de-citizenship. Any Muslim who wishes to stay in the NUK must renounce his/her religion and will be allowed to stay; if found practising worship of Islam she or he will be deported without recourse to any inquiry. We feel that only with the deportation of the remaining Muslims in the NUK will our country be at peace. However, there are other forces that also wish to de-stabilise our country and in order to control this Decree 3 is that all political parties are now outlawed until further notice. We have no argument with our citizens who want to work and obey the rule of law, but those who do not do this will be subject to assessment whilst in internment. We have no place in our society for those who believe in outdated ideas of the self as more important than the whole or in those who believe in a utopia of the left. We will give these people one week to leave our shores, for you know who you are, and then our final Decree will be: find our enemies. To this end we need the help of you, the people of the NUK, you must denounce those around you who could destabilise our great vision.

  FX: change of tone to denote vidscreen communication

  Minister: Sir as you can see over the last hour or so the situation has worsened.

  Prime Minister: The situation has worsened! Jesus, you have such a skill for understatement. What the hell is going on? Who is in charge of this bunch of lunatics?

  Minister: Wood is at the head of it and he seems to have pretty much everyone else with him. Here in London you have a lot of support but I really do feel that this is petering away even as we speak. Troops are on the streets. I have to say Sir that Wood has offered you safe passage to the coast. He wants you out of the country within 24 hours but needs your assurance that you will leave.

  Prime Minister: I’m not sure if I understand this, is he bloody well threatening the elected Prime Minister of this country? I actually chose the bastard. I always was a good judge of character wasn’t I?

  Minister: At the moment Sir they have the upper ground. They have 70 to 80 per cent of the Forces with them and upwards of 70 per cent of the Police.

  Prime Minister: So what do you suggest? Just leave my country to the charge of a group of tin pot generals? All the money we pumped into them to keep them happy. Everything they wanted we gave them. I’m seen as a liberal, what a joke, a bloody liberal. Right this moment I wish I were a liberal so that I could at least be surprised by these bastards. I played into their hands and now like some tragi-comedy I’ve been offered safe passage to a country 30 miles from our coast that has a civil war raging. This is not the way, this is not the way. Our human face would have won in the end. What didn’t I give them? What?

  Minister: Sir you forgot one crucial factor: power…Get me Thompson.

  FX: the national anthem of the New United Kingdom plays as the play ends

  `Oh beautiful land, I honour you, oh beautiful land of purity, we the New United Kingdom stand firm for you, for right and honesty, we the New United Kingdom, will die for you, secular and free.`

  The End

  Thank you for downloading this play and I hope you enjoyed it. Something about me: I grew up in Salford, close to Manchester, England. I never wanted the factory life on offer there and looked to music as my salvation from Trafford Park. To some degree my prayers were answered as in my 20s I was a professional musician. However, the life of a musician is a precarious one and after some years the bohemian life began to wear thin so I became an English teacher. I now live in the Czech Republic and to shorten the cold winters here I began to write children`s stories and also adult fiction and plays.

  Please google my name to find more about me for more free material.


  Gary R

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