“Hopefully, after the sting abates, she will see how much she is missing by acting the way she is. We have to allow our children to choose their own paths.”

  Sage exchanged another look with Eric. “Do you think they’re talking about my mother—”

  At the same time, Eric asked, “If that’s about your mother, are you okay—”

  They both answered, “Yes,” in unison. Then paused. Exchanged another look.

  Eric said, “Just wanted to make sure.”

  Sage spoke in perfect unison with him again.

  They stopped, realized what they’d done, and both started to laugh.

  Bella, Delinda, and King Tadeas entered the home smiling. Bella pointed toward Delinda, then framed her hands into a heart.

  “We may have to worry about those two for an entirely different reason,” Eric joked. “My grandmother took her wedding band off. I believe things are about to get serious.”

  “Queen Delinda?” Sage lowered her voice. “They’re coming this way. I’ve never met royalty. What do I do? Curtsy? Bow? What do I call him?”

  “In private you can call him Tadeas, in public Your Majesty. But why the sudden nerves? You weren’t worried when you met Magnus.”

  Sage’s hand flew up to her mouth. “I totally forgot Magnus was a prince.”

  Eric chuckled, pulled Sage to his side, and kissed her forehead. “And that is why you’re the woman for me.”

  Sage flushed with pleasure. With Eric, even when she was wrong, it was somehow right. She laid her head on his chest. After a lifetime of yearning, she had found where she belonged.

  The moment was cut short by Delinda saying. “Eric, might I steal Sage away for a moment? We’ll meet you at the table.”

  Eric looked from his grandmother to Sage’s upturned face. “That’s entirely up to Sage.”

  Second chances are what I do, Sage reminded herself as she stepped out of Eric’s arms. “I’ll be right in.”

  Before they departed, Sage was introduced to King Tadeas. He was an older, gentler version of Magnus. Just as Eric had said, in private he preferred to go without his title. He looked somewhat reluctant to head into dinner without his escort.

  Delinda waved him away.

  Bella offered the king her arm.

  Sage shook her head at both. Only Delinda would dismiss a king, and only Bella would think she could manage him as well.

  King Tadeas took Bella’s arm, and the two walked off chatting. Eric lingered a moment more, but when Reggie called to him, he reluctantly headed into the dining room as well.

  Delinda stepped closer to Sage. The tense moment crackled with uncertainty. Sage wanted to believe the best of the older woman. She told herself to keep her heart open to her. As one moment dragged to two and Delinda said nothing, Sage began to squirm. “Was there something you wanted to say?” She was old, after all. There was a chance she might have forgotten.

  Delinda held out her hand.

  Sage took it cautiously.

  “You are not a weed,” Delinda said. “I’m sorry it took me so long to recognize that.”

  “I’m not sure I understand, but thank you.”

  Squeezing her hand, Delinda said, “You have no idea how much it means to me to have my family in one home like this. Almost all of them. I wish Nicolette—” Delinda stopped herself. “What I’m trying to say is: thank you. I gave you reason enough to want nothing to do with me or my family. But here you are, and so are they. It says a lot about your character as well as how much you care for my grandson. I see the way Eric is with you, and I wish I could go back—”


  “Sage, let me say this. Promise me something . . .”

  “Delinda—” Please don’t say something to ruin how much I want to hug you right now. You can do this. Be nice.

  “Call me Grandmother.”

  Sage blinked back tears and nodded again. “Of course.”

  Delinda pursed her lips and gave Sage’s hand another squeeze. “And tell me when you see me crossing a line with Eric, because I don’t want to lose him again.”

  I just might be able to love this woman as well. “I will. He loves you and doesn’t want to lose you, either. He told me about how close the two of you used to be. I hope you find your way back to that.” Sage released Delinda’s hand with a smile. “And I understand everything you did now. All you were doing was trying to protect him. You’re someone I would be proud to call Grandmother.”

  Delinda sniffed. “Oh, you’re a little heart tugger, aren’t you? Or I’m getting soft in my old age.”

