Letter from Mrs James Anthony (nee Miss Dorothy Venables) to herbrother Richard Venables:

  Dear Dick--What _have_ you been doing to Uncle John? Jim and I arestopping for a fortnight with father, and have just come in for thewhole thing. Uncle John--_isn't_ he a horrible man?--says you weregrossly insolent to him when he went down to see you. _Do_ writeand tell me all about it. I have heard no details as yet. Fatherrefuses to give them, and gets simply _furious_ when the matter ismentioned. Jim said at dinner last night that a conscientious boy wouldprobably feel bound to be rude to Uncle John. Father said 'Consciencebe--'; I forget the rest, but it was awful. Jim says if he gets anyworse we shall have to sit on his head, and cut the traces. He isgetting so dreadfully _horsey_. Do write the very minute you getthis. I want to know all about it.--Your affectionate sister, _Dorothy_