Page 27 of Fighting for Irish

  “I’ve come to realize you’re a tough opponent, so I’m tapping out.” Aiden smiled, cracking the dried blood on his face. “I’m yours for as long as you want me, kitten.”

  “Good. Because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I don’t intend on ever losing you. I love you, Aiden.”

  “Ah, sweetheart, I love you, too,” he whispered against her lips. “So fucking much.”

  Unable to hold back any longer, he captured her lips and kissed her for all he was worth. Breaking the kiss, Kat stood up. “Come on. I want to go home.”

  As she crossed the room, it hit Aiden that he’d come so close to never seeing her again. Never having the chance to watch her take command of a room full of drunken hillbillies or make love to her as she gazed into his eyes and touched his soul.

  A short time ago, his life had been dull and monotonous, and he’d had no intentions of changing it. Now he couldn’t imagine life without her in it. She brought him joy and spontaneity.

  And, miraculously, love.

  With a hand on the doorknob, she turned and tilted her head with a curious look on her face. Then she asked him a simple question that held a lot of weight.

  “You with me, Irish?”

  Aiden grabbed his duffel in one hand and met her at the door. He kissed her then answered honestly. “Yeah, kitten. I’m with you.”

  She smiled, entwined her hand in his, and they walked toward the parking lot and their new life…together.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Vanessa was right. Kat loved Hawaii. She’d never been a fan of the busy city life and had always dreamed of living in wide open spaces with lots of nature and little civilization. Oahu was just that and then some.

  Taking a break from the wedding festivities, Kat stood on the beach with the ocean foam lapping at her bare feet and the hem of her bridesmaid dress. As she gazed up at the full moon casting its light over the watery horizon, she reflected on how quickly her life had changed over the last few weeks. And how much more it would change in the months to come.

  After Sicoli was apprehended, they had decided to leave Alabaster and head up to Aiden’s house in Boston. She’d gotten to spend time with his mother and sisters, all of whom she adored, and according to Aiden they felt the same way about her. His mother had actually pulled her aside one day and thanked her for “bringing her son back from the dead.” She’d responded with, “We brought each other back.”

  They also hung out with Joey quite a bit. It made her really happy to watch them reconnect as they recounted old stories and shared new ones with each other, like how Joey went from Boston PD to the FBI or how Aiden saved a spitting-mad kitten in a dark alley.

  Then it was her turn to make familial amends. Aiden had finally convinced her to call her sister. She’d been so distant from Nessie for so long that the idea of talking to her, much less seeing her again, had made her nervous. But as she’d dialed the number, Aiden sat with his arm around her, offering his strength and support, as always.

  Now they’d been living in this tropical paradise for three weeks as she reconnected with her sister. They’d spent every day together without fail. Some days were spent finalizing all the details for the wedding and sometimes they lounged on the beach while watching Jackson try unsuccessfully to teach Aiden to surf.

  Sometimes they talked about their childhood and what Kat had endured after Nessie left home. Those conversations were always difficult, but in the end they were cathartic as well. Over the last few weeks, they’d gotten to know each other as women who were far different from the scared children they had once been.

  Now that she had her sister back and the man she loved by her side, Kat couldn’t ask for anything more in life.

  “Hey, Kitty-Kat, you okay?”

  Turning, she saw Vanessa approach in her elegant satin sheath wedding dress. Her sister was even more beautiful than she had remembered. Poised and graceful and utterly classy. At least until you put a beer in her hand and a dartboard in front of her. Kat had enjoyed seeing Nessie’s wild side when the four of them hung out at Duke’s Waikiki. That girl could do half a dozen shots of tequila and still hit a bull’s-eye without flinching.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just enjoying the view,” Kat said. “I’m going to miss it.”

  “I wish you weren’t leaving so soon.” Nessie took hold of Kat’s hands. “Are you sure you have to go back to Boston?”

  “We talked about this. Aiden already gave up his life once when you and Jax sent him after me, and I want him to have more time with his family. Plus, he already owns a house there, so it only makes sense.”

  Vanessa sighed in resignation. “All right, as long as he allows me visitation rights whenever I want them,” she said with a wink.

  Kat laughed. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Good,” she said as she linked her arm through Kat’s and turned toward the ocean.