  “No, soft isn’t the word I would choose to describe you,” Sage said with a straight face.

  Delinda laughed. Her expression turned almost tender. “I spoke to your mother. I understand you better now as well. I wish there were something I could do to—”

  “She’ll come around one day. I’ll keep my heart open, and it’ll happen.”

  “I may have been a little harsh with her.”

  “Me too,” Sage said, meeting Delinda’s gaze. “It was time.”

  Delinda’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Welcome to the family, Sage. You’re going to fit in just fine.”

  “Hey, Eric said the same thing to me. Is it a compliment?”

  Delinda’s expression remained carefully blank. “Why don’t we head into the dining room?”

  “I’m taking it as one,” Sage announced as she and Delinda made their way in.

  Delinda chuckled.

  Never had Eric imagined he would see his grandmother enter a room laughing with Sage as if they were old friends. He rose from his seat to hold out Sage’s chair and noted Tadeas did the same for Delinda.

  “It looks like the two of you found common ground.”

  She smiled up at him and said, “We did. We both love you.”

  Eric swayed on his feet as her casual declaration washed over him. Sage loves me. He took a seat beside her, feeling dazed and jubilant all at once. I’ll have a second chance with her, and this time I’ll get it right.

  Across the table, his mother and father did not sound as happy with one another. His father said, “What exactly was it that Nicolette thought was more important than being here?”

  “She said there was a photo shoot she couldn’t postpone. The invitation was last minute,” his mother said in defense.

  “You make too many excuses for her, Stephanie. The rest of us were able to drop everything to be here.”

  A tension filled the room.

  “I’m not excusing her absence, Dereck. All I’m saying is that this is a new career for her, and she might not have felt that she could leave—”

  “She doesn’t need a career, Stephanie. If you let her, she’d have enough money to do as she pleased.”

  Spencer took his wife’s hand. “Here we go.”

  Stephanie threw her napkin down beside her plate. “It’s always about money with you. Always. Can’t you see that Nicolette needs—”

  “She needs to be here. But you wouldn’t tell her she should be. You’re still punishing me and using the children to do it.”

  “Oh my God, this is not about you.” Stephanie threw her hands up in the air. “Just once could you let it be about someone else?” She looked around as if only now realizing how unprivate their conversation had been.

  A painful silence fell over the room, broken only by Reggie telling his son, “It’s okay, they’re divorced. We probably shouldn’t have sat them together.”

  “What does divorced mean?” Skye asked Delinda.

  Without missing a beat, Delinda said, “It means I shouldn’t have been the one to ask Nicolette to come.”

  Skye turned to Hailey. “I don’t understand.”

  Hailey looked down at her daughter with a sad expression. “Sometimes even when people love each other, they can’t get along. They separate. That’s divorce.”

  Skye frowned and addressed Delinda. “What does that have to do with Nicolette?”

  Spencer answered before Delinda could. “Grandmother Delinda was trying to say that she also feels bad that Nicolette isn’t here.”

  Skye’s face crumpled. “Auntie Hailey, you love Spencer. I love Spencer, too. I don’t want you to separate.”

  “Oh, honey. That’s not going to happen.”

  “But that’s what divorce is.” Skye pushed her chair back and ran from the room.

  Both Hailey and Spencer took off after her.

  “Well, that’s just perfect,” Dereck said.

  Brett leaned across the table. “Dad, don’t—”

  “Don’t what? Ask about my daughter? She is my daughter as well.” Dereck turned to glare at his ex-wife. “No matter how much doubt you’ve filled her with. Unless she’s not mine, and then why don’t you finally admit it? Because I can’t live like this anymore—not knowing. Is she Mark’s or is she mine?”

  Stephanie gasped. “Do you really think now is the time or the place to discuss this? All you’ve done was upset Spencer.”

  “Spencer will get over it. Tonight was about Eric,” Dereck said.

