been potent both for good and evil.

  By this time, however, a girl whose personal charms were few, whosepoverty was apparent, and whose _gaucherie_ was even now often extreme,was more than filling the place left vacant by Maggie. Extremeearnestness, the sincerity of a noble purpose, the truthfulness of anature which could not stoop to deceit, was spreading an influence onthe side of all that was good and noble. No girl did more honour toHeath Hall than she who, at one time, was held up to derision, andlaughed at as odd, prudish, and uninteresting.

  Everyone prophesied well for Priscilla in the future which lay beforeher; her feet were set in the right direction; the aim of her life wasto become--not learned, but wise; not to build up a reputation, but togain character; to put blessedness before happiness--duty beforeinclination.

  Women like Priscilla live at the root of the true life of a worthynation. Maggie Oliphant had brilliance, beauty, wealth; she had alsostrong personal influence, and the power of creating love wherever shewent; but, when Priscilla Peel leaves St Benet's, she will be moremissed than was Maggie.


  The End.

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