Chapter 35


   After the court recessed Paula was immediately mobbed by reporters. Not wanting to spoil her fun, I left down the back stairs. When I got back to the office, Jodie met me at the door.

  "I'm glad you're back. You've got to go to Parkland Hospital right away."

   "Parkland Hospital? Why?'

   "Melanie Dixon has been beat up pretty badly. They found your card in her purse and called here. I told them you were in trial but would get over there just as soon as possible."

   "Who beat her up?"

   "I don't know."

   "How badly is she hurt?

   "Pretty bad. She's in ICU."

   "Oh, my God!" I said, and rushed out the door. It took me about thirty minutes to get to Parkland. On the way I couldn't help but wonder if Melanie's attackers were connected to the diamonds. A police detective was in the waiting room when I got there. I introduced myself.

   "Who do you think did it?"

   "Professionals. They were looking for information."

   "Information? What kind of information?"

   "I don't know. I thought maybe you might help us out there."

   "Well, I wouldn't know. Melanie was just trying to sell some Peruvian pottery for me."

   I wondered if I should tell the detective about the diamonds, but if I did he might not buy my story and then Melanie and I might end up being arrested for diamond smuggling. I couldn't let that happened, so I elected to play dumb.

  I can't imagine why anyone would beat up an anthropologist. Is she going to be okay?"

   "I think so. They've moved her into a room. It looks like she's out of danger."

   "Thank God. Do you think they will let me see her?"

   "Sure, I just left her a minute ago. She's coherent."

   The detective gave me his card and said, "If you think of anything or learn anything from Ms. Dixon, please give me a call."

   "I will. Thanks."

   After checking in at the nurse's station to find out Melanie's room number, I located it and walked in. Her eyes were closed, so I just watched her for a moment. After a minute she coughed and opened her eyes.

   "Stan," she said. "I'm so glad to see you."

   I walked over to her and sat on the side of her bed. She smiled up at me weakly.

  "What happened?" I asked.

   "When I came back from lunch today, two men grabbed me and pulled me behind our building. They said they knew I had the diamonds and they wanted them."

   "Oh, God. What did you tell them?"

   "I told them I didn't know what they were talking about."

   "Did they believe you?"

   "No. They said Marvin told them I had come to Dallas to pick up the diamonds and bring them back to him."

   "Shit. Did you tell them about me?"

   "No. I told them I went to the place the diamonds were supposed to be stashed, but that they weren't there. That's when they started beating me."

   "Are you in a lot of pain?" I asked.

   "They've given me medication. I'm okay."

   "So, then what happened?"

   "They didn't believe me, so they just kept on beating me. They wanted to know who had the diamonds and were convinced I knew the person's identify.

  "Oh, you poor girl. I'm so sorry. You should have just told them. I guess it's time I go to the police."

   "But I thought you couldn't do that? They might think you were part of the smuggling operation."

   "I know, but I don't want you to get hurt. They might come back, and this time they might kill you."

   "I'll go away until this all blows over. They won't find me again."

   "But where will you go?"

   "I have a sister in Mt. Pleasant I can visit. She uses her married name so they'll never be able to find her. I'll call you when I get there so you'll know I'm okay."

   "But what about your job?"

   "I've got some vacation time coming. It won't be a problem."

   "Good. It may take a little time, but I'll figure out a way out of this mess," I promised.

   "Be careful," Melanie said with a genuine concern in her voice. "If they figure out you have the diamonds they'll come after you to get them."

   I nodded. "I know. So much for sleeping at night."

   Monty Dozier was surprised when I called him with another job. He agreed to make sure that when Melanie left the hospital, nobody bothered her before she got on her way to her sister's house. I told him an old boyfriend was stalking her and I wanted to be sure nobody followed her out of Dallas. He seemed to buy the explanation.