  Kat still couldn’t get over the fact that she had her sister back. After so many years of keeping Vanessa at a distance to protect her, every time they were together, even the littlest thing would make her emotional, and she wasn’t sure how to process it all.

  “Nessie, I know I’m not the greatest at expressing my feelings, but I want you to know how incredibly happy I am for you.” Kat felt her sister’s eyes on her, but she couldn’t bring herself to meet them for fear of breaking into a blubbering mess. “It’s so obvious how much Jax loves and cherishes you and…I’m so glad you found each other, that’s all.”

  “Oh, sweetie.” Vanessa gathered Kat into a hug and held her. “Thank you. That means so much to me. But I want you to know,” she said, pulling back to look her in the eyes, “that even as much as I love Jackson, without you my life wasn’t complete.”

  Her green eyes started to mist over, provoking Kat’s to do the same despite her attempts to lock her tear ducts down. Vanessa continued. “You’ve always been the missing piece of my heart. There are no words for how I feel now that I have you back. I love you so much, Kitty-Kat.”

  Damn her for making Kat cry. A few tears were all it took to undo the hard work the staff had put into transforming her into a worthy bridesmaid for her sister’s wedding. Now she was all stuffy and probably had a red nose and puffy eyes with running mascara. But even at the risk it would make things worse, Kat pulled her sister into another hug and whispered, “I love you, too, Nessie.”

  “Hey, Irish, you ever fantasize about doing it with sisters?”

  “Nah. I’m pretty content with the one I’ve got.”

  They broke apart to find Aiden and Jax walking up to them, looking dapper in their casual wedding wear. As soon as he was within striking distance, Vanessa playfully backhanded her new husband in the chest. Laughing, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the scowl from her face.

  Aiden smiled at Kat and she stepped into his embrace. Looking up at him, she raised an eyebrow and said, “Only ‘pretty content,’ huh?”

  Bending his head, he spoke softly in her ear. “It wouldn’t be right to tell the guy on his wedding day that I have the better sister.”

  She chuckled. “You’re such a good friend.”

  Jax must have overheard her because he said, “If he was such a good friend, he’d stop fighting me tooth and nail on the details of our joint business venture.”

  Aiden cut the other man a look that would make most cower, and Nessie let out a disgusted sigh. Kat turned to her brother-in-law. “What business venture?”

  “I want to open an MMA gym with him, but he’s dragging his feet.”

  “I’m not dragging anything. You’re like an antsy kid on a road trip.”

  Kat held up her hands. “Whoa, what are you guys talking about?”

  A splash of water doused the side of Jackson’s white linen pants and shirt. Kat tried not to laugh at the shocked look on his face as he turned to his smug wife standing in the surf.

  “You said you’d give him time to discuss it with her,” Vanessa accus
ed, one hand on a hip and the other keeping the bottom of her dress dry.

  “He’s already had several weeks,” Jax argued. “He needed a fire lit under his ass.”

  Jackson’s entire demeanor changed to determination and utter wickedness. As he pulled out the drawstring on his pants and wrapped it around his hands, Vanessa’s eyes blew wide.

  “Jackson,” she said evenly while taking a step to the side, “remember when I told you I’d get you back for stuffing wedding cake up my nose?” Another two steps. “We’re even now. It’s done.”

  Jax advanced. She retreated. “Jackson Thomas Maris, I am in my wedding dress.”

  He winked at her with a devilish grin and said, “Run, little rabbit. Run.”

  Vanessa let out a scream mixed with laughter as she picked up her dress and took off down the beach with her husband hot on her heels.

  “I’ve decided those two are crazy,” Aiden said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Can’t argue with you there. Now, why don’t you tell me about these plans you’re making with Jax?”

  Aiden hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his cargo pants and looked out over the black and silver waves. He half shrugged and said, “They’re not really plans. Not yet, anyway. I was gonna talk to you first to see what you thought.”

  Kat moved in front of him. “Okay then, talk to me now.”

  He took a big breath and said, “I thought maybe we could take the winnings from the Four by Four and invest in starting our own gym with Jax. He wants to open one here and I thought it would be a way to earn a living while still working on getting back into the game, so to speak.”

  “But what about your house in Boston? And being around your family and Joey? You just got that all back.”

  He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her in close. She ran her hands up his strong arms and rested them on his shoulders. “I’ve already spent my whole life there, and I’ve seen how much you love it out here. You need to be with your sister, and all I need is to be with you.”