  The dinner suddenly crystallized why Eric had put an ocean between himself and his family. He understood but could not condone his father’s behavior. His mother had cheated and then married the man who had fathered at least one of the children she’d claimed were Dereck’s. His mother was jumping to the defense of the children she’d taken with her when she’d left her husband—the same three she’d built her new life around—a life that hadn’t included Eric.

  Eric closed his eyes briefly, then turned to check how Sage was handling the scene. She took his hand in hers, and there was more love in her eyes than he felt he would ever deserve.

  Spencer stood near the door of the dining room. “Is it safe to bring Skye back in? Tell me now, because I’m not doing this to my family.”

  Rachelle said, “Spencer, we are all your family.”

  “I’m not saying you’re not,” Spencer countered. “But my first priority is my wife and child.”

  “As it should be,” Magnus said.

  Sage stood up. “Eric, do you have Nicolette’s phone number?”

  Eric also rose to his feet. “I do.” He brought it up and handed his phone to her.

  All eyes were on Sage as it rang on FaceTime. Nicolette’s face appeared on the screen. “Eric? Wait, who are you?”

  Sage said, “I’m Sage, but Eric is with me.” Sage turned the phone to scan the table. “Everyone is. We’re having dinner at Eric’s, and everyone was just saying how much they missed you.”

  “They were?” Nicolette asked slowly.

  “See for yourself. I’ll pass the phone around, and you can say hi to everyone.”

  “Hold on,” Nicolette said. “Could I please speak to Eric?”

  “Of course.” Sage handed the phone back to Eric.

  Nicolette looked uncertain. “Is everyone else really there?”

  “They are,” Eric said.

  “I . . . My shoot was . . . I’m sorry.”

  Eric glanced up and met Sage’s gaze before answering. “Make it up to me by visiting soon.” He smiled at her. “I’m proud to see you following your dream.”

  “You are?” Nicolette asked as if she was waiting for the conversation to take a sour turn. “Thank you.”

  On impulse, he pulled Sage closer so she was in the shot with him. “Nicolette, this is Sage, the woman I intend to marry. I haven’t officially asked her yet, but I’m pretty confident about what her answer will be.”

  Sage laughed, and Nicolette joined in.

  He lowered his voice. “If our family doesn’t scare her off.”

  “No chance in hell,” Sage chimed in.

  Taking a chance and following his gut, Eric said, “Dad was just asking about you. He misses you, too. Want to talk to him?”

  “Sure,” Nicolette said with caution.

  Dereck did indeed look happy to talk to his daughter. He asked her about the shoot and even added that he would love to fly out and see her on location.

  Stephanie’s eyes filled with tears as she listened. Eric almost told his father what to do, but Dereck’s next action showed that he understood what Sage was trying to do for them. He said, “Nicolette, Mom is missing you as well. I’m handing you off, but I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “I’d like that, Dad.”

  Stephanie took the phone, spoke to Nicolette for a few minutes, then handed the phone to Brett. Peace returned to the room, and a moment later so did Skye and Hailey.

  When Eric saw Delinda accept the phone from Spencer with a smile, he couldn’t hold in how he felt. He whispered, “I love you. I don’t know what you see in me, but I’m not buying you glasses.”

  He kissed her then, oblivious to the young and old around him, lost in the woman who had returned light to his life.

  Reggie’s voice broke into his bliss. “It’s okay, they’re getting married. We probably shouldn’t have sat them together, either. Easy on the PDA, guys.”

  Eric raised his head and smiled. “Will you marry me, Sage Revere?”

  Without hesitation, Sage answered, “Yes. Yes, a thousand times, yes.”

  They kissed again, briefly this time, since a round of applause kept them very aware of their audience. Eric hugged Sage to him and looked around the room. Bella held up the phone to show that even Nicolette was cheering, “Congratulations!”

  Reggie’s daughter asked loudly, “Are they going to make a baby?”

  He answered, “Hopefully not until after dinner.”

  Alice rolled her eyes skyward.

  Still laughing, Eric bent and whispered to Sage, “Want a houseguest tonight?”