  Again with the tears! For the love of all that’s holy, this is getting ridiculous!

  “Besides,” he added, “we can always go back to Boston for long visits and whatnot.”

  “Well, then we should probably schedule a couple of visits in the next six months or so. After that it might be tricky for a while.”

  His brow furrowed. “Why’s that?”

  Butterflies kicked up in her belly and nerves almost had her changing the subject, but she took a deep breath and bit the bullet. Linking her hands behind his neck, she locked her eyes onto his and said, “Because I’d imagine it’ll be difficult flying that distance with a baby.”

  Aiden’s jaw went slack, and he may have even stopped breathing. Kat’s heart beat like a bass drum in her ears as she waited for some sort of reaction from the man she loved.

  At last, he stammered a few words. “H-how did—? When? How long?”

  “I’d say approximately six weeks. Remember the quickie in the Nova?”

  “But that was just once.”

  “Yep,” she agreed, her nerves growing. “Oddly enough, that’s all it takes.”

  Holding her at arm’s length, he stared at her still-flat belly in childish wonderment. “We’re having a baby,” he said softly. Then his eyes flew up to hers, and he practically shouted with a smile, “We’re having a baby.”

  Laughter from nerves and excitement and relief bubbled from her chest. “Yes, we’re having a baby.”

  With a whoop, he hauled her up around her waist and spun her around a couple times before setting her down gently. “Goddamn, you make me so happy. I suppose now I’ve gotta make an honest woman out of you and propose, huh?”

  “I wouldn’t care if we never got married,” she said honestly. “Just so long as you never stop fighting for us and our family.”

  “Not ever, I swear.” Framing her face in his hands, he kissed her under the moonlight with more tenderness than she ever thought possible. “For the record, though, I wanna marry you real bad. Change that Scottish last name of yours to a proper Irish one.”

  She chuckled. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah. So whatdya say?” he asked as he swept her up into his arms. “You with me, kitten?”

  With tears in her eyes and her heart in her throat, she nodded. “Now and forever.”


  As always, first and foremost, I’d like to thank my amazing husband and wonderful children who sometimes have to sacrifice their wife and mother so that I can follow my dream.

  Liz Pelletier for her editorial brilliance, her unwavering support, and for always going above and beyond for me, no matter the circumstances.

  KP for being my BFF and taking turns with me talking each other off of ledges.

  Jamie Burch of Chasing the Moon Creations for designing a beautiful, one-of-a-kind necklace for Irish and Kat. Thanks for letting me be picky.

  Adam Von Rothfelder for his enthusiasm of naming him as my inspiration for Irish, playing the part of Irish on the cover, but most importantly for his friendship.

  My mother, Michelle Bisbee, for being a one-woman promotion machine.

  My sister, Tricia, for helping me more ways than I can count with more things than I can list, and for being my very best friend.

  My aunt-in-law, Sharon Macella, for always being there for me and treating me like her own.

  My cousin-in-law, Amber Wetherell, who has become one of my biggest supporters and great friends.

  Kristen Anders and Angie Hocking for testing out scenes and giving great feedback.

  Cecily White for putting on her psychologist hat and working with me to ensure I understood and accurately depicted how someone with a background like Kat’s would have dealt with situations in both the past and the present.

  Annie Blackburn for being so supportive, my Cajun translator, and #1 Irish fan.

  Robin Covington for her unintentional inspiration with a certain love scene.

  Ross Zentner for using his photographic talents to shoot the cover.

  Brenna Schwartz for playing the role of Kat on the cover.

  Tarrah, the owner of the real Lou’s Riverview, which is actually in Jefferson, WI, and a really cool small town bar.

  And last, but certainly not least, every member of the Maxwell Mob. Your loyalty and friendship mean more to me than I can ever say. #WorldDomination

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Gina L. Maxwell is a shameless romance addict with no intentions of ever kicking the habit. Growing up she dreamed of entertaining people with her acting abilities, until she came to the realization as a college sophomore that she had none. Another ten years would pass before she discovered a different means to accomplishing the same dream: writing stories of love and passion for addicts just like her.

  When she’s not writing or wrangling plot bunnies in her San Antonio home, Gina keeps busy with her wonderful family and their ever growing extracurricular activities.

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