  She swatted at him, but she didn’t say no.

  Delinda loudly clapped her hands together twice and informed the staff to hurry dinner along. Eric turned his attention her way. He expected to see irritation, but she was smiling from ear to ear.

  Eric held out Sage’s chair again, and they retook their seats. One family dinner survived. One proposal delivered and accepted. Looking around the table, Eric saw his family through Sage’s eyes. They were simply people, as flawed as he was, but trying to do better. They’d let each other down, hurt each other along the way, but they were all there—and it was his choice to decide if that was a good or bad thing. When he saw them through that lens, he found his place in both families. He’d be the bridge. He took Sage’s hand in his again. They’d be the bridge.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sage was still smiling later that evening when she unlocked the door to her apartment and held it open for Eric to follow her inside. The night had held a series of highs and lows, but she and Eric had weathered them together.

  His family had issues, but none that were insurmountable. What they had on their side was that they wanted things to work out. That was the first step to fixing any relationship. She hoped her own mother one day reached that place.

  Sage met Eric’s eyes, and the drama of the evening fell away. All that mattered was the man before her and the look of love on his face. Sexual tension filled the air. Reluctant to be the initiator again, Sage said, “Wasn’t it funny to see Bella drive off with Delinda and Tadeas? They got along much better than I imagined.”

  Eric stepped closer while unbuttoning his shirt. “The only one I care about right now is you.” He dropped his shirt to the floor.

  “Well, if you’re going to be that way.” Sage unzipped her dress and stepped out of it.

  He lifted her up in his arms and easily carried her to her bed, then laid her gently down on it. “What way? This way?” He ran his hands over her in worshipful caresses. His lips followed the tender trail, kissing her breasts through the lace of her bra before working their way lower. His hot breath warmed her sex through the thin material of her panties.

  He straightened and stripped naked, then removed the last of her clothing. Even though his cock stood in testament to his hunger for her, he didn’t rush. When he kissed her, it was an
invitation more than a claiming—and one that she eagerly leaned in to meet.

  Slowly, gently, he brought her pleasure. It was an entirely different experience than their first time, although that had been good as well. This was a slow burn, a whispered proclamation of love. She cried when she came. Just when she thought she could not love him more, she saw a tear slip down his cheek.

  They fell asleep tangled in each other’s arms.

  The next morning, Sage woke to a smiling Eric raining kisses on her face. She pushed him onto his back and confidently straddled him. Tender. Rough. Slow. Frenzied. She wanted it all with him. “Do you know how much I love you, Eric Westerly?”

  With a lusty grin, he ran his hands up her legs to cup her breasts. “Why don’t you show me?”

  She spent the next hour doing just that. She loved him with her mouth, her hands, her sex, until they collapsed into each other’s arms, sweaty and sated.

  “What about now?” she asked cheekily.

  He raised one eyebrow playfully. “I think so. Maybe we should go over all that again, just to make sure. But after I recover.”

  She chuckled.

  He rolled closer and tucked her into his side. “I love you, Sage.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “I told everyone we’d have lunch with them tomorrow before they go home. Are you up to that?”

  Sage went up on one elbow and framed a side of his face with her hand. “I love your family because they’re part of you. Plus, I’ve always wanted a big family.”

  “Even a batshit-crazy one?”

  She kissed his chin. “It’ll keep things interesting.” She ran her hand over his chest. “They’re not as bad as you think, Eric. They love each other. It’ll all work out.”

  He kissed her warmly, then said, “I do believe it will.”

  The next few weeks flew by for Eric. During the day, as Wayne and Lorna, he and Sage organized the changes to his building and the families living there. They also went ring shopping. A disappointing number of people were rude to them when they asked to see larger diamonds. Apparently neither Wayne nor Lorna looked as if they could afford them. However, when they finally met a woman who went out of her way to make them feel comfortable and worked with them to get just what they wanted, Eric and Sage asked Brett’s assistant to see what she needed. Since her home was in foreclosure, they paid it off for her.